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  February 11, 2004
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HNN Features Articles and Op Eds by Historians from Both the Left and the Right

Contents: Week of February 9, 2004

News at Home

What Douglas Brinkley's Portrait of John Kerry Reveals (About Brinkley and About Kerry) Andrew Ferguson

The Fog of Power Ruth Rosen

White House Lies: A Brief History John Quigley

Why Liberals Should Oppose Reinstating the Draft Murray Polner

Bush's Phony Budget P. M. Carpenter

Bush's Pie-in-the-Sky Mars Plan Jonathan Coopersmith

Why He-Man Politics Is All the Rage this Year Jeremy H. Neill

News Abroad

Why Israelis Are Now Bad-Mouthing the World Court Howard N. Meyer

NEW Why Haiti's Such a Mess (And Why Bill Clinton Was So Wrong to Prop Up Aristide) Michael Radu

Fact & Fiction

Why the Cynics Are Wrong About Presidential Commissions David Flitner, Jr.

Culture Watch

Super Bowl Patriots: A New Dynasty? Derek Catsam

Contents: Week of February 2, 2004

News at Home

Stay Tuned. Iraq's Problems, Bad as They Are Now, Will Only Get Worse P.M. Carpenter

If Only the Hero of the Lord of the Rings Were a Candidate in '04 Tim Furnish

A Great Economy If You're Rich Jonathan Rees

Is Howard Dean the Goldwater of the Democratic Party? Jeffrey J. Matthews

News Abroad

Iraq: A Short History of What Went Wrong Harvey Sicherman

Should You Read the Koran to Understand Muslim Terrorism? Daniel Pipes

Fact & Fiction

Nixon and Kissinger Obfuscations About Vietnam: What the Documents Show Jeffrey Kimball

Was Kennedy Cheered When He Announced We Were Going to the Moon? Alice George

Historians & History

Does Daniel Pipes's Campus Watch Really Offer Students Helpful Guidance? Aaron Erlich


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Breaking News

The Church of England has questioned whether the accepted Biblical story of three Wise Men was accurate.

An eBay auction of a skull claimed to be from an ancient Hawaiian who was buried at Kaanapali long ago was halted Wednesday after outraged Native Hawaiians contacted legal authorities.

Website claims Discovery Channel documentary misidentified a mummy as Nefertiti's; actually, it was a male mummy.

A Welsh woman who married into one of Germany's most prominent musical families nearly became Adolf Hitler's wife, a BBC Wales programme has revealed.

At age 86 Philipp von Boeselager is still troubled by nightmares about Hitler; he was one of the young Germans who tried to kill Hitler in 1944. Says if they had succeeded, Germans would have believed with Hitler they could have won the war.

Conservative students at Duke University unveil a study that found that none of the school's history professors are conservative (32 to 0).

Gen. Wesley K. Clark told a military historian four years ago that he was pressed by some members of the Clinton administration to end the war in Kosovo so that it would not interfere with Vice President Al Gore's presidential campaign. But on Saturday he denied that there was any political pressure to end the war.

Website tracks down letters Ike sent to 10 people to take over the federal government in the event of an atomic attack.

Sons of Confederate Veterans in Hot Springs, Arkansas organizes a conference to denounce Abe Lincoln and oppose the placement of a Lincoln statue in a more prominent position by city officials.

Maryland County turns down request to place a statue of native son Frederick Douglass at a courthouse that features a monument to Southern Confederates.

A grass-roots campaign of activists, actors, journalists and others have launched an Internet-driven campaign that pummels the Civil War drama Cold Mountain for its historically inaccurate absence of blacks.

A collision between Earth and a passing comet in the 6th century AD may have caused the collapse of agriculture, mass famine and indirectly led to the bubonic plague in Europe, a study has suggested.

Leonardo da Vinci not only anticipated the airplane, the life jacket, the intercom and the robot, he also created the first natural plastic, according to an Italian scholar.