No Honour among worthies
by Mick Hume
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Article9 January 2004
A feeble excuse for politics
Britain's 'battle royal' over tuition fees is a pseudo-clash between a defensive government and its cowardly critics.

by Brendan O'Neillinspiked-politics

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9 January 2004
Cancerous Britain?
The facts and figures behind the rise in cancer cases.
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ColumnJennie Bristow8 January 2004
The London mayor affair
Blair and Livingstone deserve each other.


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Article8 January 2004
Growing family trees
Why are so many people living their lives through their ancestors?

by Josie Appletoninspiked-life

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Therapy Culture by Frank Furedi
Read the interview on spiked
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Article5 January 2004
Why Diana died
Read spiked editor Mick Hume in The Times (London), on the inquest into the death of Princess Di.

by Mick Humeinspiked-life

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Article5 January 2004
Chatter, chatter everywhere
By going public about every potential terror threat, America and Britain are fostering a climate of paranoia.

by Brendan O'Neillinspiked-risk

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Article8 January 2004
Tuskegee re-examined
A cultural anthropologist offers a counter-narrative to the infamous story of US government scientists allowing black men to suffer from untreated syphilis.

by Richard A Shwederinspiked-science

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Article8 January 2004
Giddy over Google
The world's biggest search engine is slated and feted for the wrong reasons.

by Sandy Starrinspiked-IT

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ColumnDuleep Allirajah8 January 2004
Offside, 8 January
Reflections on football's Annus horribilis.


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Article8 January 2004
Flying lows
The airline industry has been forced to the frontline in the 'war on terror'.

by Peter Smithinspiked-risk

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ColumnDolan Cummings8 January 2004
TV UK, 8 January
Lord Winston's cowboy child psychology.


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Article30 December 2003
Marshalling public fears
America and Britain are running the skies as if every plane were a potential missile and every passenger a potential terrorist.

by Brendan O'Neillinspiked-risk

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Article6 January 2004
Howard's ends
The Tory leader copies the words of great American leaders - and captures so little of their spirit.

by Josie Appletoninspiked-politics

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Article5 January 2004
A New Year prescription
The government should stop trying to improve people's health by telling them how to live their lives.

by Dr Michael Fitzpatrickinspiked-health

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ColumnJennie Bristow30 December 2003
Playing with truants
What does the UK government hope to achieve by fining parents for taking their kids on holiday in term-time?


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Article30 December 2003
'Ethnography' exposed
Why do political and business leaders want to immerse themselves in our everyday lives?

by Martyn Perksinspiked-IT

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Article30 December 2003
Bridging the 'two cultures'
Science and art together can capture the different dimensions of human experience.

by Mark Lythgoeinspiked-science

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Article30 December 2003
Why be paranoid about puppy fat?
Read spiked editor Mick Hume in The Times (London), on our unhealthy obsession with childhood obesity.

by Mick Humeinspiked-health

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Article30 December 2003
Through Enlightened eyes
The British Museum's new exhibition captures the spirit of the age of reason.

by Josie Appletoninspiked-culture

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Article23 December 2003
Dishonouring scientists
Professor Colin Blakemore explains why his knighthood snub shows the government's spinelessness on animal research.

by Helene Guldberginspiked-science

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Article22 December 2003
Trying Saddam
Why the capture of Iraq's Ace of Spades is causing a headache for Bush and Blair.

by Brendan O'Neillinspiked-politics

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Article22 December 2003
'One aesthetic banality is added to another'
Art critic Matthew Collings on the controversy of contemporary art, and why Perry's Turner Prize-winning pots are mundane kitsch.

by JJ Charlesworthinspiked-culture

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Article22 December 2003
In defence of bad luck
A society which can’t accept that ‘accidents happen’ is destined to be governed by a stifling culture of blame.

by John Adamsinspiked-risk

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Article15 December 2003
Medicine on trial
The scandal of lawyers spending millions in legal aid, on research trying to prove that MMR causes autism.

by Dr Michael Fitzpatrickinspiked-health

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Article17 December 2003
Playing games with nurseries
New Labour has poured cash into childcare - so why is it still such a mess?

by Julian Grenierinspiked-life

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Article2 December 2003
Policing parents-to-be
In recommending a ban on sex selection, the UK authority that regulates reproductive technology reveals its deep distrust of infertile couples.

by Frank Furediinspiked-liberties

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Article28 November 2003
Does al-Qaeda exist?
Not in the way that we think, say some terrorism experts.

by Brendan O'Neillinspiked-risk

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Article27 November 2003
Phone alarm
A new book examines how the culture of precaution shaped public fears over mobile phones.

by Bill Durodiéinspiked-risk

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Article24 November 2003
Burying the evidence
A report by the UK government's 'Human Remains Working Group' shrouds history in mystery, to the detriment of science.

by Tiffany Jenkinsinspiked-culture

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Article30 October 2003
Old misers
The 'pensions crisis' is not a result of an ageing population, but of a mean-minded political and business class.

by Phil Mullaninspiked-risk

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Updated: 14.30 GMT
12 Jan 2004
Swinging outside the law
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