Want to meet people in real life from around your area to discuss this interest? Check out the International Tool Fans Meetup Day! (more info)
Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "tool".
500 matches:
- 0rdinary_story - 0rdinary_story
- 10questions - 10 Questions: A Music Game
- 11centsolution - No Assembly Required Fans
- 150interests - Interested People
- 17thdecember - ♥peter and lara♥
- 2muchrock41hand - Hell On [LJ]
- 420_surplus - 420_surplus
- 46_2 - 46 and 2
- 55_tears - 55 tears fell in silence
- 69lovedsongs - 69lovedsongs
- __darkobsession - __Dark|Obsession__
- _afterlettinggo - .:After Letting Go:.
- _drug_scene - _drug_scene
- _eccentrica_ - _ e c c e n t r i c a _
- _im_so_blazed_ - How did I get here... ??
- _intothevoid_ - A image community dedicated to NIN
- _loserkids - _Loserkids
- _lyrically - _lyrically
- _oddlycutie_ - welcome to _oddlycutie_
- _rateme_ - because some people don't suck.
- _remember_when_ - remember when..
- _starfuckers - _starfuckers
- _welove90 - 1990 - 1999
- a_love_4maynard - admirers of maynard james keenan
- a_whoring - Exodus 34:16
- absurdiity - the black holes are heavy
- acidkizz - ~LAGoths Unite ~Club, Concert, Gossip, Event Info~
- adarkersideofnj - Darkened New Jersey
- add_me_freak - Alternative Friends
- admit_italready - Own Up To The Truth Already
- adultthemes - adult themes
- aenima - a e n i m a
- afilamentparson - THE AFP FANS
- agitprop - society's whores
- aisb - Adventures In Suburban Boredom
- alientheory - A safe place for toolfans to play
- alt_forum - Alt Forum
- altrockbands - Alternative Rock Bands
- amenhaters - Amenlover Haters
- anti_emo_image - Breaking the Emo Stereotype
- anticonanobrien - Your Stalker
- apanon - Apathetics Anonymous
- areyousober - Lucy Furr
- arthousers - Arthouser
- asbelowsoabove - lateralus
- ashen_elysian - Omnipotent
- asyouwishrock - ...As.You.Wish...Rock.+.Roll...
- atrophiedhearts - Morbid Faith
- audibleodyssey - Audible Odyssey
- azunderground - Arizona Underground
- band_nerds - band nerds unite!
- bellflower_ca - Hellflower
- betterthenyou - Betterthenyou
- beyondtheskin - beyondtheskin
- biased_review - biased_review
- bitch_n_moan - Rant n' Rave Bitch Pit
- black_duct_tape - HOLY JESUS BLACK DUCT TAPE!
- bowdown_to_kevn - kevn worship
- brandt_cooley - brandt cooley
- breathe_right - Coulda been a better plan
- brokensouls - sunshine, flowers and everything that sucks
- bunglearmy - ma meeshka mow skwoz
- bydivinewrite - the Celtic Cross Collective
- camp_emo - camp_emo
- carried_by_six - Carried By Six
- cd_sale - cd_sale
- chalkwritings - the chalk writings of autum leaves
- chas3rs_world - Chase's World
- chemical_valley - Adventures in redneck hell.
- chew_toy_hearts - ×Chew Toy Hearts×
- chicks138 - babes
- chronic_boredom - Boredom
- cinciofthedamnd - nothing better to do
- cinematicverses - the dope fiend splashes gash like a nailbomb
- circlejerk - Circle Jerk
- cirquedunoir - We'll Hurt You
- classicrock - Classic Rock
- closetgoths - closet goths
- coachella - Coachella Music Festival
- coal_chamber - Countdown to Destruction
- coffeegroup - Eta Beta Pi
- coffeeshopblues - The Backroom
- cold_glam - cold_glam
- coletta - Coletta
- colorofclarity - A band called Clarity
- commoneffect - common effect rocks
- communitiessuck - Communities Suck
- concert_review - Concert Review
- crazy_trip - Johnny & Michelle
- criticscorner - Critics' Corner
- cult_of_wenis - wenis
- cuntspam - CuntSpam
- cutandburn - cut and burn
- cyberpunkradio - The Lords of Music
- d0wnloadwh0re - d o w n l o a d w h o r e s
- dallasgoths - Dallas Goths
- damnimbored - Empty Spiral
- damnyouheysteve - damnyouheysteve
- dannycarey - Danny Carey Fans
- dark_artt - Dark Artt
- darknesslegion - The Dark and Demented
- deadlypassion - A Deadly Passion Claim Cummunitie
- deadlyverse - Deadly Verse
- death_to_mtv - MTV is a corporate whore
- dementedvampire - Something to sink your fangs into ...
