A spot on the porch
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in The very model of a modern major general's LiveJournal:

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    Tuesday, April 13th, 2004
    4:43 pm
    meme...because of the way my guestbook signin is set up...
    Ask me 3 questions, no more no less. Three is the number of questions thou shalt ask, and the number of the questions asked shall be three. Four shalt thou not ask, neither ask thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out!

    (yanked from [info]sistercoyote)
    Sunday, April 11th, 2004
    2:36 pm
    query for people who know more programming then me (so pretty much everyone)...
    In the tech class, we have this assignment using a multimedia program called Hypercard. It's basically an easier powerpoint. You can put sound, graphics, scrolling text boxes... and the kitchen sink into it.

    I'm seeing a lot of educational applications that I can use with this, and talking to the teacher, thought of maybe using it as a read-only part of a distance learning site.

    this is the question: Is this feasable, and how hard would it be? OK, more then one question, but pbbbbbbbt. This way if I develop a unit on faultlines and how earthquakes happen (as an example), a student who might be hospitalized can still keep up with the class, or even for people to utilize as part of a homeschooling tool (hey, I can dream).

    Current Mood: curious
    Sunday, February 22nd, 2004
    9:05 pm
    can anyone help?
    [info]_safira has cystic fibrosis, and desperately needs a lung transplant. here's her flyer explaining what's going on.

    Even if you don't fit the medical criteria, please consider linking her flyer elsewhere. The more this gets out, the better her chances are of getting a donar who can match.

    Thank you! :::hugs:::
    Tuesday, February 17th, 2004
    5:06 pm
    Monday, February 16th, 2004
    4:52 pm
    My opinion, public and unvarnished.
    Thanks to several people who linked this. archived )

    I'm not especially happy with the way other people have a tendancy to tell me what I should listen to, what I should read, what I should do with my life. It pisses me off that I'm not trusted enough to raise my own children and judge what they should and shouldn't be exposed to.

    Kids, when I was a teenager, I had to deal with the senator's wives freaking out about Twisted Sister, Dead Kennedys, Ice-T, Public Enemy, and 2 Live Crew. It wasn't the message and why they were singing what they were... these people were saying some naughty things. Ice-T was singing about being a cop killah... what was going down in LA that was causing the anger and rage that the rap bands sung about? 2 Live Crew had some raunchy lyrics, but that was their claim to fame. They got more publicity out of being bad then having talent. Dead Kennedys were taken to court for a record album whose very art was deemed offensive (not to mention the lyrics). Twisted Sister and other metal acts jumped on a religious bandwagon that scared the suburban moms who were popping valium and telling their kids to just say no... That's why we have the stickers on the CDs. Because some people couldn't check out lyrics themselves and think for themselves.

    It's happening again. An aside: The deal with Janet's breast? Oh, please. What suprised me was that people weren't up in arms about the racial angle... the fact that we saw a BOOB on the television for a brief space in time, completely uncovered, was what people freaked about. Never mind the violence inherent in the system (to steal a phrase). Never mind the fact that medication to treat erectile dysfunction was advertised, or legal barbituates (beer) was practically shoved in our faces. Cheerleaders, so squeaky clean in their skimpy outfits, weren't showing bare nipples... so much furor over the fact that there was no piece of cloth covering Janet, just a nipple shield. Why are we so upset over a part of the human body that almost every single person on the planet possesses... and not as upset over the fact that MoveOn.org's ad was refused airtime?

    I guess we need to be protected from ourselves. Do we need the earplugs and the blinders and the gags to play the pinball like Tommy? Do we really need to cater to the least responsible of society, so we all are "safe"? And why do we need to be safe from ideas, thoughts, and the rights that Thomas Jefferson thought were unalienable and endowed by the Creator. And wasn't the biggest gift that the Judeo-Christian God (that George W. Bush believes in) was free will? The freedom to choose what you want to read, to watch, to listen to?

    But I guess this does not apply to the hard of hearing, or those that utilize the closed captioning for television shows. I used to use it for the long nights I had to do croup duty; I could focus on shows to stay awake, without the sound that would wake up the child sleeping fitfully. But the limitations imposed by the Department of Education (which I don't get; why would this department be overseeing a realm that the FCC should handle?) while trying to trim its budget, also takes away the choice a group of American citizens would make in their television viewing. How soon will it be before more restrictions and limitations will be imposed, citing budget... or that more vague "keeping society's standards"? Sure, a private corporation can take up the slack and pay for the programs that won't get closed captioning from the government... but at what price? Most CEOs that I know about aren't exactly the giving type, especially if it doesn't mean tax breaks and a smaller bottom line.

