Wednesday, March 24th, 2004
3:48 am - Cassia Aowyn Hawke ~ Birth Announcment
Cassia Aowyn Hawke
Born at home in the water, March 21st, 2004, 9lbs 8oz, 21 1/2", 1:01 PM
Special thanks to sandhawke, purpleminute, rosiewoodboat, gilana, roozle, and Talia for all their help through it all.
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| Sunday, February 22nd, 2004
11:01 am - Thomas Stanley (State Representative) writes Gregorian re: Gay Marriage
Dear Gregorian:
Thank you very much for your letter and illustration on marriage. I believe you are the youngest person to ever write to me and I am happy that you took the time to draw what marriage and love mean to you.
I agree that all people, today and in the future, should be able to marry the person they love. Please know that I will do all that I can to protect your future rights to marry whomever you choose.
Thank you very much for writing, and please write to me anytime.
Thomas M Stanley State Representative
(Hand Written Addition)
If you would ever like to visit the State House please let me know.
How very thoughtful of Representative Stanley to take the time to write Gregorian back. I sure hope he sticks to his words about protecting Gregorian's rights to marry whomever he chooses.
Gregorian does want to go to the State House, and no doubt it will be entertaining if nothing else, as Gregorian does believe marrage should not be something that the state is part of in the first place, but that since it is, he feels gender should not matter - nor should the number of people you choose to marry. I'm trying to picture Gregorian and Rep. Stanley having this conversation, and myself trying to keep a straight face...
What a little adventure this is turning into. Go, go, go, Gregorian! What an invaluable set of things he is learning from all of this.
current mood: Pride
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| Monday, February 16th, 2004
10:34 am - I have the coolest kid! (Letter written to our state representative)
| Sunday, February 15th, 2004
2:26 pm - Posts
All post will be friends only (+filters) from now on. If you would like to read my journal, and are not already on my friends list, let me know. (Even if you've friended me, if you havn't introduced yourself it's not likely I'll friend you back until you do.)
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7:21 am - Full Term
Technically "full term" is 37 - 42 weeks pregnant. I'm now 37 weeks, wich has the wonderful movie effect of seeing a doorway just at the other end of the room, but each step you take it seems to move farther and farther away. (hehehe) It's hard not to feel that "now what" sort of thing. Especially as this week is school vacation week, so there's not the usual running around like nuts to keep me busy and destracted. Ofcourse there is an entire floor of my house I could easily devote my time to cleaning and still not get it all done even if the baby was a month late. *grin* It's an odd juxtaposition I've seen just about everyone go through it where "it could be any day now, it could still be 5 weeks from now".
FWIW I don't *feel* ready yet. I would certianly like to be done on the hormones, I do feel done with the crazy mood swings, but I don't feel that physically done feeling yet. My midwife is out of town until the 21st, so I'd really like to wait until after that if possible (plus I have a small trip planned for that day I'm really looking forward to). Sandro would be ammused at a Feb 29th baby (me too) especially if it was a boy, wich if it is, Julian is the intended name. March 4th is our getting together anniversary, wich Gregorian would like to see the baby born on, 'cause he'd like it to "march fourth" and be part of the family (I perfer the idea of the baby gently sliding forth, but I do understand our perspectives are inherently different there). Heh. Silly dates games. I feel strong physically wich is great, I've got wonderful people arround me, an amazing partner, at some point not too long from now, there will be another very special person in my life too, who will come when s/he is good and ready to. I will wait.
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| Saturday, February 14th, 2004
7:22 pm - babyway
Thanks to everyone who came today! How wonderful.
Special thanks to Katy and Inae for all their work!
(Edit: It was a last minute thing I gather, so please don't feel slighted if you were not invited.)
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| Friday, February 13th, 2004
8:37 am - Too dumb to figure out why I'm so dumb! *grin*
I was reading about some research done in 97 in London about why new mothers complain about having difficulty concentraiting and poor memories, and they came up with things like "The researchers found - quite unexpectedly - that the pituitary gland doubled in size during the third trimester of pregnancy and remained enlarged for up to six months post partum". It goes on to talk about maternal hormones etc that are elevated (well duh yeah), but I really want(ed) to know why would the patuitary gland doubling it's size particularly make you stupid. The problem is as I'm trying to research it I just can't stay focused long enough to figure anything out! LOL. It's like nothing is seeming to make much sense, or then I've finally found some good info, but I'm really thirsty for orange juice and by the time I get back with my glass of juice I forgot where the page was I was reading! Atleast it's so extreem right now it's funny.
Another thing I want to know is if I'm being flooded with maternal - love and care for my little ones - hormones (I am still nursing the last one so toss some breast feeding hormones in there too), why the heck are they driving me up a wall and I'm yelling at every other little thing they do! Heh.
