The Hieratic Head of Ezra Pound
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Reader Revenge Month is coming! Scroll down for more details!

Recent Reviews:

Movie Review:

The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003)
-- Best. Christmas. Release. Ever. (12/25/03)
Movie Review:

Goth (2003)
-- Another one? Aw, hell. (12/17/03)
Book Review:

Strength of Stones
by Greg Bear
-- Don't let your bishop build your house. (12/17/03)

Recent Reviews: Rockwell (1994), Strange New World (1975), Hollywood Vampyr (2002), The One (2001), Evil Tales 3: The Final Chapter (2003), Nightfall (2000)

Recently Hated: Bangers (1997)
Recently Loved: The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003)

Crowdpleasers: 28 Days Later (2002), I Stand Alone (1998), Jack and the Witch (1967)

News of The Cold Fusion Media Empire:

FusionTees | ZombieMart | Avalon & Company | Pulp of the Day

December 2003: The B-Masters Cabal mounts up a posse to shoot down them strange critters that think they're Westerns, but ain't right Westerns. Saddle up!

Coming up in January 2004: This time, the Head heeds you! Each week, you can vote on which of three movies I should review. Eight slots for reviews, eight weeks to vote. I only have one request: Be gentle.

Which movie should Nathan review? (#8)

The Magic Sword (1962)

Moon of the Wolf (1972)

The Thirteenth Floor (1999)

View result without voting

Boring Stuff:
This site originally designed for Internet Explorer, but now Mozilla-compliant! (I think.)

Screener Policy:
I've prided myself on being a friend to independent genre cinema, but right now, I'm swamped with screeners. Until further notice, I won't be accepting micro-budget screeners unless a) I've worked with you before, or b) they relate thematically to my quarterly month-long Video Binges, like the annual Month of the Living Dead coming in October.

All reviews, other text, and original graphics are copyright © 1998-2003 (and beyond!) Nathan Shumate or other original authors as specified. Video covers and posters are used without permission for the purpose of review; no copyright infringement or trademark violation is intended, nor should any be construed under the "fair use" doctrine. I could easily kill you now, but I'm determined to have your brain!
Bangers (1997)
Mickey's Magical Christmas (2001)
The Man Who Came to Dinner (1942)
Christmas In Connecticut (1945)
The Misadventures of Merlin Jones (1964)
The Monkey's Uncle (1965)
The 51st State (2001)
A Boy and His Dog (1975)