Tuesday, December 2nd, 2003
12:36 am
| Saturday, November 29th, 2003
10:23 am - NGIGER//DADDY?
| Friday, November 21st, 2003
9:27 am - Memory Rant
I just realized I had this livejournal for over 3 years... since 10/29/2000 at 1am. I never really abandoned it and stopped posting for a long period of time either. Just the occasional blah. To think, I've had it since my freshman year, just starting out with school. I wasn't tight with many of the friends im tight with now at that time. Since then, so much, I've even did the whole bullshit thing and used it as a tool to communicate to significant others. It's odd, I know of at least 3 people that have my password to this account. They actually updated for me on more than one occasion. It feels weird, I was a freshman, worried about high school and all that was to come, and now, a senior worried about college. In a lot of ways, I haven't grown at all, im the same exact person I was. I don't feel I learned anything either. Everything I needed to know, I learned in kindergarden. I've noticed my peers changing and advancing though. Am I being left behind? Or was I advanced to begin with? It's weird, since then I've went through sooo many female crushes and relationships. And only had one extremely tight male friend. It's good to have someone to confide in, and just chill all hours of the night talking nonsense. Anyway, I got side tracked and forgot where I was going wit this post. Good day.
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| Wednesday, November 19th, 2003
9:35 pm - go download gunbound
| Saturday, November 8th, 2003
12:16 am
roller coaster that ended on a downer
-school +visiting heather at work -waiting +talking to people @ ice rink -going to volcano and starving +seeing tons of people I know at in n out -them leaving by the time I make it around the drivethru.
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| Tuesday, November 4th, 2003
6:07 pm - The Punisher, or "Why This Movie Will Suck"
| Monday, November 3rd, 2003
4:38 am
I dedicate this post to my new LJ Icon... "Wow"
current music: Planet Funk - Inside All The People
(2 comments | comment on this)
| Friday, October 31st, 2003
4:20 pm
| Sunday, October 26th, 2003
7:25 am - BatBoy FINALE
I had the most interesting evening, first went to Toys R Us to pick up Rebel Strike, Freedom Fighters and Fzero GX (Gamecube buy 2 get 1 free dealie). I plan to exchange at least 2 and get Viewtiful Joe and that new PS2 castlevania.
Rushed to Bat Boy, made it towards the end of the preshow. Kahlil was there and he said since this was the final show, he wanted to do act 1, and I'd work act 2. NP. I ended up chilling with a bunch of non-busy folk in the Frost (Large auditorium). And ended up watching 28 days later in there. I couldn't get into it because people kept talking and making jokes. Plus Bat Boy music could be heard. Anyway, did Act2.... EVERYONE started to lose their voice, especially Batboy (Norman). We ended up cutting a whole scene where he sings last minute and there were tons of fuck-ups. Someone even hit the florescent lights on accident. Nonetheless, a great show. People gave their speeches at the end, and I even got a flower and a thank you card from the director. And we all headed off to the Cast Party at the Brodes' house.
This was great, even though their were parents. There were like 2 board games running at all times, basketball, a big CS LAN, DDR, coldstones ice cream, cheesecake, subway, tons of food. Just great. This ran until around 1:30am (including daylight savings). A bunch of people still wanted to have fun.
We had some ideas.... hide & seek at the park (it was really late and REALLY foggy). Plus we had tons of people. We decided on heading to the.... (DISCLAIMER: DO NOT READ IF YOU'RE EVIL) Frost... We tried to find a way to break back in, spent about 30min-to an hour doing so, until we got a door open. We hung out for a bit, then decided to play spotlight tag. Okay, we set up an object on stage (a sandbag in this case). And someone operates the spotlight. The object of the game is for everyone except the operator to make it from the back of the auditorium to the sandbag, and bring it back up to the back without being spotted by the spotlight. May sound easy, but it's quite hard, but extremely fun. Ended up getting some food, and getting ahold of the Kill Bill DVD (don't ask). We set up some crashpads on the stage and hooked up a DVD player, watched Kill Bill. And some people ended up sleeping.... After the movie, tried to get some sleepy time in, then took people home. At this point, 630amish. Anyway, just got home. Great F-in night.
And some pictures to keep the masses entertained, check alt tags by holding mouse over them.
