Ashley |
Saturday, December 22nd, 2012 | |||||||||||||
00:00 Ashley's Journal Please fill out my polls: LJ Vices Poll, Austin Powers Poll, Beard Poll, Heinlein Poll, San Francisco Poll, Sea Shanty Poll, Tango Excuses Poll. | |||||||||||||
Monday, June 7th, 2004 | |||||||||||||
(Comment) | |||||||||||||
Local strawberries are in, and have been since Folklife. Word is they'll be in for about another two weeks or so. You can get them at most farmer's markets, and also Larry's Market in Queen Anne. | |||||||||||||
Sunday, June 6th, 2004 | |||||||||||||
If there is someone on your friends list who keeps posting memes, quiz results, and other random crap, post this same exact sentence in your journal. (2 Comments — Comment) | |||||||||||||
Tuesday, June 1st, 2004 | |||||||||||||
Stinky. I had this cheese out on the cutting board for about half an hour before packing it away in the fridge while I went to a friend's house. I come back more than three hours later, and I can still smell it in my kitchen. (2 Comments — Comment) | |||||||||||||
Sunday, May 30th, 2004 | |||||||||||||
02:32 Haskellers, esp. Female Software Of the people on LJ who admit an interest in Haskell, meaning the computer language (rather than someone or someplace named Haskell), an unusual proportion of them seem to be Russian. More strangely, of the five who appear to be female, three claim some kind of gender dysphoria or interest in transsexuality:
(The other two are compilerbitch and flippac.) Current Mood: curious (8 Comments — Comment) | |||||||||||||
Saturday, May 29th, 2004 | |||||||||||||
02:03 Curious Functor Class Software Is there anything useful about the class of functors which ∀s can move across? In other words, functors f, for which for any function g there is this isomorphism
In this Haskell snippet I've called the class Hoistable and the isomorphism is (hoist,unhoist):
Functors that can be made instances of Hoistable:
On the other hand, Maybe and Either cannot. The key seems to be in only having one "form", i.e. no "|"s in the definition. Does this class actually have a use, or is it merely a curiosity? (4 Comments — Comment) | |||||||||||||
Friday, May 28th, 2004 | |||||||||||||
22:47 Ten Years in Seattle So I arrived at Sea-Tac ten years and two days ago. I think I should celebrate somehow... (4 Comments — Comment) | |||||||||||||
Wednesday, May 26th, 2004 | |||||||||||||
18:37 Rainbow For those of you who didn't grow up in Britain in the late 70's, Rainbow was a popular television programme for children of about age five. Update: better version (6Mb download) (9 Comments — Comment) | |||||||||||||
Thursday, May 20th, 2004 | |||||||||||||
12:35 Happy Birthday Happy Birthday kyriani! | |||||||||||||
Sunday, May 9th, 2004 | |||||||||||||
Visiting Oliver in Salt Lake City, the rental company has given me a white PT Cruiser. I believe the thing is technically a truck. Current Mood: cruisin' | |||||||||||||
Friday, May 7th, 2004 | |||||||||||||
00:33 Oops I Did It Again Just in case stonemirror hasn't seen this one: Britney Spears gets a Kabbalistic Tattoo. Um. (2 Comments — Comment) | |||||||||||||
Monday, May 3rd, 2004 | |||||||||||||
The English hawthorn tree in Volunteer Park is in bloom, traditionally for England but unusually early for such a tree here. The species is known as the May tree because of this, and perhaps also because the blossom smells like sex: fall asleep under one and you'll be transported to fairyland like Queen Heroudis. I picked some of its blossom early May morning before going to Gasworks Park to see the morris dancers dance the sun up, as they do every year, and I put some of it in the May crown of the woman who the Mossybacks had chosen for their "Queen" for their signature dance Glorishears. This year the sun rose to a clear sky. Whatever one may accuse the Mossybacks of, and there are many things one could, poor taste in women is not one of them. After that, I slept as much as I could. The rest of the blossom Teresa and I wove into our own May crowns at the afternoon maypole dance in Woodland Park... "a splendid event, but very silly" — Ian Martindale Happy May!!! (9 Comments — Comment) | |||||||||||||
