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Sp00ky Flying Butthole ^*^
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Friday, February 6th, 2004 11:46 am
Lame. apparently i'm afraid of the south.

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Thursday, February 5th, 2004 07:25 pm

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Tuesday, February 3rd, 2004 05:09 pm
especially for [info]unhappymeal, but i suppose everyone else benefits too.

shake it, sha-shake it, Charlie Brown.

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Tuesday, February 3rd, 2004 10:52 am
Amaranthe stuff is on it's way.


Lilith, i'm buying you a transporter.

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Sunday, February 1st, 2004 11:54 am
on hating the superbowl

me: i am not looking forward to an afternoon of suffering through people screaming at a teevee screen
T: not a big fan of football?
me: i fucking hate it.
T: I share your feelings towards football
me: i'm only going for matt's sake
T: I can't stand football commentators
T: their voices all sound the same, and it's just like, ugh
T: gives me a headache
me: i can't stand people going "aUUUUGGHHH111 OOOHHH!!! LOOK AT THAT!!!! 75785902789
T: haha
T: word
me: $^@&^*^%#$@^%$&&*%$*&*^*((^*&%)(*
me: all in my fucking year. ya know?
me: er *ear
T: yeah
T: if it was on mute, and I had a dr pepper, and there was a very gorgeous naked woman sitting next to me, and maybe some sort of juggler standing in front of the tv, then MAYBE I'd deal
me: hahahahaa
me: wooooord.

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Saturday, January 31st, 2004 07:28 pm
I am making Guinness stew and Irish soda bread. the Guinness stew is all your fault, [info]repoman. As soon as I read the words in your journal, my mouth started watering, and I knew I had to make some. Evil man.

The stew is fucking awesome. I hope the bread turns out ok.

Edit: the bread is fucking awesome too. nd for the record, it's whole wheat soda bread. my mom's recipe. :D

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Wednesday, January 28th, 2004 08:08 am


Current Mood: seeing red

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Tuesday, January 27th, 2004 12:18 pm
this is what you want.
this is what you get.

Current Mood: get 0ver iT pLEase.

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Monday, January 26th, 2004 12:10 am

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Sunday, January 25th, 2004 07:05 am
I hate panic attacks.

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Friday, January 23rd, 2004 09:55 am

ok, so apparently, through the power of the internet, we were able to majorly affect the AFA's gay marriage poll.

Woo fucking hoo. Big deal.

There were 516,039 people who voted in support of legalizing gay marriage on the AFA's poll. So why are there are only 247,633 signatures on the HRC's Million for Marriage petition? That's less than half of the support shown on the AFA poll. LESS THAN HALF. What does this mean? Are that many people *really* in support of legalizing gay marriage? And if so, why doesn't the HRC petition reflect that? We can organize to spit in the face of the conservative christians, but not to support the good guys, the people on *our side*?

What's wrong with this picture?

A recent ABCNEWS/Washington Post poll showed that a majority of Americans *did not* support amending the constitution to provide marriage rights to gays and lesbians. 58%. 58% believe that gays and lesbians should not have a constitutionally protected right to take a leave from work to care for their ill partner, to make decisions for their partner in the case of a medical emergency, or to grant the children of same-sex couples the right to protections like Social Security survivor benefits. Is this truly the case?
Think about this: What kind of impact does an ABCNEWS poll have on the public? Why did no one organize to affect the results of this poll?

If this is truly what we want - to change things for millions of gays and lesbians all around the country and grant them the equal rights they are very much entitled to, then we need to make our opinions count.

Make it count, folks. Sign the HRC's Million for Marriage petition. Send a letter to your representatives opposing a constitutional amendment prohibiting same-sex marriage, and supporting legalization of same-sex marriage. Please post this in your journals/email to your friends and spread the word. We can make this happen.

EDIT: yes, this is in response to the recent requests that people fill out this poll. It irks me that people are organizing to annoy the conservatives, but not to support campaigns *for* same-sex marriage*. Annoy the christians if you want, but realize that your opinion can be expressed in better ways if you do honestly support same-sex marriage.

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Thursday, January 22nd, 2004 02:27 pm

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Thursday, January 22nd, 2004 10:59 am
happy birthday to [info]_amaranthe_!!!

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Thursday, January 22nd, 2004 09:29 am
I have the best boyfriend in the world. last night he came over, and while i was at choir practice, went and got this for me. Then, when i got home, he made me dinner. tasty chicken and spanish rice with tortillas and salsa and sour cream. mmm.

also - the voice of the Verizon Wireless guy? you know, the really deep one that says "Welcome to Verizon Wireless"? Creeps me out. it sounds completely unnatural.

also also - etrigan still doesn't have his Ecollar off yet, because his butt is still a little raw. on the upside of things, the vet examined him, removed his stitches, gave him a pain shot (because removing the stiches is ouchy), and gave him some more antibiotics. what did i pay for? the antibiotics. and the cans of UR i bought. i'm thinking they're letting some things slide on account of the situation. very cool. I like Dr. Duke. She asked me if i'd changed his name yet (to Estrogen. ha!).

