Available from
CounterPunch for Only $11.50 (S/H Included)
December 6 / 7, 2003
Saul Landau
Media": Michael Jackson, Bush and Iraq
December 5, 2003
Jeffrey St. Clair
Natural Eye: the Photography of Brett Weston
Jeremy Scahill
of the Tigris
Jeremy Brecher
Revisited at Guantanamo?
Norman Solomon
and the Corp Media Machine
Norman Madarasz
Starts Facing Up to Anti-Muslim Discrimination
Pablo Mukherjee
the Road Back
December 4, 2003
M. Junaid Alam
and Reality: an Interview with Norman Finkelstein
Adam Engel
Chris Floyd
Naked Gun: Sex, Blood and the FBI
Adam Federman
The US Footprint in Central Asia
Gary Leupp
Fall of Shevardnadze
Guthrie / Albert
RIP Clark Kerr
December 3, 2003
Stan Goff
More Secure Yet?: Bush, Security, Energy & Money
Joanne Mariner
Profit Margins and Mortality Rates
George Bisharat
Who Caused the Palestinian Diaspora?
Mickey Z.
Tear Down That Wal-Mart
John Stanton
Bush Post-2004: a Nightmare Scenario
Harry Browne
Warport: "No More Business as Usual"
December 2, 2003
Matt Vidal
and Deception: Before and Beyond Iraqi Freedom
Benjamin Dangl
An Interview with Evo Morales on the Colonization of the Americas
Sam Bahour
Can It Ever Really End?
Norman Solomon
Pew Poll on "Trade" Doesn't Pass the Sniff Test
Josh Frank
War Fears
Andrew Cockburn
Terrified, Trigger-Happy
December 1, 2003
Fawzia Afzal-Khan
Alliances: Zionism, US Imperialism and Islamic Fundamentalism
Dave Lindorff
Baghdad Pitstop: Memories of LBJ in Vietnam
Harry Browne
Democracy Delayed in Northern Ireland
Wayne Madsen
Wagging the Media
Herman Benson
The New Unity Partnership for Labor: Bureaucratizing to Organize?
Gilad Atzmon
"World Peace"
Bill Christison
Foreign Policy and Intelligence: Monstrous Messes
November 29 / 30, 2003
Peter Linebaugh
the Anniversary of the Death of Wolfe Tone
Gary Leupp
Politicizing War on Fox News: a Tale of Two Memos
Saul Landau
Lying and Cheating:
Bush's New Political Math
Michael Adler
Inside a Miami Jail: One Activist's Narrative
Anthony Arnove
"They Put the Lie to Their Own Propaganda": an Interview
with John Pilger
Greg Weiher
Why Bush Needs Osama and Saddam
Stephen Banko, III
A Soldier's Dream
Forrest Hylton
Empire and Revolution in Bolivia
Toni Solo
The "Free Trade" History Eraser
Ben Terrall
Don't Think Twice: Bush Does Bali
Standard Schaefer
are the Answer to Supermarkets Woes
Richard Trainor
The Political Economy of Earthquakes: a Journey Across the Bay
Mark Gaffney
US Congress Does Israel's Bidding, Again
Adam Engel
The System Really Works
Dave Lindorff
They, the Jury: How the System Rigs the Jury Pool
Susan Davis
Framing the Friedmans
Neve Gordon
Arundhati Roy's Complaint for Peace
Mitchel Cohen
Thomas Jefferson and Slavery
Ben Tripp
Capture Me, Daddy
Poets' Basement
Kearney, Albert, Guthrie and Smith
November 28, 2003
William S. Lind
Worse Than Crimes
David Vest
Robert Jensen / Sam Husseini
New Bush Tape Raises Fears of Attacks
Wayne Madsen
the Turkey
Harold Gould
Suicide as WMD? Emile Durkheim Revisited
Gabriel Kolko
and Iraq: Has the US Learned Anything?
