Bush says Bring 'Em On, but we say BRING THEM HOME NOW
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>>Monday News Roundup
The Pentagon is extending tours of duty in Iraq for about 1,500 soldiers, mainly helicopter and other transportation support personnel, defense officials said Monday .... [more]
posted 12 jan 2004

Sound Off:
January 1st: I just got off the phone with my boyfriend in Iraq. After talking to him, I was in the mood to search the web for others who feel the same way I do. This war is ridiculous. My boyfriend has been in Iraq since last March, and wants out of there more than anything. His "6 month" deployment has turned into 9 months and still going .... [more]
posted 06 jan 2004

The Aztec Warrior
Another year ends today, a year full of important events in the lives of the American people and especially many Latino families like mine. Exactly one year ago my entire family was gathered together, ready to enjoy a meal prepared by my wife and daughters. My son, Jesus, was so happy with his wife and their son Erick. Everyone sat around the table and we counted the 12 tollings of the bell and ate the traditional 12 grapes, hoping that the new year 2003 would be full of joy, peace, love, and prosperity for all. We embraced and wished each other much happiness for 2003 .... [more]
posted 03 jan 2004

Bush Lied, They Died
Faces of the Dead — Every One Alive Last New Years Day .... [more]
posted 01 jan 2004

Bring 'Em On? Bush Gets His Wish
The US occupation of Iraq reached another tragic landmark with the death of 17 troops in the crash of two Blackhawk helicopters in Mosul on Saturday, reportedly when one tried to avoid ground fire from the Iraqi armed resistance .... [more]
posted 19 nov 2003

An Open Letter to GIs in Iraq
Stan Goff writes: I am a retired veteran of the army, and my own son is among you, a paratrooper like I was. The changes that are happening to every one of you—some more extreme than others—are changes I know very well. So I'm going to say some things to you straight up in the language to which you are accustomed .... [more]
posted 15 nov 2003

S t a t e m e n t   o f   P u r p o s e

BRING THEM HOME NOW! is a campaign of military families, veterans, active duty personnel, reservists and others opposed to the ongoing war in Iraq and galvanized to action by George W. Bush's inane and reckless challenge to armed Iraqis resisting occupation to "Bring 'em on."

Our mission is to mobilize military families, veterans, and GIs themselves to demand: an end to the occupation of Iraq and other misguided military adventures; and an immediate return of all US troops to their home duty stations.

The truth is coming out. The American public was deceived by the Bush administration about the motivation for and intent of the invasion of Iraq. It is equally apparent that the administration is stubbornly and incompetently adhering to a destructive course. Many Americans do not want our troops there. Many military families do not want our troops there. Many troops themselves do not want to be there. The overwhelming majority of Iraqis do not want US troops there.

Our troops are embroiled in a regional quagmire largely of our own government's making. These military actions are not perceived as liberations, but as occupations, and our troops are now subject to daily attacks. Meanwhile, without a clear mission, they are living in conditions of relentless austerity and hardship. At home, their families are forced to endure extended separations and ongoing uncertainty.

As military veterans and families, we understand that hardship is sometimes part of the job. But there has to be an honest and compelling reason to impose these hardships and risks on our troops, our families, and our communities. The reasons given for the occupation of Iraq do not rise to this standard.

Without just cause for war, we say bring the troops home now!

Not one more troop killed in action. Not one more troop wounded in action. Not one more troop psychologically damaged by the act of terrifying, humiliating, injuring or killing innocent people. Not one more troop spending one more day inhaling depleted uranium. Not one more troop separated from spouse and children. This is the only way to truly support these troops, and the families who are just as much part of the military as they are.

Bush says "Bring 'em on." We say "BRING THEM HOME NOW!"


Tell us what you think.

Email us your letters and photographs: BTHN@mfso.org

Or, send us regular mail:
P.O. Box 91233
Raleigh, NC  27675

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Follow the link (loads in new window) and scroll down the page to where it says "Contribute to BRING THEM HOME NOW." Click the "GIVE" button.

Send checks or money orders to:

Bring Them Home Now!
c/o Veterans for Peace
438 N Skinker Blvd
St. Louis, MO 63130

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All donations are tax-deductible