Friday, April 30th, 2004 | |||||||||||||
02:30 Hooting Yard
(3 Comments — Comment) | |||||||||||||
Friday, April 23rd, 2004 | |||||||||||||
19:35 Happy St. George's Day! Politics Did you know the English are one of the few people the majority of whom are ignorant of their own national day? Now if that's not something to be proud of, I don't know what is. I'm celebrating by quietly drinking a glass of mead, myself. Current Mood: English (2 Comments — Comment) | |||||||||||||
01:21 OkCupid Community I just created okcupid. Tell your friends! Tell your >70% matches! Current Mood: radcliffy (4 Comments — Comment) | |||||||||||||
Sunday, April 18th, 2004 | |||||||||||||
23:51 Otherkin I have, faithfully I think, placed otherkin at the bottom of my pagan hierarchy. But I am no longer willing to be catty or disparaging about them, unless they attempt to use their otherkin identities to avoid the obligations of human society, or claim to be incapable of some human behaviour. Nevertheless, consider three beings. Being A looks like a human, and claims to be a dragon. B looks like a human, and claims to be an otter. C looks like an otter, but makes no claim. Nevertheless, many other beings claim that C is an otter. Which of these claims is credible? (129 Comments — Comment) | |||||||||||||
Friday, April 9th, 2004 | |||||||||||||
02:02 Teresa (Comment) | |||||||||||||
Thursday, April 8th, 2004 | |||||||||||||
...while walking, or rather running, into work. Doctor gave me an ankle-thingy and told me to use frozen bags of peas to keep it iced. It should be OK after a few days. And right before Norwescon too (grumble)... Current Mood: sore (11 Comments — Comment) | |||||||||||||
Tuesday, April 6th, 2004 | |||||||||||||
20:50 Googlebombs Jew (for stonemirror), failure, miserable failure, french military victories, Buffone, Googlebomb, brightsexy (Comment) | |||||||||||||
Sunday, April 4th, 2004 | |||||||||||||
05:56 Daylight Savings Time Daylight Savings Time is basically a kind of lie. 12 noon means the sun is overhead. Now I'm willing to allow for mean time, and even for one-hour graduated time-zones, but offsetting the time-scale to adjust everyone's work hours (or whatever) is nothing more than lying about what time it is. Current Mood: annoyed (5 Comments — Comment) | |||||||||||||
Wednesday, March 31st, 2004 | |||||||||||||
03:38 I need a gold chain... Current Mood: cruisin' (7 Comments — Comment) | |||||||||||||
Friday, March 19th, 2004 | |||||||||||||
Happy Equinox! (3 Comments — Comment) | |||||||||||||
I don't much like this one and won't be turning it into an icon. (Comment) | |||||||||||||
Sunday, March 14th, 2004 | |||||||||||||
18:48 For you! Current Mood: squeeee (4 Comments — Comment) | |||||||||||||
You know, I probably should actually read the mailing list I moderate. I just noticed it seems to have been down for the past three days. (3 Comments — Comment) | |||||||||||||
Saturday, March 13th, 2004 | |||||||||||||
03:24 Found in Salt Lake City
( So very goff... )
P.S. God hates the scene. (3 Comments — Comment) | |||||||||||||
Monday, March 1st, 2004 | |||||||||||||
LJ's acting up and my comments are only intermittently showing up. Current Mood: annoyed | |||||||||||||
Sunday, February 29th, 2004 | |||||||||||||
So apparently I had my fifteen minutes of fame without noticing. Annoying, as I get the RSS feed, but sometimes I miss stuff. But it would explain that flurry of emails I got about a week or so ago. It looks like it "did the Blogs" for a day or two anyway. (5 Comments — Comment) | |||||||||||||
Friday, February 27th, 2004 | |||||||||||||
