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I am a senior radio reporter with international reporting experience from more than half a dozen countries, including the revolution in Nicaragua. Have also lived in Australia (2 years) and Finland (1 year). Won a Canadian national award for investigative reporting. Have been in the radio biz since Johnson was President at least that what I think his name was. I can also read news (have a"nice"voice), but my strength is reporting and doing original stuff. Oh, and one important detail: I do NOT plagiarize; i.e. steal stories out of the newspaper and try to pass them off as my own. Unfortunately this is a common practice at many radio stations because the bottom-line types have discovered it's cheaper to steal than to produce. I also don't accept junkets. If ethics scares prospective employers, then I'll pass, thank you. Have been in the radio business a long time and I'm not using it as a training ground for some cushy, well-paid communications job. Sorry for sounding like a grouch. I'm actually a thoughtful, kind, hard-working guy. Once you see I don't sell out, we'll get along just fine and listeners will love it. My e-mail address is byronc@ telusplanet.net. | |
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Pain of cancer makes Republican legislator remember freedom
with comments by Helen & Harry Highwater
Feds order casinos, airlines to surrender customer dataBackground information America's war on freedom
CIA to install secret police in Iraq
Does this smell like "liberation" to you? =H&HH=
America: The real danger lies within
by Eric Margolis, Toronto SunExcerpt: The year 2003 dramatically and dolefully illustrated Lord Acton's famous dictum that absolute power corrupts absolutely.
An almighty United States, unrestrained by any rival, international body, or world opinion, bestrode the globe, a belligerent colossus determined to monopolize global oil reserves and use its vast military power to crush lesser nations or malefactors that disturbed the Pax Americana.
Arab-American group launches voting effort
with comments by Madeline Zane
War profiteers' profits guaranteed by U.S. taxpayers
by Naomi Klein, The Nation
Your taxes went to bomb Iraq, your taxes are going to rebuild it. And now, your taxes will be handed over to a few large companies if their Iraqi money grab is not as successful as they hope it will be.
It was announced at a recent summit of companies interested in "investing in" Iraq that such ventures will be insured through a new government agency called OPIC (Overseas Private Investment Corporation). OPIC will insure these private companies against any financial losses.
Which means: if they fail to successfully profiteer on their own, the taxpayers will pay them their profits anyway. Yes, let me say this again:
Companies going into Iraq are being guaranteed a profit by the U.S. government. And if they are not successful in exploiting Iraqis' misery and powerlessness for financial gain, money will be taken out of your paycheck every single month and put into these corporations' bank accounts anyway. =Madeline Zane=
Rest of world gets sick of propping up Bush's deficit by John Garnaut, Sydney [Australia] Morning Herald
Just disconnect by Tom Englehardt,
The Nation Institute
This is really just very extremely recommended reading. Tom Englehardt makes the connections between the Mad Cow Disease scandal, war profiteering, the pattern of lies and deception of the Bush administration, and how in every single case the mainstream press has bored and distracted the American people, instead of informing them. =Madeline Zane=
Various white male hypocrites dominated 2003 by Anna Quindlen, Newsday
P O L I C E | |
U.S. soldiers discharged for beating Iraqis Two out of three get "honorable discharge"Excerpt: The general found that Master Sgt. Lisa Marie Girman, 35, of Hazelton, Pa., knocked a prisoner to the ground, "repeatedly kicking him in the groin, abdomen, and head, and encouraging her subordinate soldiers to do the same," Harris said.
Girman received an "other-than-honorable conditions" discharge.
Why is this article in the cop section?
Because when Master Sgt. Girman isn't on active duty, she's a Pennsylvania State Trooper. =H&HH=
Background information U.S. war crimes
Officer convicted of running brothel charged with soliciting bribes
Cops allegedly face charges for firing chemical irritants into homeless encampment
Cops steal $43,000 Uh, what happens to the money found in the car of this person not charged with any crime? =John C.=
... Police said the subject was released after an investigation.
Cop gets "internal trial"
Police Depts that report racial data have fewer traffic stops
It's like a study proving aspirin reduces headache pain. The research only proves the obvious. =H&HH=
NYPD sells stolen loot, keeps proceeds
by Warren Celli, Unknown News
Cop was robber, police sayFrom the archives, Dec. 28, 2003
Cops charged with stickup
Cops say they may investigate co-worker's actions
Fired cop petitions to get badge backExcerpt: Former Police Officer T.J. Nowicki will be in Superior Court next week to fight a city appeal of an arbitrator’s decision to reinstate him to the force.
Nowicki was fired last December after it became clear he had taken illegal gambling wagers for convicted members of the Mello Organization, a far-reaching crime ring which specialized in gambling, extortion, witness intimidation, drug dealing and other racketeering activities.
