I've heard proper bloggers assign descriptive titles to their entries.
First off, via Comic Book Resources, Queer Cartoonists Speak Out at APE:
"Queer Cartoonists," a panel of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered (LGBT) creators discussing issues of identity, community, and their creative work, will debut at the 2004 Alternative Press Expo (APE). This will be the very first time such a panel has been featured at APE, the country’s largest gathering of alternative and self-published comics, marking the growing visibility of queer artists and writers in the field. The panel will be a star-studded event, featuring award-winning creators of independent comic books, strips, and 'zines, with material ranging from erotica to historical fiction, from comedy to biography, published both in print and online.The panel participants will be Alison Bechdel (DYKES TO WATCH OUT FOR), Colleen Coover (SMALL FAVORS), Tristan Crane (HOW LOATHESOM), Tim Fish (CAVALCADE OF BOYS, YOUNG BOTTOMS IN LOVE), Laurenn McCubbin (XXX LIVE NUDE GIRLS, KITCHEN SINK MAGAZINE), and Eric Shanower (AGE OF BRONZE, THE GIANT GARDEN OF OZ).
Links added here and there.
Check the article/press release for dates, times, locations, prices and other information that a kinder person would have included here.
Just because I'm trying to be a proper blogger doesn't mean I'm suddenly going to be a nice person, you know.
I will, however, refrain from making any Hooper X jokes.
Sooner and further north, there's a
Smut reading with Heather Corinna, Catherine Lundoff and Elise Matthesenthis Saturday, February 14th at The Smitten Kitten in Minneapolis.
Yvelle? You going?
Chris? You ain't going. No, that's not a question. Not even a request. More of a threat.
And to think, I've been trying to come up with a way to say this for years:
The "enemy" takes on demonic proportions in any conflict. Each side may imagine the other with horns and a tail. The enemy may be imagined as engaging in terrorism and sadism most of their waking lives. In reality, the enemy are people quite like their enemies. They (We) eat, they get married, they have children and hopes for the future. They have insights and talents and foibles. They mourn the losses of loved ones. They read books and enjoy a good joke now and then. These simple truths must be brought home to all parties in any conflict through personal contacts, exchange of small talk and jokes and the trivia of life, through accounts of personal tragedies and loss, and of joys and disappointments, through working together, and eating together and relaxing together, as well as through exposure to culture and wisdom of others.
From I can relate, a posting over at Prometheus 6, itself quoting Facing "enlightened" racism over at MideastWeb Middle East Web Log.
Nothing to add to that, really.
Except mentioning that the title of this entry is from National Anthem by Sir Mix-A-Lot:
The pentagon had a plan for a rescue
They said intelligence never makes miscues
The thirty-first was a day of death
Lieutenant Colonel Higgins, you know the rest
No negotions with a terrorist force
But Iran's still buzzin' offa Oliver North
The Ayatollah's dead but the hearts not gone
The burning of the flag in Iran goes on
Anti-American, we're loved by few
We pay big money to the ones that do
The christian militia, they give us big knowledge
But the pentagon messed up and wouldn't acknowledge
Ollie took orders from the number one man
But the crap hit the fan and superiors ran
Democrats tripped, the committee said can em
Now I'm ashamed of my national anthem
A bit dated, from the references to Olliver North, but not nearly as dated as it should be.
. . . get a life?
Michele is running a poll, and is looking "to get a wide range of political views," so I expect some of you bomb-throwing anarchists could participate if you want.
She also mentioned a few days back that. . . well, see the entry. It's probably really not my place to say anything on this one.
Did make me curious about any long-running bad-blood feuds going on between people who have never actually met in person, but then I realized that anyone doing that sort of thing probably isn't that interesting. So I didn't do the usual research. Anyone can think of any off the top of their head, let me know.
I mean, yes, AMCGLTD will never be linked here again, but that's different.
It just is.
Shut up.
