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User: [info]donaldson
Name: J. Donaldson
Back February 2004
donaldson's ramblings
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Welcome to Coeds Need Cash,
a true reality site featuring real college girls
giving pussies for cash.

I've joked before about selling my extra kidney for cash, but this is fucking ridiculous.

Current Mood: bored

More Final Fantasy!
Your life in a Final Fantasy game by Neko_Kaolla
Character Name
Hair/Eye ColorBlond(e)/Swirrled Green (You're an Al Bhed!)
Role in PartyStrong, silent one
TypeGunner/Item shooter/etc.
In Game LoverLulu
Created with quill18's MemeGen 2.0!
Fear the new icon.

Current Mood: amused

I've recieved my order of 24 military issue Meals Ready to Eat (MREs). They don't appear to be the full deal, only consisting of the entree, but no big whoop. Just in time too. A report to follow.

Current Mood: hungry

Nothing Important...
Ah, what a beast that's been unleashed. I'll try and make this quick, as according to some people thus far, I've got some puppies to kick and some nuns to rob. Let's talk about that post one more time. The standard disclaimer lies here, you like it, that's great. You don't like it, that's great too. Most of this is derived from from several, several posts and replies, all tied up into one package, one persons more then others, but since a lot of the points are still the same, I call this a general reply.

1) Let's just start by using an old saying: "You know what happens when you 'assume', you make an ass of u and me."

2) People seem to be going under the assumption that because I don't like something, I haven't given any effort in the least to understanding it. It's just there and like the Common North American Redneck, I just choose to shut my eyes and scream "That's wrong, y'all! Hyuck." I have given things serious thought, run the cycle through my head more then once and decide if I may or may not care for it. Which leads me to a same or similar point, which is being closed minded. I've been accused of a lot of things in my time, but this is a new one to me. I actually got a swing taken at me in high school because I berated someone for them using the word 'Jew' as an insult. I tend to take everything with a big ass grain of salt before I go 'Hey, that's fucked up'. I'm enjoying a heapin' helpin' of delicious irony in some of the replies, being accused of being close minded because I don't accept or understand a certain concept. Or better yet, after much consideration on one of the concepts and I just can't reach a conclusion everyone agrees with, I'm still close minded,despite this being very closed minded. Yummy.

3) Also, go back and look again. Read it carefully. The only person specific is the one that I mentioned leaning up against me. Even then, I was still somewhat non-specific. I recall now the name, but I'm not mentioning it. Never will. And I also want you to go back and quote me a line that states, where I say specifically, that everyone involved in the furry fandom are as the points I described. I reflect mostly on things that have been presented to me by certain elements about, to which I can come up with no other reaction then "Okay, dude, chill out."

4) I also don't expect to be catered to anything, that is, not until I've completed my ninja like stealth conquering of all of North America. I don't expect the entire world to bend around me. Do something about it? I am, that's what you see in this journal. But at the same time, I don't care for the "If you don't like it, get out" attitude. I've seen a lot of people bend and break to this perspective, but as bullheaded as I am, I just can see that. This would be akin to me moving from my current place of residence if they, say, banned having a television. I can either move, tolerate it or do something about it. I'm not moving. I'm not going to tolerate it because I like TV. So what's left?

5) And YES, fucking with people's heads. Yeah, I'm for it. People need their day shaken up now and then. Everyone's too uptight about life and everything and needs a little 'what the hell was that?' moment now and again. The whole squicking the mundanes thing is never, ever done with any kind of style or grace and ends up being childish and retarded. Using ideas that have been presented to me: Go to your local mall and pick a store and ask them at high volumes if they're open on Thursday, then leave. Go onto a busy highway median and get a tan. Speak to someone and randomly stop, but keep moving your mouth like you are saying something still. Ride a skateboard down Wacker Drive while wearing a business suit. Report to work one day dressed like a pimp. Style.

6) I regret nothing.
Nothing in particular brings this post about. It's something I've been writing for a few days now. It's not a vent or anything, though it sounds like it, it's just a statement. I'm cool, yo.

Donaldson's Furry Manifesto )

Current Mood: calm

Another Fark
Another Fark here.


Just entered a Fark photoshopping.

