The Christopher Hitchens Web

The Christopher Hitchens Web

last updated: 1.12.04

Newly Added

Iraq and Beyond: A Debate
with Hitchens, Mark Danner, Samantha Power, and others to be announced
moderated by Susie Linfield
Friday, January 30th
Tishman Auditorium at the New School
at 7:00pm in the Tishman auditorium, 66 West 12th Street
New York City
You can call 212-229-5611 for reservations or more info. Tickets are free.
"'Hegemony or Survival': The Everything Explainer" By Samantha Power (New York Times, 1.4.04)

"Liberal Hawks Reconsider the Iraq War" (dialogue with Paul Berman, Thomas Friedman, Hitchens, Fred Kaplan, George Packer, Kenneth M. Pollack, Jacob Weisberg, and Fareed Zakaria)
(Slate, 1.12.04)

"I Fought the Law" (Vanity Fair, February 2004)

"'Allies': The Good War?" by James Traub (New York Times Book Review, 1.11.04)

"People prefer their bias straight" By Jeff Dufour (The Hill, 1.7.04)

Hitchens fighting The Man in NYC

"Journalist Makes Himself a Menace to Mayor’s Polite Society" by Dina Temple-Raston (New York Sun, 1.6.04)

"Vanity Fair Writer Takes On City Rules" By Glenn Thrush (New York Newsday, 1.5.04)

"Vanity Fair kicks Bloomberg's butt" (New York Daily News, 1.6.04)

Hitchens wrote the introduction to the new double-edition of Animal Farm and 1984 for Harcourt Brace

"Guerrillas in the Mist" (Slate, 1.2.04)

"Why New Year's Eve Is Worst Night of Year" (Mirror, 12.31.03)

Hitchens wrote the introduction to the new edition of The Adventures of Augie March

"Mr. Hitchens's Revisionism of His Own History?" By Sean Wilentz (History News Network, 12.23.03)

"Qaddafi Does a Deal: Handle things right, and this could be just the start of welcome fallout from Operation Iraqi Freedom." (Slate, 12.22.03)

"Master of the Self-Referential Realm of Blogs" By Shaila K. Dewan (New York Times, 12.23.03)
Spiers on a Hitchens appearance

The Best American Magazine Writing 2003 contains Hitchens's Vanity Fair article "Jewish Power, Jewish Peril"
Hitchens draws blood: Michael A. Hoffman II responds
Hitchens's repsonse

The Best American Travel Writing 2003 contains Hitchens's Vanity Fair article "The Ballad of Route 66"

"Friendship and Business Blur in the World of a Media Baron" By Jacques Steinberg and Geraldine Fabrikant (New York Times, 12.22.03)
Hitchens and Conrad Black found in For the Sake of Argument, pages 271-272

Hitchens on Saddam (Mirror, December 15, 2003)

Hitchens debates Tariq Ali (Democracy Now!, 12.4.03)

interview with Hitchens by Jamie Glazov (, 12.10.03)
Part 2 of interview

"A Prayer for Indonesia" (Vanity Fair, January 2004)

"The Literal Left: Have opponents of the war been vindicated? Not so fast." (Slate, 12.4.03)

news about Kissinger

Mark Steyn on Omnium Gatherum (The New Criterion, Novermber 2003)

"Orwell's Example" by Cheryl Miller (Policy Review, 10.2.03)

Was and possibly still is Hitchens's agent:
"Agent provocateur" by Emma Brockes (Guardian, November 24, 2003)
via this site

"Where's the Aura?" (Wall Street Journal, 11.21.03)

review of Letters to a Young Contrarian by Paul Gagnon

"Left-leaving, left-leaning" (Los Angeles Times, 11.16.03)

"Years Have Done Kennedy Image No Favours" (Mirror, 11.22.03)

"Hidden In Plain Sight" by Leah C. Wells (Common Dreams, 11.18.03)

"Pictures from an Inquistion" (Atlantic Monthly, December 2003)

"Al-Qaida's Latest Target: Understanding the Istanbul synagogue bombings." (Slate, 11.17.03)

"Empire Falls - How Master and Commander gets Patrick O'Brian wrong.' (Slate, 11.17.03)

"Schooled in Scandal" by Peter Stothard (Times Literary Supplement, 14 November 2003)

Hitchens on Yellow Dog

Amis interview via this site

"Final Offer: Why Iraq's last-minute peace overture was a sham." (Slate, 11.10.03)

"The great debate, reloaded" By Gary Kamiya (Salon, Nov. 11, 2003)

"The Avenger: Sy Hersh, Then and Now" by Scott Sherman (Columbia Journalism Review)

"Restating the Case for War: Waiting for Saddam to change is what got us into this mess in the first place." (Slate, 11.5.03)

