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Monday, September 3rd, 2001
12:00 am - The End... and Epilouge
APRIL 26, 2001

Just thought I ought to mention that I won't be posting public entries on livejournal anymore. If I really feel the need, I'll post entries privately.

If anyone wants to talk to me, e-mail.

I don't want to waste anyone's time anymore.


THE FUTURE (Six Months or so later)...

I'm really glad I stopped doing this. I'm considerably happier these days.
See ya'll on the streets.

In the words of Abe Lincoln:
"Be Excellent to Each Other

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Wednesday, March 28th, 2001
10:48 pm - The world as we know it is seriously messed up.

A friend of mine, Liz, just called less than a half hour ago. Today was her 18th Birthday, and she went to some parties. She met some guy, and it turns out that the guy was slipping her roofies (I don't know how to spell it... the date rape drug). She was really out of it, but really sad. She kept saying it was her fault, because she left her beer unnattended when she went to the bathroom.

It then came to my attention that humans are fucked up people. (yes, I notice the redundancy. Shut up and listen).

I mean, do you know how FUCKED that is? We have to have our beverages with us at ALL TIMES or we'll get slipped the mickey and worse? When the hell did that start to happen?


It's sad that guys have to resort to cowardly tactics to get laid. Sure, guys get women drunk all the time in order to achieve that end, but usually both the guy and the girl go in knowing the effects ALCOHOL has on their defense mechanism and hormones. When guys have to metephorically beat their women over the head with a metephorical club-of-sorts so that they can do stuff with their dick with an unconscious woman... that's fucked. They may as well be necrophiliacs. If you're going to have sex, that should require two ACTIVE participants. That and WILLING participants, but you already know about that.
That's why roofies is the date rape drug and not the sympatico drug (which would be beer).

Anyway, I've noticed that getting laid can be pretty easy, if you look in the right places and aren't at all interested in intellegence or self-respect. I've actually had some propositions that I've turned down, because, unfortunately, like a great deal of my guy friends, I DO find concern in finding a woman I can RESPECT first. (Also: trust). I'm ugly! If I can get moves put on me, y'all can. You just have to look actively but act not-so-actively-as-to-commit-rape. It seems as though guys like this need to realize that getting laid is QUITE easy and you don't have to resort to coward shit like this...

Sad. Fucking, fucking sad. She was fortunate enough to have a friend at the party that drove her home as soon as she noticed that she was "more fucked up than she would be after 3 beers". It could have been much worse.

I was happy to hear that she called some trustworthy guy friends who were going to get together and beat the guy down with baseball bats.

Not all guys are against women, you see.

But sometimes, guys like this propetuate shitty stigmatisms like this. And when they do, women don't trust men... and then us guys can't get laid!

So, in conclusion, to the guy who did it: Fuck you. May ye be penetrated anally with the baseball bats following your mutilation.

current mood: angry
current music: Carnivore : Ground Zero Brooklyn

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Friday, March 23rd, 2001
I've learned over the years that the more you think and act like Seanbaby, the cooler you'll be. Unless you live in the south, because (especially if you happen to dress like Seanbaby) they'll slam a bottle of bottle of Jack over your head and call you a fag. Then they'll get angry that your faggot multi-colored head broke their bottle. Then they'll hit you in the head with the rest of the bottles at the bar that they finish off.

I happened upon this page today. Seanbaby on Journals. Awash in shock and my own urine, I remarked ala Chris Harris in the Sawdust Juice scetch: "We've got to change our ways!" I then canceled my plans to read ATLAS SHRUGGED and turned on Wonder Woman on TNT to begin rehabilitation therapy.

Now it's your turn.
Seanbaby Hates You

These are all rules we should all abide by when it comes to doing an online journal. Of course, I'm just as fucking guilty as anyone else when it comes to these listed rules.
But if you (and I) abide by them, the Livejournal world will be a better place. It would also be a better place if we just had more lubricated sex with one anther (without the means of procreation) and banned the use of puppets for whatever purposes (especially christian).

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12:58 pm - Getting on Greta.
I don't know about you, but I think Greta Van Susteren is fucking awesome. If I managed to go to jail, I'd want her as my lawyer. Especially for the lawyer-defendant private conjugal visits.

current mood: weird
current music: Mr. Bungle : My Ass is On Fire

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Thursday, March 22nd, 2001
11:13 pm
Three Gods

The Good Doctor, Al, and Emo.

