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Saddam Not Organizing Iraqi Resistance
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Bono? The Cuba Embargo as Rip Off
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An Interview with John Carlos
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Oil in Equatorial Guinea: Where Trickle Down Doesn't Trickle
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to CounterPuncher David Vest: Winner of 2 Muddy Awards for Best
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8, 2003
From Occupation to
Guerrilla War
New Kind of Dancing in Iraq
The Bush war plan has entered a new and much more
dangerous phase.
Before, it was all about refocusing Americans
on terrorism and patriotism, in hopes of getting our minds off
the dismal state of the economy and the massive transfer of wealth
to the rich that was and is still underway.
It was a bad bet, because the war, which
was supposed to be short and sweet, with happy Iraqis dancing
in the street, has turned into something else. (There has indeed
been dancing in the streets, but only around the burning hulks
of destroyed American military equipment and the charred bodies
of dead GI's).
So now, with occupation turning into
guerrilla war, the plan is to de-emphasize the ongoing war and
try to refocus Americans on the domestic economy, which, while
still in a mess, is at least less of a disaster at the moment
than the Iraq war.
The new plan is to try and present the
illusion of progress in Iraq, by at least temporarily "drawing
down" the U.S. troop levels there, from the current 134,000
to "just" 100,000 by next May, when the presidential
campaign will have begun in earnest.
It's a seemingly bizarre strategy, to
be sure. How, one might ask, can the Pentagon be contemplating
a reduction in the U.S. military presence in coming months even
as the guerrilla resistance movement is growing in numbers, skill
and daring?
Not long ago, of course, the publicly
proclaimed strategy was to pull out American troops and replace
them with foreign troops. Initial plans called for Pakistani
or Indian soldiers, but those countries demurred. Then Turkish
troops were proposed, but Turkey, faced with popular resistance
and with fierce opposition to the idea within Iraq, also declined
the invitation. European countries (with the exception of Poland,
which may be reconsidering its decision after losing a major
to a guerrilla attack, and after polls showing 57 percent oppose
having troops in Iraq), were equally dismissive of the idea.
So now, taking a page from President Nixon's book ("Vietnamization"),
the Pentagon claims it will train 170,000 Iraqi soldiers to take
over some of the job of pacification from the Americans.
This is quite a task, building from scratch
in just half a year an army that, if successfully created, would
stand right up there in the top ranks of the world's military
forces, in terms of numbers. (Note that it takes that long just
to get that many draftees out of civvies and suited up and trained
in the U.S., a country over 10 times the size of Iraq, and with
a 1.4 million-person military machine already in place to train
and absorb the new recruits.)
The other surprising thing about this
new Pentagon scheme is that no one--even the famously self-confident
and vainglorious Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld--could reasonably
predict how it would work. Would Iraq soldiers really aggressively
go after, and kill fellow Iraqis, fighting loyally on the side
of the American occupiers? Could they be entrusted with the heavy
arms and air support that U.S. troops have, or would they be
left to do the job with small arms? Would arming 170,000 Iraqis
end up simply being a way of inadvertently training and arming
a whole new cadre of anti-American guerrillas? Would the new
Iraqi recruits resist the temptation to funnel arms -- and information--to
It seems incredibly premature, with the
establishment of this Iraqi army so speculative and untested,
for the Pentagon to already be talking about and planning for
significant U.S. troop reduction.
But then, this appears not to be a generals'
decision at all. Like the Vietnam War of yore, the military decisions
in the Iraq war are clearly being made not by the brass, but
by political operatives, headed by campaign "General"
Karl Rove.
What this new plan means is that Rove
and Bush's other political handlers are about to callously sacrifice
both Iraqi civilians and American soldiers in the interest of
winning re-election next November. It may be possible, that is,
for the U.S. to draw down the number of soldiers in Iraq during
the peak months of the presidential campaign, enabling Bush to
claim, with the help of a demonstrably compliant and unquestioning
media, that he is winning the war in Iraq, but this can only
be done by a) exposing remaining troops to much greater risk
of attack and b) having the remaining forces adopt even more
deadly and indiscriminate tactics against guerrilla attacks--for
example wider use of helicopter and fixed-wing gunships to spread
death and destruction over wide areas whenever there is an attack,
and a return to more aerial bombardment. Look, for example, for
carpet bombing of cities in the so-called Sunni Triangle, which
will soon become Iraq's "Mekong Delta."
Longer term, of course, such a scorched-earth
strategy will only lead to greater animosity towards the U.S.
war and occupation, and to a more powerful guerrilla movement.
But that doesn't matter to Bush's political
braintrust. Their goal now is clearly just to get past election
After that, though, they, or Bush's Democratic
successor, will have to confront the old Johnson/Nixon dilemma:
keep sending in even more troops, or risk having the U.S. defeated
and driven from the country in a humiliating defeat.
Dave Lindorff
is the author of Killing
Time: an Investigation into the Death Row Case of Mumia Abu-Jamal.
A collection of Lindorff's stories can be found here:
Edition Features for Oct. 25 / 26, 2003
Saul Landau
Bono? The Cuba Embargo as Rip Off
Noam Chomsky
Empire of the Men of Best Quality
Midge Decter and the Taxi Driver
Brian Cloughley
"Mow the Whole Place Down"
John Stanton
The Pentagon's Love Affair with Land Mines
William S. Lind
Bush's Bizarre Korean Gambit
Ben Tripp
The Brown Paste on Bush's Shoes
Christopher Brauchli
Divine Hatred
Dave Zirin
An Interview with John Carlos
Agustin Velloso
Oil in Equatorial Guinea: Where Trickle Down Doesn't Trickle
Josh Frank
Howard Dean and Affirmative Action
Ron Jacobs
Standing Up to El Diablo: the 1981 Blockade of Diablo Canyon
/ Hermach
Liar, Liar Forests on Fire
David Vest
Jimmy T99 Nelson, a Blues Legend and the Songs that Made Him
Adam Engel
America, What It Is
Dr. Susan Block
Christy Canyon, a Life in Porn
Greeder, Albert & Guthrie
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