Horatio Hornblower 100 word Challenge [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Horatio Hornblower 100 Word Challenge

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[Jan. 18th, 2004|11:26 pm]


[mood | melancholy]

Title: We Were Never Equals
Rating: PG
Word count: 136
Characters involved: Bush and Hornblower
Rum to: to Bush (it might make him more eloquent...)
Author and notes: [info]venefica32 #25, poetry challenge. I finally got the hang of this, I think, so I also wanted to try to write something that rhymes.
Bush thinks of his feelings towards his captain. Set sometime during Loyalty.

The poem )

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[Jan. 18th, 2004|03:26 pm]


[mood | artistic]

Title: The Elements
Rating: PG
Word count: 100
Characters involved: Horatio and Archie
Double rum to: Major Edrington, for no particular reason
Author and notes: [info]venefica32 Challenge #25: Poetry challenge.
Horatio's thoughts.

The poem )

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And that makes ten. I shall stop spamming the community. (But I so truly loved the challenge!) [Jan. 17th, 2004|08:54 pm]


[mood | accomplished]
[music |Moments in the Woods - Baker's Wife, Into the Woods]

Title: When I Was a Child...
Rating: G
Word Count: 366
Character(s): Edward Pellew
Rum to: Foster

When I Was a Child... )


Title: The Prison
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Character(s): Don Alfredo, Archie
Double Rum to: Foster

The Prison )


Title: Scraps and Feathers
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Character(s): Wellard
Double Rum to: Foster

Scraps and Feathers )

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[Jan. 18th, 2004|12:15 pm]


[mood |rude and crude]
[music |Benjamin Britten - Peter Grimes - Come along, Doctor]

Title: Certain additional verses regarding that most Renown'd ship, Venus, by WB
Rating: Rude and crude, as my grandmother would have said. Which I suspect makes it NC-17.
Word count: 90 plus a longer note on the text
Characters involved: Everyone!
Character to give rum to: Styles, for medicinal purposes
Notes: Poetry by sailors? I don't think anyone has sufficiently lowered the tone yet. So here's my attempt to do so.

Enter at your own risk. )
Later: added a hyperlink to Myrtle

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[Jan. 18th, 2004|12:04 pm]


Title: A Navigation Lesson (that staple of fanon!)
Rating: G
Word count: 95 + notes on the text
Characters involved: Everybody's favourite maths geek, Horatio,
Character to give rum to: Horatio
Notes: There is a critical apparatus, because imitation is the sincerest form of flattery and I adore [info]nindulgence to pieces. Besides, it's kind of like writing an AS Byatt crossover :-)

A Navigation Lesson: An edition and reappraisal )

A little later: edited to make the reference to Myrtle's work a hyperlink.
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I am enjoying this challenge far more than I ought... [Jan. 16th, 2004|02:58 am]


[mood | creative]
[music |Finale: Children Will Listen - Into the Woods]

Title: Concentrate
Rating: PG
Word Count: 520
Character(s): Kennedy, Wellard
Rum to: Foster

Concentrate )


Title: Better This Way
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Character(s): Hunter
Double Rum to: Foster

Better This Way )


Title: The M'man's Blood
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Character(s): Jack Hammond
Double Rum to: Foster

The M'man's Blood )

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More Poetry. She being a poet, it is only her place. [Jan. 15th, 2004|12:33 am]


[mood | artistic]
[music |1776 in the background (squee!)]

Title: The Boy With the Special Smile
Rating: G
Word Count: 123
Character(s): Archie, Horatio
Rum to: Foster!! <3 <3 <3

The Boy With the Special Smile )


Title: A Flame Dance
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Character(s): Foster, Horatio
Double Rum to: Foster. I am determined to get the man sloshed.

A Flame Dance )


Title: The Star
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Character(s): Mariah, Horatio
Double Rum to: Foster

The Star )

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Poetry challenge? Well, I suppose I do have to... *wink* [Jan. 13th, 2004|09:11 pm]


[mood | amused]

Title: Taste and See
Rating: G
Word count: 100
Characters involved: Kitty and Horatio
Character to give rum to: Let the two of ‘em split it, though I bet Kitty’ll end up with most of it.
Author: Tiamat’s Child
Notes: This is what comes of mixing Eliot, Auden, The Spoon River Anthology, and not enough sleep. See kids? Beware the lure of the modernists, especially late at night.

