Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "design".
500 matches:
00661 - speak free
312links - 312links
3darts - 3D Arts Community
_designhelpers_ - _designhelpers_
_eyeglam - glamorous eyes
_handmade - handmade
_purplesky - Purple Sky Icons
_retra - Fashion Design & Art
a_bed_of_nails - a bed of nails
aac - Academy of Art University
abstractnotions - Abstract Notions
ac_red_carpet - After Celebrity Welcome Forum
actors - Actors
adagency - Advertising agency victims
admit_italready - Own Up To The Truth Already
advertka - ADVERTKA | ad, creative, marketing
aesthesia - aesthesia
after_celebrity - After Celebrity
alternafashion - AlternafashionUK
amateur_artists - Amateur Artists
american_mcgee - American McGee Fans
americaneyecon - American Dream American Nightmare
amishchicken - AmishRubber Chicken
angry_art_fag - +artsy fucks+
anomalies - have you experienced?
anyiconrequests - Any Icon Requests
applefans - Think Different
architecture - Architecture
ars_gothica - Gothic Fine Art
art_form - Art_form
art_grrls_sew - Art Grrls Sew
art_sucks - art sucks
art_theory - visual worlds
artfuldelights - Artful Delights in Design
artist_gallery - a place to showcase your art
artistic_design - Artistic Requests
artists_studio - Artists Studio a place for artists
artistsinrevolt - Artists in Revolt
artordata - art or data
artsie_chiks - ARTsie Chiks
artskool - A & H... online!
artsyfarts - artsyfarts
artsyfucks - a bunch of artsy fucks
arttips - Art Tips
ask_a_designer - Ask A Designer
aspdotnet - Asp Dot Net
avant - in the know
awards4you - +Awardz+
awardz - Live Journal Awardz
babymine - Dumbos Mummy
banghearse - Bang Hearse
bardstongue - BardsTongue
beadswap - Bead Swap
beat__thestreet - FAST LIFE!
beautycritics - Personal Stylists
beautyschool - Beauty School Drop Outs
beloit_college - Students of Beloit College
blackwire - Black Wire
blend_challenge - Blend Challenge
blend_it - Blend Challenges
blend_shares - Blend Shares
blending - Blending Challenge
blinkie_ - Blinkies & Icons
bloody_glitter - Bloody Glitter
bodymodif - Body Modification
boring_people - Anybody & Me
brainsoap - Brain Soap
brickworld - Brick Worldâ¢
brokencalm - brokencalm
brush_fanatic - Photoshop & PSP Brushes
budoir_decor - Room Decoration
cam_whores - pose/CLICK*snap*
cambium - pretending to be artists is so liberating
camwhore - CamWhore
camwhores - alcohol + cam = flesh [flash your bits]
capstoneproject - Joe and Parker's capstone journal
carpenter_ty - Carpenter Ty
carpenterandrew - We Love Carpenter Andrew
ccac - CCA - California College of the Arts
cellardoor_ - excerpts of life
cells - critique
central_perk - Central Perk
clickable - cLickable
club_fashion - professional clubber
coffee_and_art - Coffee and Art
color_theory - c o l o r theory
coloringbook - Coloring Book
colorsplash - Color Splash
consumer_voice - rants, raves, reviews
contra_dance - Contra Dancers
coolcafepress - Stuff That Doesn't Suck
copywriter - Copywriters
costumes - Costuming tips and resources
costuming - Costuming Community
covetedwhores - TheCoveted's Accepted Elite Layout Whores
craft_mishaps - Crafting Gone Wrong
craft_recipes - craft recipes
craftgrrl - craftgrrl
creationstation - Imagination is your creation
creative_memory - Creative Memories
creative_minds - [Creative Minds]
creativeness - Creativeness!*
creepy_icons - Creepy Icons
critical_skin - critical skin
cryptography - writing skills
cuteicons - community for cute icons
dark_artt - Dark Artt
darkmoondesigns - ::Dark Moon Designs::
deckswap - a collaborative art effort
decofun - decofun
decoradvice - Decorating Advice
delsign - Delsign
design - Design community
designmafia - design mafia
designpusher - design students / photoshop tennis community
designrants - graphic design rants
designretards - Design Retards
designsnobs - Design Snobs
deviantart - deviantART
devinedesigns - <3 DESIGN
dfwtechlunches - Dallas-Fort Worth Technical Lunches
digital_junky - Digital Junky
digitalartist - Digital Artists
digitallyminded - Digitally Minded
digitalscarring - guilty by design
dimcouture - DIM Couture
discuss_design - Webpage Design and Discussion
divine_designs - Divine Designs
dorks_inc - Dorks Incorporated
drawnbyhand - drawnbyhand
drawthis - Draw This
dreamzone - -=dreaMzone.the.clan=-
drownedicons - Drowned_Icons
dust_covers - .[ the visual free association game ].