I've come to the conclusion that I dream in continuation-passing style. Rather than being a narrative flow in time, a dream is, timelessly, simply an immediate meaning and a continuation. By applying the continuation to the meaning, the dream happens. I suspect this partly because my dreams violate the Aristotelian Unity of Time as thoroughly as they do those of Place and Action, and partly because sometimes I remember these continuations and follow them again later with different meanings, sometimes even on a different night. I think this is why self-referential ideas are so difficult to consider in dreams. There simply isn't any fixed-point mechanism with which one can construct them. | |||||||||||||
Thursday, February 26th, 2004 | |||||||||||||
02:59 The Next President of the United States Politics OK, I've decided I won't be voting for Kerry in November. ( This is who I'll be writing in... )(5 Comments — Comment) | |||||||||||||
Saturday, February 21st, 2004 | |||||||||||||
So um yeah apparently the Pentagon thinks the world's going to end. Current Mood: WTF? (4 Comments — Comment) | |||||||||||||
Thursday, February 19th, 2004 | |||||||||||||
I'm not liking this Kerry chap at all, and I'm not sure I can vote for him in November. What I need from a candidate is
I'm just not seeing any of that from John Kerry. Current Mood: concerned (20 Comments — Comment) | |||||||||||||
Saturday, February 14th, 2004 | |||||||||||||
I hope you all had a happy Valentine's Day! (5 Comments — Comment) | |||||||||||||
17:24 Station Identification LJ This is my personal journal. It's been two years since my first entry. This is entry #617. | |||||||||||||
Friday, February 13th, 2004 | |||||||||||||
I deleted my Friendster account because FOAF services suck. IMO, such a thing could work if friending were allowed to be done non-reciprocally, one could browse the network without an arbitrary proximity limit, connections could be made on interests, one could reveal different aspects to different sets of people, and perhaps most importantly, the friends network were not the central focus of the service. Which is pretty much LiveJournal. (2 Comments — Comment) | |||||||||||||
01:53 Valentine's Day Poll The custom of choosing sweethearts on Valentine's Day arose in court circles in France and England during the 14th century, supposedly because birds began mating on this date, write Simpson and Roud in A Dictionary of English Folklore. Valentine's Day is tomorrow, February 14th. Poll #248192 Valentine's Day AttitudesOpen to: Friends, results viewable to: Friends Looking over your own personal history, how do you feel about Valentine's Day? (4 Comments — Comment) | |||||||||||||
Thursday, February 12th, 2004 | |||||||||||||
12:24 Ash-hadu alla... Religion Beautiful day yesterday, beautiful day today. I witness that Spring has arrived, though doubtless there will be wintry days also before Summer. (4 Comments — Comment) | |||||||||||||
Tuesday, February 10th, 2004 | |||||||||||||
Back from visiting Oliver. The new camera is working out. ( My Son )(5 Comments — Comment) | |||||||||||||
Saturday, February 7th, 2004 | |||||||||||||
So I set my alarm, but forgot to switch it on... (3 Comments — Comment) | |||||||||||||
Monday, February 2nd, 2004 | |||||||||||||
03:32 Stuff Swap Dropped off a bunch of stuff at the Stuff Swap, including about 40 pornographic VHS tapes that have been taking up space ever since I discovered the joys of KaZaA LiTe. I then immediately drove off to collect Hazel, and when I got back they were all snarfed. I suspect Lily and/or tonyawinter. I picked up three books, including Witchcraft and the Gay Counterculture — quite a find — and I'm very curious to know who left all the amusing and intelligent annotations therein. I took some pictures, too, but mostly out of focus. Focus is much trickier with a digital camera, you can't really do it manually, and the AF needs a fair amount of light to work properly it seems. Nevertheless I got an in-focus snapshot of ssatva, and to a fuzzier extent of Hazel, valasia and singingnettle posing without her shirt. The other problem (in comparison to my 35mm SLR) is light: the lens only opens up to (9 Comments — Comment) | |||||||||||||
Saturday, January 31st, 2004 | |||||||||||||
23:27 Clicky Clicky thing arrived yesterday. ( Clicky ) Current Mood: clicky (3 Comments — Comment) | |||||||||||||