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1:03 am

-Pete Steele

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Wednesday, March 21st, 2001
9:36 pm - And still it continues

Congress Adds 'All Your Base Are Belong To Us' Amendment To Bankruptcy Bill

WASHINGTON, DC-- Seeking to increase fiscal accountability among citizens who have no chance to survive make their time, the House of Representatives added an "All Your Base Are Belong To Us" amendment Monday to H.R. 333, the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2001. "What you say!!!" shouted the bill's sponsor, Rep. George Gekas (R-PA), following the amendment's approval. "This bill will not only make debt-ridden Americans more accountable, but it has the added benefit of taking off every 'zig' for great justice." Opponents of the amendment protested that it would potentially set up U.S. the bomb.


Does this mean I'm a nerd? Because I'm interested in shtuff like this?
Combined with the fact I just watched some Anime with Matt (Otaku no video.... it's even ABOUT nerds in Japan), I feel particularly nerdy right now.
And you know what?


I've been 'rambunctious' since yesterday....
And therein, very, very frustrated about my social situation.


current mood: nerdy
current music: Cradle of Filth: Cthulhu Dawn

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Monday, March 19th, 2001
11:25 pm - Well I'll be damned.
Weird Al Yankovic got married.

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1:25 am - I knew I couldn't give it up.
No big happenings these days. Lotsa Audio Production and TV work, and that's about it.

Last night I went to / filmed Fools Play. Nothing great. Hopefully these next two shows won't be very good, either... because I'll be back home for Spring Break. Huzzah! It's been a while since I've had some wine... and any sort of 'really good food', for that matter (although Black Angus was pretty good stuff last night)...

Anyway, the improv group from Seattle, JET CITY IMPROV, is doing a show here at PLU this week. On the same day at the time, there's going to be a showing of DOGMA and a group discussion.

Decisions, decisions....
I want to go to both....
But I'm sure DOGMA will be cool... whereas I'm not so sure about JET CITY.....
But then again, I should see JET CITY so I can compare them to Fools Play.
And also, I've seen DOGMA before... and can see it whenever the hell I want to (well, I would if I bought it... which I've always intended to do)...

I actually got to talking about TITUS (the film), with Eli today. It was pretty cool. He didn't know exactly what to make of it, either.


I go home on Friday. Then I can actually CATCH UP ON MOVIES! HURRAH!! It's been too god-damned long!

current mood: dorky
current music: Carnivore: Five Billion Dead

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Sunday, March 11th, 2001
10:22 pm - :(

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Saturday, March 10th, 2001
11:53 pm - My Mr. T haiku's didn't get me JACK!
The show was... disappointing, for the most part. Ed asked me to tape all the shows that I attend from now on.


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7:26 pm - "But my gun was full of love.... for I am a GANGSTER.... OF LOVE!!!"
Goin' to Fools Play BY MYSELF tonight. Good God. Even though I saw the show by myself in high school, my parents took me (once or twice), I can't remember a time when I drove to FP myself, didn't expect anyone I knew to be there, and drive back home by myself.

I guess I'll have to take an audience member back to PLU with me so it doesn't feel so weird.

Oh well. I look forward to this week's show... I MAY get the couch again (for my Mr. T haiku's) but supposedly Ed's recieved quite a few good ones. And, of course, I'm curious as to the whole "Colin Clyde's secret past: REVEALED!" deal.

We'll see how it goes.

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Friday, March 9th, 2001
3:57 pm - "Ah have rid mahself of those gentlemen as they have bothered me in ways uncountable by man."
A: ....There's a man I know.... a farmer... a man who has raised rabbits before... a MAN WHO GROWS CARROTS AND LETTUCE AND KNOWS how to treat a rabbit right.

B: Treat him right??... treat his rabbit right?

A: The man I'm talking about is Farmer Floss... and his horse, Goat.

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Thursday, March 8th, 2001
Damn. Pretty big day.
Ethics didn't suck too badly... lots of lame yet easy group stuff. I actually talked, but I still look like an idiot. At least now I'm getting points for participation.
I've now got 5 projects to do this weekend instead of 3... but I'm still going to Fools Play...

Now, Colin Clyde.
Colin Clyde was a member of Under the Mailbox Theater, a public access show in which most of the Fools (of Fools Play Improv) performed. I wrote to Mike a little after UtMBT ended.... and he told me that Colin had hitchhiked to San Fransisco.