dynastycam - Fashion/Art
ediblepanties - Edible Panties
ee_design - ee_design
electricplaid7 - electricplaid7
elves_n_things - Elves_n_Things
erised_designs - Erised Designs
estrella_lj - The Estrella LJ Community
evil_icons - Evil Icons
evilwickedsilly - EvilWickedSilly
ewanicons - Ewan McGregor Icons
explicit108 - explicit108
exquisite_flaws - exquisite_flaws
eyecandydesigns - Eye Candy Designs
fashion_ideas - Fashion Design Ideas
fashioncrew - San Francisco Fashion Crew
fashiondaily - Outfit Observator
fashiondesign - Fashion Design Entrepreneurs
feeteater - Feeteater : Illustrated magazine for foot lovers
felinefaconelf - Fashion_Elves_Felines
fiber_dyeing - community for people interested in dyeing things
fiberarts - fiber arts
fiveoh - FiveOh Productions
flartists - Central Florida Artists
flashdev - Macromedia Flash Developer
floridastage - Florida Stage
fontaddicts - Font Addicts
fontlover - Font Lover
found_objects - found objects
freakette_land - FreaKette LanD
fresnoart - Fresno Visual Arts
friendshipbooks - The Floating Friendship & Slam Books
fullsail - Full Sail
funkyfurniture - funky furniture
future_liberals - Intelligent / Enlightened Liberalism
gallery_unique - Gallery Unique
gay_icons - Icons On the Other Side of the Rainbow
geekspeak - Geek Speak
genuinequeer - GenuineQueer
gewusst_wie - deutschsprachige LiveJournal-Hilfe
giger_art - H.R. Giger Art
girl_style - girl-style auctions
girlskickass - All American Gurl
glam_freaks - Glam Freaks
glassworks - Glass Workings
glitter_icing - b u t t e r c r e m e dream
glitter_rooms - Glitter_Rooms
glitterweb - glitterweb
gofftowers - Gothic interior design and home-making tips
golden_section - 1.618
good_design - Good Design
gothic_arts - Gothic Arts
grafixgalore - [ Grafix|Galore ]
graphic_arts - GRAPHIC ARTS .community.
graphic_central - Graphic Central
graphic_content - Visual Metaphor
graphic_game - The Graphic Game!
graphic_goddess - Artistic_Friends
graphicdesign - Graphic Designers
graphicglamour - graphic glamour: a blend rate community
graphichallenge - â¥Graphixâ¥
graphics - Graphics Design
guide - Guide
hackshack - The Hack Shack
handicraft - HANDICRAFT
harmonic_geisha - Harmonic Geisha
haunted_promo - Haunted Attractions
hennatattoo - oOo Henna oOo
hglj - Home and Garden LJ
housediaries - House Diaries
hypurricons - Hypurricon
i_hate_the_aiga - i am better than you
iadt - Students of IADT-Tampa
ic0nated - i c 0 n a t e d
icon_awards - The Icon Awards
icon_button_bar - ICON BUTTON BAR
icon_contests - Icon Creation Contests
icon_elitists - Studio 54...for Icons!