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| Thursday, February 12th, 2004
8:45 pm
| Wednesday, February 11th, 2004
7:20 am - Dreams
I drempt Gregorian was "grown up" tall, handsome, and in a tea party dress competition. He was wearing his favorite tea party dress, walking down the run way, and saying things like "one of the advantages of this dress is that it displays both tea and snacks as is appropriate for tea parties". I turned to my right, where 7 year old Gregorian was and I said, "WHAT IS HE DOING!?" young Gregorian said, "what do you mean, I'm in a tea party dress competition", I said "yes, but there are no snacks on that fabric, I remember from having been the one who made it, it's just tea cups and saucers". Young Gregorian then turned to me appalled "mom, you have *no* imagination, you never have, ofcourse there were snacks there, I just ate them and gave them to everyone back stage before the show".
I drempt that C. and I had a short set of "encounters" together, as he wanted to know what it was like to sleep with a woman who knitted baby hats before his wife A. started knitting baby hats. (Initials used to protect the guilty - I mean - innocent, but you probably know who you are, and I'm not sure how public your "baby hat knitting" is) An odd thing about the dream too is that C was in drag half the time because he said it would be important to A that he be very sympathetic when she started knitting baby hats and he should atleast try and dress like a knitter if he was going to live with a knitter.
Then I drempt there was to be a judgment against me by the community for having 4 kids. Everyone I knew had to gather in a room and go to one side if they supported the idea and were willing to support me in the community, everyone else had to go to the other side of the room, and would by law have to show their decission by not give me a baby shower, or bring me food after the baby was born, or do anything to support me or the kids for baby #4. redheadedmuse, ommango, purpleminute, and sunspiral were the only ones who went into the willing to support me corner. sandhawke said as he was going into the not supporting corner that he had too much work he wanted to do so it didn't really matter how he felt about the baby #4 issue, more importantly was how he felt about everything else. Then when everyone started to try and fit into the not supporting part of the room, the room started to tip because it was getting too heavy with so many people.
What a strange night of little pregnant snippet dreams.
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| Tuesday, February 10th, 2004
7:28 pm - Hawkegirl
So, in checking out orkut, I tried to create the user name "hawkegirl" (I know what a shocker).
It was declined because "'Hawkegirl' contains a bad word".
Uh... anyone have any idea what they're thinking? I don't see it.
(FYI I signed up as Inarichan then instead, however I don't expect to use it really.)
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2:01 pm - Go me (or not go me, go me)
I said no to taking on a patient today who is due 4 weeks after me. See, I can be good! I can set and stick to limits when it comes to work.
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| Monday, February 9th, 2004
8:40 pm - Sunday
I had a very nice Sunday. Swimming in the AM, xlii, Ellie, and Laura in the afternoon. [BTW, anyone wanting to hear what a woman sounds like giving birth, needs only ask xlii to give his impersonation of a whale speach.] The evening, by wich time I was exausted was pleasantly filled with beowabbit, pheromone, scholargipsy, a beautiful full moon, a cold night, and a hot tub. Despite being quite tired (and thus overly verbose), it was a nice night. I feel sad that some of them are not likely to be in town for a while, but so it is.
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5:56 pm - Gregorian's cello
I've really felt like Gregorian's cello playing has gone up a notch recently. He's just done one of those "gain a level" moves. We've been playing a few (simple) pieces together and he's able to keep rhythm with me, keep himself (mostly) in tune, remember and play the dynamics of the piece - at the same time. Ofcourse it's not "perfect" but it's been impressing me with how much better it is. His sense of the music has really deepend. He went up a level in his music lab too, where he's working on more complex rythms/times (hard core rubbing your belly and patting your head). -Anyhow- today in his group lesson, his teacher said it was time for him to move up to the next group level. YAY! It's his first advancement in the group classes, and he's very excited about it. (I have to confess too, I'm thrilled 'cause I really can't take much more twinkle and french folk song from that group.) *laugh* Ofcourse it throws a little rench in the schedualling, but so be it.
I still have unanswered questions about what "tallent" really is, and if it can be learned or not. I think this will be a question that requiers a great ammount of chewing.
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12:12 pm - What am I having poll!
Poll #245980: Boy, Girl, or Other Open to: all, results viewable to: allWhat do you think "Gurgle's" gender will be?
