Below is information about the ".::how i lost my virginity::." community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.
User: | warmapplepie (721799) |
Name: | .::how i lost my virginity::. |
About: | this is a community to share your personal experiences about how you lost your virginity. you can talk about anything losely pertaining to virginity or inexperienced experiences. your stories don't have to be happy wonderful stories because, for most people, losing your virginity is, more often than not, not the best experience you'll ever have. so this is a place to promote awareness to those virgins out there, and to just share one of the more meaningful events of your life.
your moderators are: gingerfish1569 and deadwrong
Interests: | 130: anal sex, ass, auto-erotic asphyxiation, autoerotica, bdsm, beauty, bi-sexual, birth control, bisexuality, biting, body modification, body paint, bondage, boobs, boys, candle wax, cock, coitus, condoms, creative writing, cum, cunnilingus, cunt, d/s, desire, diaphragm, dildos, discipline, domination, dry humping, dry-humping, electrotorture, erotic, erotic stories, erotic writing, exhibitionism, facials, fantasies, fellatio, female condom, fetish, fetishes, finger-banging, fingerbang, fingerbanging, first time, first time sex, force, fuck, fucking, gay, girls, guys, handcuffs, hips, homosexual, humping, inexperienced, kink, kinky, kissing, lactophilia, latex, lesbian, lesbianism, lips, little girls, losing virginity, loss of virginity, lube, lust, masochism, masturbation, moaning, mouth, mutual masturbation, nudity, nympomaniac, obscene, oral sex, orgasms, penis, perversion, pervert, perverted, popped cherry, popping cherries, pornography, pulling out, pulling-out, pussy, rape, rimming, roleplaying, romance, rope bondage, rubber, sadism, sadomasochism, screaming, sex, sex toys, sexuality, sexy, shaving, slave, sluts, sodomize, sodomy, spermicide, stds, straight, submission, suffocation, teasing, tits, touching, vagina, vibrators, virgin, virginity, virgins, voyeurism, vulgar, watersports, wet, whips, whores, xxx, young girls. [Modify yours] |
Members: | 303: 90schild, _beautifuck, _courage, _hmmmm, _secret_sarah_, a_silver_lining, abadman, abbsterbean, aberrations, aggymp387, ahah, aka_themonster, allgreggedup, alousybum, angelzashez, anitacox, annanichole, ar7983, ariadnemaru, ashesfrom_stars, b2k1, bad_medicine, badboyz, badlittleneko, bardock420, barwna, bebe_whore, becoming_jenn, benkeiqueen, billyprior, black_aardwolf, blacklamb, blue_crush, blueskin, boregasm, bossdj02, bowlerbabe, boys_tell_lies, brok3n_st4rs, brokendulce, burb316, buzzards_bunny, capricorncutie, captcrash103, carly_bo_barley, cheerinkutyee, chinotribe, chiptoo, coedholly, colieolie, colorclash, craziigrrl, crazydaisy05, crucifixgirl, crzyfckngprty, cumswallowers, cursedx, cyberdelia, dampyr, dark_submission, darkchild16, darliin, dazydeadpetal, deadvoices, deadwrong, deeliish, destinysdiamond, disturbed_gurl, donnadarko, doppelgangsta, dorky_lover, dropsofrain, duuj, ellisbecker, emergencyponcho, ericpendragon, estrada69, ethanthemighty, evilmerc, fake_fx, famouz, feeldeeper, filipinocupcake, fini512, flameswithin, flav0rable, fourcorners, fragglerockxxx, fragileasglass, furcas, gabbleratchet, gagfactor, ghostwalker24, gigglecam, gigglyjody, gingerfish1569, girlgenchan, glizamrizock, gloriously, glow, gman777, gravyplane, gummibearsrawk, harrrdcandy, head, hellobritty, heteroclitic, homicidalchippy, hoodcity, hormel, hostile_chaos, hotsexyblack, if_youonly_knew, imlivingalie, imusthegreat, infestdead, jadeddoll, jadeddreams, jamiemarie, jamiethegirl, jdm0511, jennjen, jeremiahx, josicka, joyous, juicee, julian5385, jwgen, kaaron, kenziebee, kibsgaard, kinesthetic, kingdomcometrue, kinky_pwincess, kinkyjournalboi, kissablexquiet, kissingwhore, kiwiman, krakmunky69, kri_starheart, kttnmouthkween, kundalinidragon, kuntish, l0zt, lady_clorinda, lakergirl2, lanachan, lem_mon_drop, let_me_see, lieslieslies, liquidookie, logan187, longlivethecow, losing_fear, lovingboth, mandykiss, masanni4, math_debater, mattssecret, mcretard, midnighttragedy, minibrit, mistawhitev2, misterhappy, moddlioness, moth_peppertree, mournthedeath, mr_resonate, mspimpalicious, musicgoddess01, mysticdream, mytholmroyd, narcissuskisses, ndrest0230, nico_cobain, nikkiyoungblood, ninjahump, notblindyet, nymphicus, oesheeptiger, offtrack, oldfrenchwhore, painteater, pandabwhite, perfunctoryview, petname, pharmdave, phoenix75, pinkpropoganda, polytwo, postorpreview, private_mind, propellerhead, psychic_psycho, psycho_bob, psychtraveller, puddlewunder, pumpkin182, punkass4901, queendi, quixotique, radiophlegm, ragingflamerboy, razorfortheweak, rengeekdog, robinism, robkaiote, robynz, rockstarrr67, rockyhororshow, roxysurfersoco, run_roz_run, salazar, sandybeach31, sarife, saruhh, say_days_ago, scarletter, sexfiles, she_rocks, shemshade, shminki138, shocking_pink, shreaky, shutterbugbabe, shychiguy, silvertigress, simplysakka, sinedreams, skulletpower, smutprincess, snlkayla, snufflelufugus, societysvictim7, soporose, southrnfreak69, spankmetotears, spikedshinizzle, spinxthexbottle, spiralinghalo, sqlnerd, stagediva9, starseedover, starshatetears, starstuddedmind, strawberryoxyge, sturken, stygian_eyes, suconejita, sugabee, sugar__babe, sugarcyanide, sunlit_shadows, sunsetscreamer, super80s, supremelead, sweetae429, syckpuppy, tainawizdom, tantric_adema, tekka69, the_captina, the_zukin, thehollowone, thepiratejoke, thevintagecandy, theycallmedrama, ticktockman, toheal, too_many_stars, toothedteddy, twostones, unacquiesce, unbeautifulstar, undeserving_him, ushuaia1979, vacationxvacate, velvetbabe416, violent_x_star, vita_diabolica, vormiciouskinid, wants_da_lovin, whatdoineed, whoringangel, willyw0nk, winifredbanks, wolvesonata, wormfart, wrappedinstars, wufeidragon, x371352, x_dresser, x_ibizagirl_x, xcuriousgirlx, xdistrust, xlovelessx, xmmxmmxgoodx, xthexnoosex, xurxlastxhopex, xxstarchyldexx, xxtaprootxx, xxxlonestarxxx, yummysexgoddess |
Watched by: | 221: _beautifuck, _hmmmm, _linze_, _secret_sarah_, a_poets_justice, a_silver_lining, abadman, abbsterbean, aberrations, aka_themonster, allgreggedup, alousybum, ancillary, angelbelladona, angelzashez, anitacox, annanichole, ar7983, ariadnemaru, b2k1, baby_d, bad_medicine, badboyz, badlittleneko, bardock420, barwna, bebe_whore, becoming_jenn, benkeiqueen, billyprior, black_aardwolf, blackrose, blue_crush, blueskin, bossdj02, boys_tell_lies, buzzards_bunny, captcrash103, carly_bo_barley, cheerinkutyee, coedholly, crazydaisy05, crucifixgirl, cyberdelia, dampyr, dark_submission, darkchild16, darliin, dazydeadpetal, deadvoices, deeliish, destinysdiamond, divinityandlust, dixie_normous05, doppelgangsta, duuj, el_exigente_, ellisbecker, estrada69, ethanthemighty, fake_fx, feeldeeper, filipinocupcake, fini512, flameswithin, flav0rable, fourcorners, fpjudderlord, fragglerockxxx, furcas, gabbleratchet, gigglecam, gigglyjody, gingerfish1569, girlgenchan, gloriously, glow, gravyplane, gummibearsrawk, historyavenger, hormel, imlivingalie, imusthegreat, infestdead, inflexible, jadeddoll, jamiemarie, jaspamaster, jdm0511, jemini602, jeremiahx, josicka, juicee, julian5385, junegirl11, kaaron, kenziebee, kibsgaard, kinesthetic, king_of_kings, kingdomcometrue, kinkyjournalboi, kissingwhore, kiwiman, kundalinidragon, lady_clorinda, lakergirl2, lamellar, lem_mon_drop, let_me_see, lieslieslies, logan187, longlivethecow, losing_fear, lostintrasition, lovejapangirls, lovingboth, mandykiss, masanni4, math_debater, mcretard, midnighttragedy, midnite_sun, misterhappy, moth_peppertree, mr_resonate, mspimpalicious, mysticdream, mytholmroyd, narcissuskisses, ndrest0230, nico_cobain, nikkiyoungblood, ninjahump, notblindyet, o0obadkittyo0o, oesheeptiger, offtrack, oldfrenchwhore, petname, pharmdave, phoenix75, plsexy5, postorpreview, private_mind, propellerhead, psychic_psycho, psycho_bob, puddlewunder, queendi, ... |
Account type: | Free Account |