icon_heaven - Icon Heaven
icon_sanctuary - icon_sanctaury
icon_whores - icon whores
icongallery - The Place To Share Icons
iconmasters - Icon Masters
icono_clastic - icons on display (free for the taking)
iconoclasmatic - we give good data
icons4sho - Icons4sho
icons_anonymous - Icons Anonymous
icons_r_us - LJ icons R us
iconsensual - Iconsensual
icontact - Icontact
iheartmyroom - i <3 my room
ihearttattoos - screwed, stewed and tattooed
ikea_addicts - You Don't Have to Be Rich, Just Smart
illfortune - IF Graphics
illscience - ill science
illustrators - i l l u s t r a t o r s
ilovejenny - People who love Jenny
indiedesign - indie design
indigostyles - Indigo Styles
infome - USER info HELP
insane_artwork - insane_artwork
itjobs - IT Job Community
itsinthedetails - photos of architectural details
iwearblack - I wear black
joyproject - Joy Project
juniorhigh - i thought you knew
killustrate - picture pages for most ages
kimonoworld - kimono lovers
kirpputori - v a i h t o p i i r i
kiss_and_makeup - kiss and make-up
kitschdollies - I live in my own head...
kittendesigns - Kitten Designs
knit_challenge - knitting challenge
kolectiv - the kolectiv
kreativlinge - creativehomeworkproductions
l33tcore - l 3 3 t c o r e
layout_elitists - Elite Paid Account Layouts (Journal Rating Comm.)
layouts_galore - layouts_galore
leggomyego - I'm the President of your Fan Club!
lesbian_icons - lesbian icons
lightkeeper - your harbor from the storms
lisboa - Lj - Lisboa Jornal
little_lounge - c o m m o o n i t y
lj_design - LiveJournal Design
ljbackgrounds - LJ Backgrounds
ljcustomized - LJcustomized
ljd_test - Test Journal for LiveJournal Designers
ljdesigners - LJ Designers
ljgfx_ - Graphics
ljstyles_help - Help for lj styles
ljswaps - LJ Swaps
love2sew - love2sew
macosx - Mac OS X
mad_house - One Part Discussion, Two Parts Confessional
maintainers - Community Maintainers
make_me_up - .:*Powder your Nose*:.
mature_designer - ÐаÑÑÑÑе дизайнеÑÑ
media_studies - media studies
metrosexual - The Metrosexual Male
mghpu - ÐÐÐ¥ÐУ им С.Ð.СÑÑоганова
mikeyvskidneys - give me your kidney.
mind_trap - Mind Trap
minxbot - minxbot
mirror_me - Mirror Me
mmmbale - T-shirt Genius
mooregirls - Moore Girls
mount_helicon - Grove of the Muses
multimedia - multimedia
must_be_style - Must be Style
myke_amend - Myke Amend
nccrafts - north carolina arts and crafts
nh_drama - Drama Events in NH
nocid - Whip Out Some Kung-Fu Moves And Put Jesus On Ice
nonuglies_v2 - nonuglies... version 2
nonuglygays - NonUglyGays
odd_ramblings - thoughts of the geeky, odd, crafty & devient
offbeat_minds - Offbeat Minds
onehundredwords - 100 words
opalstyles - OpalCat
openhouse - lounge
original_idea - community formerly known as
osxhardware - Mac osX Hardware Support
paint_shop - Paint Shop
paper_mache - paper_mache
paperlife - Livin' the Paper Life
parsons - Parsons School of Design
permaculture - The Permanent Culture
personabeauty - What's On The Inside Radiates To The Outside
personaldesign - Personal Design
phenomenalwomen - Phenomenal Women
philly_artists - Philadelphia Artists
photo_booth - empty.picture.frame.
photo_icons - Photo Icons
photoimpact - Ulead Photo Impact
photoplay - Photomanippers Forum
pi - ] [] [] [3].[1] [4] [.] [.] [.] [.] [.][] [] [
pixel_club - Pixel Club
pixel_palace - PiXEL PALACE
pixel_perverts - digitally rendered smut.