Trials of Henry Kissinger

Hitchens in the Atlantic Monthly letters section (scroll down)
"The Perils of Partition" (Atlantic Monthly, March 2003) is referenced in Hitchens's response to readers' letters

webcast of Hitchens appearance at Berkeley November 4th

See if you can guess the author of the following paragraph. (Hint: notice the number of quotations)

"The theory of just war has enjoyed a revival in the context of the 'new era of humanitarian intervention' and international terrorism. Consider the strongest case put forth: the bombing of Afghanistan, a paradigm example of just war, according to Western consensus. The respected moral-political philosopher Jean Bethke Elshtain summarizes received opinion fairly accurately when she writes that 'nearly everyone, with the exception of absolute pacifists and those who seem to think we should let ourselves be slaughtered with impunity because so many people out there 'hate' us, agrees' that the bombing of Afghanistan was clearly a just war. To mention just one additional example, New York Times colummist Bill Keller, now executive editor, remarks that when "America dispatched soldiers in the cause of 'regime change'" in Afghanistan, 'the opposition was mostly limited to the people who are reflexively against the American use of power,' either timid supporters or 'isolationists, the doctrinaire left and the soft-headed types Christopher Hitchens described as people who, 'discovering a viper in the bed of their child, would place the first call to People for Ethical Treatment of Animals.'"
-Hegemony or Survival, pages 198-199
for the answer, click here

transcript for Nov. 29, 2002 Buchanan and Press

"Noble lies and perpetual war: Leo Strauss, the neo-cons, and Iraq" by Danny Postel (openDemocracy, 16-1-2003)

"Glory in the High Places" (Mirror, 10.22.03)

"Mommie Dearest: The pope beatifies Mother Teresa, a fanatic, a fundamentalist, and a fraud." (Slate, 10.20.03)

Mother Teresa links as requested by Monique Chartier:

John Waters's blurb on The Missionary Position: 'Hilariously Mean.'

interview by Danny Postel (Lip, 9.15.98)

audio of interview about Mother Teresa (after a brief discussion about Clinton)

"Saint to the rich" (Salon, 9.5.97)

"What It Takes to Be a Neo-Neoconservative" by James Atlas (New York Times, 10.19.03)

"Aiming at Judicial Targets All Over the World" by Craig S. Smith (New York Times, 10.18.03)

Hitchens has a blurb on the back of Tucker Carlson's new book

"A Feisty Feast of Wicked Wit" by Ben Brantley (New York Times, 9.26.03)

"American Radical" (Atlantic Monthly, November 2003)

"Dragon Slayer" (Washington Post, 9.25.03)

CSPAN Real Videos including a 9.28.03 Washington Journal with Georgie Anne Geyer

"Conversation With Khomeini: The ayatollah's grandson calls for a U.S. invasion of Iran." (Slate, 10.6.03)

"Where's Larry Kramer When We Need Him?" by Frank Rich (New York Times, 10.05.03)

"Edward Said - If only his political judgment had matched his intelligence and moral sensitivity" (Slate, 9.26.03)

"Inside the Islamic Mafia - Bernard-Henri Lévy exposes Daniel Pearl's killers." (Slate, September 25, 2003)

"Where the Twain Should Have Met" (Atlantic Monthly, September 2003)
Blaming the Victims: Spurious Scholarship and the Palestinian Question has a new introduction by Hitchens and Edward Said
"Commentary's scurrilous attack on Edward Said" (Salon, 9.7.99)

A few words of fraternal admonition to "Norm" Finkelstein
which is a riposte to
this essay on Finkelstein's website

"High on His Own Supply" by Christopher Tayler (London Review of Books, 11 September 2003)

"On the Frontier of Apocalypse" (Vanity Fair, November 2001)

"Forcing Freedom: Can liberalism be spread at gunpoint?" Hitchens, Ronald Bailey, Christopher Preble, and Ivan Eland (Reason, August-September 2003)

"Why I Think Bin Laden Is Dead" (Mirror, Sept. 12, 2003)

"That Blessed Plot, That Enigmatic Isle" (Atlantic Monthly,, October 2003)

"The future of an illusion" (Daedalus, Summer 2003)

"The Latest Obscenity Has Seven Letters" by Alexander Stille (New York Times, 9.13.03)

"Why Bush Is Still On The Ropes" (Mirror, 9.11.03)

"Don't Commemorate Sept. 11: Fewer flags, please, and more grit." (Slate, 9.8.03)

"Return to Arras: Hitchens & the Young Kipling" (Aspasia, 4 September, 2003)

"A Liberating Experience" (Vanity Fair, October 2003)

"Christopher Hitchens Leaves The Nation: A Primer, Part 1" (Stop Smiling, 8.8.03)

"For a British Novelist, Tornadoes in August" by Sarah Lyall (New York Times, 8.26.03)
Tibor Fischer on Amis and Hitchens (mostly Amis)
Martin Amis links

"Moore's Law: The immorality of the Ten Commandments" (Slate, 8.27.03)

"Kennedy the invalid" (Times Literary Supplement, 21/08/2003)

"'Interesting Times': Eric the Red" (New York Times Book Review, 8.24.03)

"I Don't Do Diets" (Mirror, 8.18.03)

The Blogosphere continues to take on mass exponentially, much like the mysterious planet Solaris. Harry of Harry's Place wrote up something for the Guardian recently.