- desired_enemy - Desired Enemy
- devianc3 - devianc3
- deviantbeauty - .x.Deviant Beauty.x.
- digitalpills - digitial
- disectingghosts - ¡ATENCIÓN!
- dishabille - Anhedonia
- disturbingminds - psychoTIC childERN
- do_not_disturb - DND - Do Not Disturb
- downloadable - d.o.w.l.o.a.d.a.b.l.e
- downloadables - The Downloading Community
- dream_visions - Art & Words inspired by the Dreamworld
- drugdialogue - Alex Carbon
- eclecticax - *EcLeCTiCaX*
- edgar_society - The Edinburgh goth & rock society
- empty_arms - empty | arms
- empty_thoughts - lost minds
- eoh - we represent the EB crew, EveryBody
- eroticnightmare - Strange
- esitu - Electromagnetic Spectrum In The Ultraviolet
- esoterictool - Esoteric Tool
- evadreamdigital - A place for lost thoughts
- exquisitesouls - exquisitesouls
- f81 - Factory 81 Fans
- f_a_t_l_y - Fans Against Teenies Like You
- fashion_bomb - fashion_bomb
- fetus_fans - The Fetus Community
- fishmongers - Mongarar of Fish
- forsaken_unit - Forsaken Unit
- forumzers - @Forumzers
- frigginweirdos - Friggin Weirdos
- funcore - FUNxCORE
- gayboi - GayBoi's
- giving_in - to the edge again
- glassjaw_net - Glassjaw Lj Community
- godisinthetv - g0d is in the tv.
- goth_asheville - Gothic Asheville Community
- gothic_art - marie
- gothireland - Goth Ireland
- graveyrdsnlolli - Graveyards 'N' Lolliepopz
- greggys_ass - it all comes down to greggy
- grungeireland - FOR LOVERS OF PROPER MUSIC!
- haleyites - Paige Haley Is God - *Official* Community
- hall_of_shame - Hall Of Shame
- halo0 - LJ NIN Community
- hard_rock_grrls - Hard Rock Girls
- hardcore_murder - hardcore_murder
- hardfuckingcore - MuSic ThAt KiCks YouR AsS
- heartcarter - I heart carter
- hobart_people - ?h? b???d p??pl? ?? h?b???
- holy_triptych - holy_triptych
- hopefulromance - ~~~evryone who has felt true love~~~
- houstonmetal - When Hope Fails.
- i_heart_tacoma - we're in love, right?
- i_vomit_rainbow - LoCaL ShOw JuNkIeS
- icdedppl - i see dead people
- iconsofhellview - iconsofhellview
- ihatehaiku - i hate haiku
- im_addicted - The Addiction community
- im_so_indie - Elitist Ass
- imperfectedncrl - Imperfection Perfected Community
- imyoursafebet - broken hearted losers
- in_retrograde - in_retrograde
- indieemo - IndieEmo
- inform_katie - The Organization to Keep Katie Better Informed
- jack_sabbath - Jack_Sabbath
- jameshkeenan - Anyone who loves MJK!
- jamesmaynard - sweet revelation
- jellojesus - Torpedoe Titties
- jjj - Triple J
- joelnjess - our journal
- just_music - just_music
- justaheadofme - *46AND2*
- kelleys_homies - Homies of KellEy
- khaos_theory - §Digital Blasphemy§
- knotlinear - knot([lin<e]ar>)
- kzim - DJ Gir
- lalalaloincloth - lalalaloincloth
- lasciviolent - :llusion
- last_falling - Last Falling
- le_fuzz - the fuzz
- le_tired - There's nothing original about originality anymore
- lesbinepanties - ...and you will know us by the trail of peeps
- lets_talk_rawk - Let's Talk Rawk
- lie_fans - Fans of Eli & his Sexcellent Friends
- life_or_death - Life or Death?
- limpwrist_mafia - limpwrist_mafia
- lines_r_open - Welcome
- literatejackson - Literate Jacksonians (and Quasi-Jacksonians)
- ljrandomness - A community about random stuff
- lost_n_euphoria - Tool/ NIN icons.... and more
- lotusexperience - grave reverence
- loud - LOUD!
