December 2003: The B-Masters Cabal mounts up a posse to shoot down them strange critters that think they're Westerns, but ain't right Westerns. Saddle up!
Coming up in January 2004: This time, the Head heeds you! Each week, you can vote on which of three movies I should review. Eight slots for reviews, eight weeks to vote. I only have one request: Be gentle.
Boring Stuff:
This site originally designed for Internet Explorer, but now Mozilla-compliant! (I think.)
Screener Policy:
I've prided myself on being a friend to independent genre cinema, but right now, I'm swamped with screeners. Until further notice, I won't be accepting micro-budget screeners unless a) I've worked with you before, or b) they relate thematically to my quarterly month-long Video Binges, like the annual Month of the Living Dead coming in October.
All reviews, other text, and original graphics are copyright © 1998-2003 (and beyond!) Nathan Shumate or other original authors as specified. Video covers and posters are used without permission for the purpose of review; no copyright infringement or trademark violation is intended, nor should any be construed under the "fair use" doctrine. I could easily kill you now, but I'm determined to have your brain!