[23 Aug 2004|10:23pm] |
The problem with organising a surprise event is that you cant discuss dates and the such with the person. So you are then forced to either have an 'inside' person or go snooping. Who knew doing something nice would be so much hard work
[21 Aug 2004|09:04pm] |
Irish accents . . *melts*
[17 Aug 2004|07:47pm] |
uhh brocolli?? anything you want to tell me Ewan?
[14 Aug 2004|11:57pm] |
First sleazy old guy: a guy who was in charge of the slides in Cooney Island, asked me which one i was going out with, refering to laura and kehoe, i said neither and that they are going out. He then proceded to say good and that i was too good for them and finished it off with a glance at my chest. Second sleazy old guy: was cool and the three of us ended up moving rides when he moved because he made them faster and better. Apparently he has seven kids, something i dont really want to know about the people controling the rides. General sleazy habits, he also put his arm around me when looking for somewhere for us to sit on the ride, which was just creepy. conclusion: Luna park is strange and not somewhere you want to be late at night.
[ .353. ] |
[12 Aug 2004|08:22pm] |
Time for my random post of doom, or to be more precise a boredom reliever in the form of a post . . . ( Im nice )
[20 Jun 2004|10:04pm] |
Witness the updating . . ahhh
MEEP where are you?
[12 Jun 2004|03:32pm] |
EVERYTHING IS PURPLE!! Well not really i accidently put a pair of purple pants that are supposed to be hand washed in the washing machine. It turned parts of my school jersey, a shirt and my fav knee highs light purple. Apparently it can be fixed though, hopefully.
[05 Jun 2004|06:33pm] |
i was just reading over some of my previous posts and im sitting here in hysterics i was so stupid . . but also to everyone thanks if i ever get that stupid again hit me please
one more thing LOL
A quote from the movie On The Edge |
[05 Jun 2004|06:08pm] |
"See, Dr Figure was a no-medication type of guy and all the hard core suicidals in his group - now including myself - had agreed not to kill or harm themselves before January 1st. I mean, can you imagine someone dead, hanging from the light fixture in their room, thinking, If my doctor finds out about this, I'm FUCKED."
[04 Jun 2004|08:37pm] |
Type your username with your: nose: angelicdeaths elbow: angelicdeaths tongue: ang ok i tried but my keyboard tastes really really bad chin: anvgbel,icdedaths so i have a fat chin feet: angelp;iccdeaaaaaaaaths eyes closed and one finger: amgealicdeaths back of my hand: angelicdeaths palm: angelicdeaths mouse: angelicdeaths wrist: angelicdeaths
wow i actually did pretty well on that . . i think its because im so boney i have odd little bones sticking out everywhere
i wonder what someone would have said if they had come in when i was standing on my desk trying to type with my foot.
[16 May 2004|06:02pm] |
why hello A post to prove that i am not always so doomy and depressed. I just like to comment on my lj when i am, well either doomy or really annoyed at something. Hi Ewan! um yes i dont really know why im posting, i have nothing to say, as usual so im going to go back to my book. toodles!!
[27 Mar 2004|05:52pm] |
wow i havent updated in a long time . . Well i am now going to England to stay for 4 months. All that is left to do is actually purchase the tickets, which im certain they will be bought soon as i now have my father on my side. Missing the people i never see anymore but im having fun getting to now others better, others such as emily nina and emma smith. Ive always been friends with them but im getting to know them alot better lately. not to forget all the others love all of you . . For those of you who dont know i am no longer going out with chad . . long story ask if you have the time and care . . My house has become infested with insects of all kinds i have on average around 100 mosquitos bites on me (no exageration). Also another spider attempted to infest my room with another egg luckily i discovered it and it has now been sent to vaccum heaven or hell as the case may be. Stupid spiders trying to reproduce and survive :P. Also there has been many cockroach sightings, including one that ran over my foot and scared the crap out of me. Now that i have grossed you all out at my disgusting house i do believe i shall leave. i shall update again in a few days most probably.
If i havent talked to you in awhile give me a call, we should do something. You know who you are . .
11 days |
[27 Mar 2004|05:51pm] |
sorry to re-post this but i find it amusing that i am to die in 11 days. i wonder where i am going to get the 3 million from . .
[08 Feb 2004|06:41pm] |
ok i am going to be very very pissed of if i dont go to England because of Gary fucking it up. He doesnt think i am serious enough, or that im going to back out at the last minute. Which is BULLSHIT because i have been looking forward to this trip for 2 years.
Also if lisa tags along on my independence trip i shall be very very very annoyed.
[01 Feb 2004|06:06pm] |
aarron made beer and apple cider
and it actually tasted nice . . wierd
[24 Jan 2004|10:16pm] |
how observant is mother ive had the nylon noose on my wall since halloween and she comes into my room pretty much every day (unfortunately) and she has only just noticed it.
[23 Jan 2004|07:57pm] |
1. My cats are homosexual
2. I am being forced to babysit tomorrow . . i wonder what my parents have against my cousin because she wont be alive by the end of the day.
[17 Jan 2004|10:21pm] |
Zeus: Perseus has won. My son has triumphed. Hera: A fortunate young man. Zeus: Fortune is ally to the brave. Thetis: What a dangerous precedent. What if there more heroes like him? What if courage and imagination became everyday mortal qualities? What will become of us? Zeus: We would no longer be needed. But, for the moment, there is sufficient cowardice, sloth and mendacity down there on Earth to last forever.
[06 Jan 2004|12:21am] |
I have always thought he was good looking but i fell in love with him when i saw him in Cold Mountain.
[04 Jan 2004|05:18pm] |
Ok time for an update and here it is . .
Witness me updating . .
We had mushrooms growing on our carpet outside the bathroom!!