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Cook au vin
The boozy secrets of a master saucier

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... a whole new way to start the weekend

Fight club
Will Self on an extraordinary organisation

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Should sperm-donor children have right to know biological father?

The city for nothing
The 50 best free activities in London

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Saddam's WMD never existed, says American arms inspector
David Kay, who stood down as head of the hunt for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, does not believe that any stockpiles ever existed

Is this evidence of life on Mars?

Images sent by orbiter, using (from left) infrared, wavelength distortion and real image techniques, show frozen water at the planet's south pole

Rail firm's blunder meant signals were disconnected
A contract railway worker has been suspended after allegedly committing "the most serious breach of procedure" since privatisation

UK news

Top-up fees may leave medical students £64,000 in debt, say doctors

Government warned to stockpile drugs to halt avian flu pandemic

Lawrence affair erupts as mother sues publisher over friend's book

The Hutton Report: 15 questions that are awaiting answers

World news

Cover-up charges as Thailand confirms two cases of bird flu

Dean tormented in New Hampshire for 'screech heard around the world'

Oscars disarray as Academy member linked to piracy

Europe news

EU plans charter flights to speed up deportations

French told to stop 'health nomads'


Top-up fees may leave medical students £64,000 in debt, say doctors


Straw urges cricketers to boycott Zimbabwe


Black seeks to block auction of 'Telegraph' titles


Record industry claims it is winning the battle against illegal music downloads


Financial understanding key to success


John Edwards: Could this boyish southerner be the new Clinton?


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