Sunday, April 18th, 2004
3:32 pm - Doors
OK, all the doors in my house fit again. Took of a bit here and there. I don't now what it is but I don't think the flat I rent is the most solid in the world ... It can't be good if doors start to close more difficult. I hope the house doesn't come down soon!!!
Old crappy place but I like it :)
must start painting soon ...
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Saturday, April 17th, 2004
6:03 pm - In case you were wondering ...
The ironing went well! Haha, no sensitive body parts were hurt in the process! LOL OK, it was a fun thing to try but it just doesn't fit my morning ritual ... So what were your experiences? hahaha
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Tuesday, April 13th, 2004
6:56 pm - Nude ironing
Thanks to Kayleighb (no I still don't know how to do those links). She pointed us to some research that shows that 1 out of 5 men do their ironing nekkid or semi nekkid. So I decided to give it a go tomorrow morning! LOL. Wish me luck! haha
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Tuesday, April 6th, 2004
7:47 pm - DIY
OMG I am so proud of myself, I already put up a new shower curtain, a new shower head & the cord attached to it and a new toilet seat. Pfff the local Praxis will be happy with me. Hmmm it is renovation time! All I need is a vision of the end result ... and lots of luck and wisdom to achieve it!
And for my Dutch fans: I will be eating "aardappel anders" tonight. With "shoarma meat" spice up with chili oil, potatoes and Herbs and Garlic "aardappel anders". It is in the oven as we speak! Oh an I am getting pissed on AH wine :D
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7:35 pm
My collegue announced she is pregnant today. Beatiful how she was completely beaming and happy. A truly happy person ...
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Monday, April 5th, 2004
11:05 pm - How funny!
I was at an exibition that is sponsored by the company I work for. At this venue the also had a rackholding little advertising cards for several things to do in Amsterdam And guess what ... On the one for a certain bar there is a picture, with my identical twin brother enjoying beer! Haha, no one noticed. Except for the two people I showed. Funny world!
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Thursday, April 1st, 2004
9:47 am - Online at home!
well, almost!!! Only one minor step away. I solved most of the hurdles (OK, our It Dept did) but if all is well I can now enjoy being online at home again! Wheeeeee
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Saturday, March 20th, 2004
4:02 pm - Trojan games
Hahaha, these are funny (at least for the guys)
There are 3 little films, NOT Worksafe!
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Saturday, March 13th, 2004
5:10 pm - Why
Why do people make clothing instructions so confusing ... What the heck is the difference between smart casual and business casual?!
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Sunday, February 22nd, 2004
10:16 am - Change of plans!
Ha, I am at the office now to write a presentation for tomorrow but I just decided to change the subject and voila: in that case the presentation is almost done since I made one some time ago :)
So now for the important stuff: a coffee
or two ...
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Wednesday, February 18th, 2004
11:05 pm - USA ... You Lose!
Sunday, February 15th, 2004
5:59 pm - V-day
Hmm my valentines day started with a particularly nasty hangover. Maybe because I wasn't in the best of shapes inb the first place. Ah well but the drinking Friday night was great fun! I even brought a beer up in the office to someone who was still working haha. She looked sooo surprised. But her collegues looked sooo jealous haha. Anyway, traing on Saturady was not good, i felt like shit. And yes that is exactly how I felt the rest of the day. So I just went to bed early. Idols is great to watch if you want to fall asleep. There was only one great one in there. And I don't even know is she got through...
I hope my Vday next year doesn't suck as generously as this years. :/
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Tuesday, February 3rd, 2004
12:40 pm - My two cents...
Saturday, January 17th, 2004
2:54 pm - Paris mystery woman
Haha, I get to share a hotel room in Paris with a Spanish girl I never saw before in my life! I certainly hope she is nice!! Haha That trip will be so much fun. I think there will be at least six of us going from Amsterdam by train so we can pre-celebrate a bit :)
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Wednesday, January 14th, 2004
5:01 pm - Paris here I come!! And London too! wheeeeee
Yay! Going to Paris for a long weekend to a party from someone I don't know haha. But we are going with a fun International bunch and the train tickets are only $35!! And the weekend before that I will be visiting a friend In London. Hmmmm, Yes, a great start to the year!!!
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Friday, January 9th, 2004
8:01 pm
To balance the fitness posts... There will be Dimsum this Sunday!!! YUM!!! And there will be 8 of us so plenty of variety :D
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1:43 pm
Ha! Just went to the ofice gym for the THIRD time this week! My butt will be SOOOOO firm in a few weeks!!! And my belly sooo tight of course!
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Sunday, January 4th, 2004
1:57 pm
So tellme, why is it that when I am at an Internet Cafe that has 100 computers I always pick the one with the f*^#ed up space bar???
Hmmmust make new strategy to pick one
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Tuesday, December 30th, 2003
4:48 pm - Lucky me
I was just cruising trough town, starting to feel hungry when I ran in to two people I knwo from martial arts that were just about to go for Dim Sum lunch! Yummie! And great stories too haha. Hmmm I so feel like having a beer now! :)
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1:18 pm - LOTR
Wow, LOTR 3 made it worth sitting through the second one! Yup, great film! Altough it could have done with 3 less endings. Scene on top of the castle = end = everybody happy. But noooooo we had to sit through 5 more!
And now I can't wait to see last Samurai! That will rock. Any Dutchies feel like seeing it? It is out the second week of Jan.
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