Went to the Wolves game with Redpac last night. . . and somehow managed to miss Lauriean and Ursula, who were there too. Most likely, I walked past them, figured black women at a hockey game were clearly figments of my imagination, and ignored them.
Well, maybe next time.
Apropos of nothing, the Chicago Freeze (of the North American Hockey League) are no longer a going concern, are they?
You know, perhaps I should read the manual that came with the camera. Or use the software that came with it, rather than mucking about with ImageMagick.
Not included in the horribly framed shot, but also in the display window, is Quirkyalone: A Manifesto for Uncompromising Romantics:
Some books are silly. Some books are serious. Quirkyalone is both. It's the rare coffee-table (or bathroom) book that makes you smile and think. A treasure trove of fun, laughs, and endless questions to ask yourself, Quirkyalone is a bible for all who reject archaic notions of romantic relationships. The book is loaded with individual voices of people who are constructing new approaches to life and love. Don't expect to find linear narrative or cliched self-help lingo. We have made every effort to let quirkyalones speak for themselves.
I haven't taken the quiz yet, no.
In the upper left corner, we have Big Big Love: A Sourcebook on Sex for People of Size and Those Who Love Them, from Hanne Blank, while in the lower right corner, there's Zaftig: The Case for Curves by Edward St. Paige, not to be confused with Zaftig: Well Rounded Erotica, edited by Hanne Blank.
Yes, I'm trying to confuse you, to make up for the fact that I couldn't work out how to make an imagemap. I'm petty that way.
Also pictured are Another Kind of Love, by Paula Christian, Cinematherapy for Lovers: The Girl's Guide to Finding True Love One Movie at a Time by Beverly West and Nancy Peske, and several others that I might come back and list/link at some point.
Oh, and you can click the image to open a larger version in a pop-up window. Same with the others I've tossed up the last few days. I suppose I should have mentioned this at the time. . .
Entirely too much personal stuff stuff around here lately. Time to get back to what I do best.
. . .
. . .
. . .
I have no idea what that is.
Coming soon(ish, haven't seen any actual dates) to a theater probably nowhere near you, The Touch:
In a time of great danger, the Monks of Dun Huang hid the Sharira - a Relic with mystical power so strong; it had the ability to transform mankind for the better…or, in the wrong hands, for the worse.
Bit of the synopsis at Rotten Tomatoes there. There's more, but I'd like to go in knowing as little as possible. I mean, I already know the important thing.
Oh, right, that's what I do best. List disturbing obsessions. Ok then, Morbid Outlook - Goths of Color by Lucy Furr:
One of my g pet peeves are people I meet (and for those of you who are of color, you’re about to start laughing) who feel like they have to prove how unracist they are by getting into a big “civil rights” discussion, like they have to prove to me they aren’t racist. Why does this bug me? Because without fail the very same person will say something completely ignorant within a very short time period, like “Do you use a pick for your hair?” “But I thought black people didn’t like goth stuff” Or the all-time stupid comment “But you really aren’t that black.” This nonsense completely negates their previous statement of not “being ignorant”, by which I think they mean not racist, since most people believe that ignorance is what makes racism. On a certain level, yes, but ignorance is still ignorance (i.e. not knowing what in the world you are talking about). We are all guilty of it, even my friends do it now and then, and I do the same thing. However, they are my friends for one important reason; they never bothered to try and prove anything to me. They never had the above conversation with me. A truly non-biased person doesn’t need to prove anything.
Yes, I've quoted from the article before.
The article also has a photo of Lucy Furr in a corset.
And the main page of the site features the Morbid Name Generator.
I'm not going to look. I'm just not. Because I don't want to know.
Specifically, Neil Gaiman's old space on the SFRT; I gots the distinct feeling I'm getting some of the details wrong on this, and would appreciate any corrections.
