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BMG promises DRM on all CDs

SixDifferentWaysPerson was signed in when posted
02:09 AM ET (US)
*sigh* They just won't learn and evolve, will they? I can guarantee you, most "copy-protected" CDs (and anyone with a bit of tech knows what a joke that is) are ripped and passed through the file-trading underground at even greater speed - just on principle alone.
This also totally alienates and loses me as a customer. I never listen to CDs I buy any more. I open the package, rip the tracks to MP3, adjust the sound and tags - then upload them to my music server to listen to at home or in the car. The original source CD is kept merely for liner notes and as a backup.
Russell DraperPerson was signed in when posted
07:11 PM ET (US)
How to copy ANY music even if it is copy protected
Patrick BerryPerson was signed in when posted
04:24 PM ET (US)
The proof will be in the numbers. If sales drop enough, they may have to back out of the plan.
FuttBuckPerson was signed in when posted
01:56 PM ET (US)
Corporate rock still sucks!

This whole mess has got to be the death throes of the major label music biz. It just seems inevitable that more people will stop buying major label stuff. Not only are these CDs crap but the music they put out is crap as well. Who cares if the new Christina Aguillera CD is copyprotected? The brief Nirvana moment of the early 90's aside, there has been almost no vital music coming from the majors. Indie music is soon going to explode again, with the HELP of PtoP file sharing. Ever been to http://epitonic.com ?

The only fear I have is back catalog stuff that resides on the Majors. I don't want to replace my seriously fatigued "London Calling" with a shiny new one that I can't play anywhere.
Eli the BeardedPerson was signed in when posted
01:28 PM ET (US)
CD copy protection study (postscript format):

They find that all methods studied rely on bugs to work
and will likely be fixed by more robust software/firmware.
Joe StalinPerson was signed in when posted
01:01 PM ET (US)
Since Phillips has been openly hostile to copy-protected CDs, and it would seem fairly easy to defeat the copy protection in the machine, I'm wondering why we haven't heard about moves to do so. Rewriting the driver software for CD drives in computers would do the trick, too.

I buy a fair amount of music, but so far haven't encountered any unrippable CDs.
Charlie StrossPerson was signed in when posted
12:26 PM ET (US)

I bought three new CD's yesterday. First new CD's I've bought in quite a while, although I used to buy lots of them. They're all "best of" compilations by artists I was into 20 years ago.

(Double-hmm. I must be getting old.)

But the sting in the tail is, I can do without. I've got so many CD's I could listen to them for 80 hours a week for three months without hearing anything twice. I don't need to buy any more. New CD's are a convenience thing to me, not a necessity.

And by putting obstacles in my path -- obstacles to convenience -- they're basically shedding a customer with a disposable income to burn.

When are they going to learn?
jimf42Person was signed in when posted
12:20 PM ET (US)
Amazingly stupid...another reason to only buy CDs from indie labels. I cannot imagine paying for such a CD, even if it was only $5.
Boris MPerson was signed in when posted
12:09 PM ET (US)
I have (unwittingly)purchased CDs that I could not make a digital MD copy of, a feature of my MD-Deck that I use regularly and would not want to give up.
Big Poppa ChuckPerson was signed in when posted
11:57 AM ET (US)
um... not in car stereos? Do they expect people to make tape copies?
KnitWitPerson was signed in when posted
11:09 AM ET (US)
... and in other news BMG will be filing for bankruptcy in 5, 4, 3, 2...

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