- loudandhardcore - LOUD&HARDcore
- loudmusicfreak - loUd MusIc FanATic
- lovely_freaks - Delicious Freaks
- lovexohate - + [L]o.v e xO h/at.[e] .
- lp_dedicated - Dedicated to Linkin Park
- lyric_xchange - Lyric XChange
- lyrical_photos - Lyrical Images
- lyricalgraphics - lyricalgraphics
- lyricised - lyricised
- lyricjunkie - sweet, sweet lyrics
- lyrikattak - Lÿriĸα/Ąttaĸ
- m_f_r - XOrenZOcaHtHOzX
- makinmehappy - Things That make us happy
- maynards_tits - maynard's big and rounds
- maynardsworld - Magdalena
- mer_de_noms - A Perfect Circle Community
- meriluvsbribri - Meri & BriBri
- messengershot - Shot Down
- metal_alliance - We Are MeTaL
- metal_heads - Metal Lovers
- metal_inc - \m/ METAL \m/
- metal_kittenz - Chix that Rock
- metal_sludge - metal_sludge
- millencolinrock - Chiquita Chaser
- mistresses_r_us - Mistresses 'R Us
- mumbling_trio - The mumbling trio and friends
- murdercrows - A Murder of Crows
- mushy - Mushy
- music2mosh2 - Music 2 Mosh 2
- music_debate - Debate don't playa hate
- music_passion - [..`a passion for all things music`..]
- musicfanatics - .music
- musiclandfill - Mtv makes me want to smoke Crack
- musiclust - Music Lust
- musicobsession - Music Fanatics
- musicrawks - yer mom
- musicsluts - Music Sluts
- musicwhores - The Music Whores
- must_be_rock - ::Must Be Rock::
- mwcggbumhhwlsse - MWCGGBUMHHWLSSE Community!
- myisolatedstars - GrOmit
- nadja_fan - Nadja_Fan
- narmusic - ***No Assembly Required***
- nerd_haven - Nerd Haven
- new_pollution - maybe someday
- newdeity - experimentalism as a medium for change
- newmusic_ - The New Music Community
- ninchat - #en.nin
- nine_inch_nails - just like you imagined
- ninja_mafia - ninja_mafia
- nj_goths - New Jersey Goths
- no_murder - Is it a mistake? You set me up
- noandroid - coke babies
- nonuglypeople - nonuglypeople
- north_county - North_County
- nosinfernalis - We, Infernal
- not_too_young - if you can fuck i can fuck
- nottheonlyones - Kentucky Rejects
- nowherekids - ★ ♪ Smile Empty Soul ♬ ★
- noxwhore - NOxWHORE-fe-life
- numetal_ru - numetal_ru
- october1st - 1st
- oddballs - oddballs
- one_or_ten - see you auntie
- onewingedangels - one winged angels.
- onthewall - Writen on the Bathroom Wall
- onumik - closed.
- paintbynumbers - pAInt yOUr sElf EstEEm by nUmbErs
- partthoselips - HOT BITCHES, SKANK HO'S...YA HEARD? WORD.
- pen_pals_inc - pen_pals_inc
- peopleofthesun - People.Of.The.Sun
- perfect_0 - perfect_0
- perfecthell - brokenxhearts
- peter_sotos - peter_sotos
- phantasmacy - phantasmacy
- pierced_sluts - Pierce me, Bitch
- pistissophia - pistissophia
- play_my_song - sharing music and meaning
- postedoval - Posted Oval
- princezzjen - Let boredom rain free
- prisonerscinema - Prisoner's Cinema
- private_tune - My Private Tune
- prodigy_classic - Prodigy Classic
- progrock - Progressive Rock Community
- projectathens - Project: Athens
- psycho_corner - psycho_corner
- pukedthedayaway - Hear Me Now
- punkermuffins - punkermuffins
- punkheads - *~*PUNKZ*~*
- punkrawkgrrls - Punk Rawk Grrls
- punkrockaust - A Place For all Aussies Into Punk
- punkybroodster - Amber
- puremetalmusic - puremetalmusic
- pussy_all_night - The Awesome Community
- pussy_palace - the pussy palace
- pyrolixious - pyrolixious
- quitsmokinghelp - Support from your fellow LJsters
- quotez - the quote community
- r0ckers - _.+?r0cker
- ragingspeedhorn - Raging Speedhorn
- ramet - Ramet
- random_square - random_square
- randomnation - randomnation
- randomnessage - Randomnessage
- randomosity - a place for randomness
- rants_ - rants_
- raveanddave - Raven and Dave
- real_sdmusic - REAL Good Local Tunes
- reevolution - Personal And Societal Recreation
- reggieloveseggs - Reggie Loves Eggs
- retardsammich - retardsammich
- rev_maynard - rev_maynard
- rhcommunity - the thieves
- ridethespiral - RideTheSpiral
- rocklyrics - Lyrics Of Rock, Metal, Indie and Punk
- rocknmetal - ROCK/METAL
- romantic_warren - Warren
- savesthemoooo - Emo RENTHeads
- scaryminds - Scary Minds
- sea_of_names - Our not-so-perfect circle
- seattlebands - seattlebands
- sectforum - Sect Forum
- sevendust_fans - Live Again
- severed_stars - Blame the Stars
- sexy_goth_bois - Sexy Goth Bois
- shastaroman - Stoopid
- she_rah - Poetry
- shsukids - shsu kids
- silenceiseasy - silence is easy
- sinisstar - Sinisstar
- snail_mail_pals - Best Palz
- songs_hurt - Songs Hurt
- songsinmyhead - Something Lyric-y
- soulabortion - Vampire-Related Graphics.