![Beautiful sunrise on the way home. ON A SIDE NOTE: I discovered why the sky was so red all around, because LA IS FUCKING BURNING DOWN, tons of fires everywhere. It's all over local news.](http://library.vu.edu.pk/cgi-bin/nph-proxy.cgi/000100A/http/web.archive.org/web/20031210190813im_/http:/=2fjosh.aniron.org/pix/26th001.jpg) ![Jesus saves BatBoy](http://library.vu.edu.pk/cgi-bin/nph-proxy.cgi/000100A/http/web.archive.org/web/20031210190813im_/http:/=2fjosh.aniron.org/pix/26th012.jpg)
(7 comments | comment on this)
| Friday, October 24th, 2003
4:16 pm
This post is dedicated to Heather, because she rocks and kept me entertained through the wee hours of the night photoshopping. The result:
![I must've sent Heather about 300 edits of this picture, just about every font you could imagine, just about every google image you could conceive.](http://library.vu.edu.pk/cgi-bin/nph-proxy.cgi/000100A/http/web.archive.org/web/20031210190813im_/http:/=2fjosh.aniron.org/jvsenior.jpg) Tons of stuff added, then removed, simplicity is best I guess. Another thanks to the sexy olga and her hosting space.
P.S. I jocked the Salkin pose, the least I could do in exchange for a year's worth of AIM profile jocking =P
(9 comments | comment on this)
| Thursday, October 23rd, 2003
4:14 am - Bowling for Columbine
I finally watched this, my thoughts:
It made me dislike America, even though I didn't want to. I love the country, sure theres things wrong with it, but what country doesn't have it's own issues?
I didn't like the fact Moore kept bringing up the question of why their were so many gun-related homicides in America in comparison with other countries, and kept asking the question why. But never answered. I don't think it's the countries history, I don't think it's the media, I don't think its the entertainment industry, or any other issues. Maybe it's a population issue? He talked numbers, not percents, so 300 murders in the UK could be the same percentage as 10000 murders in the US. (Im probably wrong).
After all the hype of the documentary, I was left unsatisfied, I didn't learn much. I just made me have more of a hate for white-middle America suburbs that rely on guns for protection.
On a side note, it never gave reason to why the 6 year old black kid shot the white woman, but it gave insight into his mother's jobs.
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| Tuesday, October 21st, 2003
4:16 pm - 3 Free Mag Subscriptions
| Monday, October 20th, 2003
1:22 am
| Sunday, October 19th, 2003
3:36 am - Today's update, as requested by Heather F.
Apparently today, the 18th, was like, EVERYONES birthday. Happy birthday, early and belated to those circling today's date.
Bat Boy was great tonight..... Kahlil made a new ACT2 that works! Mom/Bro saw the show..... along with Gilby!! Alumni also stopped by, goodstuff.
Dennys trip afterwards... fun, mike told this long hour story... Got home... and now I feel... like I have to hit reality again.
Got a gov test on monday..... totally not prepared... anyone got the HW? =)
current music: 17 - Children, Children
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| Saturday, October 18th, 2003
3:06 am - Early sat morning update... (from a friday night perspective)
Im still alive, yes. Quick little update to keep people that don't talk to me informed. Kill Bill rocked. meet yesterday... exhausting senior advisement night (pretty much guaranteed admission to any calstate... but Im aiming for a mid-level UC). worked sound both shows (bat boy) tonight... went pretty well for not knowing what to expect. one more show tomorrow... then im through for the week. been slacking off with school recently. i think im destined to be single, I have more fun... but it's lonely sometimes. I have one iffy-interest.... we'll see.
Senior pictures are due this coming week (for the yearbook).... I need ideas, Im going to photoshop a picture of me.... Im thinking of what to add though (characters... text... weird pose?) Any suggestions appreciated.
Anyway, it's 3am... and I was up too early to be up now... long day, good night.
current mood: exhausted current music: Bat Boy The Musical - Comfort and Joy
(16 comments | comment on this)
| Wednesday, September 24th, 2003
7:46 pm
I directed my piece today, with 2 actors, which sucked, because I had planned to use 3... I improvised.
After, had a couple heartfilled conversations with people outside.
Then I went to the mall, and had to use the restroom, and I heard this preaching.... like as if it were from a PA system or something. So I looked up, no speakers, and I was hearing bible shit in english, I was freaking out. I washed my hands and saw this piece of shit playschool recorder playing a tape of the bible, with the electrical outlet plugged into the bathroom wall near the sink. And I asked this weird looking black guy if it was his (BADDDDDD IDEA)!
He immediately asked if I was Jewish.... somehow he got that, most people don't, and I don't believe i looked especially jewish today in any which manner. Anyway, I responded yes, and he ranted on for about 45minutes on God, and how Jews are the chosen peoples of god etc etc. And I was just like uh huh. He had really bad breath, weighed around 300lbs, he assumed I was at least 20 (he thought I might be married). And he had this goofy ass LA Lakers hat on. Throughout it all, he made some pretty good points. But I still think the religious organizations are crap, it's still a money game, and most people are in it to socialize or for personal benefit. I think if someone has their belief, they can practice it alone, they dont have to celebrate on certain days, they don't have to preach their gospel, they don't have to group up with others like them. Organized religions are full of elitist fucks.
current music: Tetrisphere - [03] Martist
(9 comments | comment on this)
4:17 am
I felt the need to post, no idea why. Random thoughts converge into your head!
