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Reverse ventriloquism

We can be tricked into trusting our ears over our eyes.
03 February 2004


Who said that? Follow your ears, not your eyes.
© Corbis

Ventriloquists should be jealous. Scientists have explained their trick in detail, and have managed to produce the reverse effect - where people are tricked into believing their ears over their eyes1.

Researchers have long known that people place different amounts of faith in their different senses. This is exploited by ventriloquists, who fool us into thinking sound is coming from someplace it isn't by relying on the fact that people use their vision more heavily than their hearing to locate the source of a sound. This is because the eye's retina is very sensitive to the direction of light that hits it, while the ear isn't so sensitive to the direction of a noise.

"The cinema is the classic ventriloquist effect," says David Burr at the University of Florence in Italy, who co-authored the study. We assume the voices are coming from the actors on the screen, he explains, instead of from the loudspeaker somewhere else in the room.

It is commonly thought that vision will always dominate over hearing in such situations. But Burr and colleagues have now shown this isn't true. Instead, both visual and auditory cues are weighted by the brain, with one cue compensating for the other when it is less reliable: "What you're more confident about, you give more weight," says Burr.

More than meets the eye

The researchers first assessed how good our eyes are at noticing small movements in stimulus, as compared to how good our ears are at the same thing. To do this, they first flashed two circles onto a computer screen, one after the other, and asked viewers which circle was further to the left. They then played two clicks through loudspeakers, one after the other, and asked listeners which sound came from further to the left. As expected, people were much better at locating the circles than they were at locating the sound.

The team then combined visual and auditory stimuli into a single experiment -- a circle and a click happened at the same time, followed by a second set of a circle and a click. The participants were asked which set of stimuli was further to the left.

Unbenownst to the participants, the clicks and circles weren't necessarily coming from the same place. Sometimes the circles moved to the left, while the sounds moved to the right, or vice versa.

When the circles were small and defined, participants relied on their sight rather than their hearing to gauge the direction of movement. But, intriguingly, when the circles were large and fuzzy, observers were more likely to believe their ears over their eyes, and used the sound to judge the direction of movement. The authors call this effect "reverse ventriloquism", and it occurs because large, blurred blobs are perceived as being less trustworthy than small, sharply defined ones.

Using the data gathered from such experiments, Burr's team was able to calculate how much weight the brain puts on visual and auditory stimuli in different situations - though they don't yet know how the brain manages to do so. When both stimuli were perfectly evenly weighted, the team found that the two senses would work together to produce a better judgement of motion than when only one sense was called upon.

  1. Alais, D. & Burr, D. The ventriloquist effect results from near-optimal bimodal integration. Current Biology, 14, 257 - 262, (2004).

© Nature News Service / Macmillan Magazines Ltd 2004

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