- soulvacancy - All those disconcerned
- sp00kykids - SpookCity
- spacesongs - space songs
- squeedle - we're all asquee!
- steevssongofday - Stephen's Song of the Day
- steriogram_kids - steriogram_kids
- stratacommunity - Strata Community
- strictlytool - Tool
- stuckinplay - Stuck in Play
- sufferingexists - living is sorrow
- sugarwh0re - xXx Sugar Whores xXx
- suicidealliance - a place to excape
- t00l - See my shadow changing....
- tampa_gothic - Tampa Gothic
- tapewormproject - The Tapeworm Project
- tempest_00 - azura
- templeofrock - Temple Of Rock
- testeagles - testeagles
- texas_lawnchair - Don't Mess With Texas
- the_afterparty - you're either in or left at the venue
- the_bazaar - The Bazaar
- the_boredome - the_boredome
- the_burow - the burrow
- the_cellar_d00r - Welcome To the Cellar
- the_hate - The Hate
- the_nightbreed - Midian
- the_oddities - the_oddities
- the_reckoning - All the lonely people....
- the_rock_shop - The Rock Shop
- the_strange - the strange
- the_twisted - As Twisted As We Want To Be
- the_uncool_club - You Might Be a Part of It Sooner or Later
- theclovenpine - The Cloven Pine
- thecure - C U R E
- thelegacyvirus - thelegacyvirus
- thenewteam - The New Team
- thenobodies - The Nobodies
- thepityparty - The Pity Party
- theresnotomorrw - Last Dance Before An Execution
- thetragic - The Tragic
- thinkoutloud - make more sounds
- threedayweekend - three day weekend
- tongueofcolicab - wes borland fans
- too_opinionated - choose a label
- tool_ - #tool
- tool_lateralus - The Tool / A Perfect Circle Community
- toolarmy - Tool
- toolband_ru - toolband_ru
- tooldissection - Consideratly Killing Me
- toolfanadam - Adam Jones
- toolgathering - toolgathering
- towishuponastar - ToWishUponAStar
- traumahounds - deepdowntraumahounds
- trent_is_a_god - A community to worship Trent reznor
- tribe_mke - TRIBE_MKE
- tricky_kid - TRICKY COMMUNITY
- trovenious - Trovenious
- trustyliarsclub - Why We Do What We Do
- tuteheads - Heather&Jon
- twipshiz - twipshiz
- twisted_reality - Twisted Reality
- ultimate_freaks - Where the freaks can be loved...
- unique_you - unique_you
- unknown_mistery - unknown
- urbanprincesses - ::...Urban Princesses....::
- vanity_skanks - ______vanity
- verysadgirl - the girl come undone
- vexd_cantsmile - What It Is To Be Both Vexd and Red
- videos - Holy Vampire
- vodevil666 - Ambient
- voodoo_specter - voodoo_specter
- we_like_you - soma
- web_of_tzadikry - web_of_tzadikry
- weheartdowney - <III
- weirdisgood - Weird Is Good
- weloveannonymos - We Love Annonymos!
- whatwasthatsong - What Was That Song?