South Asia Tribune
The Story
of the Most Important Pakistan Army General in His Own Words
Website of the Day
Bush Draft
November 27, 2003
Mitchel Cohen
I Hate Thanksgiving
Jack Wilson
Account of One Soldier's War
Stefan Wray
In the Shadows of the School of the Americas
Al Krebs
Food as Corporate WMD
Jim Scharplaz
Going Up Against Big Food: Weeding Out the Small Farmer
Neve Gordon
Under Occupation: Help Save the Life of Fuad Moussa
November 26, 2003
Paul de Rooij
International: the Case of a Rape Foretold
Bruce Jackson
and War: Bringing It All Back Home
Stew Albert
Confession: That's Entertainment
Alexander Cockburn
Miami and London: Cops in Two Cities
David Orr
Miami Heat
Tom Crumpacker
on the Beach
Mokhiber / Weissman
Militarization in Miami
Derek Seidman
Naming the System: an Interview with Michael Yates
Kathy Kelly
and Abused at Ft. Benning
Website of the Day
Iraq Procurement
November 25, 2003
Linda S. Heard
the Besieged: Western Powers Redefine Democracy
Diane Christian
Pocus in the White House: Of Warriors and Liberators
Mark Engler
Trade Troubles
David Lindorff
Website of the Day
Young McCarthyites of Texas
November 24, 2003
Jeremy Scahill
Miami Model
Elaine Cassel
Americana: You Can't Come Home Again
Ron Jacobs
Now: Oh Good, Then the War's Over?
Alexander Cockburn
Rupert Murdoch: Global Tyrant
November 14 / 23, 2003
Alexander Cockburn
Was It Really a Golden Age?
Saul Landau
of War
Noam Chomsky
as Marketing Problem: Iraq War and Contempt for Democracy
Stan Goff
An Open Letter to GIs in Iraq: Hold on to Your Humanity
Jeffrey St. Clair
Bush Puts Out a Contract on the Spotted Owl
John Holt
Blue Light: Battle for the Sweetgrass Hills
Adam Engel
A DC Lefty in King George's Court: an Interview with Sam Smith
Joanne Mariner
In a Dark Hole: Moussaoui and the Hidden Detainees
Uri Avnery
The General as Pseudo-Dove: Ya'alon's 70 Virgins
M. Shahid Alam
Voiding the Palestinians: an Allegory
Juliana Fredman
Visions of Concrete
Norman Solomon
Media Clash in Brazil
Brian Cloughley
Is Anyone in the Bush Administration Telling the Truth?
William S. Lind
Post-Machine Gun Tactics
Patrick W. Gavin
Dave Lindorff
Brand of Leadership: Putting Himself First
Tom Crumpacker
Pandering to Anti-Castro Hardliners
Erik Fleming
Howard Dean's Folly
Rick Giombetti
Challenging the Witch Doctors of the New Imperialism: a Review
of Bush in Babylon
Jorge Mariscal
Las Adelitas, 2003: Mexican-American Women in Iraq
Chris Floyd
Logical Conclusions
Mickey Z.
Does William Safire Need Mental Help?
David Vest
Owed to the Confederate Dead
Ron Jacobs
Joe: the Sixties Most Unforgiving Film
Dave Zirin
Foreman and Carlos: a Tale of Two Survivors
Poets' Basement
Guthrie, Albert, Greeder, Ghalib and Alam
to CounterPuncher David Vest: Winner of 2 Muddy Awards for Best
Blues Pianist in the Pacific Northwest!
November 13, 2003
Jack McCarthy
for Peace Booted from Vet Day Parade
Adam Keller
on the Ben Artzi Verdict
Richard Forno
"Threat Matrix:" Homeland Security Goes Prime-Time
Vijay Prashad
the Evangelical Imperialists
November 12, 2003
Elaine Cassel
Supremes and Guantanamo: a Glimmer of Hope?
Col. Dan Smith
Advice: a Reply to Rumsfeld's Memo
Jonathan Cook
1391: Israel's Guantanamo
Robert Fisk
Osama Phones Home
Michael Schwartz
The Wal-Mart Distraction and the California Grocery Workers Strike
John Chuckman
Years of Lies
Doug Giebel
Jessica Lynch and Saving American Decency
Uri Avnery
Wanted: a Sharon of the Left
Website of the Day
Musicians Against Sweatshops
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Alexander Cockburn
the Head of a Neo-Con!
Subcomandante Marcos
Death Train of the WTO
Norman Finkelstein
as Model Apostate
Steve Niva
Assassination Policy: the Trigger for Suicide Bombings?