What I'm getting the details wrong on, is a collection of short stories featuring characters and situations from Neil's Sandman series that AOL Time Warner put out. . . about a decade ago, at this point. Several of the contributors were regulars on GEnie, and when the contracts for the stories arrived at their doorsteps. . . hoo boy.
I think the publisher was claiming the stories were work-for-hire:
When a writer works under a work-for-hire agreement, he or she gets paid a fee but has no ownership or control over the writing.There are several provisos regarding work for hire. The two most important are:
- THE COPYRIGHT LAW REQUIRES A WRITTEN CONTRACT that specifically states that the work is a "work-for-hire." If that phrase is omitted in a written contract, the copyright to any work, regardless of the type, belongs to the writer.
- ONLY CERTAIN TYPES OF WRITING BY FREELANCERS AND INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS MAY BE WORKS FOR HIRE. Examples include writing that contributes to a larger work, such as a computer manual or a section of a textbook. If the work is not one of the types specified in the Copyright Act, then it is not a work for hire, no matter what the written contract says.
Works created by full-time staff writers are also works-for-hire. In these cases, the employer owns and controls the copyright.
See the actual text about work-for-hire writing in the Copyright Act Work-For-Hire sections.
(From the National Writer's Union.)
Which possibly means nothing to you. Short version: the publisher was claiming complete and total ownership of the story, meaning the author would have to politely ask if they could include their own work in a later collection of their fiction. There was also some bit about copyright in any and all formats currently in existence and any which might one day be invented, so even though eBooks didn't exist back then, the publisher could'a gone ahead and "reprinted" the story/collection in that format without having to bother even notifying the author that they were doing so.
It waren't pretty. Think a few people pulled their stories from the book, actually.
I know, I know, why am I bringing up old stuff? Well, was reminded of that reading (the registration-required) NYT article, The Pornography Industry vs. Digital Pirates:
THOUSANDS of Web sites are putting Playboy magazine's pictures on the Internet - free. And Randy Nicolau, the president of Playboy.com, is loving it. "It's direct marketing at its finest," he said.Let the music industry sue those who share files, and let Hollywood push for tough laws and regulations to curb movie copying. Playboy, like many companies that provide access to virtual flesh and naughtiness, is turning online freeloaders into subscribers by giving away pictures to other sites that, in turn, drive visitors right back to Playboy.com.
When Mr. Nicolau is asked whether he thinks that the entertainment industry is making a mistake by taking a different approach, he replies: "I haven't spent much time thinking about it. It's like asking Henry Ford, 'What were the buggy-whip guys doing wrong?' ''
Ok, the copyright issues were my second concern, actually. Namely, are these really "Playboy magazine's pictures" we're talking about. Might could check their site to see if they require work-for-hire contracts on photos, but isn't that an old joke? I'm only reading it for the articles, that sort of thing?
There's really three entities (um, odd word choice there, I need more coffee) here, Playboy, the photographer and the model. Even if the unauthorized reproductions are driving people to Playboy's site, that's still leaving the latter two out in the cold. I think. As is usually the case, I really have no idea what the fuck I'm talking about, and am making it up as I go along and trying desperately to sound convincing.
A few merchants in the industry who have tried the kind of aggressive methods used by mainstream entertainment companies say they have not received much in return for their efforts. One company that tried to track down copyright infringers and demand that Internet service providers shut down their sites used BayTSP, an Internet monitoring service that also serves the music and movie industries. "It was costing us a lot of money and was producing absolutely zero results," said Humphry Knipe, who manages the business operations of Suze Randall, a photographer in the field who has her own Web site.Mr. Knipe, who is married to Ms. Randall, said many Web sites were taken down as a result of more specific legal threats by subpoena to Internet service providers. But even then, "it was extremely doubtful that any of this activity had any effect at all in the real world of improving our sales by restricting piracy," he said.
Link to Suze.net added. Nice design, but the "GirlGirl Hardcore" image predictably has two femme-looking blondes. . . and then I realize I'm critiquing an erotica site at 8:15 on a Sunday morning, and shut the hell up.