- whileitrains - Art In the Rain
- whos_that_band - fifteen minutes of fame
- wicca69 - wicca69
- willuminati - Fans of Phoenixwings
- wither_blister - Stabbies
- wltownies - if you have nothing better to do
- worshipmaynard - Maynard's Children
- wounded_4_life - wounded_4_life
- woundeddingo - wounded dingo announcements
- woven_music - Woven_Music
- wristsare4girls - Wrists Are For Girls
- write_club - Write_Club
- wycked_7 - Wycked
- xcandyxcuntsx - x Candy x Cunts x
- xerotolerance - A-Ok Kids
- xfullcollapse - .T.H.U.R.S.D.A.Y.
- xnxyxcx - NEW YORK SCENE
- xratemex - xratemex
- xxemogrrrlxx - Skating a pirouette on ice is cool
- xxfebruaryscars - ....Self ExPrEsSiOn...feel it.
- yellowratbastid - open notebook
- yourmorningstar - Pierce Your Heart with Love's Needle
- youwishyouwish - Jesus Hates The Meek
- ziggycomics - Ziggy
Interested users
The following users are interested in tool. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
500 matches:
- 101100101101001 - Ben
- 14hoursahead - 14hoursahead
- 1dandelion4you - .my dandelion.
- 4letterwords - love & hate
- abstractform - Daniel
- acidkiss - merrique
- acidmoon - acidmoon
- aenimion - SPC dAn
- aerolyn1 - May 29th, 1583
- aeronfae - the King of all the Beautiful Monsters
- aestetrix - future kitsch [a.k.a. tallkid]
- akito - Dirty Mess of Grime
- alexp - Alex Pennace
- alice_mix - i n h a l e
- alicewonderland - alicewonderland
- altar - Altar
- ameigirl - ☆@MEiGirL™
- amnion - WoBbLy-HeAdeD BoSkiTo
- anabelle - the queen of california
- anathama - a violet fluid
- andy856 - *Andy*
- angelina - fond but not in love
- angelvomit - Kelly
- angpang - Angela
- annamossity - Anna Mossity
- annelei - Annelei
- antigrammar - Toys'R'Us Kid
- aperfectincubus - Rin
- aquemini - tau
- archaeopteryx - Amanda
- asisani - Kat
- asterick - asterick
- astrocreep - Joey Kerstanoff
- asuka - Shar
- audiox - Audio X : the digital kid
- auryn - JyL
- axlrosechick - Well, Fuck.
- babskewl33 - Abbey
- bacos - 'nny
- badlydrawnchaos - kiss me with the lisp of your shrapnel caress
- baggy - sunny side up
- bake - Bake
- balistikspaz - .?:rAwk kiTteN:
- baphometmoon - Dr. Death
- beetlebailey - Blake Bailey
- behindthegrey - --<in love with dying>--
- belve - Belve Marnik
- benna - benna
- bettie - *Unweighted down by passion or intensity*
- biglizrd - That Crazy Fucking White Boy In Tijuana
- bing - Bing
- binitza - Vorticose
- bkb9206 - Ben Baron
- blackspiral - blackspiral
- blasphemy - Blasphemy
- blindedbeauty - Magdalena
- blindings - The Fantasizing Realist
- bludroses - amber
- bluejacket - Ben
- blueskiesfail - Holly
- br0k3n - soma
- brokn2pieces - Queer As FUCK
- btrfly105 - Alexandria
- bubbajake - fhqwhgads
- bukko51 - himay
- buttercupp - Buttercupp
- butterfly666 - *Glitter*Grrl*
- captaintemerity - Captain Temerity
- carley - the bee. you know, from nature?
- cary - cary
- cas - Celestial demon
- cat - Cat
- cato - cato
- caustic_x - Caustic
- cayleighann - cayleighann
- cdlrosa - dirty numb angel boy
- cheesybastard - brian
- cherubrocker - iron willed fuck up
- chewysalamander - Jesse Mays
- chizad - familiar...and overwhelmingly warm...
- chrispina - mmmmm water
- claudia - Teddah.
