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Instead of tooting our own horn today, we thought we’d let a friend do it for us.

" is an invaluable resource…I read almost every day to find articles and information that simply are not available anywhere else.  Only has the courage to cut through the propaganda and deliver the truth about conflicts around the globe."    ~ Congressman Ron Paul

Universally admired for his principled stand against foreign adventurism, on the left as well as the right, Ron Paul is one Member of Congress who can be counted on to speak truth to power.

Speaking truth to power – that’s what we’re all about. But we’ll lose our voice if we don’t make our $35,000 goal. So far, 744 of you have given a total of $27,845 – we're over three-fourths of the way to our goal. Help us make it!

Now is the time to strike a blow – for peace.

Original Letters Blog Casualties of War Contact Donate!
Updated Feb. 6, 2004 – 9:20 pm EST
CIA Pushed Justice Dept. on Plame Case
Cheney's Staff is Focus of Probe
Bush Names Panel to Investigate Intel Failures
Doubt Grows Over Preventive War
Sharon Want US OK to Move Gaza Settlers Into West Bank
UN Nuke Chief Says Pakistani Scientist is 'Tip of the Iceberg'
Putin Blames Chechens as Moscow Metro Blast Kills 39
The Intel Inquiry Misses the Point by Tony Karon
The Deadly Lies of Reliable Sources   by Norman Solomon
White House Distorted Intelligence Reports   by James Klurfeld
Art Criticism, Israeli-Style
by Taki Theodoracopulos
A Modest Proposal by Chalmers Johnson
The CIA Ate My Homework
by Robert Dreyfuss

More Viewpoints

Read more
Iran Poll Compromise Fails
Musharraf Pardons Scientist
Musharraf Rejects Outside Inspections
Shi'ites Hush Up Reports of Sistani Assassination Try
Court: Pentagon Can Deny Media Access to Troops
Israel Out of Gaza? Not So Fast
Bush's Guard Service: What the Record Shows
German Court Clears 9/11 Suspect
New York City Wants Easing of PATRIOT Act
CIA Chief 'Never Said There Was an Imminent Threat'
WMD Fallout  USA
Hoon Admits He Knew 45 Minutes Applied to Conventional Weapons
Blair Says Results in Iraq Are More Important Than Faulty Intelligence
Tories Demand Blair's Head
BBC Staff Mount Nationwide Protests
Spain Decides Against an Intelligence Inquiry
Alleged Pakistani Nuclear Offer to Iraq Is Revisited
Text of Tenet's Speech
Secret Service Not Sharing with Other Agencies: Ricin Kept Quiet for Months
No Ricin Clues; Senate Moves On
TSA Asks Media Archives to Delete Public Testimony on Airport Security Problems
Zoning Free Speech
Making Money on Terrorism
Probes Multiply for Halliburton
The 'New' Iraq   Middle East
Kurds Flex Political Muscles After Iraq Suicide Bombs
Kurd Parliament Defies Baghdad, Stands Up for Women's Rights
Ancient Rivalries Vie for Dominance of Iraq's Kirkuk
Victories, and Death Threats, for Women in Iraq
Baghdad Museum Too Afraid to Reopen
US Taxpayers to Subsidize Iraqi Olympic Wrestlers' Training
US Offers $5 Million Reward for Palestinian Attackers
Israel Originally Planned to Kill Nuke Whistleblower Vanunu
Architect of Geneva Plan Aims to Rally Jews, US Democrats
Israeli Army Denies Killing Hamas Man
Israel Displays Unmanned Naval System
Syria Said to Send Arms Again to Lebanon Guerrillas
Iraq Occupation Asia
Iraqi Detainees Allege Mistreatment and Abuse
Washington Conceals US Casualties in Iraq
US Forces Arrest 7 Iraqi Policemen on Suspicion of Working With Rebels
106 Suspected Resistance Members Arrested Across Iraq
US Team Hunts Lethal Low-Tech Resistance
'We Don't Want the Army USA'
South Korean Troops, Lured by Large Bonuses, Volunteer for Iraq Duty
Pakistan Admission Backs US's North Korean Nuke Claims
Japan Prepares Sanctions Noose for North Korea
Malaysian Company Tied to Nuclear Trade Network
Malaysia Denies Nuclear Link to Libya
Failed Drug Tests Gut Afghan-Bound Canadian Unit
Pakistan Hands Over Afghan 'Warlord'
Why Maoists Have Followers in Nepal
Eleven Killed in Kashmir Clash
United Nations   Miscellaneous
Cambodia's Crisis Puts UN 'Success' Into Question
Kosovo Says UN Frustrates Progress
Utah Legislature Votes to Get US Out of United Nations
Deadline Set for Case Against Milosevic
Libya Hands Over Chemical Weapons Summary
Militants Massacre 40 Civilians in Uganda Camp

Neocons Busted!

New Moves Underway in Nuclear Poker

In the Balkans, Same Old Evil

Are We Fighting a Real War on Terror at All?

Alan Bock
Lament for the Lost Republic

Matthew Barganier
Ready for Four More Years? They Certainly Are

Sascha Matuszak
Can China Keep Up the Pace?

Anthony Gancarski
Out of Position: Where Will the 'Antiwar' Vote Go?

Ran HaCohen
The Syrian Threat

Joseph Stromberg
Kantians With Cruise Missiles: The Highest Stage of 'Liberal' Imperialism

Additional Contributors

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without written permission is strictly prohibited.
Copyright 2004