The really radical left is usually the right
Having been involved in assorted activisms for many years, I shake my head 'yes.' I've seen it half a dozen times: The new guy, the guy nobody really knows all that well, who repeatedly suggests actions that seem over the top ...
I vividly remember one guy who showed up at two planning meetings for protests against the 1991 Iraq massacre, and started offering ideas that were several notches beyond anyone else's. An old-timer from the 60s heard him out, and then said very plainly, "That's an interesting idea, officer." The cop went pale, excused himself, and was never seen at our meetings again ... =H&HH=
Cop admits botching inquiry
Homeless crisis briefly invades live TV coverage of fluff
A level-headed look at America's hysteria What the terrorists are up to
by Xymphora
U.S. intelligence used for propaganda
by Melvin A. Goodman, The Topeka [KS] Capital-Journal
M O N E Y | |
How bosses load up on pay despite their ever-shrinking unionExcerpt: Meet the fattest fat cats of the American labor movement, the bosses of the International Longshoremen's Association.
John Bowers, president since 1987, elected officer since 1956 and dockworker in New York Harbor since the 1940s, collects $390,825 a year on the international's payroll, and many members think that's his total compensation.
It's not.
The 79-year-old Bowers pulls down $160,296 more as head of the union's Atlantic Coast District. Grand tally: $551,121. His pay leaped 10% from $502,957 in 2001.
Bush brother makes big one-day profit
Neil's good with his own money, bad with other people's. =Sander D.=
Florida tourism officials worried about new tracking system for foreign visitorsExcerpt: In September, the U.S. General Accounting Office called the $7 billion program "a very risky endeavor" with high costs and details that had yet to be worked out.
Another way to strangle the economy. =H&HH=
Unemployment rate getting worse despite Bush claims
Judge postpones decision on sealed search warrant
Is this normal, even for Canada? =John C.=
Bush and Hitler
by David R. Hoffman, PravdaExcerpt: The dilemma that persistently arises in America, however, is the fact that power, and those who hold it, resent being "checked and balanced." Yet this delicate system is the only bulwark between American democracy and American fascism. Therefore it is no surprise that the primary target of the Bush dictatorship is not Afghanistan or Iraq, but the check-and-balance system.
Kissinger to Argentines on dirty war: "The quicker you succeed the better"Kissinger's intellectual children
by Xymphora
The Americans made it clear to the Argentineans that they could do whatever they liked but they should do it quickly and as quietly as possible. This is interesting in and of itself, and Henry the K should be tried for crimes against humanity and imprisoned, but it is also interesting because of the continued importance of Henry the K to the current American junta. We are seeing a continuation of the same policies in Iraq today, and the reality is that the horrifying realpolitik expressed by Kissinger and other American officials continues to be official American policy. We should not forget that the neocons are really Kissinger's intellectual children, and their protestations that they are acting on some sort of moral principles is complete nonsense.
Based on real PsyOP leaflets used by the U.S. military
Homeland Security Dept. quietly expands reach
with comments by John C.
Sept. 11 "detainee" cleared but still held Faces deportation to Algeria, imprisonment or execution there
The fish that threatened national security
by Lara Hayhurst, Pittsburgh Post-GazetteBackground information America's war on freedom
Justice Department pretends to continue investigating White House administration leak retaliating against WMD whistleblower
with comments by Madeline Zane Background information Evidence suggests White House blew CIA agent's cover for political gain
Revealed: how drug firms 'hoodwink' medical journals
with comments by Madeline Zane
Vote system provides receipt, verification that your vote was countedBackground information Voting machines open new avenues for massive vote fraud
P O L I C E | |
Bystander killed as cops fire at moving car
with comments by Helen & Harry Highwater Excerpt: "There are occasions when officers are entitled to shoot at someone in a moving vehicle," the Police Chief said, adding that some of the bullets hit the car.
T H E S A D D A M H U S S E I N S H O W | |
The truth won't come out at "Saddam Hussein's trial"
Saddam threatens to expose U.S.Excerpt: Former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein, now being grilled by American investigators, has reportedly warned US authorities that he will expose Washington’s “political games” and its behind-the-scene role in the occupation of Kuwait.
“Saddam threatened that if they continue to pressure him he will reveal startling facts about America’s political games with his country that would shock the whole world,” Al-Watan Arabic daily quoted a high-level European source as saying.
Background information Saddam Hussein's brutal reign made in U.S.A.
T E R R I T O R I E S | |
5,000 Iraqis "detained"Excerpt: There are 5,000 Iraqi detainees the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) admits to holding, a number most suspect is a gross underestimate. Many of them are imprisoned indefinitely and without charges.
