Morpheus_'s Journal

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Saturday, December 13th, 2003
10:18 am
baaaaaaaa-baaaaaaaaa )

(2 RANTs | gimme your rant)

Thursday, December 11th, 2003
2:02 pm
Something odd to think about.

This was brought up by my bud [info]anacrucis.

Why is the United States Postal Service website under .com instead of .gov?

(6 RANTs | gimme your rant)

11:49 am
I dunno if this will work right now, but if it doesn't I will find another way.

My snowman )

(4 RANTs | gimme your rant)

Wednesday, December 10th, 2003
2:45 pm - Wednesday boredom
A quiz to pass the time.

I was hoping for the Pirates outcome, but oh well. )

(11 RANTs | gimme your rant)

Tuesday, December 9th, 2003
6:13 pm - Holy. Crap.
In tooling around on the net just now, I came across this person. Just in case the name doesn't ring a bell and the face only seems kind of familiar, just keep in mind that this is the person who played the "nerdy" sister on "Charles in Charge".


(5 RANTs | gimme your rant)

3:15 pm - And NOW...
A little bit of Sinfest )

Also, I just needed to say that it is amazing just how absent minded some individuals can be sometimes. I guess its good that these people are the way that they are since they help me by providing work for me to do, but still. Simply amazing.

This week is going by WAY TOO SLOW.


Hey sis: YATTA!

current mood: drained

(1 RANT | gimme your rant)

10:47 am - he's pissed

(1 RANT | gimme your rant)

10:43 am
OK, so I was watchung some adult swim last night and I happened to catch the opening to Big O. This was the first time I've ever caught the opening to Big O. In the past I've seen it from the middle or just caught the very end of an episode, and really, nothing about it seemed to draw me in.

That being said, I almost spit out my drink when listening to the opening of this anime. For those of you who have seen the oening you might know what I'm talking about. Basically, it is a bunch of people singing "Big O". Now this wouldn't be anything special except for the fact that it is done almost exactly if not -exactly- in the same way the theme to Flash Gordon was done.

OK. Enough of that silliness.

Word of te Day: YATTA!

(6 RANTs | gimme your rant)

Monday, December 8th, 2003
4:02 pm
Quick update:

Still working on that RPG I've been tooling with. Its taking some extra time now because more of the details are bring fleshed out, and it is still difficult trying to keep things simple, yet rich with choices. I'm hoping to get enough of it done for a play testing at whatever the next conncoll get together I am able to get to is. We'll see.

Still have to take care of production on the family gift thingies-thing-thing. Will get to that later this week.

I've also been kicking around a small story in my head based in the WoD universe for sometime. I have the whole opening sequence storyboarded in my head, and the plot sort of mapped out, but not quite. At some point I really need to put more of it to paper and start fleshing it out a bit more. Thats a larger project though that will just have to wait.

I've also been kicking around a Shadowrun story, but the beginning of the story is going to come from a gaming session if i ever get a chance to run it. heh

Wow, if this hasn't been one of my geekiest posts, then I have no idea what is.

OK, onto more things that are not so geeky.

The oldies station out here has been playing Christmas songs 24/7 since Thanksgiving. Now, for as annoying as that is/might seem, I don't technically mind it too much. The reason why I mention this is because I was greeted with the song "I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Clause" when my alarm went off this morning. This is one fucked up song people. Primarily because of the naivete of this one set of lines:

"Oh what a laugh it would have been, if Daddy had only seen, Mommy kissing Santa Clause last night."

Really? A laugh you say? Not a bloody rage as Daddy beat the ever living shit out of Santa before your eyes, but a laugh. Right. Ok.

Today's Word: naive

current mood: thirsty

(7 RANTs | gimme your rant)

11:53 am - quizzie taken from da music man, [info]anacrucis
No comments from the peanut gallery.

I swear I'll eat you. )

(62 RANTs | gimme your rant)

Sunday, December 7th, 2003
2:42 am

late post, I know, but I just had to post that I just finished getting some design aspects done completely on a small project I've been putting together, so now i just need to do the bulk of production and put it all together.


i go sleep now if I can.

(3 RANTs | gimme your rant)

Thursday, December 4th, 2003
3:12 pm
X-MAS survey snagged from [info]allye

Enjoy! )

(1 RANT | gimme your rant)

11:27 am
I'm not sure if its the holiday season, the anticipation of going home, trying to figure out my monthly bill paying schedule since I will be out of state for the second half for the month, or what, but I've not been able to sleep more than a few hours a night again for a while now. Being tired, and with this being this time of year, I am also far from motivateed to do jack or shit here at work. Add to that the general slowness we hit here at the holidays and you can imagine just how thrilled I am to be here today.

I want to go home, and curl up in my bed and not do a damned thing.

Word of the Day: Tiresome

(5 RANTs | gimme your rant)

Tuesday, December 2nd, 2003
8:35 am - Another shoe...
...drops for Disney

(5 RANTs | gimme your rant)

Monday, December 1st, 2003
4:21 pm
Dude!!! They were GAMERS!!!


(4 RANTs | gimme your rant)

4:10 pm - 3 things thinger ...

(3 RANTs | gimme your rant)

1:28 pm - surprisingly accurate
Although many annoying pop up and the such occur after closing the window when you're done, so you are warned if you do this.

my color )

(3 RANTs | gimme your rant)

10:32 am
Just in case it was missed I will post this link to my last lj entry.

Frankly this is just insane on so many different levels, and only goes to show that the end of the world as we know it is very near.

(3 RANTs | gimme your rant)

1:37 am
Holy shit on a stick

(6 RANTs | gimme your rant)

Thursday, November 27th, 2003
11:50 am

Have a safe, happy and yummy day.

(1 RANT | gimme your rant)

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