Friday, January 30th, 2004 | |||||||||||||
03:08 Not a Gnostic Today Religion I'm interested in invariants. For instance, what if the Matrix were true? I still perceive. I still have relationships. I still have values. What has actually changed? So I've decided that the world is best understood as being made out of relationships. (6 Comments — Comment) | |||||||||||||
02:51 Information Synchronisation Software I think it would be nice if it were easier to pass information around. For instance: two agents are interested in sharing information. So one contacts the other, and says, "what's new since we last talked?". The other replies with a list of IDs (MD5 hashes) of new assertions. The first examines the list to see what it hasn't already heard, and then requests the full record for each one (simply asking the other: what are the bytes for this hash?). And then it offers its own list of updates. So what's an assertion? It's a signed dated statement ID or withdrawal. A withdrawal is of the form "withdrawal of [some statement ID]". A statement is probably an RDF statement, and IDs are again just MD5 hashes. So I've been thinking about it for awhile, though this is the first time I've written it down. I want this to be capable of synchronising PDA information. I also want to be able to use it to automatically update all my friends' address books when my phone number changes. I also want three-way synchronisation to work without trouble. I want it to be general. (4 Comments — Comment) | |||||||||||||
Thursday, January 29th, 2004 | |||||||||||||
03:53 It's all about me, me, me! I've never met the woman but I've come to the conclusion that she has a narcissistic personality disorder. Or else she's just plain nuts. (3 Comments — Comment) | |||||||||||||
Someone emailed me last Thursday wanting to be my apprentice, in connection with HScheme. I told him I learnt by working on my own ideas and couldn't deal with any other model of learning. I've fixed my implementation of letrec. It doesn't find lazy fixed-points anymore, I now have a macro called letfix that does that, as well as a function called call-with-result. Actually, it's more complicated than that: I have a pluggable "binder" that deals both with letrec and collections of define bindings at a particular scope. The standard binder behaves according to R5RS, and no more, while the fixed-point binder allows such things as (define xs (cons 'x xs)). The fixed-point binder is more appropriate for the "pure" flavour of Scheme, that doesn't include I/O or set! and friends. This is just one example of an interesting pattern I was able to abstract over. Ever since I started writing a Scheme interpreter with next to no knowledge of programming language implementation, I've been finding a lot of these. | |||||||||||||
Wednesday, January 28th, 2004 | |||||||||||||
OK, I have to say I don't really care about Dean's screech, Bush's ribs, Clark's salute, or Bush's "pretty face". These are what is known as "candid moments". None are any more bizarre than any number of moments in the average person's week. None of them have the slightest bearing on suitability to hold public office. If you're going to punish candidates for normal human behaviour, they're only going to act even more "managed" in public. A democracy gets all the politicians it deserves, after all. (2 Comments — Comment) | |||||||||||||
Tuesday, January 27th, 2004 | |||||||||||||
Useful thing to do with a toddler. I don't know about yours, but Oliver loves the phone... (2 Comments — Comment) | |||||||||||||
Sunday, January 18th, 2004 | |||||||||||||
...from the French Auvergne mountains. $6.69/lb at Trader Joe's. Stinkiest. Cheese. Ever. Man, is it ripe... (9 Comments — Comment) | |||||||||||||
Tuesday, January 13th, 2004 | |||||||||||||
Maybe it's a matter of "cultural context": America is said to have a low-context culture compared to that of most European countries. Certainly it makes me very uncomfortable sometimes. (9 Comments — Comment) |