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Jax Spike

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Why must...... [09 Dec 2003|02:30pm]
Why do I have a thing for cute straight white trash boys/guys! I want me one for Christmas...ok!! Please, someone ..get me on!
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Christmas cards [09 Dec 2003|10:33am]
If you guys want a Christmas card from me, make sure and message me and let me know. There are a couple of you that I would like to send one to but dont have your addy. :-)
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Money woes [08 Dec 2003|10:06am]
The mechanic called me this morning and said that my water pump and belt need to be replaced on my vehicle and its going to cost $425. Yes, I am about to pass out. I definitely dont have that kind of money right now.....

So yeah, so I hate that fucking Mazda!

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I want me some of this.... [06 Dec 2003|02:30pm]
I think that Ben Moody from Evanescence is definitely HOT! He ranks up there with my lust for Fred Durst, David Silveria, and Rob Bourdon.

Ben Moody
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Embracing my inner white trash [05 Dec 2003|09:28pm]
white trash
WOW! What a suprise! You're "Gay White
Trash!" You are shunned by all of the gay
world, you probally smell, you're most likely
ugly, and nobody likes you.

What kind of queer are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
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Lunch [03 Dec 2003|11:22am]
We are having out Thanksgiving/Christmas lunch today at work...its catered. I hate this...use to they had seperate dinners and it felt more festive. This just feels like another dinner of sorts .... too early for Christmas and too late for Thanksgiving. Plus, I am so not in the mood for turkey and dressing!! UGHH!!
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Death wish.... [02 Dec 2003|09:01am]
Pranking calling me in the wee hours of the morning is not very funny! It disrupt my sleep which isnt cool at all since I have to wake up at 5:45AM for work during the week. I got a couple of calls that woke me up but the answer machine took it and when I listened to it this morning it was a prank call but I know it had to be one of you guys!! I just wonder which one of you would dare to have an orgasm on my phone at 2AM??

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audio post [27 Nov 2003|11:04pm]
Powered by audblogaudio post powered by audblog
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Help!! [26 Nov 2003|11:04am]
I need help....

You see, I want to change the layout of my journal. I have attempted it on my own and got an ok look but it wasnt what I was wanting to go for. You see....I would like for the current picture to be the full background and be fixed and then just have the words without boxes or anything .... basically when you scroll down, the words would scroll over the image background.

Does anyone know how to do this or know what I am talking about? PLEASE HELP!! I am so frustrated with this crap!
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Answer [26 Nov 2003|10:06am]
[ mood | calm ]
[ music | Sarah McLachlan - Answer ]

There is this song off Sarah McLachlan's new album that I have fallen deeply in love with. The songs is called Answer and its simply amazing. It moves me so greatly and touches my heart everytime I hear it.

Sarah McLachlan

I will be the answer at the end of the line
I will be there for you while you take the time
In the burning of uncertainty I will be your solid ground
I will hold the balance if you cant look down

If it takes my whole life I wont break I wont bend
It'll all be worth it worth it in the end
Cause I can only tell you what I know
that I need you in my life
When the stars have all gone out
you'll still be burning so bright

Cast me gently into morning
For the night has been unkind
Take me to a place so holy
That I can wash this from my mind
The memory of choosing not to fight

If it takes a whole life I wont break I wont bend
It'll all be worth it worth it in the end
Cause I can only tell you what I know
That I need you in my life
And when the stars have all burned out
Youll still be burning so bright
Cast me gently into morning for the night has been unkind


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Question... [16 Nov 2003|05:15pm]
Ok...I am a newbie to downloading stuff and need help.

If I want to download some epsiodes of a tv show(like Smallville), what's the best way to go about it? I download my Angel shows off of a website and just save it from there without having to use any p2p program but cant find the same for Smallville. Anyone got any suggestion? I am just afraid to use programs like KAZAA due to the lawsuits and such lately.

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Oh yeah!! [07 Nov 2003|02:49pm]
[ mood | anxious ]
[ music | Linkin Park - Numb ]


If I had to listen to one more person whine about some report they didn't receive, I was going to shove my Doc Marten boot's up someone's ass!!

So yeah...I am ready for the weekend!

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Well of course! [06 Nov 2003|01:56pm]
You are techno!
You are techno!

What kind of techno music are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
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So true!!! [06 Nov 2003|12:02am]
"[It's] like we've taken 20 steps back. You've got shows on TV like, 'Let's make straight people look more gay.' No, love, that's the whole point. We like them when they look like they can fix our radiators."
-- Boy George to The Advocate, Oct. 28.,/b>
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Ignorance to infinity and beyond! [04 Nov 2003|11:48am]
Will someone please teach President Bush how to say "nuclear". I get tired of hearing him say it the way he does. Not all of us in the South are that stupid.

Also...make sure and point out to him that we have not won anthing in Iraq...that the war has really just started. Soldiers are still dying and more so now than when they first entered. Can we say Vietnam??

Anyone who votes for Bush in 2004 should be made to go to Iraq and fight...they can represent his war for oil. Send the good men and women of the arm forces back home to be with their families.

My vote will go for Dean. PERIOD!
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[03 Nov 2003|11:32am]
[ mood | anxious ]
[ music | Sarah McLachlan - Fallen ]

I love the new video for Sarah McLachlan's new song Fallen. If you havent seen it yet, check it out here....


*Quicktime Required*

BTW...her new album Afterglowcomes out tomorrow. BUY IT!!!
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Breaking News!! [29 Oct 2003|01:26pm]
I just read that Annie Lennox is going to sing the theme song to Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King.

How fucking awesome is that!!!!

*giggles with joy*
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I love tricks.... [28 Oct 2003|09:04am]
My LiveJournal Trick-or-Treat Haul
jayboitn goes trick-or-treating, dressed up as Godzilla.
atwood gives you 1 brown chocolate-flavoured jelly beans.
blue_eyed_vix gives you 17 yellow blueberry-flavoured pieces of taffy.
dandoubledtwice tricks you! You get a pen cap.
dedagda gives you 13 blue banana-flavoured nuggets.
flyboys tricks you! You get a pencil.
justmetn gives you 19 mauve mint-flavoured pieces of taffy.
moose8556 gives you 11 dark blue root beer-flavoured pieces of chewing gum.
mordant tricks you! You lose 25 pieces of candy!
nayters gives you 14 blue apple-flavoured hard candies.
raginmage gives you 3 brown coconut-flavoured gummy fruits.
jayboitn ends up with 53 pieces of candy, a pen cap, and a pencil.
Go trick-or-treating! Username:
Another fun meme brought to you by rfreebern.
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Um yeah..... [26 Oct 2003|03:44pm]
I dont think its true....

People like you becuase you're beautiful!
What attracts people to you?

brought to you by Quizilla
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1..2..3..4..5.. [22 Oct 2003|11:05am]
Work sucks!
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