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from Hollywood Squares

Q: Which of your five senses tends to diminish as you get older?

A (Charlie Weaver): My sense of decency.

The Volunteer Soldier

Picture the volunteer soldier

at Valley Forge, holding his musket

in his frostbitten, bloody hands. Barefoot

in the snow, starving, strained

from months of battle and from an eternity

away from his family, surrounded

by death and fear and carnage.

But he stands tough, with fire

in his eyes and victory

in the clouds of his breath.

He looks at us

with anger and disgust

and tells us this:

I earned your birthright of freedom born in the Constitution

and your children graduate too illiterate to read it.

I fought and died and froze in the snow

to earn your right to vote, and you stay at home when it rains.

I left my family destitute to earn your freedom of speech

and you remain silent because it might be bad for business.

I orphaned my children to earn you a government to serve you

and you let that government steal that republic and enslave you.

The volunteer soldier, not the reporter, earned your

freedom of the press.

The volunteer soldier, not the poet, earned your

freedom of speech.

The volunteer soldier, not the protester, earned your

freedom to assemble.

The volunteer soldier who saluted the flag, protected

the Constitution for which it stands, whose coffin

with which it was draped earned

the protester the right to burn that flag.

Next time you choose

to sacrifice liberty for security,

Next time you choose

the lesser of two evils,

Next time you choose

To consider individual freedom

too archaic and unrealistic

for today's brutal world,

Picture the volunteer soldier

at Valley Forge, holding his musket

in his frostbitten, bloody hands. Barefoot

in the snow, starving, strained

from months of battle and from an eternity

away from his family, surrounded

by death and fear and carnage.

And stand tough, with fire

in your eyes and victory

in the clouds of your breath

And remember the liberty

for which he died.

©John Teschky, 2003,
derived from an email tribute to our soldiers fighting Bush's "War on Terror"




"Happiness is that state of consciousness which proceeds from the achievement of one's values."
Ayn Rand

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[ It's Rational! ]
6 JANUARY 2004

A libertarian in FRANCE!!!! (*.pdf file)
Thanks to Dave Ullman for giving me this article.
Who Was that Fat Lady?
by Edgar J. Steele
January 5, 2004

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards." -- Claire Wolfe, "101 Things to Do 'Til the Revolution" (1999)

"They have treated me and others like me with utter contempt. They have confiscated our property and put people in maximum-security prisons over ownership of fender washers, claiming they were unassembled silencer parts. ... They have shot a man's wife in the head because his gun's buttstock was too short. ... They burned 90 people alive over a disputed two hundred dollar tax." -- John Ross, "Unintended Consequences" (1996)

"It ain't over until the fat lady sings." -- Old Southern American saying (concerning church service)

"It ain't over 'til it's over." -- Yogi Berra (1973)

It's over.

The fat lady has sung.

Elvis has left the building.

The great American experiment finally fizzled on December 1, 2003, when the US Supreme Court declined to hear an appeal from a 9th Federal Circuit decision which gutted the Second Amendment. It was a nice run - over two hundred years - but all good things must end...I least, that's what they say.

We all know how saying nothing sometimes can be among the most profound of statements. Ask any husband.

Nowhere is silence so profound as when offered by the Supremes. And, never has their silence been so overwhelming as on December 1, 2003. That's when the US Supreme Court issued its ruling, refusing to hear an appeal in the case of Silveira vs. Lockyer. That made Silveira the law of the land, you see.

Here's the background, briefly: California's legislatively-crafted "assault weapon" ban was stronger than the national ban. Both bans essentially outlaw any rifle that looks like it means business, regardless of capability -- I kid you not, cosmetics really is the upshot of these bans.

Silveira sued in a losing attempt to overturn the more-stringent California ban. Silveira unsuccessfully appealed up through the legal system to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. Next stop: US Supreme Court, which now has "denied cert," which means it allows the ruling below to stand.

Here's the real kicker, though. Silveira doesn't just nationalize the California definition of assault weapon. In Silveira, the 9th Circuit Court made the following pronouncement: there is no individual right to bear arms contained within the Second Amendment to the US Constitution.

That means that no American citizen, since December 1, 2003, has a fundamental right to possess a firearm.

You heard me right. You no longer have a right to own a gun.

Mind you, here is the Second Amendment, in full: "A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

Not just some people, but the people. You and me, in other words.

And it's a fundamental (God-given) right, therefore the government can't mess around with it...ever. "Unalienable rights," was how the Declaration of Independence described these fundamental rights. Unless we let it. We just did, by tolerating this sort of behavior from our government.