Bible Belt missionaries set out on a 'war for souls' in IraqExcerpt: American Christian missionaries have declared a "war for souls" in Iraq, telling supporters that the formal end of the US-led occupation next June will close an historic "window of opportunity".
Organizing in secrecy, and emphasising their humanitarian aid work, Christian groups are pouring into the country, which is 97 per cent Muslim, bearing Arabic Bibles, videos and religious tracts designed to "save" Muslims from their "false" religion. |
How flawed presidential decision-making contributed to 9-11 and misled us into war
by Burt Hall, Far Right Misgoverns
How much worse can it get? When will mainstream America wakeup?
by Jay Shaft, Coalition For Free Thought In MediaExcerpt: I see some of the mainstream waking up and smelling the lies and corruption, but a very sad, small number. It is usually only after they have been hit with a layoff or spending cutback that they start to examine the real reasons and wonder why it happened to them. One of the statements I hear most is " Oh we’re doing fine, it won’t hurt us." More and more middle class Americans are feeling the pinch and squeeze, but often too late to make a difference in the overall scheme of things.
W E A R E E N D A N G E R E D | |
New EPA chief's history of destroying public records should help him fit in as new Bush administration official
New EPA chief Mike Leavitt refuses to release documents relating to his confirmation to that office. While potentially illegal, this refusal comes as no big surprise. Not only did the last EPA chief refuse to release many EPA documents, but Leavitt, the new EPA chief, was sued while serving as Governor of Utah for deleting e-mails that should have been preserved and made public under the Utah's Government Records Access and Management Act. =Madeline Zane=
U.S. ban on downer cows follows decade of denialBackground information Innoculating yourself from the lies about Mad Cow Disease
The joy of beefExcerpt: According to workers, meat at the plant is routinely contaminated with cattle feces because workers on the processing line are not give enough time to wash their hands. Under pressure from aggressive plant managers, meat that falls on the floor, which is often littered with meat byproducts and entrails, is often immediately placed back on the line without being cleansed. Cutting tools and conveyor belts, workers tell CounterPunch, are also regularly coated with pus from abscesses and tumors that haven't been properly cut out of the meat. Meat cutters at the plant also told me that often cows are not rendered unconscious before being sent down the line. Instead, workers say they often hear cows frantically mooing as they are skinned and dismembered alive.
Garlic could provide cancer drug
Government wants to expand exotic animal trade
White House complains to Washington Post about reporter
I support the war on terror
by J. Oquendo, Politrix
The 2003 Claymore Awards for warfare excellence by Gary Brecher, The Exile [Moscow, Russia]
Brazil to fingerprint US citizens
Officials at Swiss technology summit constantly tracked without their knowledge by RFID devices hidden in their nametags
Unproven, Big-Brotherish face-identification software to be installed in public high school
Milosevic wins Parliament seat in Serbian election
A bin Laden future for our grandchildren
by Spider Robinson, The Globe & Mail [Toronto] Excerpt: I believe with all my heart that the pendulum will return, that ignorance will become unfashionable again one day ...
How we confuse symbols and things
by P. Lutus, arachnoidExcerpt: In my opinion, the greatest single failure of American education is that students come away unable to distinguish between a symbol and the thing the symbol stands for.
M O N E Y | |
SAT testing as criteria for employment: Eugenics in the 21st century
by Jozef Hand-Boniakowski, MetaphoriaExcerpt: Rich Gibson of San Diego State University, April 2001, in a piece entitled, "The Fascist Origins of the SAT Test", points out that Carl C. Brigham created the SAT test by making a "few inconsequential" changes to the Army I.Q. test. The military industrial complex lives. This is the same Brigham, who in his book, A Study of American Intelligence concluded that "race mixture," would alter the gene pool downward while making society "dumber and weaker".
The shell game: Halliburton's 'sole-source' shuffle
by Major Barbara, Arms and the Man
The economy according to eBayExcerpt: For instance, eBay tracks searched words, which in turn are indicative of what buyers are looking for. Word searches for all of 2002 reflect a society still spending freely. Among the top 10 searches for the year were BMW, Louis Vuitton, Prada and Coach.
Similar terms dominated the top 10 into early 2003, until August, when there was a sudden shift. The Iraq war was dragging on. Companies were still cutting jobs and keeping raises flat. The blackout hit. California was in political chaos with its recall vote. And just then the luxury names dropped off eBay's top 10, replaced by more mundane words such as Ford, Chevy and diesel.