Here's the original.

Here's mine.

Current Mood: bored

Friday Five
At this moment, what is your favorite...
1. ...song? Poets of the Fall - Late Goodbye

2. ...food? Food, yes.

3. ...tv show? Mail Call

4. ...scent? Smokies

5. ...quote? "Don't do anything by half. If you love someone, love them with all your soul. When you go to work, work your ass off. When you hate someone, hate them until it hurts." -Henry Rollins

Current Mood: blah

I dunno..
Stupid computer image thing. made a few textures and this came to mind.

"Bleeding Heart." Or something.

Current Mood: bored

"Marfy, Marfy! You know wha' this means?! We haves to go back! Back to DA FUTURE!"

Current Mood: bored

Just chillin'. Not much going on in the passed few days. On the upsides, my head's been relatively quiet, more aching then anything, more of a static when I hear things. I'm going to get my insurance in order then see a doctor about it. That is if I can find my papers, which appear to be lost again.

Been playing a lot of Gunbound lately. Spiffy. Like Scorched Earth and Worms and stuff.

Looks at apartments on line last night. Found some interesting places I should follow up on.

Not much else.


Current Mood: calm

Flight Sim enquiry raises terror alert.

Beware of strangers carrying books, warns FBI

Al Queda wins. Flawless victory.

Current Mood: outraged

Another post.. and another music track
New track from DJ Grand Wang: Dude! What's Up?

Download it here.

Length: 4' 46"
File Size: 4.3 megs

Current Mood: creative

Stolen from Unigal
For this quiz, use any video game, past, or present.

1) Feeling today:
Metal Slug

2) My friends:
Medal of Honor

3) My job:

4) My social life:
Quake III: Team Arena

5) My love life:
Einhander XD

Current Mood: bored

What kind of Final Fantasy Character would I be? by TheBlueParadox
Your Name/Handle
Your Hair StyleRed in a Long Ponytail
Your Clothing StyleTight Clothing/Primary Colors
Your Weapon of ChoiceMachine Gun
Your MissionTo Find the Four Crystals.
Your Role in the FantasyThe Hero"Victory is the key!"
Created with quill18's MemeGen!

Current Mood: bored

Phone Post
224K 1:01
(Help)(no transcription available)
Update on my Brain
Thanks to everyone who took the time out to talk to me. The general thought seems to be 'stress'. I'd really like to think that too. I'm hoping that's all that it is. I heard the noise constantly throughout yesterday, even after rest. Though it had died down significantly. I actually had to concentrate to hear it.

But what worries me is the whole idea that it's not stress. Work has been hard. Work has been stressful. Work has been exhausting. Home life is frustrating. But now, the noise has died. I can't hear it at all. It's gone for the moment. It's maybe a suggestion on a subconscious level, but of what, I don't know. I still feel a prodding around my brain, like someone's actually physically poking it with a stick, but I think that's my exhaustion.

I just got insurance information in the mail yesterday. I want to get it all straightened out, then I'm seeing a shrink.

But we'll see how some days off go.

Current Mood: exhausted

I run the risk of disciplinary action at work, but I need a break. I need to write. I'm sitting in the computer room, things running retarded in my head. I'm compelled to write about what's going on. It's starting to scare me. Honest to god, it's starting to scare me.

Is there such a thing as an emergency room for psychology?

I'm actually being serious here.

I think there's something wrong with my head.

I hear things. I feel things. Things that just aren't there.

I distinctly heard my cell phone ringing not ten minutes ago. But my phone is sitting at home on my shelf. I hear people talking. Non specific murmurings. An occasional horrified scream. But it's all muted. Like having cotton in your ears. It almost makes me think that I'm being haunted by something. I hear a train right now, rumbling ny, the whistle blowing like a fog horn. I'm all alone here. There's no music playing. But there is. I can hear it, clear as day. Sounds like eighties music.

I've had this same experience before in my life. Some of you, the ones who should know, know why and when. But this experience lacks the pleasentness that went along with those. It's just here. No rhyme or reason, bouncing around in my skull. It feels like an ant farm has been built inside my brain. I can hear them walking. Something claws at the back of my eyes.