The pain shot made kitty a little out of it last night. he was hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh. most of the night he just stayed dazed on the couch. when it was bedtime, he came into my bedroom as usual. He was up on the bottom stair of the kitty staircase, but instead of climbing up to the loft, he just sat there. i got in bed and called him, he sat there. i called him again, he sat there. i moved to the end of the bed and made a louder noise and called him. He very noticeably snapped out of his daze, looked at me, then rushed up the stairs. Was all happy, then sat on the corner of the bed. and sat there, and sat there. and sat there. so i called him again, and again, he did the snapping out of the daze bit, then came over to my side of the bed and snuggled up next to me. i pet him...he was UBER-LOVEY. usually he just finds a comfortable spot and sits there, content to be scratched. last night he was pushing up against me, rubbing his wee face all over my hand, WRITHING ON HIS BACK (writhing, ahh), and purring like a fiend. so adorable. love the high kitty. the highness continued through morning, as additional face-rubbing and writhing took place. he goes back saturday morning for another check-up.

also also also - friday is "meet the family night". g0rk.

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Wednesday, January 21st, 2004 05:49 pm
happy birthday to my boy-twin, [info]kantrip!

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Wednesday, January 21st, 2004 10:36 am
the generosity still hasn't stopped....

ok, really <3 my job. Tim O had apparently been secretly spreading the word about Etrigan, and started a collection. He just handed me an envelope with $110 in it to help with the cost of his vet bills.

it makes me happy to know that people care.

The Fuzzbutt, by the way, is doing great, perky and purring and precocious. he's funny, he has been SO VOCAL lately. Mow Mow MEEEow. which translates to "GET THIS FUCKING THING OFF OF MY HEAD ALREADY". he goes back to the vet today for a checkup, and hopefully will be Ecollar free by tonight.

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Wednesday, January 21st, 2004 09:09 am
Things I Hate

When people say "Oh, you need X product? you can get it at COSTCO/Sam's club for $x.xx!"
Because everyone magically has a membership to Sam's Club/COSTCO, right?
NO GODDMANIT, GET A FUCKING CLUE. MEMBERSHIP IS NOT FREE AND SOME PEOPLE DON'T NEED TO PAY $578329067 FOR ONE. Particularly when the only person they have to buy shit for is THEMSELVES.
it would make a good headline for The Onion though:
People shocked to learn that not everyone has a membership to COSTCO

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Tuesday, January 20th, 2004 03:24 pm
Read this essay. do it now.

What i wish more people would understand: If someone's a dick, remember: You're not special. Eventually, that massive anger or that continual stream of lies will get pointed in your direction. And to think otherwise is usually pretty foolish.

People who have a history of acting like a prick are simply that: pricks. go ahead, associate with them, but i'm not giving out any sympathy when it comes back to bite you in the ass. And it will. Guaranteed.

edit: thanks [info]pheret1for the link

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Tuesday, January 20th, 2004 11:29 am
I know I'm biased, but whatever. My gut feelings today:

The only democratic candidate I have good feelings about is Kucinich, but I trust him because I have first hand experience with him.
I don't have good feelings about the rest of the Dem candidates. There's a lot of "Who the hell is THAT guy??", but in general, I don't feel like any of them would/could change anything for the better. I don't feel like they are strong enough in word and in deed to beat Bush. I am imagining another wishy-washy campain, like Gore's, if one of these guys becomes the democratic candidate. I am imagining a bunch of moderate bullshit that won't get us anywhere. I am feeling that Bush will win again. perhaps I am being fatalistic, but this is my gut feeling.

Again, i'm biased - I haven't really looked at any of the other candidates platforms, and I don't know much about any of them.Also, I really really like Kucinich. He is not afraid to stand up for what he believes in. He is not afraid to speak his mind. He keeps his promises. His platform is exactly where i want to see this country go. I'll going to continue to support him, regardless of what polls say.

I wish i could shake this feeling that we're in for another 4 years of Bush.

Current Mood: thoughtful

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Monday, January 19th, 2004 09:37 am

it's not fair because the mattus has the day off and is asleep in my bed as we speak and probably curled up with a purring orange fuzzball, and i don't have the day off and i'm freezing my transparent testicles off here at work.


on another note, Etrigan is a heat whore. he found thermal pleasure on K. last night, snuggled under the down throw. He was in kitty heaven. he stayed there the whole time we watched Tears of the Sun, occasionally wheezing out a satisfied sigh.