- cleanlikegod - the test pattern of my consciousness
- cloud696 - sOuthen girl
- cmdr_pooky - Cmdr_Pooky
- crackslut - I no longer reside here goto iworshipsatin
- craqueroques - carcinogen
- creamofevilsoup - Gr4v3 L12
- criesofcarrots - T
- crimsongarnet - Crimsongarnet
- cru - Chris
- crucialseven - matto
- cybrsissie - Nico
- cyruskhan - joe
- darcyzero - Mayfair Mistress of the Satellites
- darkangel - Der Kailmeister
- darkladyofnight - Live Jennie
- darksyde - Jawsheh
- darkzine - Jeanette
- davethebrave - Dave the Brave
- david - God
- deborah_foreman - Deborah Foreman
- deek - Event Organizer
- deftscythe - Count Rockula
- dehlatem - dehlateM
- demonickittie69 - UnSweetened
- demonlover333 - Demonchylde
- desmahere - ~Desma~
- destroika - paniek
- destroll - That 1 Guy
- deviation - Hate as pure as sunshine
- diablodavid007 - Disappearances can be deceiving
- dick - velvet rainbows & opalescence
- dissolvedego - Legion
- dizzy_d_ranged - DiZzY D. RanGeD
- dorisp - Dorkis
- duckula - Monkey stuff
- dulcinea - Erin Kelly
- duo - Duo
- dupin - Jay
- effigy - Octavious
- eggroll - The Bovine Formerly Known As Moo
- elfbabe - Marissa
- elimnist - Jo3: The Founding Member of 'Team Better Than You'
- ellorastarr - Ellora
- eltoozero - eltoozero
- emberose - jen
- embryo - Tim Fitz
- ericdraven - Eric
- error_203 - Alex
- evilambchop - Jackie O
- evilandy - The AndyChrist
- evolve - take your hand
- f4llen1 - f4llen1
- fakeangel - Trina
- fakeplasticadm - Adam
- fartbag - andy, the walking oxymoron
- fatdoglick - Sarah
- fedallah - Jamie Blondin
- fiendling - Fiendling
- filialuna - Pandora
- fillerbunny - azn to the max
- filth - malice
- flare22 - Sara
- forgottenkara - Goddess of Eternity
- four - Ryan
- freak_ - Bartleby
- freakyme - Crotch Monkey
- frogin8or - Joshua
- frozencake - corinna
- galahad - Loop
- giawitch - GIA)/\(ITCH
- glitrfairygodes - xPunkRawkPixiex
- glitterylimes - Andreaaaa
- glycerine - Glycerine
- gorphdude - Victor
- gorrilagirl - Meg
- gothicdramatica - Lucky 13
- gothixycho - Joe Psycho
- grahams - grahams
- greeenboi - Jeff Molyneux
- grungenut - fuck you
- guru - Guru
- guttergod - Umbilical Death Noogies
- gypsyphish - midian
- halloweenboy - Nexus Spider
- halonin - Fayga
- harlock - Phantom F. Harlock
- hed - Rudi
- herbaljazz - Nathan
- hespera - My Delirium
- highdroponyx - Josh Reitz
- homesickalien - anthony
- homewardbound - Canticle
- housebrownie - Aleister Goodman
- i_dont_know - Evelyn
- iain - Iain C.
- iamaduck - Trasey
- ilovekorn - ...:... i want to make you feel beautiful ...:...
- incubus - mike
- indecisive - Mike
- infernos - Christ Sol, the atomic thunderpuppy
- insides - jd-92kf u.177h/ak
- ironarmoreros - Bleeding Bacchus
- ironman1231 - Mason
- jackfoley - Jack Foley
- jagger - Robert S. Jagger
- jamesonhooves - James
- japanfreak - Bryan
- jax - Jackie
- jayness - born.rise.die
- jeek - Unpa Nasa
- jeepbear - JeepBear
- jenna77 - J
- jessofer - Jess
- jher - jher
- jigsaw666 - Dan
- jillianpie - Squid Grrl
- jimbothefeared - Jimbo the Feared
- jimmy10 - Jimmy10
- jimmyeatworld79 - Girl With Fraying Ends
- jizosh - push out the jive, bring in the love
- jmu - jmu
- jpa3465 - jpa3465
- jska - jska
- juliet37 - Juliet
- just_a_girl - Russa Waters
- kalayamdsn - Michele
- kaleidoscope - poison in a pretty pill
- kannan - twisted and beautiful
- kaoslyon - Lyon's Den
- karren - Moo.