pixelmimesis - PIXELmimesis
playstationicon - PlayStation Icon's
plus_girl_craft - Crafts for Plus Size
plus_size_goths - Plus Size Goths
pntlss_cllctv - pointless collective
politikalrivet - Politikal Rivet
pop_rock_kisses - Feel me crackle
pratt - pratt institute
pretty_mess - Mess as art
prickexperience - Flash Your Flesh
princess_world - ______________________________â¥
printmaking - printmaker
prodesign - Professional Designers
projectcaribou - Project Caribou
pstennis - Photoshop Tennis
pyrpleskin - Pyrple Skin Icons, etc.
quarkxpress - design and layout pros
random_crap - insanity is practically a prerequisite . . .
rankyourlj - LJ ranking community
rate_my_lj - Rating of the LiveJournal
ratemyart - Rate My Art
rawkin_designs - Rawkin Designs
reallygreat - awesome
rescue_art - Rescue Art
rise_and_shine -
rockin_beats - Art and rock 'n roll
ru_designers - Russian Designers
ru_fight - ru_fight
ru_fight_plus - ru_fight_plus
ru_mac - Think Different!
ru_modding - Ð?зменÑем железки
ru_motion - Ðизайн в Ðвижении
ru_vector - ru_ÐекÑоÑ
ru_webmaster - web-маÑ?ÑеÑÑ?каÑ
s2styles - S2 Styles Community
sacredart - Calla Visage ~ Sacred Art Community
saucydwellings - SaucyDwellings
scaryminds - Scary Minds
sciencefair - SCIENCE
scraps_of_cool - Cool Scrapbooking Ideas
scroogle - My Scroogle Crap Log
see_my_site - Website Promotion for Developers
sfgraphicdesign - sfgraphicdesign
shitty_layouts - Shitty Layouts
siamesesouls - the elitist and the antisocial
site_stressors - Webdesigner
sitecheck - WebsiteÐалидаÑоÑ
sociald - Social Distortion
sohowdoi - So How do I....
sopretentious - sopretentious
spare - stupid kid
spectaculera - IL Circo ~
splendorinskin - Classic Sexiness At It's Best!
spookystyle - The Spooky Style Guide
stampin_up - Stampin' Up!
stamping - Rubber Stamping
startingarvists - A Collective Individuality
still_life - Still Life
suits - The Suit Appreciation Society
surfworthy - Noteworthy Art & Lit Sites Blog
tarot_project - The lj tarot project
tech_nique - Tech_nique
temujin - NYCKitty
the_garbery - The Garbery
the_photos - â¥
theagirls - The A Girls
theartistsblock - The Artist's Block
theblender - blend challenge
thedarkroom - The Darkroom
thefactory - the factory {art as religion. revolution.}
thegamekeeper - The Game Keeper
theletterchain - The Letter Chain community
thousandcats - Thousand Cats
timekiller - Nicodemous
torontoartists - Toronto Artists
torontotats - Toronto Tatooed
tradeshows - Trade Shows & Expos
trashortreasure - Trash or Treasure?
tshirt_trade - trader of all things tee
tweakers_ltd - tweakers limited
twisted_reality - Twisted Reality
typography - typography
ua_design - Designer
undigitalised - Undigitalised
ural_webdev - ЦеÑ
urbansound - URBANdog
usability - usability
userpics - LiveJournal Userpics Team
vault13 - Post Nuclear World
vectors - _____{"vectoring the world, one vector at a time"}
virtualives - Virtual Live Journal
visarts - QLD Visual and Performing Artists
visualextreme - The Visual Extreme
wallpapers - ::w:a:l:l:p:a:p:e:r:s::
wayyouwhisper - way you whisper
web_critique - web critique
webdev - Web Developer
webgravy - Web Gravy
webpage_addicts - webpage addict
webusability - Web Usability
wehatelilychin - Down with the Chin
weirdness - WeiRD PeoPLe
whatiwore - Fashionistas
winnipeganime - The Winnipeg Anime LJ Community
yourfantasy - Spellbound graphics
Interested users
The following users are interested in design. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
500 matches: