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the dude slayer

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[07 Nov 2003|01:01pm]
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HELTER SKELTER! [01 Nov 2003|05:27pm]
[ music | every day is halloween ]

this pretty much sums up my night

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[31 Oct 2003|03:50pm]
dudes. i totally love halloween. LOVE IT.
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[31 Oct 2003|11:11am]
My LiveJournal Trick-or-Treat Haul
contrary goes trick-or-treating, dressed up as sharon tate.
1015satnight gives you 6 teal passionfruit-flavoured gummies.
alysia_angel gives you 10 light green strawberry-flavoured gummy fruits.
andytai gives you 5 dark green cola-flavoured pieces of taffy.
augustjoe tricks you! You lose 15 pieces of candy!
devilettenyc gives you 6 dark blue coffee-flavoured nuggets.
frenchvacation tricks you! You lose 3 pieces of candy!
hellojenny gives you 12 purple mint-flavoured pieces of bubblegum.
mudflapgirl gives you 13 purple orange-flavoured gumdrops.
number12 tricks you! You get a pen cap.
ohmeohmy gives you 6 blue chocolate-flavoured pieces of bubblegum.
contrary ends up with 40 pieces of candy, and a pen cap.
Go trick-or-treating! Username:
Another fun meme brought to you by rfreebern.
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[27 Oct 2003|11:17pm]
aw. rod roddy died. he died of colon AND breast cancer.

this dude was such a part of my childhood.
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[13 Oct 2003|07:37pm]
[ mood | groty to the maxxx ]

there is a huge rat lurking in my BUSHES.
please save me.

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[12 Oct 2003|10:30pm]
hey guys! i got a makeover!

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[12 Oct 2003|02:27pm]
i am so glad that james spader is on the practice now.
i love james spader.
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[06 Oct 2003|08:49pm]
Poll #188573:
Open to: all, results viewable to: all

what's your favorite song to put on a mixtape?

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so maybe i'll go dancing tonight. [18 Sep 2003|10:04am]
80's Trivia Question for Thursday, September 18th:

Molly Ringwald's unforgettable performances in three of the best remembered
John Hughes movies were defining portrayals of the 80's teen experience. As
the outsider girl from the wrong side of the tracks (Pretty In Pink), as the
popular in-crowd girl (Breakfast Club), and even as the neglected sweet sixteen
(16 candles), Ms. Ringwald got much closer to the reality of adolescent life in
the 80's than many of her contemporaries. And while she made several other
successful films in the 80's, the three mentioned above with director John
Hughes were the most memorable. Hughes first cast Ringwald in "16 Candles"
her Golden Globe winning performance in "Tempest" caught his attention. The
relationship was successful enough that casting in subsequent films came
naturally. But just as Hughes was all set to feature Ringwald in a fourth film,
Molly turned down the role, ending their collaborations together, and leaving
John Hughes quite upset by all accounts. Nevertheless, Hughes finished the film
with another female lead and released it in 1987. What was the name of the
movie? Bonus Question; A big part of the reason Hughes' films did so well with
the alternative crowd back in the 80's was that we all bought the soundtrack
albums. They usually featured a prime selection of songs by the best bands of
the new wave era, and this was especially true for "Pretty In Pink." New
Order's "Shell Shock" was debuted on the "Pretty In Pink" soundtrack, but two
other New Order songs were used in the film (but did not appear on the
LP) Can you name them?
3 comments|post comment

[13 Sep 2003|11:58pm]
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[06 Sep 2003|01:31am]
Poll #176976: a question
Open to: all, results viewable to: all


View Answers

los angeles
3 (13.0%) 3 (13.0%)

10 (43.5%) 10 (43.5%)

somewhere else
10 (43.5%) 10 (43.5%)

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[01 Sep 2003|02:48pm]
what is the deal with Blade Runner? i mean, is it supposed to be some spectacular movie? i've been trying to watch it for the past three days, and it's so fucking boring. i'd rather stab myself in the leg for entertainment. sheesh. also, if that's what life is like in 2017, then i am definitely leaving.
13 comments|post comment

ok these are pretty funny [20 Aug 2003|03:25pm]
My LiveJournal Sitcom
Living With contrary's nephew (CBS, 2:30): contrary (Linda Blair) can't find panda_eyes (Buddy Ebsen)'s comb and pretends it was never missing. That night, whoisadam (Charo) and jasperjohn (Errol Flynn) sneak a mailbox into the library. Nearby, h_lina_k (Desi Arnaz) misinterprets an email from lipstick_like (River Phoenix) and tries to get into a preschool for free. The next day, erinm (Liam Neeson) learns a card trick from goodlife (Daniel Baldwin). At the same time, vignoche (Mikhail Baryshnikov) and mumblinjoe (Carrie Fisher) raise alpacas. TV-14.
What's Your LiveJournal Sitcom? (by rfreebern)
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[27 Jul 2003|03:21am]
let me rephrase that. i miss you cali folks too. HELLO SCYTHROP and VIGNOCHE! im probably forgetting people too but hello im' drunk. i miss you anyway.
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[27 Jul 2003|03:04am]
hey dudes. i'm drunk.
honestly i don't know how much i'll post here.
i've been posting in my blog@ i don't get the comments in my email. whatever. it's better that way. idon't know why. i've grown so accustomed to being without lj. i don't know what to type. i miss you. especially you ny/seattle folks. i love vodka. the end.
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[24 Jul 2003|07:59pm]
so hey kids. i'm back, i think. knock on wood or whatever.
looking for fashion tips. mostly new clothes. i need to revamp my wardrobe. mine is so borrrrrrrrring. please keep in mind that i neither have a lot of money to spend, nor do i have a functioning sewing machine.
my guy is looking for tips too, so men, what are your secrets???
13 comments|post comment

[04 Jul 2003|07:09pm]
hi guys. i'm back.
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[18 May 2003|07:54pm]
+ my new apartment DOES have a bathtub!!!

- i went to TWO grocery stores near my current place and they DONT SELL TAB. crap.
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[15 May 2003|12:12am]

this is the result from google images when i typed in "captain taco"
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