- katheter - Katie
- katie_ah - 陆爽
- katkillad - Dustin Marcum
- kayin - The Nethack Samurai
- kcir - kciR
- kellylev - Kelly
- kidincubus - Joe
- kiss - anamnesis
- kissingnuthing - Jerk butt
- kiten - kiten
- kittypie - Meow
- kmarn - Mongo
- koan - Welcome to Weapon World
- kolibri - One Small Hummingbird (Helicopter-Sized)
- korndawg - Rye-Rye
- krock - Kirsten
- kurushimi - a Disgruntled Idiot
- l0ser - >>>b r a n d o n
- ladyepiphany - Epiphany
- laeos - Laeos
- lalenalefay - Jaime
- lame - Mr. Blue
- langseth327 - Drewness
- leader - Mike Leader
- leah - Leah
- legato - E. Mo
- leporinis - Dann Cianca
- lesslyn - Leslie
- lilhottie019 - *Brian's Baby's MAMA*
- lilu - Lilu
- linewalker - linewalker
- litswd - Somewhat Damaged
- livesidog - mark robinson
- livvyelf - Enfys
- lolir0t666 - ___i eat shit___
- loss4words - i lied, i said it's easy
- lostness - Andrea
- loungeact - life is but a walking shadow
- lozzo - Laurence Paul Balaam
- lsdchick - i'm boring, don't read this
- lucifer - Lucifer
- lunatic - Lilith
- lurgee - :·:
- lynette - Lynette
- m00n - Eric
- machine - Machine
- magdalena - Sarah
- malkav - I Have No Mouth, And I Must Scream
- mandalee - MandaLee :)
- manticore - High Priestess of the Ducks
- markelle - Anti-Christ Snatch
- mattallica - The Chosen One
- meemee - gatita mala
- mekare - un cielo sin lunas plateadas
- melancholic - Melancholic Chickee
- milagros - Anais
- mirva - mirva
- mish - mish
- mitsu - masha
- mommiemilo - Shana Markham
- monde - psychosahedron
- monicanagent - what was
- monkee5150 - michelle
- moonshine - ryan
- moosie - Mr. Mxyzptlk
- moricand - moricand
- moronperdight - Heather
- moteuchi - Brad Rankin
- mr_dark - Mr. Dark
- munche - MunchE
- my_ophelia - Ophelia
- naiveserenity - Somewhat Damaged
- nameless - Nameless
- natrix - natrix
- naygoo - Scott
- necroraven - Necroraven - The Psycho Bytch
- needles - Needles
- nefarious - your favorite distraction
- never_forlorn - Dan
- nexusnrg - We are the ALIENS!
- nick33 - nickbahulaisdead
- nicolechrist - THE... one man cult ...
- no1suckslikeme - =*= ReD hoT RiDinG H00d=*=
- noangelcame - randie
- nonsence - lonly/jester
- noone - king whackit
- northernstar - Sarah Lindsey Woytych
- nozza - Steve
- offshoot - apryl
- ogopogo - Miner at the Dial-a-view
- oki - Oki-1 Kanoki
- oldjournals - crazyslut
- onerag9 - New Year Sunrise
- oojennovaoo - oojennovaoo
- opeth - Opeth
- organizm - *twitch+foam*
- otakunoshi - Lacrimus Eremos
- ovariancyst - Tumor Amygdala: Useless Appendage
- ox0downtown0xo - Chelle
- pabloi77 - been fucked over by every *friend*
- pedram - but like antiobiotics to bacteria, we bite back.
- petstar - Gregory Allen of the Underbrush
- phasoms - Ryan Adams
- pinkmoo - Nicky
- pinksmoke - Christina
- pinky666 - Kari Ann
- pip - pip squeak
- pissygirl - Not So Super Girl
- plasticjesus - If you're feeling trust, then you know who I am...
- plasticlittle - Quintessential Extrovert
- playboychickaro - miss maggie mae
- pmegan - pmegan
- pnutmofo - i hate people
- poison - 18 rabbit
- poisonedkandy - Esoteric
- pokee - Mark Young
- popkornslut - Salomé
- princesskilstar - Tinkerbell
- princessofdoom - +-+broken+-+
- princessstar - ~*Lisa*~
- projectjason - ☆ELEKTROFLESH☆
- psychosarah - golgotha
- psychoticmisfit - Psych0
- puddle - Jewels >;-) winkin' atcha
- punkstar - rachel
- pushed - Push
- rabidbutterfly - Miss Scabtree
- rachel_10101 - Rachel
- rainy - Renee Marie
- ravenx - Sexy T
- relievedgrace - Grace
- reppedroad - Katie
- reznormoon - ReznorMoon
- rhino777 - Chickenhead
- rick - Jessica
- robobrien - Rob O'Brien
- ryos_mistress - Amanda Perry
- sadnessnpeace - brian
- sahrie - simply sarah
- samedarkclouds - Same Dark Clouds
- sameer - Consequences
- saphiremoon - Anjuli
- sarcasm - sarcasm
- sarcazmic - sarcazmic
- sardoniclaugh - Max
- science - Science
- scuba - The Funkmaster of Austin and most of Cambridge
- seaofsin - amanda
- selphie - Violet Teardrop
- selwonk - Ryan Knowles
- sexkitten - 'Nny
- seyruh - Sarah
- shaggy - On his own two feet...
