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hey jude [Dec. 29th, 2003|07:01 pm]
[mood | dorky]

happy birthday to the sexiest man on earth. ever.


le stripes blanc [Dec. 27th, 2003|09:22 pm]
[mood | contemplative]
[music |jackson browne - the pretender]

just for your information, since i know it is a topic that has been on a lot of people's minds lately and everyone is wondering what my take on the subject is: i have been on the fence when it comes to The White Stripes. half of the time, they irritate me, and half of the time, i am really entertained by them. the lady, whatever her name is, is sort of mesmerizing for reasons i cant figure out, and jack is a cutey (as long as he doesnt have the pencil mustache and the crappy two-tone renaissance faire pants), but sometimes the music can be really grating. at other times i really dig them. i heard a little bit of their album, elephant i think it is called, when carlos was giving me a ride to work one morning and i enjoyed it. seeing the video for the hardest button to button also made me like them. not to mention that one old song about "someday you and i are gonna be friends" or something is one that i dig. anywho. jack white was in Cold Mountain and he wasnt even bad, in fact, i thought he did pretty well for a singer turned actor. he sang several civil war-era ditties and i enjoyed those a lot... especially considering he sang one of my favorite last-century tunes, wayfaring stranger. anyways... i like the white stripes now and shall buy one of their albums.

this post has been brought to you by the year 2002, which i am apparently still living in musically.

on that note, i dont want to go to work tommorrow, but its my duty and i shall do it anyways. because i love money... even though it hates me.


on saturday mornings in 1983 [Dec. 23rd, 2003|09:44 pm]
[mood | nostalgic]
[music |bjork - vespertine]

only the coolest of the cool (and old like me) will see this picture and not go "huh?"

man o man.


all i can ever think of to quote is pumpkins songs. wuzzup with that? [Dec. 23rd, 2003|03:33 pm]
man o man, i woke up this morning at 5 and wanted to die. ok... it wasnt really that bad, but i was late and had to rush to get ready and i hate hate hate that. i had to drop by my sisters house and pick her and tracie up because leah's car is acting up on her. i drove them to tracie's daycare, and then leah and i headed to work. i have to give her a ride home after work and to the daycare, but that doesnt really bother me because she did give me a ride for about a year! lol. i may watch tracie for a bit after that so leah can do some more xmas shopping...though if thats the case i may end up taking her to bestbuy with me because i need to get ONE more present... for carlos. because i waited too long.

i am not scheduled to work tomorrow, but i am going to wake up just in case they decide to call me in, because i am NOT going to pass up a day of triple-pay yo! easy money. though i wont work friday if they decide to call me because i shall have company probably and i really really need to go see cold mountain that day.

anyways...i am here on break and it is about done so i am going to go.


absolutely no reason at all. [Dec. 22nd, 2003|08:57 pm]
[mood | weird]
[music |duh]

it's not up to you. and it never really was. so tired. today was the longest day ever. looks like they canceled most of my overtime this week...the fuckers! so i have wednesday and friday off when i thought i did not. i hope they dont end up calling and asking me to work at like... six in the morning on those days because it would be near impossible to awaken my self.

goodnight loverlies.


return of the king [Dec. 17th, 2003|04:58 pm]
[mood | contemplative]
[music |jackson browne - dont know the name of the song, but its live and then he busts into a sixties song]

yay! there was one seat left in the whole theater and it was right next to me. guess who sat there?! yes, thats right... the man that comes walking in with a six month old baby. right next to me. not to mention, the whole time, every little detail that was different from the book, he would say in full voice.. " that happened in the book." or "whatever, thats not in the book." the dorks next to him were doing the same thing. i reached my breaking point eventually of course and right when he was in mid-sentence, i threw my hand out to in front of him, like i were forcefully holding back the spirits of the dark world, and i said "we get it!" i didnt have to hear him anymore, which was good, but i heard the fucking baby. babies... i dont hate them really, but i cannot be expected to not be annoyed by baby screams during a movie that requires my full attention. i didnt bitch at him about his kid... at least he stopped the running commentary.

as for the film itself. except for the scouring, i came out of there not really feeling like anything was left out...even the stuff that i was positive they would abandon (a la the black gate). on top of that, things that i didnt find too frightening in the book, or that i couldnt quite figure out, turned out a thousand times more creepy and exciting in the movie (a la the nazgul). i didnt even care about the saruman thing because, without the scouring, i dont really give a shit about that character anymore anyways, so here is my final evaluation. great great great film ... my expectations were met.

now i have to take a nap. i went to the theatre at nine this morning so i didnt get to sleep in!


there is fiction in the space between [Dec. 14th, 2003|03:27 pm]
goodness. i didnt get to sleep this morning until way after three o'clock. when i woke up and had to rush to get ready to go to work, at five... i was dead! after work tonight i have to drive my sister leah to her sitter and then home, then i need to go to bestbuy, and then do a load of laundry. i will crash quite comfortably after all that, i hope.

muchas smooches.

valley of the dalles [Dec. 13th, 2003|06:52 pm]
[mood | horny]
[music |zoe keating - walking man]

[info]biologicalerror a.k.a. Carl Kitchen

carl and i were chatting on AIM, last night, about how we needed to do an xmas movie marathon at my apartment sometime before the day of santa's birth, but we couldnt figure out which night would be good betwixt then and .. then, so he gave me an hour to clean up my apartment and came over last night around 8. we watched miracle on 34th street and white christmas, neither of which he had really seen before! then we got caught up in talking and watching infomercials until four in the morning. carl fell asleep on the floor so i woke him up about 430 to see if he preffered the floor, or to go home. he was probably just worried that i would molest him in his sleep, so he decided to go home instead. haha. not that i wouldnt thoroughly enjoy molesting him mind you, but carl has been through enough trauma in his life, naked tyler could push him over the edge. ;) carl is a great guy, and everyone should love him... it seems we have more to talk about the older he/we get and i am glad to have him as a friend. and he's gorgeous.

that kind of hanging out is what i always find to be the most enjoyable. just sitting and talking, or watching bad tv and discussing whatever comes up.. whether it be the difficulties of juicing with a product not endorsed by jack la lane, or the pure joys of having curly hair transplants that look even worse than a toupee, but give you unheard-of amounts of self-esteem. most people (and by most people, i mean, NORMAL people, that arent me) prefer going out, or hanging out at a coffee joint (the only way to be gay in boise), but i get so much more out of being mellow and just BEING. i think it is because of this fact, of course, that i really have very few friends in this town, but i cant really change the nature of my personality now, can i? even when i do go out, which is to the balcony mostly, i am the same way: i just like to sit back, watch the people dancing, watch the pretty people, smoke too much, etc. as a result, i am treated as if i were not human by the people i am watching. i find it so hard to go there anymore, even with drew (as his circle of friends now consist of a circle of super-gays that all jealousy cling to drew as if he were their sole possession), because i am treated as an oddity because i am not there three nights a week, and because i haven't personally known every person there forever. its great when i get to see people there i know and love, like flyboysjimmy jam, but mostly its just whoever i drag with me that night, or a bunch of people that give me sideways glances and pretend i am not sitting at the exact same table as them. lol. it doesnt all bug me a great deal mind you, it just serves to make the place less enjoyable. if i could just be there and do my thing, whether it be out or at home, i would be eternally happy, but few people are willing to come into that circle and keep me company.

hence, people need to learn to love the calm things in this world. come visit me, and i will talk with you and try and make you laugh, and i probably wont even molest you. what more could you ask for?

--- and then.

today i slept in until one in the afternoon, which always makes me feel super guilty. work called at 7 this morning and wanted me to come in today, but i barely remember the phone ringing, and when i retrieved the message at ten this morning, after my sister called, i definitely did not feel like calling back and going in. which was pretty lame, turning down easy money, but OH WELL. i have to work in the morning, like every sunday, and then i work monday and tuesday. i am off work wednesday because i have to go see return of the king! i am going by myself as usual... people either have work, or dont really care, but i must see what they change from the book! i must.

with that, i am going to go read the last chapter of the voyage of the dawn treader, and then look at my top ten and figure out which book to start next. something non-fiction methinks.

love you all! except the ones of you i hate. :)

shall we fucku? [Dec. 6th, 2003|08:33 pm]
[mood | giddy]
[music |bonfire madigan - dont know the name of the song but its off the EP i bought at the show. so there.]

let me tell you how happy i am that it is december and it is raining outside: very.

mmm...not snow.


man-o-man [Dec. 6th, 2003|03:32 pm]
golly gee whiz it was difficult to wake up for work today. :) i got to sleep around ten, but it still was a drag because i am kind of tired from last week's marathon. i shall survive, as i always do.