So, anyway, yeah, quote from the husband/manager for a photographer, but basically the article (from the Business section) concentrates on the concerns of publishers/distributors.
And that's how I spent my summer vacation.
The other concern mentioned in passing above is their word choice, stuff like "virtual flesh and naughtiness," and "red-light districts," and "peddlers."
Blah. Can't even work up the enthusiasm to discuss that.
Bonus round: The Sideshow - A few hits:
Atrios has the dope on nearly everything, but he has failed to pay attention to the fact that Feminists Against Censorship really has accomplished something over the last 13 years. We changed the debate - we actually put serious anti-censorship arguments back into the public discourse in Britain, and repeatedly pointed out that there was no evidence for the purported harm of pornography.
There's a decent debate to be had -- well, has been had, and hashed over repeatedly, without resolution, like most debates -- about the effects of pornography and exploitation and stuff. Which is much more serious than the preceeding sentence makes it sound. Just wanted to acknowledge the existence of it, even if the entry sort-of takes the existence of the stuff for granted.
And again, the whole "What is alternaporn?" thing? Does me head in. It's about choice and control, really, meaning precisely nada to do with that article. . .
Update: I'm a moron, you know.
Via Google Groups, A Brief History of The Book of Dreams, from Someone Who Should Know, And In Fact Does:
Continue reading "Any GEnie refugees hereabouts?"Realized that there are no photos of me on this site where I'm a) clothed and b) sober. Which rather limited my options for my Orkut profile as well. So, snapped some quick-like, did no editing whatsoever except rotating and resizing, and tossed them up. This sort of hasty, spur-of-the-moment production is one of the reasons I didn't go to grad school; I did most of my papers as an undergrad this way, too.
That I usually got high marks on them just convinced me that the system obviously did not reward effort very well.
Also added the image to my Technorati Profile. See, Ellis claimed, and I gotta admit it seems to bear out, that people deal with each other better online when they can connect a face to the text on the screen.
Which isn't to say that anonymity doesn't have it's place, despite my ignoring that little discussion what's raging elsewhere in blogtopia or whatever the hell people are calling it today.
It's just that this ain't that place. Usually. I'm not so good with the hard and fast rules. Making it up as I go along seems to work pretty well, actually.
This is yet another reason I didn't go to grad school.
Ok, must be waking up a bit, because I just went over the previous entry making several much-needed edits and realized a better title would be, "Operation: Aaron Hawkins is a Weirdo Who Looks At Pornography Erotica Semi-Nude Photos of a Gorgeous Woman and Thinks, 'Oh, that's a unique payment method.'"
Huh. She's using Verotel to process paymen. . . never mind.
Also, Tristan talks about the economic factors a bit at her LiveJournal, the URI for which you can find by visiting her site a looking around a bit; for reasons I'm unclear on, I don't feel comfortable linking to those things even when they're publicly available on the other site of the person maintaining 'em. Except in the case of Kris Dresen, because I think I can take her.
I'm starting to think I was wrong about that whole waking up thing now.
Could we use your phone?
We're both in a bit of a hurry.
We'll just say where we are,
Then go back to the car.
We don't want to fuck Tim Curry.
No, coffee isn't helping. . .
Right, Tristan Risk: Pink Shoot. Rather like this image, but as usual couldn't explain why. The composition and the lines, I think. And the idea of selling a shoot/gallery rather than having a monthly subscription fee seems like a good one (which reminds me, should resub to DCBBW's BigCuties site since I'm gainfully(?) employed again); haven't seen that before, but I'm not really keeping up with economic trends in the erotica/pornography. . . perhaps another cup of coffee would be a good idea.
Put Tina back on the main page, causing some. . . issues in Mozilla, in Linux, in 800 x 600. Since pretty much everyone runs a higher resolution (and IE, but I prefer not to take that into consideration), does it work ok for you? Or does she show up at the bottom of the page, instead of aligned between the entries and links?
