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8, 2003
The Nuptials of Boykin
and Wolfowitz
Bride Wore Black
"This is a first," a colleague
moaned, claiming that the country has fallen into the hands of
a religious cult. "Look," he directed me, "at
the crusade-like rhetoric emanating from high circles about the
Iraq effort, while we get dosed with supposedly Christian doctrines
of enforcement from Attorney General John Ashcroft." He
meant the 2001 order from the AG to cover a bare breast on a
statue in the Department of Justice as well as his Puritanical
diktats that decry abortion and exalt the death penalty.
"Look at history," I reminded
my colleague. "Until the late 17th Century, a theocracy
ruled Massachusetts Bay Colony. Those Puritans believed in witches
and the Devil. They also fostered aggressive conversion of the
heathen, so that all might hear the `revealed word.' God had
instructed them to build a `Zion in the Wilderness,' so He could
issue in the Kingdom of the Apocalypse, or what the current holy
rollers call The Rapture. The Puritan mission to create a virtuous
society worthy of God's redemption placed an urgent burden on
their pious shoulders. Since God had chosen these Puritans to
do His mission, the stoic New Englanders could not afford to
indulge in sentimentality or other forms of weakness. They tried
to eliminate the Devil's presence by killing his witches after
fair trials of course.
"Today," I argued, "the
religious or ideological descendents of the Puritan elite, the
modern crusaders, repeat similar messages from the pulpit and
even from the Pentagon." I offered as an illustration Deputy
Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence General William G.
Boykin, who called a dark spot on a photograph in Mogadishu,
Somalia `a manifestation of evil.'
In speeches Boykin refers to the "Christian
army," waging holy war against the "idol" of Islam's
false God, and the "spiritual battle" against "a
guy named Satan" who "wants to destroy us as a nation,
and he wants to destroy us as a Christian army." This does
not sound like the emissions coming from the mouth of rational
Jewish neo conservatives like Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz. With
completely secular logic, Wolfy explained to Vanity Fair (May
2003) that "For bureaucratic reasons, we settled on one
issue, weapons of mass destruction, because it was the one reason
everyone could agree on."
Now, imagine an intellectual marriage
between these two men! Does it seem bizarre that ultra zany Christian
theologians wearing military uniforms marry Jewish neo-con ideologues?
In the 21st Century, this union has not replaced the family,
but it has invaded the space traditionally occupied by foreign
policy strategists.
One could see the invasion of Iraq as
the nuptial ceremony for this bizarre matrimony. The war itself,
over in weeks, symbolized the honeymoon period when both sides
of this crusading union talked about "liberating Iraq"
and bringing democracy to the Middle East." This act of
"liberation" destroyed with missiles and bombs Iraq's
infrastructure. The neo-con/Christian fundamentalist merger received
the blessings of President George W. Bush when he declared victory
who could forget his jet landing on the USS Abraham Lincoln?
In his May 1 self-congratulatory speech he also indirectly applauded
those who had brought him to lead the country into a pre-emptive
attack against Iraq.
Then, even as US troops began to rebuild
Iraq, the consequences of an unjust war began to intrude. The
very neo-cons and Christians who had predicted that Iraqis would
welcome our soldiers as liberators, had to face the harsh truth
that many Iraqis deeply resented the invasion and the occupation
of their country. By the end of October more than 200 US soldiers
have died, more than a thousand wounded, more than a dozen suicides;
thousands more have fallen seriously ill and been evacuated.
Bush's declaration of victory might even have echoed harshly
in the ears of Wolfowitz himself as mortars struck the hotel
that lodged him in Baghdad where he had been busy issuing optimistic
statements. As Ramadan commenced at the very end of October,
suicide bombers struck four targets in Baghdad and hit other
Iraqi targets as well. Wolfowitz looked shaken. The fanatics
on the enemy side seemed even more committed than Wolfy and his
new theological partner.
The peace and order promised by the president
as his newly married advisers assured him did not materialize.
Instead, the numbers of attacks on US occupation forces, including
those by suicide bombers, has grown. The army's morale has declined.
A Member of Congress told me that National Guardsmen from his
district call him regularly to complain about as many as twenty
attacks a day on US patrols. Guardsmen's wives also complain,
he said, that their husbands did not join the National Guard
to become an occupation force in a country whose people didn't
want them.
The Member went on to describe the condition
of some of the wounded he had visited in a Washington DC military
hospital. "They have lost legs, arms and eyes," he
said. "Some of these poor young men told me that their humvees
didn't have proper protection against explosives or rocket propelled
grenades, but had only canvas flaps. The Administration spends
our money freely on contracts to Halliburton and Bechtel, but
they don't seem to be able to give our guys proper protection."
The Congressman said that only recently had the occupying troops
received Kevlar vests.
