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Ya Think... [Nov. 12th, 2003|07:09 pm]
Lethal  Go to
You are Deadly, refined yet unchained. You are well
aware of your actions, your knowledge of
anatomy and having the common sense to cover
your tracks makes you the deadliest of enemies.
Anyone who crosses your path will pay the
ultimate price.

How Dangerous Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Who da though it...
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And The Between Calls [Nov. 12th, 2003|06:49 pm]
You are Moreta, whose heroic ride brought life to
so many, but only death and between to herself.

The Ultimate PERN Quiz!
brought to you by Quizilla
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How truly wonder being a leming can be.... [Nov. 12th, 2003|10:41 am]
Eyebrow Smiley
You are pretty horny. Sex is definitely not a
foreign concept for you, and you're probably
ready to do some serious lovin'. Still, you're
not as horny as some.

How Horny are YOU?
brought to you by Quizilla

ya think
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Going Stupid fast ain't my style...Or is it? [Nov. 8th, 2003|08:32 am]

You are the 1939 Dusenberg Simone Coupe.
Take the Which Classic Car Are You? quiz! By JC and Bren.

intersting thing about the Duze...12 cylinder engines...VRoom -a zoom ZOOM!
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More Meme fun for the whole family for the season... [Oct. 28th, 2003|07:38 am]
My LiveJournal Trick-or-Treat Haul
DArcsyde goes trick-or-treating, dressed up as Robin hood.
ana gives you 4 blue vanilla-flavoured gummy worms.
annotated_alex gives you 15 orange apple-flavoured nuggets.
betnybean tricks you! You lose 13 pieces of candy!
cricketbug gives you 15 tan cherry-flavoured nuggets.
devineone tricks you! You get a broken toy car.
drishnak tricks you! You lose 8 pieces of candy!
erotillectuals gives you 3 red licorice-flavoured pieces of chewing gum.
jtcg gives you 19 light blue licorice-flavoured pieces of chewing gum.
reana gives you 7 light blue banana-flavoured hard candies.
scary_mary tricks you! You lose 33 pieces of candy!
DArcsyde ends up with 9 pieces of candy, and a broken toy car.
Go trick-or-treating! Username:
Another fun meme brought to you by rfreebern.
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fun with Memes... [Oct. 19th, 2003|09:14 am]
[mood | devious]
[music |Rob Zombie-Dragula]

Thanks [info]zombiebunny for this funny little meme...
I a gonna have toask around to see if it is true or not?

What Makes You Sexy? by eva71
Sexy Body Part IsYour Eyes
Special Talents AreEverything (Multi-talented)
Created with quill18's MemeGen!

as to everything being My talent I might have to disagree.
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I am Lemming again... [Oct. 17th, 2003|03:28 am]
[mood | awake]
[music |Godsmack-Voodoo]

ANd the WEirdness abounds again...
but this is kind of fun, thanks to [info]annoted_alex for putting this up where it could be found and taken...

betnybean 56%
wiccagood 44%
annotated_alex 32%
How sexually compatible with me are you?
Take the NEW sexual compatibility quiz at LJMatch!
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and using the big test we get... [Oct. 12th, 2003|12:51 pm]
Conscious self
Overall self
Take Free Enneagram Personality Test

Wow...i must be some kind of social butterfly...
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Ennegram [Oct. 12th, 2003|12:35 pm]
Conscious self
Overall self
Take Free Enneagram Personality Test
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interesting thing which is brought to yo by [info]cricketbug [Oct. 9th, 2003|09:59 pm]
Who built your starship? by Nauta
Your name
Your shipBlack Horizon
Commissioning dateJuly 17, 2497
Designed bySomican (Kangaroos)
Innovative featureTinted windows
Design flawHigh insurance premiums
Created with quill18's MemeGen!
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Cool Lemminess from [info]cricketbug [Sep. 27th, 2003|02:29 pm]

?? Which Of The Greek Gods Are You ??
brought to you by Quizilla
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[Sep. 24th, 2003|09:12 am]
Every once in awhile you just gotta wonder what some people are thinking when they cut stuff from a budget. I mean, Sure, I lost my vehicle and have to drive my own. This isn't half bad as I can go where I want, with anyone I want,anytime I want and no repercussions.
But did they think this was gonna be cheaper. It only been a week and I have racked up over &300 in mileage charges already... the stae vehicle only cost them 1100 a month...Well, they did reduce my work load, so it may calm a bit after a while. But, this first couple of months is gonna cost em more than the original. What braniac thinks of these solutions?