I kinda fucked myself over this week by missing 2 days of school, and its 4am, Im hopped up on sleeping pills and still can't hit ths sack. I missed a set design workshop. regret. I have a x-country meet this thursday, Im not even sure if I'm going to run, I haven't ran in the past week. Tomorrow, I direct a 5minute scene, I worked on it for a couple hours preparing myself, writing a script, we have a limited amount of time to block. So Im just focussing on it mentally. Visually in theatre, I can't think of much, I haven't been exposed to much. But in film, my visions are SOOOO diverse, I feel so limited on theatre without tech, without props. Acting can only tell so much of a story.
I did some soul searching and realized that I haven't changed much, my entire life. Whether that's a good thing or not, im not sure. But I look at myself kind of like someone that just goes with the flow, I like to observe. And occasionally, when it's my turn to take control, I come prepared. I noticed that all sounded kinda cryptic, it might be the valium. I was listening to some Hybrid Theory, I still fucking love that cd. I hate to sound like a typical teenage "LINKIN PARK RAWKS" person, but... well, they do.
Online journals are so handy, I have a feeling it's going to be exploited to hell eventually.. kind of like how the RIAA is finally fucking over KAZAA. I can't even get a decent mp3 off kazaa anymore. At least theirs still porn.
I had a many hour convo with Heather tonight/last night, you decide. She's very interesting, one of those select few that are fun to talk to. Speaking of which, I think I come off sometimes as someone who wants to be liked, and honestly, I do. Who doesn't? Even though im an asshole to most people.
Discovery of the.... past few hours, Matt Salkin = the male Allison (haha sorry matt). I'd photoshop a picture that would be hilarious, but that takes effort, someone do it for me. kthxbye.
Linkin Park kinda reminds me of Alex Cortez, as little as I knew the guy, he had a major impact in my life circa-10th grade. He's one of those genuinely nice guys.
I came to the relevation that ugly guys can date attractive and unattractive girls alike. But ugly girls are stuck with ugly guys. poor ugly girls. (to be politically correct in the above statement, replace ugly with unattractive, thx).
Bill Mahr rocks. As does conan. And to piss Chris off, Leno>Letterman.
I take my ACTs this saturday, im not nervous, but im not sure what to expect at all. I think friday night, im going to go to bed at a normal hour, and possibly read up online, or ask some friends that have taken it about it. And if I should prepare or something.
Also, i'd like this post to be about grudges, if anyone has a grudge with me, even minor, I'd like them to confront me with it sometime soon, no use in letting shit build up.
Oh, and I fucking own at Natural Selection, im back to my prime in that game, the only area I lack mastership in, is lerk. I've seen some fucks outmanuever 3 JP/HMGers and kill them, only with adrenaline/regen. Im also considering clanning again. My old clan is kind of getting back together as "xen" I'd rather start my own, recruit a bunch of people, and let one of them take the leadership position.
Anyway, it's 4AM, too fucking late to be up posting in an ONLINE JOURNAL (me=losah!).
On a side note, I'd like to point out that my friend Max has the best judge of character ever.
Anyway, goodnight sexy peoples of the Josh-journal-reading-world.
![](http://library.vu.edu.pk/cgi-bin/nph-proxy.cgi/000100A/http/web.archive.org/web/20031210190813im_/http:/=2fwww.electric-scooters-motorized-bicycles.com/images/cool-girl.jpg) Another attempt to grasp user attention (btw, I want a picture of myself with that weird camera angle thing going on, that would rock)
And as a wise woman once said: "I'll LJ cut when I'm dead."
current mood: creative current music: Linkin Park - H! Vltg3-Evidence Feat Pharoahe Monch & Dj Babu
(15 comments | comment on this)
| Tuesday, September 9th, 2003
7:29 pm - A typical what occured today post
I don't usually post about "HEY, TODAY JENNY AND I WENT TO THE MALL AND THIS CUTE GUY LOOKED AT US!" type stuff.
But I think so much rationing has made my journal's pallette somewhat dry.
So in that event, I give you...
9-9-2003 Today starts off with me driving to school, I have just about ENOUGH time to get to class. But since I had the car today I decided HEY, I want to park in the front since, I have to do academy stuff after school anyway. Needless to say, I was late. How late? Probably under a minute, so today they had some tardy sweeps. which basically means, if your a minute late, and STILL want to go to first period (you loser), you get a bunch of detentions and a satuday school or some shit. So I decide to go home or something, I start heading back and I hear my name being called, "JOSHUA VALENSI!" (full-name, mind you). It was Jermeana, she was just getting out of JASHY'S car. I was shocked to see him, I hadn't seen him since we last went to 3rd street and some other stuff, (around 3-4 weeks ago). So I tell them what's up with the tardy sweep, Josh just wanted to go to back to sleep (I mean, HE GRADUATED, CMON!). But we just end up hanging out, and fucking around in front of the school for an hour. Jermeana got him to take a birth control pill! We also danced around stupidly to Josh's AMAZING farting sound system, and he drove up the sidewalk.
