Chaos Dot Org: I must obey the inscrutable exhortations of my soul...

December 16, 2003

Another spammer

I hate spammers.

Odor B Gone, (look them up yourself) seller of odor removers, getting hit by AUP violation letters to their host and the ISP of the spammer. Getting irate phone calls from me. Feel free to give them one yourself at 1-800-433-9039.

Posted at 12:23 AM [ Permalink ] | TrackBack (0)
This entry is in the category 'Chaos Dot Org'.

December 14, 2003

They got him

I woke up this morning with the news that Saddam Hussein had been captured. I said "Oh.", and went back to sleep for a half hour or so. I'm not a quick to wake up person.

I guess it still didn't register since I wandered to get my news and was surprised when I saw the Slashdot story and the Metafilter story. Further poking around at CNN, the BBC, and of course the Google collection provided corraborating information despite the "Slashdotting" servers seem to be going under this morning.

To be honest, I don't know how I feel right now. I've been against this "war" from the beginning. It sets bad precedent. At the same time, I'm hopeful that this means we'll be pulling all of the troops out in the forseeable future. Of course though, that might mean we go to Syria next. Still though, it does remove a dictator who killed his citizens. But what gives us the right to remove a country's leader? What's to prevent another coalition from deciding it's time for "regime change" in the USA? It's a messy situation, in my opinion.

*sigh* Before completing this, I just spent a couple of hours watching C-Span's Washington Journal. Very depressing. The level of discourse rabidly devolved into "Love it or leave it."

I've always hated that phrase. I think people who pull that one out should be the ones to be thrown into the ocean weighed down with cement overshoes. If they don't think the First Amendment is valid, then they have no purpose living in this country. I'm all in favor of them having viewpoints opposing mine, but when I'm not allowed to have my ideas and express them, according to their views, they're the ones that need to get the fuck out.

Posted at 12:25 PM [ Permalink ] | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
This entry is in the categories: 'Politics', 'Seriousness'.

November 17, 2003

Chicken Soup for the Non-Soul

It's been cold. I've got the flu. The solution? Soup. Hot Soup. Hot Chicken Soup. Hot Homemade Chicken Soup. Here's my recipe. Enjoy.

Continue reading "Chicken Soup for the Non-Soul"
Posted at 11:42 PM [ Permalink ] | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
This entry is in the category 'Chaos Dot Org'.

November 15, 2003

Cl is your friend

Out link wandering, as I get over the flu from the past few days, and I find myself over at the Roper Geographic Survey 2002. I find out that 36% of young Americans didn't know what two countries have had a longstanding conflict over the region of Kashmir. The answer was pretty obvious to me, but then I remembered that I probably wouldn't have been able to answer that question 5 or 6 years ago.

So I decided to take the quiz, and I missed question #2. I was surprised by the answer.

But what blew my mind was that only 89% of the 18-24 yr olds in the U.S. couldn't find the U.S. on a map. Ok, here's a hint. The U.S. has not moved to Colombia, Canada, or China.

The gene pool needs some serious amounts of chlorine, methinks.

Posted at 11:43 AM [ Permalink ] | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
This entry is in the category 'Stupidity'.

November 13, 2003

Evil little cypher

So I find today's crypto contest, and I get ready to hit it with caeser again, and GIGO hits me, hard.

Continue reading "Evil little cypher"
Posted at 08:05 AM [ Permalink ] | Comments (0)
This entry is in the category 'Chaos Dot Org'.

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