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User:sirinek (206232) Paid User sirinek
Location:Roswell, Georgia, United States
AOL IM:AIM status sirinek (Add Buddy, Send Message)
ICQ UIN:ICQ status 756023 (Add User, Send Message)
Yahoo! ID:Yahoo status sirinek (Add User, Send Message)
MSN Username:
If I had one it'd be "sirinek"
Bio:Because it's all about me:

What you should know about [info]sirinek, particularly if you have or are planning to add him:

  • I am 30 31 years old.
  • I have an awesome girlfriend who is on LJ as [info]tygerlilly
  • I'm a HUGE supporter of Howard Dean
  • I talk a lot about the feral cat I feed, Gypsy.
  • I talk even more about her two kittens that [info]tygerlilly and I rescued and adopted, Bella and Otto.
  • I'm a UNIX systems administrator for a mid-sized telecommunications company who does not do business in the Atlanta area (but has an office here, go figure)
  • I post a fair number of rants against Bush and right-wing Republicans.
  • I'm a trivia maniac and like to play a few times a week when I can.
  • I also love to bowl and have just joined a league.
  • I love to cook and will sometimes post pictures of my culinary masterpieces (or disasters!)
  • I moderate the [info]ocala community
  • Did I mention yet I'm a huge supporter of Howard Dean?
  • I really, really hate those cut-and-paste quizzes. Post that shit behind an lj-cut.
  • I have a low tolerance for "words" like "u", "ur", and "ppl".
  • I enjoy meeting other LJ'ers.
  • As of 1/28/2004, 154 random people supposedly read my posts.
  • I've met 79(!) of those people in person.
  • And I've even met Howard Dean, as seen below:

This list is always evolving.

Here's today's TERRAH ALERT!

"To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public." - Theodore Roosevelt

"Remember when a reporter asked George W Bush who his favorite political philsopher was, and he answered 'Jesus Christ'? Do you think Jesus would have rolled over in his grave, if he hadn't risen from it?" -Get Your War On