you betcha.

on a different note yo, i just finished reading stephen king's Carrie on thursday, which i had never read before. i havent seen the movie since i was a kid, so i need to see it again now, to compare. i just remember sissy spacek being really striking in her freakiness. she has always looked a little ugly, but pretty, but scary to me. right now i am getting through prince caspian, but i dont know what i shall read after that. i may stick to my current theme of books that have been or will be made into movies and move into mysterious skin next, which gregg araki is supposedly gonna film next. who knows though, with that wacky man.

have a great day ya bass turds.

sore ass! [Dec. 5th, 2003|08:31 pm]
[mood | high]

i saw BOTH the lord of the rings: fellowship of the ring special extended edition AND the last samurai today. that was a really long time to be sitting in a theater, but it was all great entertainment, so i dont mind.

while there, i got my ticket for lord of the rings: the two towers special extended edition for next friday and my ticket for lord of the rings: return of the king regular lame theatrical edition on opening day in the morning.

that being said, i have enjoyed my days off and return to work tomorrow. i am supposed to work for four days, but i feel a little sick and may happen to be unable to work on tuesday. :( especially since jude law is on leno late monday night and tori is on sharon osbourne tuesday morning.

rock on y'all!


[Dec. 3rd, 2003|07:00 pm]
[mood | drained]



: : [Nov. 29th, 2003|11:04 am]
woohoo! i have reached that point where i cant remember what day it is. when i work long stretches of overtime, that always helps, because i dont think about how many more days i have. granted, this is only the third of seven, but i already have my days of the week mixed up. that rules. because i like tuesdays... like today. :)

shitake! [Nov. 28th, 2003|09:02 pm]
[mood | pissed off]
[music |sonofabitch - bastard boobacker]


god damn it all to damn'n hell crap. i reminded myself all week long to watch CMT tonight because dolly parton and melissa etheridge were doing an installment of Crossroads and i totally forgot until just now. and its over. fuckin fuckers. do they replay those things? i am not too familiar with CMT and whether they like to VH1 everything to death or just play it once.

damn ass hell crap. i will never get to see melissa drooling on dolly's funbags.


fair warning you gave me [Nov. 26th, 2003|03:58 pm]
[mood | creative]
[music |Tim Kaye - Tattooed (Live)]

i watched my first episode of queer eye last night. i really loved it, because it didnt seem to have anything but good to say about gayness. i love gay things. one of those guys is completely gorgeous to the max...and i would gladly let him make me over... holy crap, the hotness. he is the one that i had been thinking looked really irritating. lol., my lovely day off, i went to best buy and picked up my copy of mona lisa smile (for the double tori) and somehow (stupid marc) i was sidetracked and bought two "directors" compilations because they were cheap and i love them. um.



for the straighties [Nov. 25th, 2003|08:16 pm]
[mood | amused]
[music |shania twain & alison krauss & union station - ain't no particular way (on the telly)]

shania twain likes displaying her crotch.


werk [Nov. 25th, 2003|02:18 pm]
as i sit here at my wonderful job, on a wonderful break, i think to my wonderful self... what a wonderful world... this is! then i think again and realize that, at the close of work tonight, i will have worked 52 hours since my last day off, which isnt a big deal. but then i think of how, after tomorrow, wednesday, i will have to work 91 hours until i have another day off. money money money, but tired tired tired. overtime will be dying off after this week though, so i had to take advantage of it.

feed me... i desire tacos.

i am old. [Nov. 23rd, 2003|02:49 pm]
how sad is it that kids these days don't know that RRRuffles have rrridges?

it's super sad.

comes roaring down the fourth plain. [Nov. 22nd, 2003|07:00 pm]
[mood | jubilant]
[music |that guy that does the travel in europe show]

PBS' Great Performances show tonight is a production of Oklahoma! with Hugh Jackman. mmm... ranchers and farmers and hot aussie men.


m&ms; [Nov. 22nd, 2003|11:23 am]
oh good golly miss molly. i was up way too late last night! the opera (tosca) was super spectacular of course, but it was after eleven by the time i got home and then i chatted online a bit with marc, carl, and mr. middleton. anywho... i woke up for work at 430 this morning and i was not a happy man. i am on my break right now, dying of wanting-to-go-to-sleep-ness. 7 more hours and i am free to sleep. sleeeeeeeep...

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