Slobodo and Williams
CounterPunch Exclusive:
20,000 Wounded Iraqi Civilians
Prison Bitch
Rampton and John Stauber
True Lies: the Use of Propaganda
in the Iraq War
Small Destructions Add Up
WMD: Who Said What When
A Mother's Day Talk: the Daughter
I Can't Hear From
Gore Vidal
Erosion of the American Dream
Francis Boyle
Bush: A Draft Resolution
Click Here
for More Stories.
6 / 7, 2003
Above and Beyond the
Justice Takes a Holiday
The annual US commercial holiday season is upon
us again. As always, it commenced with candy for the kids on
the pagan devil/spirit night Halloween, and rapidly passed through
the harvest-and-shopping orgy of Thanksgiving. Now the effects
of holiday shopping trends and buying patterns on the national
economy assume first priority in corporate news media through
the end of the year. The coldest season has some even weirder
features than usual this time around. Capitalism and political
power, reshaping what passes for democracy and justice under
the Bush war time state, are generating some especially bizarre
events in the courts, the streets, and the corporate suites.
US law and justice are on very thin ice, during this ancient
spiritual season of peace, presaging intense social conflicts
likely to come in the new year.
Guantanamo Bay; A
"Black Hole" Beyond the Law
On November 10, only ten days after the
Christmas decorations came out at the mall for Halloween, the
US Supreme Court accepted an appeal in which the Justices will
consider whether the federal courts have any jurisdiction over
the so-called "enemy combatants"at the naval interrogation
center in Guantanamo Bay. The High Court will not decide, for
now, whether these prisoners are being unlawfully deprived of
their liberty. As far as the federal courts are concerned, they
can spend the holiday season in the same legal purgatory they've
occupied for the last two years, since the establishment of
"Camp X-Ray" in January 2002: held without any rights
whatsoever in the indefinite "war on terrorism." Many
of them have reportedly attempted suicide under the conditions
of their confinement around the clock in cages.
The only question the Justices have agreed
to consider so far is whether or not the Rule of Law can even
be applied to such unpersons. Evoking the frontier mentality
of the nation's origins, Solicitor General Ted Olson - whose
wife died on the plane that struck the Pentagon on September
11 - had unsuccessfully argued that the Court should not agree
to hear the prisoners' appeal, while US soldiers "and their
allies" (Who? Which?) are overseas fighting the "savage
foe." The Bush administration's extreme position on this
basic legal issue of federal court jurisdiction, attempting
to bar any potential judicially enforced limits at all on its
military and political power grabs, apparently troubled even
a mainstream, conservative governing institution like the Supreme
Court. The Court felt bound to put its own prestige on the line,
by the political act of accepting the case and entering into
this especially controversial aspect of the "Global War
on Terrorism."
The President, his Supreme Court lawyer,
Attorney General, FBI/CIA, "Homeland Security" and
Pentagon authorities apparently don't care how the "savage"
foes may treat US forces captured abroad, after those savages'
people have been treated so badly by their US captors in the
Guantanamo Bay gulag. The kids at risk in US military uniforms
aren't Bush's or Cheney's. The young Government Issue heroes
come from working class families, the people Bush instructed
to go shopping, to lift the country out of its post-September
11 economic malaise. If the US soldiers came from the families
of Washington policymakers, they wouldn't be stuck in a deadly,
life-altering jam, and their families' Thanksgiving celebrations
wouldn't have had empty seats at the table. The policymakers
may not care about military families, but they are very concerned
that courts applying legal rules to their psychological torture
prison camp could put them in a bad odor. It almost immediately
became clear that the Bush/Cheney gang do care very much about
legal scrutiny of Guantanamo Bay. By November 30, less than
three weeks after the Supreme Court said it would hear the appeal,
on the Sunday after Thanksgiving, US military officials announced
to the corporate media that "more than 100 men and boys"
would be transferred in December and January from Guantanamo
Bay to other, undisclosed locations outside US custody. Such
legal review could potentially even threaten what the chickenhawk
leaders of the "Global War on Terrorism" really care
about: their power, to the extent it requires some legitimacy
and acceptance by public opinion.