FWIW, most of the old wives-tale things, and the computer program (that has been right each time so far) point to boy. Though how much stock to put into weather or not I like the heel of the bread, or my nose seems to not have changed shape, is up to you.
current mood: anxious
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| Sunday, February 8th, 2004
8:54 am - Argh (warning bodily functions content)
Last night was a greatly looked forward to dinner with sunspiral and roozle, I was feeling decent when I arrived, had a little pre-dinner snack, thought I was suddenly tired, lay down for a few minutes to realize I was actually suddenly sick. Made it to the toilet in time to throw up way more food then I could of possibly eaten. Then the fabulous dinner (ribs ribs ribs) started, wich I could really only pick at, and then my intestines started acting up. *sigh* I was able to stick the evening out, with a pasted smile and nod (and running to the bathroom every 2 minutes), but I'm so dissapointed I didn't actually get to enjoy dinner and company much at all. Also, I've got to say, when your intestines turn to water, it must sound or feel strange to a fetus (who's surrounded by them), 'cause "Gurgle" was hyper active - wich ofcourse doesn't feel so good to the sick person (me) who is trying to sit as still as possible, yet there's a little person playing with your intestines that hurt already.
However, I was able to make the drive home without any "accidents", and I really could of been feeling worse the whole time.
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| Friday, February 6th, 2004
7:30 pm - slippery slope
The kids had a great day skiing today. Both really jumped up a notch in things they were trying to work on. Boudicca finally got off the kiddie slant, and onto the bunny slope (her third day skiing). Ofcourse her teachers have stopped calling her Boudicca and call her "SLOW DOWN!". I know this comes as a shock to all of you who know her. ;P They were having her class do plow and go back and forth. Each time Boudicca got to the top the teacher would say "what level are you?" She'd say "What?" the teacher would turn to ask another teacher if they knew what level she was, and as soon as they turned their head she'd bolt straight down the hill. LOL. It was almost always different person at the top too, so she just did it over and over again. It's amazing how fast someone really close to the ground can go down a bunny slope covered in ice. She would stop at the bottom by either bending in half (she's -extreemly- flexible) and putting her hands down by her boots to stop herself (all you downward dog yoga people would be impressed) or just plumitting into the snow.
The first time she did it, my first thought was to run out and catch her, I mean she's going STRAIGHT DOWN. But then I decided I'd sit back, 'cause she's not going to learn that it's too fast if I catch her. But ofcourse she loved it (even with snowballing at the end), and just tried to go faster the next time. So I'm not sure who learned what there.
Interestingly when the class was over, and she was skiing a bit more by herself ('cause she really wanted to keep going) she did practice some plow and slight turns.
Ah... my daughter. *+@#%!$!%!@#%*
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| Thursday, February 5th, 2004
5:55 pm - Ammusment park it is not
I've felt like saying I'm on an emotional roller coaster yesterday and today, but infact it's alot more like bumper cars. A roller coaster implies this up and down thing, where infact the sensation of going really fast and slamming into things (wondering if you just got whiplash) before someone slams into you again, then flooring it and spinning around faster until you have another collision, is really a much better analogy for my emotional state.
(I'm not sure if I should put emotional/mental state, because I have no idea where my mind is anymore.)
4 more weeks.
(This is not inherently bad - it's just fast and dead stop - and a bit - okay extreemly - nerveracking for a control freak.)
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| Wednesday, February 4th, 2004
7:44 pm - Work - oh what fun it is (no, really)
Yay, got another client today (due in August) who is someone I had hoped I would be able to deliver again someday. I knew she was trying, but she's also one who is on the fence about having a midwife at all (as opposed to giving birth alone at home). I'm glad we'll be working together.
What a nice way to end an "odd" work day.
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6:57 am - anti depressants in children leading to suicide
I heard a thing on NPR yesterday about all the hoopla in England and America about the possible side effects of paxil and other antidepressants being used in children. Ofcourse it's a muddle of information, and more research needs to be done. (IMHO)
What frustrated me was there was ZERO mention of, and seems to be no new movement on women taking anti-depressants while pregnant having effects on the child. Ofcourse there is some information out there, but extreemly inadequate in ammount and thuroughness. Or more specifically what doses for pregnant women are appropriate and an understanding of how the fetus metabolizes (or doesn't) the drugs too.
(I'm not saying pregnant women shouldn't who need to etc, but like with the children, there is NEED and there is need and there is a HUGE gap in understanding how a developing body can handle and process these things vs. how an adult can.)
I'm just dissapointed to see the movement for more understanding and studies starting sometime *after* the baby is born.
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| Tuesday, February 3rd, 2004
6:55 am - Janet Jackson
Okay, I can't resist posting. Post superbowl morning I woke up, checked my lj friends list, and read all about Janets Boob.
All I can say is, it's a damned good thing she didn't try breastfeeding for the half time show! Who knows how that would of damaged Amercia!
current mood: amused
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