- shajuana - Miss Shawna
- shanno - blah
- shattereddreams - Anxi
- shefell - Mecha-Meg
- shimmergloom - Mozartsmuse
- shouldatethepie - Vestigial Soul
- sicchic - SiC
- siktripp - Dave
- silentsadness - This Moment
- sillycat - Sandy
- silverchair - Kaytea
- silverflame - Jennifer
- silverglitter - Angelfuck
- silverllama - someone
- silveroak - SilverOak
- silverraze - This little masochist
- sk8grlpunk - anah marie
- skatanic_dork13 - eff ya
- smashkin33 - Melissa
- smeed - Smeed
- smellmytoe - Lauren
- smitty99 - Chris
- smurfette1169 - emily
- smurfysmiles - Toothpaste
- snazin - Snazin
- snottytramp - Eliza Day
- soleil - Soleil
- solitary - Jessica
- somatori - everyone else's girl
- sourgirl - she fixes her lips, they always look perfect...
- spacefool - Karf
- sparklegirl - I am not as well adjusted as Emily Gudgel
- spectrsoviolent - trigger
- spiderella - spiderella
- spiritwalker - TheGothSandman
- spookykittie - SpOOkyKiTTie
- spot - tom callaway
- squash - Jº§HÜå
- squirrely - Nick
- star72677 - Jennifer
- starmarie - Erin Marie
- statictool - MaNdErS
- stellarstarchic - Talon Chaos
- stephie - Stephanie
- stupidstarail - Hello my first name is Distance
- sublicon - Geoffrey
- sugar_girl - Every mistake that I make I couldn't have made wit
- suicideking - Cap't Drinky!
- sullen - Scott
- swank - sensible youth chat forum
- sweet_evil - Sweet_Evil
- swompy - Bea Funklips
- syl - jaxx
- sylvester - Sarah
- system610 - System610
- tallon - ~*Lady of Dreams - Miss Raven Libra Vélith*~
- talmanes - Jess Hart
- talula_belle - -Talula_belle- ///---profile
- tampsteve - Captain of the Rocketsledd
- tenaciouse - Tenacious E
- terriblelie - terriblelie
- tetigistus - Daniel
- the_frail - Vash the stampede
- the_horndog - Scott Dills
- thebeerfairy - margherita
- thebluestar98 - death to madness
- thecrazyjoey - Myself
- thedarkside - Heaven Scent
- thedexter - Marcus Kellis: Cutie on Duty
- thepointgal1057 - Lia
- thepuncturedone - J. Vernon Johnson
- thoth - Joshua
- tiagro - Your Favorite Matt
- tingaling - Amar
- toadgirl - Stacy
- tommydiablo - DAU OXENDER
- toriamosnin - Beth
- tormentedfalcon - The Falcon
- toxi - Jacqueline
- tragiclife - tragic
- trippingdaisy - stacia
- truculent - Ruca
- twgyschk - *//* Missa *//*
- twilight - Twilight
- udoswald - Sean
- usagicam - Houkou Usagi
- utopia89 - Lauren
- vampmarius885 - Tory
- verotika - Verotika
- vertigo - Michael Kay
- vexilar - Sailor of Forgotten Waters
- vickster31 - Vixen
- vinylusagi - ~the vinyl usagi~
- violencefetish - Robb
- visionx - David White
- waterlilly - Dances with Housecats
- wickeddeeds - The Mysterious J
- wildkarrdex - Rockets Fall On Rocket Falls
- wuxiapian - schmollen
- x_stephanie_x - x_stephanie_x
- xbluemoonx - Exclusive Ill Thought
- xisolatedstar - unrefined star
- xklutzyfreakx - k8isgr8Xcore
- xrubyx - hinchada
- xsarahx - Wondergirl
- yamagata - Ryu
- you_fanny - carrie, pop this up your fanny
- zang - I Am Zang
- ziggy_stardust - brian
- zuhalterin - Let the moment take you