On November 27 British Law Lord Johan
Steyn, one of 12 judges of Britain's highest court, published
a scathing, eloquent denunciation of the Guantanamo Bay camp
in the International Herald Tribune. Lord Steyn didn't mince
words. He correctly pointed out that, "As matters stand
at present," under the terms of the DC Circuit Court of
Appeals decision that the Supreme Court agreed to review, "the
US courts would refuse to hear a prisoner at Guantanamo Bay
who produces credible medical evidence that he has been and
is being tortured. ... They would refuse to examine any complaints
of any individuals. The blanket presidential order [of November
13, 2001, providing for the prisoners' kangaroo court "trials"
by military commissions] deprives them of any rights whatever.
As a lawyer brought up to admire the ideals of American democracy
and justice, I would have to say that I regard this as a monstrous
failure of justice." Lord Steyn describes Guantanamo Bay
as " a legal black hole" and "a stain on United
States Justice. The only thing that could be worse is simply
to leave the prisoners in their black hole indefinitely."
Ordinary Americans head to the malls
in ritual celebration of middle class consumption. Prisoners
at Guantanamo Bay have been photographed being returned on stretchers
from "interrogation" sessions to their 6-by-8 foot
metal cages. Now a leading legal authority, from the only one
of those unidentified, elusive US "allies" that can
be found on the planet, has joined internationally respected
groups like Amnesty International and the Red Cross in harshly
and unequivocally condemning the utter lawlessness of the Guantanamo
Bay prison. A society that maintains a prison that is not subject
to the Rule of Law applied in independent courts is by definition
totalitarian, not democratic or law-abiding. The lunatic ideologues
of the Bush/Cheney/Ashcroft gang continue to insist that all
is well. Mainstream society collectively heaves a shrug and
a sigh of utter indifference. There is more shopping, and more
news about shopping, and more and more news about Michael Jackson
being prosecuted for child sexual molestation, to distract attention
from the disgraceful state of US law and justice. Another part
of the really bad news is that this torture complex for foreign
Islamic fundamentalist prisoners is far from the only place
where justice is taking a holiday this year.
A Policy of Total
Secrecy in a System of "Justice"
Another case of government abuse related
to the war on terrorism came to the attention of the US Supreme
Court in the last months of 2003. But I can't tell you any of
the details. They are not available to the public, and it would
supposedly endanger national security if I knew them. The current
federal government's desire to keep debate about systematic
violation of the fundamental human rights of people designated
by the president as "enemy combatants" out of the
jurisdiction of the courts, is consistent with their well-known
obsession with secrecy; an official fetish that led the great
Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Damon Keith to write "Democracies
die behind closed doors."
The Supreme Court has been asked to review
another case brought in total secrecy, outside the realm of
what the New York Times identified earlier this year as "the
other superpower:" public opinion. Brought under the ultra-secret
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), "It's the
case that doesn't exist. Even though two different federal courts
have conducted hearings and issued rulings, there has been
no public record of any action. No documents are available.
No files. No lawyer is allowed to speak about it. Period. Yet
this seemingly phantom case does exist - and is now headed to
the US Supreme Court in what could produce a significant test
of a question as old as the Star Chamber, abolished in 17th-century
England: How far should a policy of total secrecy extend into
a system of justice?"
If you answered this last question "not
very damn far!" then you are certainly not focusing your
attention with sufficient intensity on shopping this season.
You may well even be in imminent danger of siding with "the
terrorists" and not with "us" (that is, Bush
and his funders and handlers). Your personal patriotism, Christianity,
corporate subservience, and militarism are all open to question.
If there are enough people who are sufficiently appalled by
what our government is doing in our names, ostensibly to protect
our safety and freedom, then it will get even rougher for many
of "us." Whatever the Supreme Court does about Guantanamo
Bay, "the case that doesn't exist," or any other historic
legal cases that are brought to its attention, we can expect
more secret investigations, more secret searches and wiretaps,
more secret trials and detentions based on more secret evidence,
and more evidence of the open secret that US democracy is being
tortured to death before our very eyes. But sadly there is even
more injustice to worry about, during this annual holiday season,
that reprises and attempts to cash in on ancient pagan rituals
of death, renewal, redemption and love. If we get really organized
and we effectively and vocally confront those responsible for
abusing democracy, social justice, and the Rule of Law, in the
streets and the public spaces of our communities, we will see
more of what the Global Justice Movement encountered in Miami
during the failed negotiations over the Free Trade Area of the
Americas (FTAA) the week before Thanksgiving.