"Dissent is not unpatriotic, saying that it is, is" -Unknown
Memories:25 entries
Interests:150: 8-bit consoles, 80s music, alltel, alyson hannigan, arcade games, atari, atlanta, bachelor cuisine, barbecue, bashing the president, bbs, beavis and butthead, black bean salsa, bmw, bmw z3, board games, bowling, caffeine, calphalon, camping, canasta, cats, cd burning, chicago, chicago hot dogs, chocolate milk, cider, civil liberties, civil rights, classic alternative music, classic arcade games, club atlanta, coffee, comedy, comfort food, competition, computer books, computers, cooking, crazy taxi, crown royal, currency, cursing in swedish, defacing currency, democrats, diet coke, dominoes, dreamcast, emulators, equal rights, extra sauce, fight club, firing the president, framboise, free martha, freedom from religion, furious george, gadgets, game night, games, geeky stuff, geography, georgia, giardinera, goofing around, homestar runner, hot sauce, howard dean, howard stern, iced mocha, igormud, improv, italian beef, kazaa, kevin smith, korn shell, larry wall, liberals, linux, logic puzzles, loose change, m roadster, mallrats, mame, mame roms, maps, margaritas, mix cds, monogamy, monopoly, mp3s, muds, neo-futurists, new wave, nintendo, nostalgia, numbers, ocala, origami, penguin mints, perl, php, pizza puffs, pool, pork, remakes, richard stallman, roadtrips, rocky horror picture show, sausage, sharks with fricken laserbeams, simcity, small appliances, social justice, solaris, south park, southern comfort, spam, spicy food, starbucks, stick figures, sun microsystems, system administration, taco bell, team trivia, tequila, the onion, tiramisu, tmlmtbgb, trading spaces, trivia, trivial pursuit, tulane, tygerlilly, unix, uno, useless trivia, v8, vi, video games, waffle house, wheresgeorge, white castle, women, woodchuck, wusthof, yahoo games, yogurt, you dont know jack, z3. [Modify yours]
Friends:221: 10dimensions, 80s_music, albumlady, alexmizell, alfabettezoupe, alison_says, alladinsane, amolasses, angelbeloved, anne_jumps, anneball, apers, arianrhode, artmomz, ashlupa, atlanta, atlanta_eats, atlantabike, atltrafficsux, aussie_nyc, awyman, bangping, beagledance, bheansidhe, blistex, blueinatl, blueingenue, bmwclub, borednow77, boredoftherings, bowlers, bpjohnson, brdgt, bubbleheadnut, charleseb, cheap_thoughts, chelliebellie27, christine9600, ciani, counselortroi, coversongs, curvedmetal, dahliamoon, dark_blade, davidmcd, dean4america, dean_in_2004, defeat_bush, delirium9, dil3mma, djtig3rlily, doggbreath, dramama, dustyfedora, eminor9th, ewokia, extra_bland, eyezofbabyblue, faekitty, felisdemens, filteredwater, footsandwich, froya, frrom, fuschia, geekgrlcal2, geekgrlcalendar, gifgal, gladstone, glenn5, goaticusmaximus, gothtygrr, greenmtnboy, greenwavedave, harpseal, helzerr, heyitsheather, holme, housespinner, howard_dean, humane_friends, igormud, ihate_billgates, ijk, irana, iveyb, janietrain, jennae, jerel, johnkerry04, jucifer, kellinator, kickadee, kimisutra, kingjohn2nd, kires, kittenz, kittypix, koehler, kungfoogirl, late80searly90s, laughingirl, laurel714, liberal_bias, liberal_south, libidoergosum, littlepaleangel, lj_nifty, ljatlanta, ljdemocrats, ljgourmet, ljover30, lost_in_america, lovebuzzharmony, lunatik, lylithx, lyssabard, margarita_fri, mariclair, maryk215, megthraeryn, meinreallife, melissajenny, mermaidblue, mightyafrodite, missbiscuit, misskitten77, modern_ebriety, mokitty, monalisaovrdryv, mr_death, n3m3sis42, nikkish, nuala, ocala, ohkatiebland, onceiwascool, origami_club, paidmembers, pandora7, partyatvernards, pdx42, peopleofatlanta, photo_a_day, pick_l, piskie, pixidrizzl, princesslizabet, printemps, randomtrivia, raptorgirl, ravenswing90, reprobayt, rikki5050, rosefireopal, runningnak3d, ryokan, sanityescapesme, scienceiscool, sempereadem, serendipitymet, shadesong, shawnachristie, shutupjosh, sibylla, sir_alf, sirinek, sistermaryeris, slaashwun, sleepypawn, soleilatl, somagordon, spammyy, springdew, squeakbunny, steppenwolf223, sunyata__, swift_fox, tbrents, thatpr0nguy, the_underpriest, thebeezknees, thegray, thegreyman, thehoss, thorax86, tiger66466, trendywendy, triest, tritia, tulaneu, turtlesmartie, twc_aficionados, tygerlilly, tyzephyr, unixadmin, upperclass_auto, urbanwheelbarro, vbreb2k, velvetbat, venufan, vernard, vertamae, vidicon, waturbaybee, wesley_clark, what_a_crock, wheres_george, whiskeysoured, willworkfordean, witchie_poo, without_thought, xsyntrik, yendi, yossefk, yourtoy, yummyfood, za_beta_test, zephyrsea, zerbie, zipper
Friend of:169: 10dimensions, albumlady, alexmizell, alfabettezoupe, alison_says, alladinsane, amolasses, angelbeloved, angelsaim, anne_jumps, anneball, apers, arianrhode, artmomz, ashlupa, aussie_nyc, awyman, bangping, beagledance, bheansidhe, blistex, blueinatl, blueingenue, borednow77, bpjohnson, brdgt, bubbleheadnut, charleseb, cheap_thoughts, chelliebellie27, christine9600, ciani, counselortroi, curvedmetal, dahliamoon, dark_blade, delirium9, dil3mma, djtig3rlily, doggbreath, dramama, dustyfedora, eminor9th, ewokia, extra_bland, eyezofbabyblue, faekitty, felisdemens, filteredwater, footsandwich, froya, frrom, fuschia, gifgal, gladstone, glenn5, goaticusmaximus, gothtygrr, greenwavedave, harpseal, helzerr, heyitsheather, holme, housespinner, ihate_billgates, ijk, irana, iveyb, janietrain, jennae, jerel, jucifer, kellinator, kickadee, kimisutra, kingjohn2nd, kires, kittenz, koehler, kungfoogirl, laughingirl, laurel714, libidoergosum, littlepaleangel, lost_in_america, lovebuzzharmony, lunatik, lylithx, lyssabard, mariclair, maryk215, megthraeryn, meinreallife, melissajenny, mermaidblue, mightyafrodite, missbiscuit, misskitten77, mokitty, monalisaovrdryv, mr_death, n3m3sis42, nikkish, nuala, ohkatiebland, onceiwascool, pandora7, pdx42, pick_l, piskie, pixidrizzl, princesslizabet, printemps, raptorgirl, ravenswing90, reprobayt, rosefireopal, runningnak3d, ryokan, sanityescapesme, sempereadem, serendipitymet, shadesong, shawnachristie, shutupjosh, sibylla, sir_alf, sirinek, sistermaryeris, sleepypawn, soleilatl, somagordon, springdew, squeakbunny, steppenwolf223, sunyata__, swift_fox, tbrents, thatpr0nguy, the_underpriest, thebeezknees, thegray, thegreyman, thehoss, thorax86, tiger66466, trendywendy, triest, tritia, turtlesmartie, ...
Member of:45: 80s_music, atlanta, atlanta_eats, atlantabike, atltrafficsux, bmwclub, boredoftherings, bowlers, coversongs, dean4america, dean_in_2004, defeat_bush, geekgrlcal2, geekgrlcalendar, howard_dean, humane_friends, igormud, johnkerry04, kittypix, late80searly90s, liberal_bias, liberal_south, lj_nifty, ljatlanta, ljdemocrats, ljgourmet, ljover30, margarita_fri, modern_ebriety, ocala, origami_club, paidmembers, partyatvernards, peopleofatlanta, randomtrivia, tulaneu, twc_aficionados, unixadmin, upperclass_auto, wesley_clark, what_a_crock, wheres_george, willworkfordean, yummyfood, za_beta_test
Account type:Paid Account

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