There's a leaker on the loose in the White House but Bob Novak is playing it coy. It's hardly the first time -- because he's hardly a journalist.

» Novak's Right Wing Connections

» Novak knew he blew Plame's cover

» Novak Reveals Sources If He Wants To

» Richard Perle and the Leaks of the 1970s

» Karl Rove and Novak: They've Talked Before

» Leaker on The Loose: Conservatives Say Leakers Belong in Jail

Bust Bob Novak! -- Send the Letter

On July 14, 2003, "journalist" Robert Novak revealed the name of undercover CIA agent Valerie Plame in print after speaking to a White House official. The agent's husband, former US Ambassador Joseph Wilson IV, had publicly challenged President Bush's claim that Iraq had tried to buy uranium ore from Africa -- exposing yet another misleading rationale for war.

While causing consternation among some CIA and Administration officials ("Clearly it was meant purely and simply for revenge," a senior Administration official said of the alleged leak. (Washington Post, 9/28/03)), it has not yet caused a change of conscience among the leaker -- or the man who endangered US national security assets by publishing the name, one Robert Novak.

We don't need to wait for John Ashcroft and George Bush to find the leaker who is on the loose. One man knows. And he should come clean. He is not a journalist. He is an ideologue. And most of all, he is a traitor.

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