Miami Paramilitary
Forces Suspend the Bill of Rights
The week before Thanksgiving brought
representatives of the rulers of the world in the western hemisphere
to Miami for another of their corporate power sessions, using
the label "free trade" for US-dominated instruments
(NAFTA, GATT, WTO, and now the FTAA) that are designed in multinational
boardrooms to undermine democratic self-governance. As so often
since the Seattle uprising against the WTO almost exactly four
years ago, tens of thousands of Global Justice Movement activists
were there to protest in the streets. Ironically, the corporate
insiders' negotiations fell apart like wet tissue paper this
time; "free trade" has lost much of its luster, in
the era of the National Security Strategy for permanent United
States domination of the world through preemptive wars. Meanwhile,
what happened out in the streets is a real wake-up call for
democracy and justice in our life time.
Listen to the urgent description by Democracy
Now's Jeremy Scahill: "After last week, no one should call
what [Police Chief John] Timoney runs in Miami a police force.
It's a paramilitary group. Thousands of soldiers, dressed in
khaki uniforms with full black body armor and gas masks, marching
in unison through the streets, banging batons against their
shields, chanting, 'back... back... back.' There were armored
personnel carriers and helicopters. The forces fired indiscriminately
into crowds of unarmed protesters. Scores of people were hit
with skin-piercing rubber bullets; thousands were gassed with
an array of chemicals. On several occasions, police fired loud
concussion grenades into the crowds. Police shocked people with
electric tazers. Demonstrators were shot in the back as they
retreated. One young guy's apparent crime was holding his fingers
in a peace sign in front of the troops. They shot him multiple
times, including once in the stomach at point blank range....
In the times in which we live, this is what democracy looks
like. Thousands of soldiers, calling themselves police, deployed
in US cities to protect the power brokers from the masses. Posse
Comitatus is just a Latin phrase. Vigilantes like John Timoney
roam from city to city, organizing militias to hunt the dangerous
radicals who threaten the good order. And damned be the journalist
who dares to say it - or film it - like it is."
This is only one of the most vivid accounts
of the virtually total criminalization of protest and dissent
in Miami, Florida, USA last month. It should make the blood
of every real patriot boil with uncontrollable rage. Dubyah's
little brother and his local officials just used $8.5 million
"security" dollars - out of the $87 billion recently
appropriated by Congress to fund the ongoing Iraq catastrophe
- to gas, assault, and shoot down peaceful global justice anti-corporate
globalization protesters (aka "anarchists," "knuckleheads,"
"troublemakers," and union brothers and sisters) in
the streets. They singled out legal observers, medics, and other
identifiable organizing leaders for arrests and beatings, in
a vicious campaign to stomp out the views of people who disagree
with them. The overtly violent tactics and disregard for legal
requirements in the Miami police riot have been described by
eyewitnesses as significantly worse than even previous post-Seattle
street battles of the Global Justice Movement, around the 2000
Republican Convention in Philadelphia (Timoney's former assignment),
the Democratic Convention in Los Angeles, New York City on February
15, 2003 (the day the world said no to war), and so on. Does
anybody doubt, or even need to ask, how such paramilitary security
forces ("police" is almost as misleading as "free
trade," at this point) will handle protestors in New York
at Bush's Republican coronation next year? Everywhere people
have the courage to publicly say "the Emperor has no clothes"
is likely to see application of "the Miami model"
to crush dissent. Incredible as it may seem, even historic Supreme
Court decisions by the likes of Antonin Scalia, William Rehnquist
and Clarence Thomas, about whether or not their patrons Bush,
Cheney, Ashcroft & Co. can lock up people they don't like
- in total secrecy - and throw away the key, may not be the
greatest of our worries just beyond the horizon of this holiday
season. And no holiday revelers, as you probably guessed already,
that's not all. Not by a long skin-piercing rubber bullet shot.
Tommy Franks on Freedom
and Liberty
While the mainstream corporate media
were studiously ignoring the atrocities in Miami, right wingers
were having a field day on the internet speculating about the
possible death of US constitutional democracy in the coming
year. It was probably inevitable that we would see this kind
of political turmoil in the years after September 11, 2001.