    I also am upset that the government tells me what I should be doing in my bedroom. From certain states outlawing sex toys, to the federal government still not giving rights to non-hetrosexual couples... this upsets me greatly. Why is Brittany Spears' marriage sanctioned by the law, yet couples who share years and years of commitment be denied, beacause they are the same gender? Yes, certain religions feel that this is a Bad Thing and These People Are Going to Hell... and people say that this will be a downward spiral for society. Hm..... seem to remember reading those very same words in context to racial integration. Goodness knows we haven't decended into chaos from the fact that the Caucasians have to share the same drinking fountains with African Americans and Hispanics... why would the sanctity of marriage be destroyed if two women or two men made their union permenent under the eyes of the law/their own personal belief system? It's about love, people. It's not about the fact that one person has an outie and one has an innie. I think, imho, Gawd would much rather see two people of the same gender take care of each other and their progeny with love and caring then hetrosexual couples who beat the hell out of each other and their kids, or neglect each other because they can't get out of their own selfish drives.

    I am, first and foremost, a human being. I know what offends me, and what does not. Violence offends me, nipples don't. Intolerance offends me, sweet love does not. I am also a parent. I know the values and beliefs that I want my children to grow up with. I want them to be loving compassionate people who will fight for their rights and the rights of others. I am and will be an educator. I wish the same for the children that are under my care, and that they learn that anything is possible if they strive hard enough to achieve their goals. That they have the intellegence to figure out what it is that offends them, and what does not. That if they are offended, my children (biological and tutorial) can reach out and turn the station or turn it off... put the book away without burning it... speak out against injustice.

    If we continue on this path, we all lose. We all will be forced to give up those precious rights our forefathers and mothers died to have. We must not turn the blind eye to all that is happening. One person is a voice in the wilderness... but we all can shout, we all can vote, we all can change what's going on.

    I'm sure this may offend people. Well, there ya go, first amendment rights and all that. I'm mature enough to know that there are people with differing opinions, and I welcome them. Because if we can agree to disagree, then no one loses, and everyone wins. You have the right to tell me off, you have the right to agree, you have the right to not read me ever again-- unfriending me or not reading my journal. I can live with the consequences of my actions. Can you?
    Friday, February 13th, 2004
    8:55 pm
    Marriage is love.
    Saturday, January 31st, 2004
    10:18 am
    Crafting for a cause
    I know some of my friends here do various crafty things... if you have a little time or energy, would you please check out The Snuggle Project? It's about getting blankets to animals who are in shelters and rescue groups. They offer a pattern, size suggestions, and have a list of shelters that will accept donations of cozy goodness. If you are wondering what to do with some leftover yarn, or sizable but smallish scraps of fabric, this would be a good solution. If you want to try a new stitch or quilting pattern, this would be a great way to use up the goofs and first attempts and swatches.

    It doesn't have to be pretty or perfect. It just has to be made with love. I think even I can handle that :)

    Another great charity in need of blankets is Project Linus. Their whole purpose is to give handmade blankets and afghans to children in trauma, seriously ill, or who could really use something to cling to. They have local chapters, and they accept blankets of any size. They also offer patterns, and I believe some local chapters also donated blankets to children in Afghanistan (Iraq, I don't know about. I'm sure some have, though).
    Thursday, January 8th, 2004
    3:30 pm
    Wednesday, January 7th, 2004
    7:42 pm
    My PSA for the week:
    If anyone lives in or near South Dakota (or knows anyone who does), who is looking for a dog to love, a special Angel needs your help!!
    Tuesday, November 4th, 2003
    6:45 am
    Happy birthdays to [info]evilbeth and [info]sassy! May both of you find this year to be unique and better then previous years. awesome ladies!
    Tuesday, October 14th, 2003
    7:30 am
    Thursday, October 2nd, 2003
    1:03 pm
    wheeeeeee........ bolted down lunch, changed laundry out, changed clothes to something professional, and now am to school for my hours.

    hey, does anyone know anything about solar panels? enquiring minds wanna know
    Thursday, September 18th, 2003
    1:34 pm
    people on the east coast... keep us informed that you are ok?

    Wednesday, September 17th, 2003
    11:18 pm
    I might not be the first to wish it...

    but hey.


    Friday, September 12th, 2003
    8:19 pm
    let the procrastination begin!
    ok, not really. brownies are in the oven. so we are at that holding stage between baking treats...

    this is ubergeeky, but hey, I found it funny. Therefore I inflict it upon y'all!

    ...and Fluffy rolled a natural 20!

    Current Mood: amused
    Tuesday, September 9th, 2003
    12:27 pm
    oh fine. baaaaaa........
    from several peoples on my friends' list.

    "In a comment sum up your thoughts about me in one word. Then put this on your journal to see what everyone else thinks of you."

    Current Mood: thoughtful
    Monday, August 18th, 2003
    8:50 am
    A beautiful birthday wish to [info]psycat90! Shannon, I hope that this year brings you everything you could ever have wanted :)
    Wednesday, August 13th, 2003
    1:31 pm
    again, for those that have kids, work with kids, or are kid-like, this was a great resource for my concept portion:

    Lookin' at your lungs!
    Wednesday, July 30th, 2003
    9:09 am
    Tuesday, July 29th, 2003
    1:45 pm
    saving for posterity.
    for defense if the dratted schools try to cut music programs.
    Study shows music lessons improve verbal memory
    archived )
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