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Monday | January 12, 2004
MD: General Assembly to Convene
OnBackground: The General Assembly opens this week, with the budget and slots at the top of the agenda, and starting with potential overrides of the governor's vetos on several bills from last year. Rep. Al Wynn joined the slots debate as he gathered together a group of PG County lawmakers to... Full post 09:54 | Link | Comments (0)
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Sunday | January 11, 2004
Justene Adamec: When I reported on the Worker's Compensation ballot initiative, there was only one worker's comp initiative at the AG's office website. Coincidentally, it was filed within a day or two of when the Small Business Action Committee issued the press release. However, the SBAC initiative appeared later (I caught it... Full post 09:09 | Link | Comments (0)
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WI: Democratic Debate
Owen: There may be a high profile debate for the Democratic presidential candidates in Wisconsin 2 days before the primary. Here are the details.... Full post 06:53 | Link | Comments (1)
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Saturday | January 10, 2004
VT: Flanagan runs for VT state senate
Brendan Hadash: Ed Flanagan the openly-gay former auditor of Vermont is running for a Vermont senate seat in Chittenden county as a Democrat. There are six seats in the county. The only current Republican is the daughter of former lieutenant governor Barbara Snelling.... Full post 11:33 | Link | Comments (0)
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AK: Reaction to Nepotism/Dynasty Building Fuels Signature Drive
fajalar: There are now some 50,000 signatures in support of an initiative to require a special election for a vacated US Senate seat rather than allow the Governor to appoint the position. Full post 07:19 | Link | Comments (0)
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Friday | January 09, 2004
ID: former Boise mayor sentenced
Randy Stapilus: Former Boise Mayor Brent Coles was on Friday sentenced to six months in jail, with various conditions applying, for misuse of public funds while he was in office. He earlier had been convicted on two felony counts. His chief of staff, Gary Lyman, awaits sentencing next week. The Idaho attorney... Full post 18:37 | Link | Comments (0)
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MN: Governor Names New Chief of Staff
Greg Beaver-Seitz: Following the recent departure of former chief of staff Charlie Weaver, Gov. Tim Pawlenty (R) has named Finance Commissioner Dan McElroy to the post. McElroy has recently been criticized for serving party and lobbying interests over the best interest of the state. Full post 13:04 | Link | Comments (0)
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Schwarzenegger budget targets cities, counties
polizeros: Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is expected to unveil a budget plan today that would take $1.3 billion from local governments.... Full post 09:39 | Link | Comments (0)
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TX: Congressional roundup
Charles Kuffner: With the filing deadline a week away, candidates continue to scramble, posture, and hustle for position in the new Congressional districts. Full post 08:33 | Link | Comments (5)
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MI: Election Dates Regularized
John LaPlante: Elections in Michigan will now be limited to four days a year. Full post 07:22 | Link | Comments (0)
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MN: Jesse Ventura Heading to Harvard
Greg Beaver-Seitz: Former pro-wrestler, 'you-haven't-hunted-until-you've-hunted-man' soldier, and governor Jesse Ventura has been invited to Harvard University as a visiting fellow for spring semester. Full post 07:17 | Link | Comments (0)
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Thursday | January 08, 2004
FL: Katherine Harris Appears "Ready To Run"
Florida Politics: "U.S. Rep. Katherine Harris has decided whether she will run for Sen. Bob Graham's seat and plans to reveal her plans next week, associates said Wednesday. . . . Harris did not return calls for comment, but supporters have said she is leaning toward entering the Senate race. "Harris to reveal Senate aim". Tramm Hudson, Sarasota County's GOP chairman "spoke to Harris Tuesday night and said she appears to be ready to run, saying she would rather take advantage of an open seat than run against an incumbent. . . . "The Democrats are pinching themselves right now with the dream of a Katherine Harris candidacy," said David Niven, a Florida Atlantic University political science professor." "Harris to announce plans on Senate run" (emphasis supplied). Update: Daily Kos readers are on fire about this. Full post 06:40 | Link | Comments (8)
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Wednesday | January 07, 2004
TX: Who might run where
Charles Kuffner: In the aftermath of the federal court's ruling upholding the Republican redistricting plan, the next question is who will run for which new district. Full post 17:13 | Link | Comments (21)
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CT: Rowland gets subpoena
sharito: Federal investigators, who are in the process of a criminal investigation into the events that have John Rowland's governorship teetering on the edge, have served the governor with a subpoena and demanded documentation related to the ongoing scandals. In the meantime, calls for the governor's resignation continue, while the governor... Full post 15:54 | Link | Comments (3)
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PA - Who's the mayor of Oil City?
Mark Kilmer: The mayor-elect of Oil City, Venango County, has changed his mind. After a hard-fought primary victory in the primary election and a 158-vote triumph in the general election, Republican George Ingham decided that he did not want to be mayor. According to the Erie Times-News electronic edition, Ingham delivered a... Full post 11:07 | Link | Comments (1)
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MI: Affirmative Action Proposal May Succeed, Despite Little Money
John LaPlante: A group seeks to ban the state collection of racial data of its residents. But the idea is PR poison to many would-be donors. Will this doom the ballot measure? Full post 08:47 | Link | Comments (6)
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Tuesday | January 06, 2004
MO: 3rd Congressional District Updates
Samaritan: As time marches on, so too does the race to succeed Dick Gephardt in Congress.... Full post 22:04 | Link | Comments (4)
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WA: Mason joins Nethercutt campaign
Martha Wilson: Tom Mason, chief of staff to Senator Norm Coleman (R-MN), has joined U.S. Rep. George Nethercutt's (R-WA5) campaign as the campaign manager. Nethercutt is challenging Senator Patty Murray (D-WA). The Bush Administration put a lot of energy into Coleman's race against Senator Paul Wellstone for which Mason was a consultant.... Full post |
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