Thursday, March 7th, 2002 |
3:41 pm |
pretty pissed off Hey there I had the worst night last night. I was in such a bad mood.This is what happen. Well a good friend of mine taht is in the marine corps decided that he would go AWOL. Well he left on Friday of last week and went down to Fl. He hadnt called me to let me know that he made it to Fl.Well his mom has been calling my house looking for him. And I have been lying to her 4 him. Well I guess the MC called his house in FL and said that he was missing. Well his dad went to my moms house and started asking questions. Well my mom called me and started yelling at me and ssaying that I was hiding him and that i should do that. Well then he called me and i just went off on him. Well then I talked to Pagan and he told me that he is losing his car.:( Well I am at work. SO gotta jet. Current Mood: pissed off |
Wednesday, March 6th, 2002 |
11:34 am |
Good News Yeah I am so happy. I talked to Pagan last night and we have ben planning on me going up there in April for my spring break. Well the thing is he had to ask the people he is living with if it would be alright if I came and stayed there. Well he asked last night and he said that it would be alright if I came up there. So I am going to NY!!!!! I cant wait. And my friend Rachelle is coming down from NYC on the 21st. EXCITING!!! So all this good stuff has been happening lately. Well I am at owrk so talk to u all later. 1Love ViolentStorm Current Mood: excited |
Monday, February 25th, 2002 |
3:13 pm |
Well things have changed lately. Lets see I no longer work at Old Navy. And Pagan and I broke up on the 3of this month but we are back to together as of the 23rd. He moved back to NY at the end of Jan. HE wants me to come move up there and go to school up there in the fall. I am really thinking about doing it. It is going to be weird because I am not going to know anybody besides Pagan. I guess I will have to deal with it. I am at work now so I will write more later. ViolentStorm Current Mood: workingCurrent Music: My team talking about School and stuff |
Wednesday, December 19th, 2001 |
11:02 am |
nothing really big Well things have been going good fro me lately. I started my new job. I work at the Old Navy in Wheaton Maryland. It is really tiring though. I only work from 6pm-12am. But that is alot because I work with City Year from 8 or 9am - 5,6 or 7 pm depending on the day. So when I get out of work at night I am so tired. I will live though. Well Pagan and I are still together and today is our one month anniversary. I dont think that he remembers though. I guess I will have to wait and see if he does tonight. Luay finally talked to me. I called him on his birthday. He is doing fine. Well I will let you go so talk to you later. Bye ViolentStorm Current Mood: sleepyCurrent Music: hummming of the computer |
Wednesday, December 12th, 2001 |
10:40 am |
Hey there I am doing fine. Today I start my new job. I am so excited. I am going to be working at The Old Navy. Mike you should be very proud I am workijng for Gap. So any how I am going to be coming home once again for x-mas well technically I will be. I wont be leaving Dc untill the 27th.. I will be there untill the 6th of Jan. well i have to get back to work. Love nad mIss ya ViolentStorm Current Mood: anxiousCurrent Music: hfmjgdhfdmhf |
Wednesday, December 5th, 2001 |
10:25 am |
1st fight Last night,my boyfriend and I got into a agruement.What it was about was that he thinks that his ex-wife has a private investagator out watching him. When he told me taht I was being a smart ass and decided that I would yell hey everyone I am going out with Pagan. Well he was like what. I turned and started to walk in side and give My friend his stuff that we just bought at the store. I guess he thought that I said that he needs to stop being so scaried and not worry about it so he got in his car and drove off. So then when he came back we sat out in his car talking about it. One thing that we talked about was the fact that almost everytime I ask him what he is thinking he always tells me that he is thinking about either nothing or how he thinks that I dont want to be with him. So we talked about that. Then later that night my ex-man Jorge came and visited me. He seemed like he got all mad about that because of the fact that I went and talked to him alittle bit. And when I got back in the house he was sleeping. Well I will finish this later. Love ViloentStorm Current Mood: frustrated |
Monday, December 3rd, 2001 |
12:48 pm |
hey there I am doing great. I am dating this guy now. We have been dating for two weeks today. well let me tell you alittle bit about him. he is 19. His name is Pagan. He is in the Marine Corps. He is great. he is like everything that i want in a guy; great personality, sense of humor,treats me great, hot, and loves to listen to me. We have the best conversations. Well city Year is going good. we are working in an Arts and Technology school. It is so awesome. Well I am going to CY now so I will update shortly. Love ya, ViolentStorm Current Mood: lovedCurrent Music: mtv radio |
Friday, November 30th, 2001 |
1:08 am |
I am still alive Hey there things in Dc are going good as of thus far! How are things in OK going Mike? I miss ya I havent heard from you in awhile.Well things have changed with me lately I have a man now. I know surprise surprise I finally am a one man type of girl. J/P Well I have to go so bye for now more soon. Love and Miss ya, ViolentStorm Current Mood: blah |
Monday, November 26th, 2001 |
12:41 pm |
Well I am back in DC. Yeah We arrived back here around three this morning from driving from Fl.we left yesterday at 8am. I was so happy to see my bed it was unreal. well i will talk to you all later b/c I am at work. Love ViolentStorm Current Mood: working |
Thursday, October 18th, 2001 |
1:04 pm |
Long TIme Things here in DC are going ok. I am working for CIty Year still but it has been really boring lately. We just sit around the office doing nothing. I have a question thatI was thinking about I was going to by my nephew something for X-mas the thing is I am not sure if I would get him something that says 1st christmas or not because he waas born on X-mas of 2000. So he will be turning one but would it be his 2nd x-mas. I need help answering that question so I can start my shopping. Well I have to go back to work. Love ya ViolentStorm Current Mood: confused |
