The Wayback Machine -

So, the entire catalog is up on the site, but the menu at the top of the page isn't live yet, so in the meantime, you can check things out with these links: Posters, Shirts, Publications, and Misc (i.e. postcards, cd's, videos, patches)

posted by just 19:58


First, sorry for all the construction.

Second, here is a link to the Celebrate People's History posters: CPH Posters Page.

Third, while this site is still in transition to its final design and until I have a way to do online ordering, let me give instructions on how to order:

1) pick what you want and tally the cost

2) add postage, use the chart below until I put something more exact together:
1 item:$1.50, 2-4 items: $2.50, 5-8 items: $3.50, 9-15 items: $4.25, 16 items or more: $5

3) send well concealed cash or checks to "Josh MacPhee"

4) send orders to: justseeds, POBox 476971, Chicago, IL 60647

posted by just 13:56


Hi Everyone,
This site is being build slowly but surely. I haven't built the links in yet, but you can now see all the Celebrate People's History posters on their own page, just got to CPH Posters Page.

Keep an eye out for the shirts and everything else to go live soon!

posted by just 11:13

back to index

Wangari Maathai 11x17 Offset, art by Ally R. This poster celebrates the life and work of Wangari Maathai, the founder of the Kenyan Greenbelt environmental and social justice movement. $3