Mind you, the Ninth Circuit Court's judges didn't just come out and say you don't have a right to a gun. They did it in legalese: they merely "affirmed" a prior decision of their own, in which they said as much.

So, the US Supremes affirm the ruling of a lesser court (by silence, thereby making it the law of America, nonetheless, because contrary rulings from other jurisdictions will not be tolerated), which affirmed its own prior ruling, which says you have no right to own a gun.

Like thieves in the night, with stealth, the black-robed dictators steal your rights.

All this silence and misdirection clearly tells you how they feel about what it is they are doing. Yet, they go ahead and do it anyway. And the average American is too stupefied to know any better...or, worse, care. No, it does get worse: many who care and understand actually applaud this result.

The ground now has been set for blanket bans and confiscation. What? Cold, dead fingers, you say? Yeah, sure. When martial law is declared, hardly anybody will resist.

What? Martial law never will be declared in America, you say? Yeah, right. Just wait until the next Reichstag event which occurs on US soil. The smart money is betting that happens within a month or two, by the way.

Some will ask, "What's the big deal, anyway? Guns are no match for government munitions these days, anyway. Guns really are good only for hunting. Who needs hunting, with the Safeway just down the street?"

Here's my response, which echoes that of America's founding fathers: The Second Amendment's guarantee of the individual's right to bear arms actually comprises the teeth of the Constitution; what enables us to enforce the provisions of the Constitution against an out-of-control government.

"Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government..." Sound familiar? It should. It is from the second paragraph of the American Declaration of Independence.

Furthermore, small arms are scarcely outmoded. One need look only to the debacle occurring in Iraq at this moment for the proof of that statement.

And as for the Safeway? America's supply line is about 3 days long - no more, certainly. In a crunch, you can bet that all the publicly-available food will disappear overnight...into government hands, for consumption exclusively by "our leaders." Safely tucked away in all those nice, little underground shelters they built for themselves with our tax money in recent years.

Does the current system of elections in America constitute "Consent of the Governed?" Scarcely. Hardly anybody votes these days, it seems. We realize that any candidate allowed to run for office already has been vetted by the real powers that be. You think Howard Dean will be any different from Bush II? Really? Nobody who could make a difference will make a difference because such a person is not allowed to run for any level.

I recently had a list member write to tell me, "Your legal talent is wasted on commentary. We suffer not from a lack of commentary. We suffer from a lack of lawyers who will file lawsuits on behalf of pro-white candidates/activists. One of the root causes for this is because the better educated, more affluent pro-white lawyers while sympathetic don't respect those who need legal help. It's a class thing." I disagree. What is pointless is the filing of lawsuits; the attempt to work within the system. The system is broken...irretrievably.

In fact, precisely what now is needed is commentary to awaken our fellow Americans to the tyranny growing in America.

The single best piece of commentary I have seen on the Silveira case is by another lawyer: "Reflections Upon the U.S. Supreme Court's Rejection of Silveira" by Peter J. Mancus. (
/Mancus/silveira.asp) His is a passionate and brilliant, albeit lengthy, article worthy of your time. Among Mr. Mancus' observations:

"What value is the 'right to petition to redress grievances' or to file a lawsuit (which is a form of the right to petition government for a redress of a legitimate grievance) when the petition or lawsuit or both crashes into the solid legal wall of government immunity or the government refuses to hear the petition (lawsuit) or refuses to take it seriously or refuses to apply the applicable law correctly? That is what happened with Silveira at the Federal 9th Circuit...

"How viable is the 'right of self-defense' if you must first beg government’s permission to defend your life with a gun, when government thinks it has the power to withhold its permission, with immunity, and to criminally prosecute you if it catches you packing a gun without its permission?...

"(T)he entire purpose of the U.S. Bill of Rights was to take away government’s unfettered discretion, but, guess what, government now claims it has that very discretion that the Framers intended to deny to government, and, to exacerbate matters, government now hides behind its immunities when it commits wrongdoing, and, still worse, it has the gall to accuse citizens of hiding behind their rights and being “gun nuts” or worse when they refuse to go along to get along...

"We are on an increasingly steeper slope toward a free fall into tyranny. The U.S. Supreme Court’s rejection of Silveira made that slope steeper—much steeper. That fact is simply not appreciated by some...

"I am afraid that a violent confrontation with our own Government(s) looms ahead...

"We are in a downward spiral toward some flashpoint where a hardcore of no-nonsense “no more” constitutionalists will press the issue and not submit to perceived, insufferable oppression...

"I know 'the gun solution' (political assassination, open rebellion, etc.) is fraught with peril and inadequate and morally complex and legally illegal. But, what is left? When we peacefully claim our birthrights, peacefully pursue a lawsuit to the U.S. Supreme Court and are stiff-armed while we point to what is written in the Constitution, we are mocked, scorned, ridiculed, rebuffed, ignored, dismissed, and rejected...