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Wednesday, January 14th, 2004 10:53 pm
and the winner of the best screen name evar!!111one!1!!!1! contest is:


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Tuesday, January 13th, 2004 11:05 pm
more ten songs at random:

µ-Ziq: Autumn Acid
The Verve: The Drugs Don't Work
Starlight Mints: Valerie Flames
Spiritualized: All Of My Tears
Pixies: I Bleed
Brak: Pregnant
Hive: Weapons of Mass Destruction
Soul Coughing: Bus to Beelzebub
Tom Waits: Eggs and Sausage
MC Hawking: Led Zeppelin Medley

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Tuesday, January 13th, 2004 07:18 pm
To anyone who uses Firebird

Lately, this stupid annoying box has been popping up asking me to "select a username to be entered on this form". my username is the only one there. it's doing nothing but annoying the hell out of me, and i want it to stop. anyone know how?

EDIT: never mind, i got it. sheesh!!

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Tuesday, January 13th, 2004 06:40 pm
Ooooo Miska!!!

I have this lovely seventies book, the Complete Guide to Needlework, that my mom gave me years ago. Looking through it tonight, i realized it's got instructions for crochet!! all the basics, plus how to follow crochet instructions :)!!1!!

therefore, i must now buy yarn and crochet. and we shall share my book :D

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Tuesday, January 13th, 2004 03:28 pm

thank you.

- the mgmt.

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Tuesday, January 13th, 2004 12:08 pm

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Tuesday, January 13th, 2004 10:46 am
Tyler: fun fun
Tyler: how's work going these days?
Tyler: you run the company yet?
me: ahahaha
me: nope, my last name's "Wolf'
Tyler: haha
Tyler: damn
Tyler: marry a guy with the last name "meat"
Tyler: then you'll be set
me: hehehe
Tyler: or if you hyphenate, "meg wolf-meat"
Tyler: you could claim you're native american

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Tuesday, January 13th, 2004 10:06 am

Current Mood:

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Monday, January 12th, 2004 05:56 pm

but this one, stolen from [info]evilshell, is actually kind of cool.

Set your MP3 player to SHUFFLE. Write down the first 10 songs it plays.

µ-Ziq: Yo La Tengo - Autumn Sweater (µ-Ziq Remix)
Curve: Cherry
Swans: Time is Money
Red House Painters: Katy Song
Hank Williams: Please Make Up Your Mind
Apples in Stereo: Love You Alice
Patti Griffin: Forgiveness
My Bloody Valentine: Feed Me With Your Kiss
Pinback: Byzantine
Eric's Trip: Sixteen Hours

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Monday, January 12th, 2004 12:39 pm
my back has been *KILLING* me lately. i sit the wrong way, and i'm in pain all night. i hate it. it keeps me awake too. every time i started drifting off to sleep last night, the dull pain in my back woke me up. okay, so maybe i should let myself take an ibuprofin once in a while, which would help at moments like these. i have this aversion to taking pain relievers. unless it's absolutely excrutiating, i won't take them. so yeah, my suffering is my own fault. but i know that taking pain relievers isn't the solution.

following seestor's lead (yay sis we share back problems aren't you excited?), i want to get into some yoga. they hold free yoga classes at Hamlin Park on Saturday afternoons, which i should check out (as i've been telling myself for weeks now), cos i'm not about paying exhorbitant yuppie chicago prices for yoga classes. i want to have some instruction though, because i know correct form is important. i'll have to do some more research on places to do yoga. i'm also thinking about Tai Chi again, because it's wonderful. but again, same problem as above. no free classes through the park district either. but maybe yoga stretching would be better for my back right now than Tai Chi strength building. i also need to get off my ass and go to the acupuncture free clinic. of course, all of this requires effort on my part, making it 50% more likely i will not do it. so many things i could be doing to help myself, yet i find myself completely unmotivated to do any of it. i need to start writing to-do lists with deadlines. and sticking to them. i'm terribly bad at it though.

i also need hobbies. i need things to do, places to go. sitting on my ass does me no good. [info]jola suggested doing something with my hands, and she's right. i really want to work with my hands more, because it makes me happy. The park district has some cool programs for things like sculpture; however, i've had my eye on the woodworking class in Hamlin Park for about a year now. i have fantasies of kicking Handy Andy's ass and making Andrew my sniveling pansy love slave. Oh, and i'd like to learn how to make cool things out of wood, too. heh. the only downside is that these programs all started at the beginning of the year, meaning i'd have to wait until the session finishes up in March to take a class. eh, i suppose that's for the best,, since it would give me time to plan and see if it fits into my budget.

of course, this is all secondary to a)paying off Etrigan's vet bills, b)somehow working out counseling that won't rape my financial asshole, and c)finding a denstist and cleaning my teeth/stopping the onslaught of gingivitis, with the exception of acupuncture at the school, cos it's cheap/free.

in other news, the scent of someone's cologne has been lingering in my cubicle for the last 25 minutes. it has yet to go away. god help me.

finally, OMG *HUGS* EVRY1 LOLOL<3<3<3<3<3<3!!!1one!!

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