Tuesday, September 09, 2003

Blog has moved

Blog has moved due to server weirdness, please change your bookmarks to: http://wileywiggins.blogspot.com

Wednesday, September 03, 2003

Giant lizard terrorises Beirut - BBC 

In Lebanon, a giant lizard has been roaming the streets of a Beirut suburb for several weeks, eluding all the attempts by the authorities to catch it.

New Scientist - Chili Receptors detect hart attack pain 

The same receptors that sense the burning taste of chilli peppers also sense chest pain during a heart attack, scientists have discovered.

I just liked the way that headline sounded.


Monday, September 01, 2003


Xerox parc has worked out an interesting data embedding method that is kind of like steganography... basically it puts scannable information in the halftone of pictures in the form of little backwards and forwards slashes.

I started a short story a few years back about an obsessive compulsive who monitors gigs worth of internet porn a day looking for stego-encoded intelligence 'chatter' in the files... The idea was that you never quite found out if he was a spy with a really weird job or a delusional loser perv. Or both.


Happy Labor Day.. Now get back to work. 

Commenting is intermittently busted, but you already knew that.

As soon as Cafepress starts offering glue bound books I'll have copies of Solarcon-6 for sale. This is a much nicer looking version than the Alt-X edition, and will make a nice (if confusing) addition to any learned gentleman or ladies' personal library.

Sunday, August 31, 2003


Violetta personal solar panel
Found via Social Design Notes

Samuel R. Delany 

Exploding Pizza Delivery man 

ERIE, Pennsylvania (AP) -- A pizza delivery man told police he had been forced to rob a bank and asked authorities to help him minutes before a bomb strapped to his chest exploded and killed him.


Programming Language Inventor or Serial Killer? 

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