Not too long ago, I found this article from the Seattle Times. COLIN AND THE ANARCHISTS. It appears he only made it as far as Eugene Oregon. It didn't look nearly like the Colin from the UtMBT days, but the name was familiar, and based on the things Mike told me, I just made connections.
A week ago, I finally gave in and E-mailed them.... asking: IS THIS COLIN CLYDE!?!?

When I got back from Audio Production today, I recieved a response from Ed Gibbs (the red fool).

"Thanks for the update on the bona fide Colin Clyde. I had no idea. I have bumped into him a couple of times since UtMBT went dark, and knew he was an activist, but had no idea what had become of him in the recent past. It's sad that he's the guy who gets pinned for the whole of the group who vandalized a few stored during the WTO protests. At least he got off light.
But yeah, that's him alright. Last I heard, he was camped out in the branches of an old growth tree, dealing with an untreated toothache."

So, Kayvon... we were right.


I feel bad for being the bearer of bad news. That's pretty intense. "Public Enemy #1".
This is the guy who played David. Seemingly harmless David, the college student.



current mood: shocked

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3:07 am - Okay, I'm really slap-happy now.

I pity the fool
who stole my pants yesterday
Gotta wear red shorts

I pity the fool
who stole my belt yesterday
Now I use a rope.

I pity the fool
who can't fight off peer pressure
and beat fu-strashun

current mood: amused
current music: The A-Team Anthem

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12:17 am

The fire leaped and licked, lapping up our pink and happy flesh. Dogs chirped like monkeys, and ate each other’s heads. Satan slinked down the runway in a sassy blue gown made entirely of rotten fruit. Mini-vans circled the sky sending messages below to earth, to the Lasagna King. A flying carpet farted on the prostrate pilgrims, who were eternally grateful. A giant testicle rolled over a Waffle House, killing several clowns. Telephone poles hopped around like pogo sticks, and Jimmy helped himself to another serving of yams. A small child with a sub machine gun led the faithful in a rousing rendition of “Moses, You is My Woman Now.” Many of my internal organs jumped out of my mouth and danced a jig of gratitude to this marvelous city for entertaining me so robustly.

-John S. Hall (1997)

current music: King Missile: Hemophiliac of Love

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Wednesday, March 7th, 2001
11:50 pm - Robble Robble!
To echo something Jessie said with some vulgarity added to it:

Whatever the


happened to being really happy?

I mean, cripes.
And it's not just something Jessie said... Kayvon's said it, Ian's said it...
If the people you look up to think the same way, we know we're all in for some shit.

I guess we have to all band together. Form a fucking commune or something (well, a TRIBE, anyway...... if you haven't, READ ISHMAEL!).

Because this world... the way it is now... is for suckers.

current mood: pissed off

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7:55 pm - WHAT!
The trend has already run it's course. This is the last thing that can be done to retain the coolness of it all.

Mr. T vs. Cats

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Sunday, March 4th, 2001
9:41 pm - Sonic Boom, Sonic Boom, Sonic Boo-oom (Trouble Keeps you Runnin' Faster!)
Good God,
I was watching some old tapes of Under the Mailbox Theater... and at the beginning of one of them was a bunch of stuff that I had recorded from Sega CD... including the theme music to Sonic (the Hedgehog) CD. I forgot how hilarious it was.

Anyway, Laura came over and I made her watch Under the Mailbox Theater. She went away. It just goes to prove that she IS NOT COOL.

Man, anyway, I'm on a massive video game urge right now.... when I go home for Spring Break, I'm going to bring back my Genesis/Sega CD.


current mood: amused
current music: Metroid/Science Made Amusing

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2:47 am - Gwar? Splendid! I have been in the depths of the shit-cannon MANY times!
Today was odd. Boring odd, not crazy odd like my recent dream.

I did 2 projects, one of them somewhat optional... and got bored to the point where I started filling out applications for scholarships. Really big ones.

Anyway, perhaps this 'whim' will be a good thing... maybe I'll even GET one of the scholarships and make my folks proud.

I went to Fools Play. I took Laura along... she was totally quiet the whole time and not at all communicative... (bleah, never again... I may as well have gone by myself). I also taped the show, but it wasn't all that great (compared to the kick-ass run they'd been having until today). Oh well.

I also had the thickest Oreo shake ever from Jack in the Box. I can feel the arteries cloggin' right now.

current mood: blank

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