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:: December 30, 2003 ::

It's a miracle.......

But i've actually eaten food and kept it down, my fever is gone, my ears still hum but my throat is not triple in size anymore. I do believe I'm on the road to recovery. :)

Sadly I am not thinking it would be too wise to push it and go out for NYE tomorrow night so I'm not really digging the thought of staying here all solo and shit but in a couple of weeks I'll be in Vegas with the best freaks ever so I'll make up for it then. :)

I didn't get to see G while she was here and I didn't go to what I'm sure was a great geek dinner event last night but there will be more and G only lives 5 hours away so I'll see her soon. (all of this i keep telling myself to ease the frustration)

Now i'm off to shower and wash all the germs away (Raven don't even think about!)


Gnomegirl scattered random chaos at 12:00 PM
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:: December 29, 2003 ::

All kinds of Ick in my Sick

Not to a whole lot of fun going on here I'm sick of being sick, the rain looks more like a hurricane, my room smells like a hospital/retirement home and I'm sick of hearing myself whine. Is anyone else having as much as fun as I am today? G's leaving tomorrow and I still haven't gotten to see her not to mention there's a dinner tonight that Scoble put together at the Cheesecake factory in Palo Alto. If I don't feel better by tonight to go to it, I swear people will hear me in Jersey when I scream out my frustration over this blasted flu!

Gnomegirl scattered random chaos at 01:05 PM
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:: December 27, 2003 ::

Today's riddle.......

What's the gift that keeps on giving?
That doesn't discriminate
It doesn't feel the same to everyone
It will halt your world
It affects your social life

answer in the comments before clicking for the answer :P

shake your rump over here »

Gnomegirl scattered random chaos at 07:20 PM
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:: December 25, 2003 ::

Sunshine smiles and raindrop dreams

Yesterday was filled with an unbearable ache and many tears. I found myself in a place I've not visited for what seems like forever. It was a place called loneliness, heartbreak and saddness. I sat here last night and silently went through my blogroll and I visited each one and wished a wish for each of you. Somewhere in the middle of the night something broke free in me and I found myself laughing outloud as I remembered conversations, events, and moments shared with so many of you. You see when one finds themselves in such a tragic way as I did last night it's easy to forget all that is good in this world when you focus on the bad. I have had way more goodness than bad and the happy always dances circles around the sad. So many people in my life all from every origin and diversity and all for many different reasons.
Some have faded away due to time, distance, and sadly some due to my own carelessness and inability to accept certain goodness out of my own fears.
This year is all together different from last year as next year will be completely different as well. Change has always scared me and left me floundering in fear even in all my random chaotic ways I find myself secretly longing for stability of some sort. What is stable in my life is this. This site, the ability to keep up on those in my life through theirs, you who come here, and those who stand in the shadows and step forward only when desperate times call for them. Stability is in my life it's just in the form of the internet and those who sit behind their monitors cheering us on and sharing our lives. Today I'm full of laughter, I'm full of peace, I'm full of love and all of that leaves no more room for pity, saddness or fear. Today I don't want to say what if or should have.
Today I want to say I have, I am, and thank you.
It's a sunshiny day even if the skies are grey!

Now i'm off to call the most amazing and beautiful children in this world.

Happy Days to you all!

Gnomegirl scattered random chaos at 12:25 PM
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