"(I)t is not about guns. It never was about guns. It is really about this: 1) liberty; 2) ordinary citizens retaining a legally enforceable right to retain the most efficient, pragmatic means to enforce the rest of their rights enshrined in the U.S. Constitution—privately owned, registered or unregistered, firearms; 3) holding government accountable; 4) keeping government from indefinitely blowing through Constitutional red lights, violating the Constitution’s commands; 5) forcing government to wear its Constitutional collar, connected to a Constitutional chain, staked firmly into the bedrock of Constitutional law.

"Now, when government slips that Constitutional collar and refuses to put it back on and wear it compliantly and honor the Constitution’s commands, with the judiciary’s blessings, what then?

"How does one make a snarly, robust, active, gargantuan government wear a collar it does not want to wear? How does one get close to the beast’s teeth and claws to put on that collar and survive?...

"Before Silveira and now with Silveira, the peaceful, legal way was tried...It failed because the Black Robes and the system failed...

"Currently, the United States is not led, run, nor operated per its own Constitution’s rules and commands. Our governments are out of control, and we, the People, have lost control of our own governments...

"When Governments succeed in manipulating us to focus on, and to chose between, Security versus Liberty, they win. They win because the instant we choose either, we forfeit the other, and we will inevitably lose what we chose. We especially lose when we choose Security. That choice makes us too dependent on Governments to protect us. Governments cannot protect us in all ways at all times. Governments can, and do, however, use this issue to manipulate us against ourselves, to surrender more Liberty so it can increase its powers over us and tie us down with its chains rather than we tie it down with the Constitution’s chains..."

Keep in mind that Mr. Mancus, like myself, is a lawyer. He well appreciates what he dare not say aloud concerning judges and our government, on pain of being disbarred. Outspoken as are both he and I, still we are incapable of advocating things that you might legally advocate.

It is not yet illegal to bury weapons, so I can in all seriousness advise you to bury those you previously acquired "off paper," via private sales. Do it properly, with ammunition and in well-sealed, watertight containers. Be innovative and bury them where metal detectors will not ferret them out. Keep a couple, the ones for which the dealer ran background checks, to hand to the nice soldiers who inevitably will come to your door, gun registration lists in hand. At that point, it will be illegal for me to tell you to withhold any guns from the government, so the guns you bury today will be an issue only between your conscience and yourself.

Oh...and I don't know who that fat lady was, either. All I know is that, as she left the stage, I saw she was wearing a yarmulke.


"I didn't say it would be easy. I just said it would be the truth." - Morpheus

Copyright ©2004, Edgar J. Steele
Forward as you wish. Permission is granted to circulate among private individuals and groups, post on all Internet sites and publish in full in all not-for-profit publications. Contact author for all other rights, which are reserved.

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The Permanent Record
"Regime Change Begins at Home"

Regime Change Begins at Home

This essay should've been titled: The New Abolitionism & the Antiwar Movement


An interesting video montage on the the Islamic threat. Unfortunately, it ends with a collectivist appeal to level (in Kirkegaard's sense) society.


How American Christians and Jews justify the mass murder of innocents in the name of "the Lord"

"It is a characteristic of all movements and crusades that the psychopathic element rises to the top."
European Antisemitism
If you read one book this year, make it this one.
Almighty rhetoric is eerily similar when it comes to the Lord
Neither the imam nor the President doubts that God is on his side, but perhaps He's sitting this one out.
Oriana’s Screed
"Like Flannery O'Connor said, when the world is deaf, you have no choice but to shout."

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"Good intentions will always be pleaded for every assumption of authority. It is hardly too strong to say that the Constitution was made to guard the people against the dangers of good intentions. There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters."
Daniel Webster

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Excerpts from "The Myth of Sisyphus," by Albert Camus

This is the price that must be paid for the passions of this earth.

The lucidity that was to constitute his torture at the same time crowns his victory.

Ancient wisdom confirms modern heroism.

One does not discover the absurd without being tempted to write a manual of happiness.

His fate belongs to him. His rock is a thing.

The struggle itself toward the heights is enough to fill a man's heart. One must imagine Sisyphus happy.


Camus Bio
Camus Quotes

Read the entire essay.

"A nation which must resort to conscription for it's defense, has no moral right to exist." --Robert Heinlein

First They Came for the Jews

First they came for the Jews
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for the Communists
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Communist.
Then they came for the trade unionists
and I did not speak out
because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for me
and there was no one left
to speak out for me.

Pastor Martin Niemöller
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