"Pipes the Propagandist: Bush's nominee doesn't belong at the U.S. Institute for Peace." (Slate, 8.11.03)

"Why can't Brits be cool about the heat?" (Mirror, 8.7.03)

transcript of Real Time with Bill Maher (August 1, 2003)

"The World is Watching" transcript and video (Uncommon Knowledge, 4.28.03)

Hitchens on Australian radio

"Comics for Grown-Ups" By David Hajdu (New York Review of Books, Aug. 14, 2003)

"Hopeless - Did Bob Hope ever say anything funny?" (Slate, 8.1.03)

transcript from July 30, 2003, Hardball

"Against Liberal Intervention" By John R. MacArthur (7.28.03, In These Times)

"God and Man in the White House" (Vanity Fair, August 2003)

"Printing Nonsense" By Arnold Beichman (National Review, 6.9.03)
Hitchens's response

partial transcript from The Big Story With John Gibson, July 24, 2003

"Journo Left A Day Too Early" (New York Post, 7.24.03)

"Trial Would Have Ended Iraqi Fear" (Mirror, 7.25.03)

"Radical Cheek" by Michael Young (Reason, 7.18.03)

"The War Doves" by Kris Johansen (Adbusters, July/August 2003)

CNN transcript 11 July, 2003

"Obit For A Former Contrarian" by Dennis Perrin (City Pages, 7.9.03)

"Faux of Orwell" by Jeremy Lott (American Spectator, 7.16.03)

"Alls Well with Orwell" by Eli Shaltiel (Ha'aretz, 7.15.03)

"Just War and Jihad: Two Views of War" (EPPC Online, June 27, 2003)

"Thomas Paine was never called an asshole" by Peter Scholtes (Complicated Fun, 7.10.03)

Hitchens's response to Blumenthal's new book "The Clinton Wars"

"Thinking Like an Apparatchik" (The Atlantic, July/August 2003)

older links have been moved here.

Studs Terkel's letter to The Nation found in the January 6th, 2003 issue

Hitchens's letter to The Nation in response

Hitchens's open letter to readers and letter exchange with Victor Navasky

Minority Report is out on video
(based on a story by Philip K. Dick)

Left Hooks, Right Crosses: A Decade of Political Writing is now available

He has an essay in On Modern British Fiction, edited by Zachary Leader

Orwell's Victory is available in the UK
Why Orwell Matters now available in the States

Stephen Jay Gould edited The Best American Essays 2002 and included Hitchens's Vanity Fair essay "For Patriot Dreams"

The Trial of Henry Kissinger is now available in paperback with an updated intro.

He has a piece in the Saddam Hussein Reader

Hitchens has written introductions for
David R. Dow and Mark Dow's Machinery of Death: The Reality of America's Death Penalty Regime

The Prophet Armed: Trotsky 1879-1921 by Isaac Deutscher

Hitchens writes for Slate and The Daily Mirror and is a contributing editor to The Atlantic Monthly and to Vanity Fair.

Here, you can find a brief biography at The Nation website.

He contributes to such publications as Critical Quarterly, Foreign Policy, Free Inquiry, Granta, Grand Street, The London Review of Books, Harper's, The Los Angeles Times Book Review, New Left Review, Newsweek International, The New York Observer, The New York Review of Books, The New York Times Book Review, The Times Literary Supplement, the Washington Post, and the Weekly Standard.

On television, Hitchens sometimes appears on Hardball with Chris Matthews, Charlie Rose, Uncommon Knowledge, The Chris Matthews Show, Real Time with Bill Maher, and CSPAN's Washington Journal.

Hitchens has been a visiting professor at the University of California, Berkeley, the University of Pittsburgh, and the New School of Social Research.

He began his career as a staff writer with the New Statesman magazine and then worked as an editorial writer for the Evening Standard. From 1977 to 1979 he worked for London's Daily Express as a foreign correspondent and then returned to the New Statesmen as foreign editor, where he worked from 1979 to 1981. Mr. Hitchens has also been Washington editor for Harper's and the U.S. correspondent for The Spectator and The Times Literary Supplement. From 1986 to 1992 he was the book critic at New York Newsday.


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