Taste_and_See )

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Did somebody say "Poetry Challenge"? [Jan. 13th, 2004|02:06 pm]


[mood | accomplished]

Title: Song of the Mariner
Author: KD ([info]en_jeudi)
Rating: PG
Word count: I tried for 100. I did. But it’s nowhere near 100 words. It is, however, accidently exactly 300 words. Wow.
Characters involved: Matthews---Imagine Matthews, singing along with a fiddle, and ‘telling’ this song, in a rather hobbit-like way. And everyone join in on the chorus of this dreadful below-deck poetry!
Rum to: Matthews, for putting up with this.

Song of the Mariner (as performed by Matthews xD) )

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Poetry Challenge [Jan. 13th, 2004|07:04 pm]


[mood | amused]

Title:Sailor Boys
Word count:100 words
Pairings or characters involved:Archie and Horatio
Character to give rum to:Both our boys
Author and notes: An abbreviated poetic journey of I suppose the first 3 movies,but mostly the first!

Two young boys went to sea.
Horatio and Archie.
Poor young lads on the ship of hell.
A Captain who’s dying.
A crew who are slack.
An evil man who hates them deep.
What are two young boys to do?

Escape at last, a ship so fine.
A Captain ready to fight.
Soon danger loomed as their nemesis returns.
Evil Jack with murder in mind!
Poor little Archie lost at sea.
But the fighting captain ended Simpson’s killing spree.

Onward and upward our Horatio goes
Not forgetting his pal.

Fear turns to joy when captured by dons.
Archie is alive!

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100 Word Challenge [Jan. 13th, 2004|06:20 am]
[mood | thoughtful]


Word count:70

Pairings or characters involved:A/H, I'll leave you to figure out which is speaking .

Character to give rum to:Anyone thirsty?

Author and notes:I have great difficulty writing poetry, at least anything that rhymes. So this one doesn't.

Read more... )

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Poetry from a Poet [Jan. 13th, 2004|02:10 am]


[mood | accomplished]
[music |Cymbeline - Loreena McKennitt]

Title: bonny sweet ireland
Rating: PG
Word Count: O_o High. 900 words, or a little above. The spacing makes it hard to tell.
Character(s): Wolfe
Rum to: Foster.
Notes: Wolfe is... actually a quite fun character to play with. It seems best to read the poem out loud rather quickly whilst adopting an Irish accent. And for the record, the spoilers run rampant waving Irish flags.

bonny sweet ireland )

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[Jan. 12th, 2004|08:18 pm]


[mood | embarrassed]
[music |The Shins - "One By One All Day"]

Title: Something Modern.
Rating: G
Word count: 100
Pairings or characters involved: K/H
Character to give rum to: Double rum? Okay, all to Archie! He can get drunk and give ol' Horatio a big kiss.
Author and notes: I can't write poems at all, so I liked the idea of Archie being in the same boat as me (pun intended), watching a sleeping Horatio and wanting to write a poem to him. :P

Something Modern )

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"The Mer-King" (Poetry Challenge) [Jan. 12th, 2004|12:06 pm]


Title: The Mer-King
Rating: PG
Word count: 105
Characters involved: M'man Wellard...and a lot of laudanum ;-)
Character to give rum to: Wellard's already high--so let's say the Crumpet
Author: nindulgence

The Mer-King )

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Challenge #25 [Jan. 11th, 2004|07:28 pm]


Hello everyone! I greatly apologize for not having up a challenge last week. I got very behind and overwhelmed with many things. I hope you'll understand.

Since the last challenge was a Christmas one, rum to everyone! Yay! Drunken crew!

This week's challenge comes courtesy of the wonderful [info]nindulgence. Thanks!

Challenge #25: Poetry challenge. Your drabble should be in poetry form(need not rhyme, of course) and can be as long as you like. However, if you DO make it just 100 words, you may give out double rum rations. ;)

If you have any questions, please let me know.

