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Half dead [22 Dec 2003|06:13pm]
[ mood | sick ]

Luckily the doctor my grams used to go to was willing to prescribe antibiotics over the phone w/out an expensive office visit. Then by some stroke of luck, they only cost $10 to get. So now I'm on Penicillin. I hope it works.

Now if it didn't hurt like hell to breathe amongst other things.

Hope you're all well. I can't read your entries today.

2 Random Thoughts| Who Said That?!?!

[21 Dec 2003|02:15pm]
[ mood | sick ]

My sore throat is back...That is all.

Chicago area Barbies [19 Dec 2003|08:14am]
[ mood | annoyed ]
[ music | cyndi lauper concert ticket commercial ]

You know that forward going around about "Wrigleyville Barbie" "S/S Barbie" "Oak Park Barbie" etc.?

Well Eric just read a few of them off onthe radio, and now he has a contest for who can guess what Barbie he just read but didn't give the town name too. Amazing how spam has now made it on to the radio. Ugh.

Incidentally it was Lake Forest/Kenilworth Barbie that won this chick $100 Am/Ex gift check and $100 Fandango dollars.

Who Said That?!?!

[19 Dec 2003|07:04am]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | melissa etheride live - this is xmas on 101.9fm ]

The dip that caught an in-play foul ball in the Game 6 Cubs vs Marlins matchup just auctioned it off last night for $92,716. He's already given all money/gifts to charity that he's received. Wonder what he'll do with the money this time.

The guy running Harry Carey's restaurant got the partners together so they could win the auction. They did, and Feb 26th they will destroy the ball (in honor of Harry) in whatever way the Cubs fans deem (sp?) it should be. Cubs fans are invited to write in how they want it destroyed or visit the restaurant. A panel including Eric and Kathy is going to judge the best way. Well they were invited to be on the panel by the high bidder. We shall see.

For allyou that could care less about Chi baseball just ignore me! ;)

4 Random Thoughts| Who Said That?!?!

Happy Birthday [info]debina! [17 Dec 2003|04:59pm]
[ mood | depressed ]

A very special Happy Birthday to [info]debina! I haven't known you long, but you are too sweet to go unnoticed on your big day. I hope the world wasn't such a downer today and that you and [info]eicnan get out there and party tonight. Have fun!

4 Random Thoughts| Who Said That?!?!

The 12 Days of stolen from [info]msmcfeeley [16 Dec 2003|05:43am]
My LiveJournal 12 Days
My True Love gave to me...
12 darksyde78s a-drumming.
11 debinas a-typing.
10 drjeffs a-piping.
9 eicnans a-skating.
8 glassstackers a-sniffing.
7 mizcranks a-giggling.
6 msmcfeeleys a-wiggling.
5 white mstefaniaks.
4 leaping needfulthingss.
3 Australian treksters.
2 alpaca boingboing_nets.
And a explodingdogrss in a passionfruit tree.
Get gifts! Username:
Another fun meme brought to you by rfreebern.
2 Random Thoughts| Who Said That?!?!

Local Radio [15 Dec 2003|04:51pm]
[ mood | contemplative ]

**cross-posted in [info]chitownsuburbia**

So today I was doing my regular thing at work. As I type endless amounts of data into the system (shite system it is), I have the Eric and Kathy show on. Melissa was commenting on Train's song "When I look to the sky" and about how Pat and Train need to "pick it up" a bit. She basically wanted some more happy, peppy, fast and less mellow tunes. So this bothered me a bit since I'm a big fan of Train and the song. Mind you, the radio cut sucks. It really does. The CD version is faster and far better, but it sounded like she hadn't heard it before. So I decided I'd email her. Afterall, it's on the website, and they daily talk about getting and reading listeners' emails. I never dreamed I'd hear anything back, and at best I hoped she MIGHT read it or be informed of it so she would give the CD cut a try.

Well what do you know? About an hour after their on-air show ended I got a reply. How cool is that? ;)

6 Random Thoughts| Who Said That?!?!

gotta love scams... [14 Dec 2003|05:14pm]
[ mood | crazy ]

Dear ebay member,
We regret to inform you that your eBay account will be suspended if you don't update your registration informations, due to concerns we have for the safety and integrity of the eBay community.
Per the User Agreement, Section 9, we may immediately issue a warning, temporarily suspend, indefinitely suspend or terminate your membership and refuse to provide our services to you if we believe that your actions may cause financial loss or legal liability for you, our users or us. We may also take these actions if we are unable to verify or authenticate any information you provide to us.


Safeharbor Department,
eBay Inc

I of course felt really compelled to reply.

"Yea moron. When pigs fly."

I mean really. For one, I'm not an Ebay member. Anything has Ebay and on it. But it amuses me greatly that I was just on today updating my inventory. And I hate to break it to these lovely scammers, but Ebay doesn't suspend accounts. They suspend or delete inventory, but not accounts. Sad thing is, thousands fall for this shit daily.

4 Random Thoughts| Who Said That?!?!

Thanks to [info]etif [13 Dec 2003|08:02pm]
I bring you a kickbutt quiz!

Pirates of the Caribbean!

What movie Do you Belong in?(many different outcomes!)
brought to you by Quizilla
16 Random Thoughts| Who Said That?!?!

