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User: [info]cagewench
Name: Queen and reigning Dictator of my LJ :>
Website: The Cage
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Bold all the movies you've seen and add 5 more...snagged from [info]larissadawn (damn I've seen a lot of movies)
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feelings: thirsty

sammygirl will love this one... MUSICAL quiz
Hairspray CD Cover
Welcome to the '60s, it's HAIRSPRAY!!! Plaid
Dresses, 45's, Dancing, and a bottle of Ultra
Clutch Hairspray. Sorry but you're in a world
all its own, Baltimore and the Baltimorons.
Try working on the whole Segregation thing,
just let the kids dance with the Nicest Kids in
Town. Don't Forget that You Can't Stop the
Beat and Have fun with your Scholarship to
Essex Community College!

In Which New MUSICAL do You Belong? (13 Outcomes & Pictures!)
brought to you by Quizilla

feelings: chipper

today we have Torin's 18th month DRs appt
He's being so damn cute today, it's helping to cheer me up...

got more emails and calls re: Fetish

Thank you everyone for offering your condolescences, your own stories of losing a beloved pet and for all the support, I really appreciate it.

feelings: hungry

So I am in semi-hibernation grieving mode
aka lots of computer
lots of crying
no getting dressed or going out
some phone calls

While talking last night to [info]gdb1 I realized that I've never really had to deal this closely with a beloved pet dying.

Fetish had been my fuzzy baby for a long time. I actually got Fetish and Precious when I was still with Kieran (hence Precious' real name being Moria)... that was ages ago. Both my kitties have endured many moves, jobs, and ppl that have been part of my life. And I love my cats and they loved me and Jason and Torin and whomever would come and pet them or warm seats for them :>

And now I think I've lost where I was going with this...

OK, I remember... the history of my pets.

Peanut - Daddy told me that Peanut was retiring and the same day that Peanut went away, Snowflake came home (I was possibly in Kindergarten then, if I was in school at all)
Snowflake - was given away to a farmer when I'd been at a sleepover and I found out on my 15th (i think) bday
Lucky - got him when I was in grade 5 or 6 and after Fyfi disappeared Lucky was never the same so Daddy gave Lucky to my Uncle Ralph
Fyfi - got her when I was in gr 10 or 11 and she got outside ( when I was in gr 12) and we never saw her again
Bimbo - Dad stole him from a farm where he was being abused but when Bimbo died, it was when he lived at home with my Mom and I was living in Guelph (i think) at the time and he got very sick and had to be put down before I was even told by Mom
Skippy - got him in gr 10 or 11 and he is still alive and living with Mom
Fetish - you all know what happened last night to my fuzzy baby and I got him and Precious when I was still dating Kieran.
Precious aka Moriakittygirl - is still with us

at some point when my stupid computer works properly I'll put pics of Bimbo, Lucky and Fyfi on the pets section of my online pics gallery...
P.S. I'm an idiot - Torin IS 18 months old as of yesterday adn he's got his 18 month appt tomorrow...

feelings: contemplative
sounds: Junkyard - Kathy Mattea

feeling numb this morning
Fetish had an emotional presence that matched his size and I find the apt feels extremely empty this morning...

gdb phoned last night and I talked to him from 1:30 - 3 a.m.

thanks to everyone who has been emailing, LJing & calling...

feelings: cold

R.I. P. Fetish - you were the greatest of cats
Just back from the emergency vet, though Fetish actually died in my arms on the way there...

the details )

I did tell Jason that Fetish is probably halfway to, if not already in Heaven, stealing Dad's seat in the Lazy-Boy. Since Dad's been waiting for yrs for Skippy to pass on and join him, he'll like having my big fuzzy baby up there with him in the meantime.

feelings: heartbroken