I just wonder what is gonna get cut from the budget next? we are already on a pay increase freeze until 2005. Which means, I will make 40% less than the lowest paid city level counterpart in any city in the state. And I have to policy and Area three times the size.
equity is a strange beasty.

Oh, and if this isn't a kick in the pants already, we are being required to keep our Certification currrent. But, "there are currently no monies budgeted for training this fiscal year or next." Oh, so you require me to be certified but you won't help pay for what you require as part of the job...Nice.

i Think that this adminstration is gonna go the way of the Dodo pretty quick come election time...especially with the rumours of benefits cuts running about the Capitol area. Less benefits and sucky pay...who would work for this?

WEll, it is time to go to the pit of despair and work for the pittance I am being paid...
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MBTI...Once Again [Sep. 24th, 2003|09:09 am]
ESFP - "Entertainer". Radiates attractive warmth and optimism. Smooth, witty, charming, clever. Fun to be with. Very generous. 13% of the total population.
Take Free Myers-Briggs Personality Test
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intersting Lemmyness [Sep. 13th, 2003|10:19 am]
What will your Funeral be like? by rashock
You will die by:You body was found mangled in a brutal death from an insane lover or jealous significate other.The murderer was sentenced to death row but the chair or gas was too good for them. They sowed you up in a bag and tossed you in your casket, It's a closed case unless your friends and family want to be sick.
Death Date:June 8, 2031
Number attending your funeral?173
How much will you leave to friends and family?$3,499,752
Created with quill18's MemeGen!
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Questions anyone... [Sep. 10th, 2003|08:30 am]
1a) How did you discover my journal?
1b) What made you add me as a friend?

2)Sum up your thoughts about me in one word.

Then put this in your own journal to see what everyone thinks of you.
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this is kind of fun [Aug. 31st, 2003|09:36 am]

What Is Your Battle Cry?

Striding out of the cliffs, carrying a bladed baseball bat, cometh Darcsyde! And he gives a cruel roar:

"I'm going to reduce you to ash, and sell you as spice!!"

Find out!
Enter username:
Are you a girl, or a guy ?

created by beatings : powered by monkeys

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ooh a gamer thingy [Aug. 26th, 2003|08:41 am]
Ultimate Roleplaying Purity Score
CategoryYour ScoreAverage
Will kill for XP
Sensitive Roleplaying69.62%
Will talk after everyone important's been killed
GM Experience76.81%
Ran a module once or twice
Systems Knowledge91.1%
Played in a couple of campaigns
Livin' La Vida Dorka73.56%
Goes nuts on the weekends
You are 74.19% pure
Average Score: 67.8%
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What the? [Aug. 17th, 2003|06:25 pm]
What will your last words be? by cum_on_bitch
Your LJ username
Your real name
Your sex
Your age
Your last words will be..."LOVE IS ALL YOU NEED"
Created with quill18's MemeGen!
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Stolen ney, Borrowed from [info]wolfgrrl [Aug. 12th, 2003|04:36 pm]
[mood | hopeful]
[music |Snake River Conspiracy-Track #3]

Your Name: darcsyde
Your Date of Birth: 01/12/xxxx
Your Question or Information: why am i so scattered?


Wunjo - Joy, happiness, love, fulfillment in career and home life, the icing on the cake.


Neid - Need, desire, fulfilling those needs, love and sex magick, motivation created by distress.


Mannaz - Cooperation, teamwork, collaboration, help and aid from others, beginning new projects, especially with others.

Cast the runes here:
Rune Caster

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Haiku [Aug. 11th, 2003|01:11 pm]
LiveJournal Haiku!
Your name:darcsyde
Your haiku:in a friends journal
i love it when folks inspire me
to write again...thanks
Created by Grahame
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