Most recently, the pot was vigorously stirred by some choice
tidbits from a very long interview that retired General Tommy
Franks, leader of the Afghanistan and Iraq invasions, gave to
"Cigar Afficionado" magazine (hold the Clinton-Monica
jokes, please). Franks reportedly lamented the western world's
likely loss of "freedom and liberty," in the event
of a major terrorist attack on the US, using "a biological,
chemical or nuclear weapon that inflicts heavy casualties."
He speculated openly about how the nation's reaction to such
a tragedy, on an even greater scale than the September 11 attacks,
could begin "to unravel the fabric of our Constitution."
Such analysis coming from a man in Franks' position, though
he was apparently sleeping through much of the unraveling that
has already happened since 9/11, is very strong stuff indeed.
And surveys of corporate and government security leaders indicate
dourly that the vast majority of them fully expect such a major
terrorist attack on the US "homeland" at some point.
With the political bonanza Bush reaped after September 11, it's
hard to see how his administration could feel compelled to do
much to prevent it, especially if they're pushed to the wall
in the 2004 presidential campaign, by the bloody fruits of their
stunning incompetence and greed in Iraq.
So that's the big holiday picture in
the thick of shopping madness this year: A good retail season
means a good economy, and Bush will be reelected so that the
rich can complete the corporate takeover of everything. If anyone
tries to stand up to them, there's millions of Fatherland Security
dollars available for breaking heads with robocops, tear gas,
pepper spray, rubber bullets, tazers, concussion grenades, and
the other accouterments of a police state. And if worse comes
to worst, the Iraq fiasco continues to spiral out of control,
perpetuating investment jitters and holding back economic growth
on proper corporate principles, there's always the option to
cancel the damn election and declare martial law, for reasons
of state.
On February 27, 1933, someone bombed
one of Berlin's most prestigious buildings, the German Parliament,
in the famous "Reichstag fire." A heroic national
leader rushed to the scene and called a press conference, declaring
"war" on terrorism "and its ideological sponsors."
Two weeks later the first detention centers for terrorists were
built. With the Leader justifying his actions based on what
he claimed was a deep Christian religious faith, the German
Reich's security policies rapidly developed into a full-blown
fascist corporate military state. Surely we've passed through
the notion of "it can't happen here," to a bitter
taste of the reality on the other side. It worked for Hitler
after the infamous "Reichstag fire" incident. It can
certainly work for Karl Rove & Co., who have lots more money
and even better disciplined, more powerful weapons of mass
deception in the corporate media.
Happy holidays, be safe, worship the
God(dess) of your choice. Peace, health and joy be unto you
and yours, and all of us. And many happy returns for a militant
hell-raising, justice-seeking, Bush-dumping new year. The democracy
you save may be your own.
Tom Stephens
practices law in Detroit, Michigan. He can be reached at:
Edition Features for Nov. 29 / 30, 2003
Peter Linebaugh
the Anniversary of the Death of Wolfe Tone
Gary Leupp
Politicizing War on Fox News: a Tale of Two Memos
Saul Landau
Lying and Cheating:
Bush's New Political Math
Michael Adler
Inside a Miami Jail: One Activist's Narrative
Anthony Arnove
"They Put the Lie to Their Own Propaganda": an Interview
with John Pilger
Greg Weiher
Why Bush Needs Osama and Saddam
Stephen Banko, III
A Soldier's Dream
Forrest Hylton
Empire and Revolution in Bolivia
Toni Solo
The "Free Trade" History Eraser
Ben Terrall
Don't Think Twice: Bush Does Bali
Standard Schaefer
are the Answer to Supermarkets Woes
Richard Trainor
The Political Economy of Earthquakes: a Journey Across the Bay
Mark Gaffney
US Congress Does Israel's Bidding, Again
Adam Engel
The System Really Works
Dave Lindorff
They, the Jury: How the System Rigs the Jury Pool
Susan Davis
Framing the Friedmans
Neve Gordon
Arundhati Roy's Complaint for Peace
Mitchel Cohen
Thomas Jefferson and Slavery
Ben Tripp
Capture Me, Daddy
Poets' Basement
Kearney, Albert, Guthrie and Smith
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