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User:clipdude (223771) Paid User View public key clipdude
Chris Phan's Journal
Chris Has Right to Instigate Shenanigans: Random news and (a)musings
Name:Chris Phan
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on his/her cellphone/pager.
Location:Eugene, Oregon, United States
AOL IM:AIM status Chris Phan (Add Buddy, Send Message)
ICQ UIN:ICQ status 54193346 (Add User, Send Message)
Bio:Current friends-only contact info

School-related web site

I am a first-year grad student in math at the University of Oregon. I originally started this journal for a role-playing game ([info]squankygurps) run by my girlfriend ([info]algeh).

Since then, this has become a place to write my random observations about life, as well as a method for participating in communities.

I am an alumnus of Lewis & Clark College ([info]lclj) in Portland, Oregon. I majored in both math and communication.

Creative Commons License
Each entry of my journal with the "public" security setting is licensed under a Creative Commons License, except where noted.
Memories:135 entries
Interests:131: LaTeX, TeX, 802.11, 802.11b, abstract algebra, acedemics, aclu, aft, algebra, american civil liberties union, anti-dmca, apostrophe protection, apt-get, babylon 5, being a geek, being named chris, blowing the tabstivor, brunching shuttlecocks, civil liberties, civilization, college, communication, communications, computers, deady hall, debian, discouraging the word "blog", driving, eff, electronic frontier foundation, espoonabornia, eugene, eugene oregon, fenton hall, fhqwhgads, frank the goat, gaming, gay rights, george orwell, grad school, graduate school, gurps, highways, homestar runner, instigating shenanigans, interests comprising four words, knowledge, kurt vonnegut, lc, lewis and clark, lewis and clark college, liberal politics, liberalism, light rail, linux, listing this interest, maps, mass transit, math, mathematics, metric system, munkey year, munky week, northwest, not sleeping, npr, open source, oregon, oregon politics, parody, pasta, pbs, pdx, people who avoid television, politics, port/starboard, portland, portland oregon, powell's, powell's books, public broadcasting, public transit, public transportation, rampant silliness, reading, resenting corporate evil, roads, role playing games, roleplaying games, rot13, rpgs, sandy oregon, satire, sc2k, sc4, school, scrabble, sim city, sim city 2000, sim city 4, simcity, simcity 2000, sims, six-sided dice, spiffy's, staying up too late, strunk & white, tabstivor, teaching, the brunching shuttlecocks, the economist, the metric system, they might be giants, thinking, third floor of bodine, three word interests, tri-met, trimet, trivial pursuit, university of oregon, used books, used bookstores, wearing unmatching socks, web surfing, weird stuff, wi-fi, wiki, wikipedia, writing, π, . [Modify yours]
People55:acapnotic, algeh, archmage, arien, ayradyss, bulatych, cabel, captainsquanky, clipdude, curtusbrown, daraknor, delldiablo, diantha, diantha_gott, dreameryofarien, dstroy, eagleofmeaux, ebalmer, ellipsisdbg, ephany, estepp, geekyzane, giapets, glowing_fish, greatblondelf, hegla, hindimoire, jjsaysblah, joyquality, kim_jong_il__, kiwigal, moonshadow_elf, namjak, obsqurity, parilous, penumbrafox, piolog, pphan, press, pyvcqhqr, qousqous, quantumchick, safetygoth, sexyleander, shademalek, simurgh, smeeeko, status, sweetcerise, twjordan, two_star, xiara, xxxzakuro, zon14, zon7
Communities36:algeh_clipdude, animepdx, chihuahuachase, clipalg, clipdudefoodnb, clipdudelinux2, clipdudelinuxnb, dr_beckett, eleeteeesgeeoh, eugenecommunity, featureannounce, gradstudents, gurps, lc_lj, lclj, lj_maintenance, lj_nifty, lj_test, loveandacademia, math_help, math_jokes, mathematics, moderatepdx, news, oregon, paidmembers, pdxpix, rpgcharacters, shiny, squankygurps, tabstivor, tex_latex, unknown_lj_tag, uoregon, what_a_crock, wikipedians
Feeds13:4brad, calnhobbes, creativecommons, dilbert_feed, doonesbury, explodingdogrss, foxtrot_feed, lessigblog, littlefluffyrss, modrnwrld_comic, nikekalamirss, nonsquitor_feed, thestraightdope
Friend of:42: acapnotic, algeh, archmage, arien, ayradyss, bulatych, cabel, captainsquanky, clipdude, curtusbrown, daraknor, delldiablo, diantha, dreameryofarien, dstroy, eagleofmeaux, ellipsisdbg, ephany, estepp, greatblondelf, hindimoire, jjsaysblah, joyquality, kiwigal, namjak, obsqurity, parilous, penumbrafox, pphan, pyvcqhqr, qousqous, quantumchick, safetygoth, shademalek, simurgh, smeeeko, twjordan, two_star, xiara, xxxzakuro, zon14, zon7
Member of:50: algeh_clipdude, animepdx, anvvv, babylon5, chihuahuachase, clipalg, clipdudefoodnb, clipdudelinux2, clipdudelinuxnb, communication, damnbastards, debian, dr_beckett, eleeteeesgeeoh, eugenecommunity, geeks, gradstudents, gurps, lc_lj, lclj, liberal, linux, ljupdate, loveandacademia, math_help, math_jokes, mathematics, mozilla, northwestnews, note_to_self, oregon, paidmembers, pdx_hg, pdxpix, rhlinux, shiny, simcity, simgames, squankygurps, sw_rebroadcast, tabstivor, tex_latex, textbooks, thescreensavers, tngfans, unknown_lj_tag, uoregon, welovegeeks, what_a_crock, wikipedians
Account type:Paid Account

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