This isn't sleep dep. I know what sleep dep is like. This isn't it. I'm not particularly tired. I'm just here.

Making a confession, I've had this happen to me before, but not as previously mentioned, as I mention it now: Out of no where. Intense. Terrifying. But this time it's different. It's a lot louder and I'm having trouble concentrating as I can't ignore it.

Maybe I am going insane, like I thought I was.

Current Mood: scared

Stupid shit suddenly creeping up. I think I can handle it though.

I'm reminded suddenly of something I've been wanting to post for a long time which makes me want to light fire to school busses and drive them into gas stations. More then usual, I mean.

I frequently take I94 on my way to work. It's a bit faster, but I have to contend with the "WELCOME TO ILLINOIS, GIVE US MONEY, YOU WORTHLESS FUCK" toll booths. Seventy-five cents a pop. It ain't too cheap on a regular basis. But, I saw something at the toll booths that made me quite agitated. Advertising. Yes, advertising. Not only are they charging you nearly a buck to get across the border, they subject you to advertising from Mobile, right there on the toll gate. "Thanks for your hard earned money, which is too much in the first place, now here, consume, buy gasoline, eat a shit sandwich from Mobile!" I'm getting tired of this. Tired, tired, tired.

What the fuck is going on people? I wouldn't mind the ad being there, if the toll rate actually went down, but they're still charging an arm and a leg and kicking you in the teeth with advertising. Not only that, there's still talks of raising toll prices even futher. I don't even live in Illinois anymore and this pisses me off.

Current Mood: aggravated

Kinko's is being bought/has been bought by FedEx. What's this mean to me? Probably nothing.

I did do some research into the company that formerly owned Kinko's, Clayton, Dubilier & Rice. Strange, I feel sad to see them go, as they seem to also have major dealings in gun manifacturing company, Remington Arms.

Current Mood: Doom!

Jeff Continues to Rule
Back story: I did a story a couple years ago called The Long Road. A tale of a mercenary for hire, a damsel in not so distress, cover ups and conspiracy. It was completed in about 1998 and I had plans to redo the comic along with the prequel. The redo of the story was to be titled The Long Road: Reloaded. And the prequel was to be The Long Road: Revolution. Then about a year and a half later, The Matrix sequels were announced, named Reloaded and Revolutions.

****AIM Log****

wobblydiablo: Yo Homeslizzle. I just watched XMEN2, and am watching Matrix 2. Matrix 2 is a thousand times better then it was after I watched number 3, and I like number 2 fine when I saw it the first time and third and fourth. And you did show me a LongRoad Reloaded picture a while ago. I say Sue.

AngryRaccoon99: Bitches

AngryRaccoon99: http://www.angryraccoonstudios.com/misc/Revolution-c.JPG

AngryRaccoon99: May 17th, 2000

wobblydiablo: fuckers.

wobblydiablo: Allthough I think Laurnce Fishburne should play Hutch, and Carrie Ann Moss should play with my dong.

AngryRaccoon99: Ahahahahahahahahahaha

Current Mood: artistic

Got Max Payne 2 from Brian. Thanks, bro. Been playing that a lot today. Instead of working on the web page, like I should be. Great game, but a touch on the short side. I started playing at about 11 am and finished the game by about 4 or 5 or so. But there's new, harder modes to contend with. The new Bullet Time kicks some serious ass.

Current Music: Poets of the Fall - Late Goodbye (Max Payne 2 End theme)

Spent X-Mas day at my mom's. Eat a lot, saw my brother, got the Mail Call DVD. Went alright. Not much else aside from that.

Scary moment earlier today. I leave here early to go get my check from work. Pick up Jeff along the way to go to Circuit City and all that shit. Arrive at work and checks are not there... alright, just find something to do for a few hours until FedEx shows up. We go to the McDonald's across the street and chillin the my truck for a bit, heater on, car off and all that.

I go to turn the ignition back on.... clickclickclickclickclickclickclick.. not turning over. Shit. I try a couple more times. Seems sitting there with shit turned on drained the battery a whole lot. We ended up having to wait around for my mom to give the car a jump. Which wasn't working at first. But all became well. Damn it.

Current Mood: blah