While I'm not on the subject of graphics and the economics of sexuality web sites, no, I didn't somehow forget that donate to Scarleteen image over there. Although, looking over the donor list, I'm starting to think you lot have. Or perhaps it just hasn't been updated. Or you specifically noted that you wished to remain anonymous.
Rambling again. Didn't sleep particularly well, although I did pass out early and miss watching a tape of the Chicago Wolves - Gryffindor game with Redpac last night, because I suck.
And the GhettoFabulous Jessica never rang me back about dinner on Sunday. Well, I don't need a house to fall on me. Or get doused with water and melt, or turn into a girl, or a boy, or a panda, or. . . wait, this isn't coffee, it's Grolsch Premium Lager. How the hell did that happen?
I kid, I kid. Coffee with a splash of Rice Dream Chocolate Enriched, with a cigarette (and remind me not to run out when I'm at work again; paid an extra $1.50 "you're buying stuff in the Loop, sucker" inconvenience charge at the inconvenience store down the street from my job yesterday), out on the back porch. We had some freezing rain, or maybe it's just the snow melting and re-freezing on the cold metal.
Did I mention that the birthday gift from The Good Twin that I'd been babbling about a while ago was a camera?
No, and I probably shouldn't in an entry where I'm currently babbling about erotica sites and suchlike. Um, no. I leave these things to the professionals. You wanna see me nekkid, subscribe to Heather's site. Which will also give you access to the archives of Scarlet Letters, recently updated with, among other things, a book(s) review by the almost but not quite as ghettofabulous as Jessica R. Gay. Er, it's a review of two books, so review singular but books plural. I think.
Huh. Maybe I'm building up a tolerance for caffeine. This couldn't have anything to do with that whole coffee-Mountain Dew-Red Bull thing I was doing for a while, ya think?
Continue reading "Glad we caught you at home"They mustn't carry out their evil deeds.
When Eddie said he didn't like his Teddy
You knew he was a no-good kid.
But when he opened your thighs with a dick this size
What a fag!
Makes you gag!
Und I did.
Sorry, had to get that out of my system. Don't think anyone here in Chi is running RHPS now, and I'm suffering withdrawal. . .
For the record, I ganked the Free-For-All Friday/open posting thang from these folks:
Free-For-All Friday (FFAF) is a unique blogging meme - it isn't about what you post, but what others post for you. You participate by allowing the general blogging public the ability to post on your blog via a guest account. As the blog owner, you get to set the guidelines - but it IS called Free-For-All for reason. FFAF is a tremendous opportunity to get to know your readers while they get to know you.Free-For-All Friday takes place on the last Friday of every month. The next one is February 27, 2004.
If you would like to participate, click here for the details.
Will make a note on the Buffy calendar over my desk at work to remind me of this, so I actually have one on the proper day next time.
Was a bit worried about putting the calendar up, since this month features a large, bare-midriff Alyson Hannigan pic, but so far the only comment has been, "Hey, cool Buffy calendar."
Have I mentioned that I actually like my job and the people I work with? Weird, I know.
From that previous link:
In July the web hosting fees for AHC cost me $tons more than usual due to bandwidth overage. How many of you can afford to run a fansite out of your pocket for a mere $200+ a month? Nope, I can't either. Putting in ads or popups is not an option because it's ugly and won't recoup the operating costs anyway.AHC has a 100GB (giga not mega) bandwidth limit on its current hosting plan. Few web hosting plans offer more than that at any price. The cost for bandwidth over the limit is $6 per GB. AHC would have done 140GB in August. Easy math tells you that's $240 in overage charges in addition to the regular monthly fees. I can't afford to pay that every month. I prefer to pay the rent and buy food. So, I had to stop the bleeding immediately. All the content was removed and is being reuploaded slowly as the site is reorganized.
