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My Lunatic Ramblings
You look like a normal person but actually you are the angel of death.
And... I'm back!
How to make 13 days feel like eternity... spend them with my family.

I love them, but I never feel as far away and isolated from them as when they're in the same room. Ah, well - more fodder for my eventual therapy. Good news is I'm back, my house is still here as I left it, my boy gets off work in a few hours, and I'm looking forward to a late and lazy morning tomorrow.

Obviously I haven't posted since I left the house about 2 weeks ago. I also haven't been reading - so if anything I should know of happened, please let me know about it.

I hope everyone had a very happy holidays, at least as much champagne as I did on New Years Eve, and safe and pleasant travels!

I will write more later (tomorrow more likely) - right now I'm starving. Let's see what my bare cupboards can spare...

Current Mood: scattered
Current Music: nothing but the gurgling of my washing machine...

Full house tonight!
And, finally a clean house... yes everybody, it is now a clean house. I'm very impressed with myself. I pretty much cleaned all day today, but I even dusted and cleaned the mirrors in the bathrooms. Of course, now I have candles lit all over the place to get rid of the cleaning agent smell. Nobody is comfortable in a house that smells like Lysol.

The reason for the cleaning is that I've got guests from out of town coming in tonight. Breon and his brother are stopping in town on their way out west! It'll be good to hang out with him again, haven't gotten a chance to see the boy since graduation.

It should be a fun night, and he'll get to meet P, because he's staying over too. It's our last chance to see each other until after New Years, which I'm thinking is going to be tough. Of course, time is flying by me so quickly these days, that I should probably be fine. He's also planning on quitting smoking while he's home for Christmas. :) yeah!

Current Mood: cheerful
Current Music: had it been another day I might have looked the other way...

AAARRRRRRGGG! I'm still working on my quantum final. I should have forced myself to get that finished two days ago! I'm probably good on about 2 of the 5 questions, and have a good start on the other 3. But, I am completely frustrated trying to finish up one of the latter. I've got 4 of the 6 eigenvectors, and am going insane trying to figure out the last two. Of course, it doesn't help that the whole time I'm working on this I'm thinking - have to finish and move on to studying for my other exams. I'm got one tomorrow evening, and the other Thursday afternoon, and am already far too short on study time even if I could start right now. Okay - breathing.

[info]lastscion posted a thing about christmass shopping, and when forming a reponse, it occured to me that this bitching might as well be in my journal:

I'm too concerned with my finals right now to even consider gift shopping. And, quite frankly it will never be easy for me. The only easy one's I've got are the 2 younger siblings - I figure I can get them each some IU clothing and they'll think it's cool (I love young people). Then there are the two older siblings - both are now married and living in the same city. I have no clue how to deal with them. Maybe gift certificates - I'll have to ask each of them about stores in the area appropriate for the other one. The brother's in law will just have to share in their wive's joy, because my list is far from over with. 4 parents - none of whom have any needs or desires that require shit they don't already have. This means coming up with 4 meaningless random gifts and pretending like they mean something. Add to this the fact that my Mom and oe of my older sisters also have birthdays in December and I'm pretty much phucked with a capitol PH.

Then there's my man, whose birthday is on Friday... I sort of owe him a watch, considering my dog ate his. But, I feel wierd buying him things like that at this point. I'd like to take him out to dinner and maybe do something fun, but he's working until 1am that day, and leaving for a wedding the next day. Grrr.

However, that being said, I have no more time to think about it until Thursday after my last final, after which I will likely head straught to the bars to drown my sorrow, so that I can be sober and awake at 1 am to celebrate P's birthday with him - of course, I will probably just say 'Happy Birthday, can I go to sleep now?'

Oh yeah, and my Dad calls me tonight to tell me that my step-mother's uncle is in the hospital on life support, but there's been no brain activity and they're probably going to pull the plug on him tomorrow. He's a very sweet man, who's always been very nice to us, but what am I supposed to say to that? The response is very short, 'I'm sorry, that's a shame, he was a great guy'. Am I heartless that this is all the response I can muster? And, should I feel guilty that what I leave unsaid is 'at a certain age, death really isn't all that of a sad thing.' Sure, he leaves behind a lot of people who love him, but is it so much of a shock? It is a natural thing for people to pass on.

Current Mood: anxious

Forgive me my nonsense as I also forgive the nonsense of those who think they talk sense.
Robert Frost
Mari Winsor you make my hips sore. And I'm not talking exercise hurt. I swear, when you get done with this stuff it feels like the day after marathon sex (except without the actual sex).

Current Mood: sore
Current Music: i live in a world full of hope, not a world full of hype...

Snow snow snow....
Like I didn't already distrust the other drivers in this area enough! Add some slippery bits... I don't think I'll move my car until I absolutely have to - of course that might not keep it safe.

The big question now is - how long until the Homeowner's Association gets a plow in here. I swear the only thing they're good for is getting the grass cut once a month. I might have to start a rebellion.


Current Mood: cynical

Which Empire Records Character Are You? Find out @ She's Crafty


Current Mood: amused

Right. So, this assignment is hard. The good news is that it motivated me to clean my house up a bit...

How am I ever going to get through this?

Current Mood: intimidated
Current Music: when you gonna realize, it was just that the time was wrong

You'd think I'd be a little more motivated to get this assignment done - considering it's the last one of the semster. Really I just want to fall asleep in front of the tv. I'm so pathetic.

Current Mood: drained

So, just about the time I was starting to consider my homework tonight - I get a phone call. It was P, our mutual army friend is in town tonight and they were on their way to the comedy show at our favorite bar. Hm. Let me think - homework, or laughter and beer.

The first comic left me a bit cold. Apparently he expected us to find his inability to deal with his son's homosexuality, his painful experiences in divorce court, and bigotry funny. Eh.

But the second guy was a 62 year old stoner - very funny. Spent a good deal of time mocking the 'birthday girl' (a 21st, now, I know I'm not much older than that - but your 21st is still no excuse to be sloppy, obnoxious drunk and think it's cute). Bought a hat from the dude - first I was thinking of giving it to MB, aka 'Mom', but I might just keep it for myself. Very classy - white letters on black 'Did you poop today?'

Anyways, I'll leave you with this: Have you ever watched a fly buzzing around and wondered how close they get to the ceiling before they flip over to land?

Current Mood: amused
Current Music: for if we don't find the next whiskey bar...

User: [info]arnurna
Name: Arnurna
Back January 2004