Anyway, time came, and 2nd period was about to start, so I headed through the office acting like I have homestudies first period. Ceramics.... man, Mr.Wisner fucking rocks, he's like the most down to earth guy ever. We can keep a conversation going about nonesense forever. We've been talking about rock climbing recently, and I had my little stint of that in 7th grade (quite fun!). Anyway, I made a basic pinchpot, didn't have time to go all crazy on it yet. Myths... I totally dislike Pollman, he reminds me of like the typical 50-60 year old man, that didn't get a chance to live and is obsessed with sensationalism (there you go Heather). He was starring at that young red-head receptionist's ass as she walked by the library. Also, Dr.Basil is a bitch(x2).
Academy meeting @ lunch...... = no food =( Film.... very boring lectures by Knight... I know this stuff. AP GOV/ECON.... probably the most REWARDING aspect of my day. I showed up to class wondering what the lesson plan is. Ms.Gilbert-Rolfe starts going on about how she's been hoping that another teacher would pick up the AP GOVT class, so she could teach econ and govt seperately. She tells us about how this older teacher will be taking over one of her AP classes, and Im kind of shocked, no one wants their period to be transferred to some new teacher (she has 3 AP classes). So we start trying to get her to chose period 1 or 2 over period 5. We come up with various methods, and then she brings up money, "$3.00 a week, per student, for the entire year)." Daryl was straight up like "Alright, we'll go, I'll go, Im ready." And I kept questioning her like "Is this some ploy to make us learn an Economics lesson?" etc etc. And it turned out, yes, it was a ploy. A great fucking ploy. That has to be one of the best teaching methods EVER! X-Country... I was feeling kinda under the weather, due to a bad evening of SLEEP (fucking mosquitos). so I didn't run. The team headed to Kenneth Hahn to run the course, but I had to speak with Hovis for a while. I learned somethings about Hovis today, that needless to say, he's probably one of the greatest men I know.
Kahlil and I decided to go get some food, we headed to Baja Fresh, did a lot of catching up, did some personal talking. And he told me about a certain someone special he's been seeing. I take him over her house, and I'm fucking SHOCKED because she lives on the same street as Megan. So I go to her house, hang out for a bit, and decide to give Megan a call since her car was there. She answers, we talk but when I ask to say hi to her for a minute, I get turned down =( Whatever.. Kahlil, (that someone) and I hang out for a while outside her house, near the car just chilling. She's really cool, I'm extremely happy for our Mr.K-dog, he deserved something to work out right for once. And anyway, we're just hanging out, lost track of time, and Dr.Spano drives by!!! (Music director of the academy) We turns back around, and gets out the car in the middle of the street, we have a 30min convo on some upcoming projects and what I could do to help and basically throwing some ideas around. He's a cool/talented guy.
Kahlil has to get to work, so I decide to take him, he gets dressed, etc, and he had promised to hook it up pricewise on some ice cream, but this other girl helps me and Kahlil's asked to do something else. Needless to say, no hook up =( So, Im about to go home, and I see Max going up some stairs to the back of Pacific theatres (work), and Sara heading towards me. And I just take a double-take, some extremely odd coincidences today. I speak to Sara for a sec, and then Max for a couple of minutes. Max kind of didn't respond to some stuff the way I wanted him to, but whatever, c'est la vie. Home, I go.... spotting about 8 cops. No homework tonight! woo! Welp, I'll start on some APGE.
![HOVIDO!](http://library.vu.edu.pk/cgi-bin/nph-proxy.cgi/000100A/http/web.archive.org/web/20031210190813im_/http:/=2fwww.boomspeed.com/incomple/9th009-2.jpg) The inevitable task to grasp users' attention
current mood: crazy
(2 comments | comment on this)
| Monday, September 8th, 2003
7:05 am - Prepare for the worst, Hope for the best.
When everything's going good and smooth, I hate to be a pessismist but I can't help but think of the bump in the road ahead. Just not sure when it's going to strike. It's odd that things have been going so well the past week, and I'm just waiting for that one thing to throw me way off track, hopefully it'll never come. Prepare for the worst, Hope for the best.
current music: ks-project-rock that party (original mix) (D I G I T A L L Y - I M P O R T E D - Hard House, Tech House, UK Hard House... DI is in da house!)
(4 comments | comment on this)
| Sunday, September 7th, 2003
3:27 pm