Which shows what an asshole I am for linking them, really. And ties into recent thoughts from Team Murder:
The irony, of course, is that the Slashdot story is about the destruction of an academic web server by massive linkage (by clicking on the Google logo you were taken to a results page where our victim was listed near the top) and being the freshly lobotomized 800 pound gorilla that /.is, linked the same fucking page. Heh, heh, snicker, snicker. It never ceases to irk me (and therefore I never cease to rant incoherently) that a site with actual financial backing and paid memberships is still whomping the crap out of hobbyist or otherwise underpowered servers, without warning, this many years later.
Luckily, I got nowhere near their traffic. Not sure any bloggers do, actually; anyone heard of a server getting bashed around from an unexpected link from Instapundit or one of the other majors?
Which I mention to keep things in perspective. The names Glenn Reynolds and James Lileks mean precisely nada to the overwhemling majority of people on the web, let alone the overwhelming majority of humanity, but due to that whole incestuous linkage thing. . .
Sorry, another half-formed notion. And I should choose a topic and stick to it, shouldn't I?
Um, there's a Camryn Manheim page at Les Toil Big, Beautiful Pin-Up Gallery, and her autobiography Wake Up, I'm Fat passes the "causes reader to laugh out loud on the El, making other riders perceptibly inch away" test. So that's all right.
Previous link includes an excerpt and also video and photos from the play of the same name, and is therefore also worth a visit.
And I'm afraid the chapter that provoked the laughter was the one on dating. I expect I should start doing that again at some point. And also expect that mentioning how unthrilled I am with the prospect will go over really well when potential dates look me up on Google. I shut up now.
The last time I (privately) asked for advice on this, I received all sorts of helpful suggestions (such as, "Maybe you should try hanging out with straight women," or "You should definitely mention the modeling," or "For the love of God, don't mention the modeling."), so I'll try publicly asking.
Which, again, is probably going to go over well.
Rambling. Coffee. I think I shall make some coffee.
Like they don't deserve contumely and ire?
Saw the category heading and just had to have fun with it.:)
No, I haven't read the other entries, I'm doing this blind. No, I'm not going to say anything about the propriety of letting 'guests' give the blog owner a bad rap. Nor am I going to shill Mythusmage Opines. What I am going to do is ask...
What's with all the boobs on tv?
No, not that kind of boob. All the boobs ranting endlessly on Janet Jackson's half a rack. You'd swear these twits have never seen a breast in their lives.
"Ooh, she showed her titty! Let's see that again!"
[utter indifference]
How exciting.
[/utter indifference]
Nice to know there's utterly nothing else going on in the world. Anybody remember when we achieved utter peace and harmony? And why wasn't I told?
I'll bet you this sort of thing wouldn't happen if the news business hired adults.
Alan Kellogg at 5:31 pm PST Feb. 6 2004
[Noticed this when I logged in this morning, and am posting it now -- The Mgt.]
Adjusted for inflation and CPT, that is.
Most def not from WBEZ in Chicago nor Public Radio International, it's This Uppity-Negro Life, I'm not Ira Glass. Each entry on this site, we select a different theme, and invite a variety of writers, artists and anyone else who drops by to take a whack at that theme. This entry's theme, Free-For-All Friday. Y'all should all know the drill by now:
- Hit the link to http://www.uppity-negro.com/cgi-uppity-negro/mt.cgi
- Log in with
- Username: guest
- Password: guest
- Go nuts
Well, go nuts within reason, if that's not a total contradiction. If you've been here a while, you know the sort of thing that's fit to post. If you haven't, do the Emily Postnews Netiquette thang and lurk for a while before joining in the conversation.
Also, I gots some Bitpass cash burning a hole in my pocket, and would gladly toss some spare change at blogs/bloggers that I enjoy, but very few people seem to have signed up. Or I'm incredibly unobservant. Signup's a breeze, and it's free, so there's really no reason not to give it a go. Or none that I can come up with; if you'd like to explain why you're not willing, that might make a nice entry.
