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Community Information

Below is information about the ".:*Tidbits of Wisdom*:. (quotes and lyrics)" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:yellowbubble (428111) yellowbubble
Name:.:*Tidbits of Wisdom*:. (quotes and lyrics)
Website:Community Maintainer's LiveJournal
About:.:*Tidbits of Wisdom*:. is just a livejournal community to post quotes and lyrics that you like. Please - feel free to comment, respect others posters' opinions, and keep everything PG-13. Thanks.

"you can talk a great philosophy
but if you can't be kind to people
every day
it doesn't mean that much to me
it's the little things you do
the little things you say
it's the love you give along the way"

Community Maintainer: [info]crystalbear
Interests:7: lyrics, music, quotations, quotes, sayings, words, writers. [Modify yours]
Members:38: _onlythisfar_, akasuzu, ambrosia_21, aphiske, arctic17, balletvamp, bigeyedfish, crystalbear, darkcheerio, forgottenzeal, greymaryjane, hisprincess1225, hwychle, jaded_hue, jasonecaesar, justonething, keithn97201, kraftmaster4, liljuicyfruit, littlesnowman, lostandhaunted, motquotes, oceanbaby2002, onlyash, pinkiris88, scrubbybuttons, scully0683, sea_sensu_si, silvercircus, skittlez_world, starinmypocket, starryeyedjenn, sugarstained, testforeric, uniqu3beb3hg3rl, untamekitten, ursilverlining, zoeicedraconis
Watched by:33: _onlythisfar_, akasuzu, arctic17, balletvamp, bigeyedfish, crystalbear, darkcheerio, dreamystar, flammablehopes, forgottenzeal, hisprincess1225, hwychle, jaded_hue, jasonecaesar, justonething, liljuicyfruit, lilmouse, littlesnowman, motquotes, pinkiris88, quoter, quotesfreak, rosyroo, scrubbybuttons, sea_sensu_si, sighbunny, skittlez_world, smurfchild, starryeyedjenn, superstarpaula, testforeric, uniqu3beb3hg3rl, zoeicedraconis
Account type:Free Account

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