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood..... [11 Dec 2003|04:19pm]
[ music | channel 7 news in the front room ]

So guess what happened about 5 doors down on the next block over...

full story )

8 Random Thoughts| Who Said That?!?!

randomness in the workplace [09 Dec 2003|08:15am]
[ mood | sick ]
[ music | eric and kathy on the mix ]

So I'm sitting here dying...Sneezing, blowing my nose, dizzy, groggy, tired....

And it occurs to me I never mentioned we have a cardboard standup of Rhett and Scarlett in this office. Every time I walk in I think it's a real person. Ok I'm done now...Back to sneezing...

8 Random Thoughts| Who Said That?!?!

Randomness - Guilty Pleasures... [08 Dec 2003|05:47pm]
[ mood | crazy ]

I don't care what you all say, I freakin crack up at Crocodile Dundee movies. They are the shit!

Part one is on right now, but if you didn't know, there is a part three. It went direct to tv or something. I found it on one day, and it's just as funny. :D I love Paul Hogan! Hahahhaha

6 Random Thoughts| Who Said That?!?!

My sister sent me this.... [08 Dec 2003|03:02pm]
How mean!

christmas shopper )
10 Random Thoughts| Who Said That?!?!

Snowglobe for the holiday? [04 Dec 2003|06:15pm]
Shake it up!

Dude this is soooo funny. Make sure your speakers are on.
4 Random Thoughts| Who Said That?!?!

Ignorant people [04 Dec 2003|05:15pm]
[ mood | angry ]
[ music | Sore throat and headache....grr ]

So I meant to post this two days ago but forgot. For those that don't know, I have been temping at a food bank while I look for a job. Part of my job is to keep track of who donates, how much, address changes, etc. So we get the money requests back after the bank cashs the check and such. Anyway, people randomly write on there stuff like "Don't sell my name", "Take me off your list", "Only one request per year" and so on.

The other day I got one from a real piece of work. Obviously this person is out of touch with the real world.


Verbatim. Can you believe the gall, stupidity, ignorance, etc.? I wish I could deck the person. I think they should get a stern letter back detailing why our food bank had to get donations and such for a new building with a bigger warehouse because the demand/need is growing every day. Stupid shit.

2 Random Thoughts| Who Said That?!?!

ya baby! [03 Dec 2003|05:38am]
Congratulations on making Gryffindor!

Basically, you're brave, daring, chivalrous, and pretty much.. an all around good person. Of course, some see you as a goodie-two-shoes. But hey, it's true! You're really good at winning, and normally always come out as the hero. Everybody likes you.. except, maybe, the Slytherins. You're too perfect. No, really.. You're too perfect. It's annoying to watch you win, repeatedly. Oh well. Be proud anyway.

Gryffindors to Remember:

Harry Potter (the boy who lived..)

Ron Weasley (red hair, vacant expression.. we love weasleys!)

The whole damn Weasley family! (stop mating, already!!!)

Hermione Granger (you annoy me.. you know too much)

Albus Dumbledore (yeah yeah.. we all know this)

i'm in gryffindor!

be sorted @

i'm in gryffindor!

be sorted @
2 Random Thoughts| Who Said That?!?!

that color quiz [01 Dec 2003|03:48pm]
if you are interested..if not..dark green )

I just had to point this part out. How true.

Even though you tend to battle with yourself, you are very good at solving other people's conflicts.

Your outlook on life is dark.

you're the one the come to when they ... just want to straight truth
1 Random Thought| Who Said That?!?!

DVD Chapter Poll Results [30 Nov 2003|05:22pm]
[ mood | wet ]
[ music | some stupid car commerical ]

Drum roll please....

Only three of you submitted a guess, and two were right. The poll asked what movie the chapter titles were from....The answer was Sweet Dreams starring Jessica Lange and Ed Harris. It was the life story of Patsy Cline, legendary country songstress. ;)

barefootdyke -- sweet dreams (but i cheated lol)

mizcrank -- Sweet Dreams

digitaldevil -- What the heck?

3 Random Thoughts| Who Said That?!?!

dream randomness [30 Nov 2003|09:56am]
[ mood | contemplative ]
[ music | todays gts in my head ]

I don't remember all the details, but last night I dreamt of [info]darksyde78. It was eventful and interesting. That much I can say. I wonder why I can't recall the ending of it. Anyone else forget their dreams if they don't wake up during them or talk about them? Anyone never remember them or perhaps always rememeber them?

Poll #212440: Dreams
Open to: all, results viewable to: none

How often do you remember?

View Answers

Always no matter what
2 (11.8%) 2 (11.8%)

If I wake up during it
11 (64.7%) 11 (64.7%)

If I talk/write about it immediately
5 (29.4%) 5 (29.4%)

Never no matter what
0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%)

3 (17.6%) 3 (17.6%)

11 Random Thoughts| Who Said That?!?!

Out of curiosity [29 Nov 2003|06:45pm]
[ mood | crappy ]

Poll #212192: What day were you born?
Open to: all, results viewable to: all

What day were you born?

View Answers

5 (23.8%) 5 (23.8%)

2 (9.5%) 2 (9.5%)

5 (23.8%) 5 (23.8%)

0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%)

3 (14.3%) 3 (14.3%)

3 (14.3%) 3 (14.3%)

3 (14.3%) 3 (14.3%)

And if you haven't voted in the other poll go do it! ;)
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