Have fun and good luck!
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Master and Commander Drabble Community [Jan. 7th, 2004|10:08 am]


pimp pimp pimp

I just created a Master and Commander Drabble community, [info]mandc100. Please join the fun if you're interested. All types of drabbles are welcome.
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A Christmas Drabble? [Dec. 26th, 2003|12:14 pm]


[mood | jubilant]
[music |Into the Fire - Scarlet Pimpernel]

Title: A Reason
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Character(s): Horatio, implied K/H.
Rum to: Foster. I always give it to Foster.
Notes: Written because of my squishy-misery. *weeps* Just saw "Retribution". There is no God.

A Reason )

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[Dec. 23rd, 2003|01:55 am]


[mood | silly]

Title: God Rest Ye, Poor Horatio.
Rating: G
Rum to: Bush, for saving Horatio's dignity. :P
Notes: I was having a Hornblowerfest the other day and I watched The Dutchess and the Devil. I'd forgotten the scene where Horatio's freaking about about how to carve stuff and Bracegirdle makes a joke about carving monkey. I figured it was too good to pass up. :D

Let Nothing You Dismay )

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Challenge: Christmas [Dec. 20th, 2003|05:29 pm]


[mood | amused]

I saw three ships come sailing in
On Christmas Day, on Christmas Day!
I saw three ships come sailing in
On Christmas Day in the morning!

In honor of this song, here's a set of three drabbles, involving first Christmases on three of Horatio's ships. (Not the Renown. Nobody's capable of any Christmas cheer on the Renown, and .. um. The real excuse is, I'd forgotten about it. xD) I hope that we're .. um .. allowed to write more than one, 'cos some challenges don't allow more than one entry, but .. if you only want to count my vote for Matthews as one, that's okay, too. ^^

Title: First Noel
Author: KD
Word count: 100
Rum to: Matthews :D
Characters: Horatio, Archie
Summary: Horatio's first Christmas at sea proves difficult save with the understanding of a friend.
Timeline note: I thought for a long while about how to work this into the timeline of the film, knowing that Horatio boards Justinian in January, and Clayton and Simpson duel in the snow. Assuming that a year passes rather than, you know, a month or so, based on how Horatio's character matures, I placed the Clayton-Simpson duel in January of the next year. If that's not how it is ... well, hell, it's only a hundred words. Deal with it. :)

Justinian )

- - - - - -

Title: Compliments of the Master
Author: KD
Word count: 100
Rum to: Matthews :D
Characters: Horatio, Pellew
Summary: Horatio comes to give a report.
Timeline note: I'm not sure where in the movies this is, but it's Horatio's first Christmas aboard Indefatigable.

Indefatigable )

- - - - - -

Title: A Long Way to Go
Author: KD
Word count: 100
Rum to: Matthews :D
Characters: Matthews, Styles, Horatio
Summary: Matthews and Styles wish their new captain a merry Christmas :)
Timeline note: It's really difficult to place Christmases. This one is Horatio's first Christmas aboard the Hotspur, wherever that falls is not important. :)

Hotspur )

- - - - - -
Author note: Thanks to my mother in any and all Hornblower drabbles, ficlets, and fics that I write, considering she's my Nelson's Navy encyclopaedia, running her through the gauntlet with my constant questioning. And she's a damned good writer, too, but she's pretty much stopped reading/writing in this fandom or any other and passed that torch onto me. (If anyone's read the Hornblower fan-novel-in-progress "Katharine's Duty," that's my mother. :) )
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Xmas Challenge [Dec. 20th, 2003|02:15 am]


Summary:A missing scene from near the end of Duty

Tomorrow was the birth of the lord, a new beginning for all who were born of man.
Surely a good day to plea for mercy.
William thought of this, and all that had passed between him and his Captain in the past weeks.
He resolved that he would stand up to him on the morrow.
Surely a man such as Hornblower could see that there was little need for Doughty to lose his life, when he had meant no ill intent.
Matthews had asked him for help, and on such a day he was loath to ignore a good man.
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