In September, 'salvage' made it to the top 10. |
Government paid $330m to defend contractors
California Catholic church faces up to 750 suitsBackground information Vatican ordered cover-up for pedophile priests
It's greed, not ideology, that rules the White House
Why the US wants Iraq's debts cancelled ... and Argentina's paid in full
by Naomi Klein, The Guardian [London, UK]
Limbaugh lurches to the left Editorial, St. Petersburg TimesExcerpt: Limbaugh used to defend the legal system and he used to ridicule citizens who claimed that their constitutional rights had been violated by police and prosecutors. But now Limbaugh, who is fortunate enough to be able to afford the representation of celebrity attorney Roy Black and a team of defense lawyers, has joined the conspiracy nuts.
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There's much more than this at Unknown News.
Perhaps some day a new President will happily turn Baby Doc Bush over to the ICC for trial.
We need to take all that these conservatives say point by point and answer each and every extreme point
Cops and the military need to wake up to this mission change. They are being USED and rapidly losing their scared cow, 'Johnny good boy' reputation. They now rate with many people as; well below car salesmen, lawyers, gangsters, and people who pull the wings off of flies.
Fuck you if you don't know America is a Christian nation. Fuck you if you don't understand that this nation is UNDER GOD. ALMIGHTY GOD WILL DEAL WITH YOU AND SEND YOU TO BURN IN HELL FOR EVER AND EVER ETERANLY.
Some people no longer make the distinction between gov't and people, and basically admit, or even where as a badge, the fact that they don't like America.
Guerilla warfare is an effective measure against a superior enemy. I won't be surprised if we see it in the not to distant future.
[The author has asked that his letter be removed at once from our "pagan" website.]
Piestewa Peak is a living monument to the courage of Lori Piestewa.
To a caveman, physical power is the only important thing, the only thing he knows that he can use to shape his world into a configuration more suitable to his needs and wants. His main use for other people is to augment his own power.
Ms. Hill's ingrained and completely unfair anti-dog biases must be acknowledged and addressed. After all, we're going to need everyone people, sheeple, dogs, cats, rats, horses, goldfish, parrots, and even the trees to join together to fight the real Evil (George Bush), and gratuitous species-ism is not helpful.
I don't agree with what is going on in Iraq. I don't think those that are serving over there are all integrity lacking dupes and assholes. I don't agree in hindsight with Vietnam or Korea, or Grenada, or Panama for that matter. I don't believe those that served there are that either.
A popular canon is that people are basically good at heart whatever ‘good at heart’ means. I wonder if the massively systemic deception of top-down government lies is as massive or systemic as the bottom-up belief that the average homo sapien is basically good at heart?
Some recent Unknown News you may have missed |
Homeland Security Dept. quietly expands reach
with comments by John C.
Sept. 11 "detainee" cleared but still held: Faces deportation to Algeria, imprisonment or execution there
The fish that threatened national security
by Lara Hayhurst, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Justice Department pretends to continue investigating White House administration leak retaliating against WMD whistleblower
with comments by Madeline Zane
Revealed: how drug firms 'hoodwink' medical journals
with comments by Madeline Zane
Vote system provides receipt, verification that your vote was counted
Bystander killed as cops fire at moving car
with comments by Helen & Harry Highwater
The truth won't come out at "Saddam Hussein's trial"
Army's suicide rate has outside experts alarmed
Army drops "dereliction of duty" charge against "cowardly" soldier; Court martial now "in limbo"
Terrorists may have almanacs, FBI warns
Cheney personally intervened to prevent peace negotiations with North Korea
Your body is a toxic waste dump
Man sues over seized U.S., Libya passports
with comments by John C.
Terrorists plan to pose as disabled travelers
with comments by Liberez L'Ours
U.S. officials are lying about terrors stats (again)
Banner week for U.S. secret government
Marine General speaks out against Iraq attack
Feds delay and alter pro-breastfeeding ads under pressure from infant formula industry
with comments by Grandma & Grandpa
U.S. troops smash into homes, shops in major raid to hunt for guerrillas in turbulent city
Iraqi children arrested for protesting
Judge halts forced military anthrax shots
Cop brags of beating suspects, writing phony tickets and ignoring calls to his precinct
Cops write tickets for warming up cars
with comments by Aaron S.
"Any demonstration against the government or coalition forces will be fired upon"
Saddam was 'actively involved' in directing attacks on the U.S. forces
with comments by John C. and Helen & Harry Highwater
Police state humor:
Dept of Transportation issues flight certificate for Santa
with comments by Liberez L'Ours
Yeah, let's put Diebold in charge of elections
White House scrubs websites and lies about it
Welcome to scenic Uzbekistan: Tales of torture, oppression, genocide
with comments by XW
E.U. will give U.S. background info on all passengers
with comments by Liberez L'Ours
IBM takes a crap on America
with comments by Grandma and Heather G.
Bush presses for more, more, more nuclear weapons: Is George W. Bush insane?
Senators were told Iraqi weapons could hit U.S.
with comments by Liberez L'Ours
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