Or you can explain in a comment. This here's an open thread.
Oh, one last note.
Which is why I haven't mentioned the gay marriage thing. My interest in reading folks' justifications for their bigotry is pretty much at zero right now.
From Gay.com, Julian Bond endorses same-sex marriage:
One of the leading voices for racial equality in the United States has pledged to support marriage rights for lesbian and gay couples, calling it a "civil rights issue."Julian Bond, the chairman of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and one of the pivotal figures in the 1960s fight for equality, announced he was backing the campaign for marriage rights through a statement released Monday.
"I see this as a civil rights issue," he said. "That means I support gay civil marriage."
[. . .] Bond's statement comes after a raft of popular civil rights leaders stated their support for marriage equality. These include Coretta Scott King, Carol Moseley Braun, Al Sharpton, John Lewis, Henry Louis Gates and others.
Yeah, Sharpton. You got a problem with that? Take it up with LesbianLife.About.com:
Sharpton Comments:
- On Same-Sex Marriage: "I believe in equal human rights, before the law, for all human beings, and race, gender, disability, class or sexual orientation should not be a factor under the law. Even though we live under the law in a secular democratic society, religious groups must still be able to maintain their spiritual and moral option to either give or withhold a religious or sacred blessing to such unions. However, the government should not have that option. It must affirm the human and legal rights of everyone."
- On Don't Ask, Don't Tell: "The military code of conduct should allow military people to live openly in the 'truth' rather than live silently or covertly a 'lie'.
- On Gender Identity and Employment: "No American should be discriminated against on the job because of their gender identity or expression."
He's also in favor of extending the Family Medical Leave Act to same-sex couples, the inclusion of sexual orientation and gender identity in the Federal Hate Crimes Law, the Permanent Partners Immigration Act (H.R. 832) which would allow American citizens to sponsor their same-sex partners for immigration into the country and giving gays and lesbians the same rights to adopt children as heterosexuals. Most of which is quoted material, but it'd be a nasty string of ellipses if I tried indicating that.
Maybe all this has been mentioned in the mainstream media. I've been avoiding it, particularly regarding the Democratic primaries, for a while now.
Still haven't heard or seen the footage of the Dean scream. Tragic, tragic loss, I know.
I'd add something here about homophobia in some parts of the Black community (well, more like communities, plural) just to balance things out, but don't feel up to searching for links indicating same. Deal.
Wait, that's right, I didn't state my position on all this like the real bloggers do.
I'm with the people I quoted.
And she was all like, "Run A Search On This, Sucka!" and I was all like, "Ok, definitely going on the links list," and there ya go.
Want to know more? The Les Toil Big Beautiful Pin-Up Gallery.
Still a bit out of it, does it show?
If you want to know how
To fly high, then go now
To the place where all the concubines...
Meet and converse with them
Marvel at their pale skin
Wonder how they chew on their pointy...
Teeth and hair are beauty
They know it's their duty
To be countess in their hearts and their...
Minds that have to whisper
See in them a sister
Look into their eyes and you'll become
Transylvanian Concubine.
You know what flows here like wine.
Stay here with us, it's just time.
Transylvanian Concubine.
Sorrow is their master
Cackling with laughter
Now he's having just one piece of...
Cakey is their make-up
Catholics try to shake up
All the things that form their lives, but
Dead, their sighs, their songs
They know what they do is wrong.
Stay here with us, it's just time.
Transylvanian Concubine.
Candelabra's lighted
Satan has been sighted
Never has there been an evening like...
This is what they wanted
Always to feel hunted
You can never be too rich or too...
Thin. The blood has run out.
Fangs ruin any cute pout
Morning has come now they've flown
What have you learned from what has been shown?
What can I say? I mark out for Rasputina.