Wednesday, October 3rd, 2001 |
1:37 pm |
HEy there i AM JUST SITTING HERE AT WORK (cITY yEAR) doing nothing. Just like I have been doing for the past couple days. We do this thing called Hurry up and Wait. Where we are just sitting here all the time doing nothing. So how is everyone doing? It seems like nobody is updating there email anymore. HMMMMMMMMMM really weird? Well I gotta go talk later. TAmeka Current Mood: busyCurrent Music: kittie |
Monday, October 1st, 2001 |
2:53 pm |
Boring I am sitting at work and I just thought I would take a min and say hey to everyone. I am doing frin but life in DC is really boring lately. But that is ok I am going to go now More inpo later. Love ViolentStorm Current Mood: bored |
Tuesday, September 25th, 2001 |
5:48 pm |
Been so long Hey everyone It has been so long since I actually updated on this thing. Well let me see what has happened lately. Well I tried to commit suicide not to long ago but as you can see it didnt work cause i am still here. Well I started City Year and things are going good well I have to go now so MOre later. Love ya. ViolentStorm Current Mood: energeticCurrent Music: n/a |
Thursday, August 2nd, 2001 |
10:09 pm |
GRADUATION DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The day has finally cam e to where i will be finshed with AmeriCorps NCCC. I cant wait to be able to walk across the stage and get my certificate because then and only then will i really get to say I made it through 10 months of hell. Well I have to go my mom is calling me on the phone. Tameka Current Mood: excited |
Sunday, July 29th, 2001 |
7:07 pm |
Lonely Days Well the time is coming to an end when AmeriCorps is over. I am really happy about this but yet so sad. I feel very emotional lately. Lets see what has happened since I last wrote. Oh yes Luay told me that he was falling in love with me,Yeah, I am so happy!!! The only thing is: Is that I am so sad that I am going to be leaving all of my friends and possibly never get to see them again. Not only that but I won't get the chance to see Luay untill Sept. Because he is in Saudi Arabia. Oh why does life have to be so difficult sometimes. LEts see I am going to tell you something that I have not told that many people It is about a couple of guys from campus. Well there names I am not gonna use because they may read this or people from my campus might and you know what could happen alot of DRAMA. and i dont need anymore than what I already have. Well i have made out with two guys from campus. One more recently than the other. The first one lets name him Devon, we have done alot to gether like almost everything except for have sex. The second one lets name him Jerry, we have been together more recently and we just make out. I think that they are both sweet guys dont get me wrong but I kinda feel like it is wrong for me to be doing the things I am doing. Well i am going to go I wiil finsh up this entry later. bye LAter ViolentStorm Current Mood: indescribable |
Saturday, July 14th, 2001 |
6:02 pm |
Finally back I am finally back from TX. Ok you are probabley wondering why i was in TX the first place right. Ok here it goes. Well bacj on June 9th there was flood in Houston Tx and Red cross went out there and they said it was a level 5 which is the highest level. They decided they wanted NCCC to come out there and help. So we went out to save the day. We were there untill July 13th and then we flew back here to DC. It was very exciting and thrilling at the same time. I missed DC alot though and i am very happy to be back. I got to see Luay last night so that made me very happy. Being in Houston was very different an dI dontr think that i would ever go back there because it was to big. But we will see you never know. I really miss people at home too. I graduate on Aug. 3rd then I will be home for a while. SEe ya then. Current Mood: busyCurrent Music: the taping of the keys |
6:02 pm |
Finally back I am finally back from TX. Ok you are probabley wondering why i was in TX the first place right. Ok here it goes. Well bacj on June 9th there was flood in Houston Tx and Red cross went out there and they said it was a level 5 which is the highest level. They decided they wanted NCCC to come out there and help. So we went out to save the day. We were there untill July 13th and then we flew back here to DC. It was very exciting and thrilling at the same time. I missed DC alot though and i am very happy to be back. I got to see Luay last night so that made me very happy. Being in Houston was very different an dI dontr think that i would ever go back there because it was to big. But we will see you never know. I really miss people at home too. I graduate on Aug. 3rd then I will be home for a while. SEe ya then. Current Mood: busyCurrent Music: the taping of the keys |
Thursday, July 5th, 2001 |
2:55 am |
TEXAS I am in Texas right now and dont have much timme to explain why i just wanted to write and let you all know that i am still alive love Tameka Current Mood: bored |
Tuesday, June 5th, 2001 |
3:37 pm |
Yeah Can you believe I will be on the plane tommorrow to be back home. I can't wait. I am getting so excited. Yeah. I am done with the first paper i have to write. one more to go. Guess what though. I sprained my left wrist so i have to wear a brace for a week. Joy. Well i have to go shower. so talk to ya soon. ViolentStorm Current Mood: crappyCurrent Music: the Dogg pound girls chatting loudly in the library |
Friday, June 1st, 2001 |
1:39 am |
Hey there I am getting so excited. I will be home in like days. Yeah i can't wait. Things at the villa are going okay. I took a sick day I dot know what is wrong with me lately I haven't been feeling to great lately. Anyway. I finished my first report on Adlof hitler I should hae my second one done by the time i get down there to fl. Jp and I decided we are going to rap together cause we are just so "good" at it. Well I am off to bed good night. See ya soon. ViolentStorm Current Mood: accomplishedCurrent Music: Spit by KITTIE |