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Add The SI's Headlines to Your Site

Southern Illinoisan
(618) 351-5000

The Southern Illinoisan, General Excell. Winner 2002, IL Press Assoc.

Add's Headlines to Your Web Page or Desktop!

We offer a free RSS feed of the headlines from our site that you may include in your own web page or on your computer desktop. This feed is automatically updated as stories are added to our site, so no maintenance or updating is required on your part to keep the latest news from the Southern Illinois region coming your way.

To add's news feed to your website, follow these steps:

Use the following link as a server-side include on your web page where you would like the news feed to appear:

Note: you must have server-side includes enabled on your server, or the include files above will not work.

The appearance and format of the data from the feed are customizable using style sheets and parameters within the include query string. Click here or scroll down this page for more information on customizing the way the feed appears on your website.

To add's news feed to your desktop, follow these steps:

Click here to see a list of a few programs that allow you to view RSS feeds on your desktop (you can find more viewers by typing "rss viewer", "rss reader" or "rss aggregator" into a web search). Once you find a program you like, download it and follow the instructions included with the program. The link to's RSS feed is:

Customizing the RSS Feed on Your Site's RSS feed can be customized on your site by using style sheets or by including parameters within the line of code that points to the feed (the URL query string). Or a combination of both.

Note: To use inline or external styles, you must include the "usecss" parameter in the include query string as follows:

This will tell the script that you would like to use your personal inline or external styles rather than the ones built in.


This style information should be included somewhere within the <HEAD></HEAD> section of your web page.

Here's an example:

     <style type="text/css">
     .rssbox {font: 8pt verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif;}
     .rssboxitem {font: 7pt/10pt geneva, arial, sans-serif;}

This modifies the appearance of the font used for each "story" and the font used for the channel description at the end.

All the attributes are:

.rssbox -- the entire box holding the feed
.rssboxhead -- the box header
.rssboxheadlink -- the links within the box header
.rssboxtitle -- the box title
.rssboxtitlelink -- the box title link
.rssboxitem -- each news item

Note: Netscape 4.x doesn't seem to support the style definitions above, but IE 4+ does. Click here or scroll down to the list of parameters for more information on Netscape-compatible feeds.


You can also optionally control some aspects of the feed by specifying parameters within the request.

An example:

Make sure the tag above appears on one line, with no breaks.

Here you can see that the link to's feed is followed by "?maxitems=10&showdescs=0&tabwidth=200px". This tells the script to show only 10 items, no descriptions, and to display in a 200 pixel-wide table.

Here is a list of available parameters:

Attribute Description
showtitle Specify whether to show the feed's title (0=show, 1=hide)
showimg Specify whether to show the feed's default logo image (0=show, 1=hide)
xmlbtn Specify whether to show the xml link button (0=show, 1=hide)
maxitems Specify the maximum number of items to display (0 = show all)
showdescs Specify whether to show each item's description text (0=show, 1=hide)
titletrim Limit title text to x characters...(0 = show all)
titlemax ...if the title is over x characters
desctrim Limit description text to x characters...(0 = show all)
descmax ...if the description is over x characters
tabwidth Specify the main table width (in pixels or percentage, example: tabwidth=300px or tabwidth=100%)
linktarget Specify the way clicked links should open (_top, _blank, _parent, _self)
cssurl Link to external style sheet (specify URL)
usecss Tells the script to use your personal inline or external styles rather than the ones built in
bordercol Specify the table border color (example %23000000, see below)
headbgcol Specify the header background color (example %23000000, see below)
headtxtcol Specify the header font color (example %23000000, see below)
titlebgcol Item title background color (example %23000000, see below)
titletxtcol Item title text color (example %23000000, see below)
itembgcol Item background color (example %23000000, see below)
itemtxtcol Item text color (example %23000000, see below)
Note: When specifying a color in #rrggbb format, replace "#" with the html-friendly "%23". Example: white = "%23FFFFFF" rather than "#FFFFFF"

To see a few examples of how the RSS feed can be customized using the above methods, click here

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