Bush has sworn to use them to bring order
to Iraq, despite the Administration's stinginess on providing
soldiers protective material. So, ironically, the very agency
and methods that destroyed Iraq, will now rebuild it: killing
and intimidating to install order and democracy very different
from Saddam Hussein's methods!
But the Administration continues to boast
of its progress in Iraq and label critics as party poopers. For
upbeat news, watch Fox or CNN. The bad news, the human and material
price of occupying a country whose people resent the occupiers,
seeps out in daily reports of casualties: dead, wounded, sick
(physically and mentally) and suicides.
The Bushies count on their New Crusaders
as a counterweight. One example of the new imperialists, Reverend
Bobby Welch, pastor of the First Baptist Church in Daytona Beach,
Florida, invites his colleagues on an April 22-23 visit to The
John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School at Fort Bragg
"to share an experience with the Green Berets."
If your mind flashes back to the original
crusades, you've had an insight. "It is believed by you,
me and others," Welch extols, "that we must find a
group of men who are warriors of FAITH, pastors who have the
guts to lead this nation to Christ and revival."
The Special Forces will demonstrate for
the visiting clergy "today's war fighting weapons,"
("live fire/real bullets"). They'll watch, hand-to-hand
combat and discover how "Special Forces attack the enemy
inside buildings. The trip includes a visit with Major General
William Boykin, who had collaborated previously with Reverend
Welch. At the time Boykin commanded the special warfare center
(<> 4-9-03).
Try and picture New Crusaders like Reverend
Welch at the wedding when the brainy Wolfowitz mated with the
muscular Boykin. The neo cons who fed ideologically at the trough
of the Heritage Foundation and founded The Project for a New
American Century (PNAC) wanted "to promote American global
leadership." Among those who founded this 1997 Project one
finds VP Dick Cheney, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and
While Boykin rants about Muslim devils
Wolfowitz seeks to convert the United States into the world's
permanent and only superpower. No nation, backward and hostile
or advanced and friendly could challenge US supremacy. To achieve
this, Wolfowitz advocated preemptive military actions "when
collective action cannot be orchestrated." Since 1998, Wolfowitz
has called for the removal of Saddam Hussein from power by force
as a major goal of policy.
Wolfowitz foresaw that such a transformation
of policy from alliances to uni-literalism would encounter resistance
from Congress, save for "a catastrophic and catalyzing event
- like a new Pearl Harbor." The events of 9/11 served the
purpose. But he and his fellow neo cons needed a man to realize
their crusade on the one hand and a wider pulpit from which the
new word would issue forth.
And Boykin offered the Christian soldiers
the reason to support Emperor Bush. "Why is this man in
the White House?" Boykin asked rhetorically. "The majority
of Americans did not vote for him," he accurately stated.
"He's in the White House because God put him there for a
time such as this."
Fellow fundamentalist Jerry Falwell backed
Boykin. He told an October 22, 2003 CNN "Crossfire"
audience that "God rules in the affairs of men. And history
would support that." Not only did God choose Bush (43) but
"we needed Bill Clinton, because we turned our backs on
the lord and we needed a bad president to get our attention again."
Falwell evokes images of Cotton Mather's
Church in the 17th Century. The Puritan salvation mission might
have contained more sophisticated theology than that provided
by the Boykins and Falwells, but it's the same hunt for witches
and Devils. As the sage once said, "the first time around
tragedy, then again, farce." Unfortunately, we're living
in the second go around. So, get off your butts unless you want
the Boykin-Wolfowitz marriage to generate real offspring.
Saul Landau
is a fellow of the Institute for Policy Studies. He teaches at
Cal Poly Pomona University. For Landau's writing in Spanish visit:
His new book, PRE-EMPTIVE
EMPIRE: A GUIDE TO BUSH S KINGDOM, has just been published
by Pluto Press. He can be reached at:
Edition Features for Oct. 25 / 26, 2003
Saul Landau
Bono? The Cuba Embargo as Rip Off
Noam Chomsky
Empire of the Men of Best Quality
Midge Decter and the Taxi Driver
Brian Cloughley
"Mow the Whole Place Down"
John Stanton
The Pentagon's Love Affair with Land Mines
William S. Lind
Bush's Bizarre Korean Gambit
Ben Tripp
The Brown Paste on Bush's Shoes
Christopher Brauchli
Divine Hatred
Dave Zirin
An Interview with John Carlos
Agustin Velloso
Oil in Equatorial Guinea: Where Trickle Down Doesn't Trickle
Josh Frank
Howard Dean and Affirmative Action
Ron Jacobs
Standing Up to El Diablo: the 1981 Blockade of Diablo Canyon
/ Hermach
Liar, Liar Forests on Fire
David Vest
Jimmy T99 Nelson, a Blues Legend and the Songs that Made Him
Adam Engel
America, What It Is
Dr. Susan Block
Christy Canyon, a Life in Porn
Greeder, Albert & Guthrie
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