katybugg's LiveJournal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in katybugg's LiveJournal:

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    Thursday, March 14th, 2002
    8:13 pm
    ....mmmmm..... carbohydrates.... okie not really. but i yeah i want some.. what i reeaally want is some of that bread that they serve at the columbia... watercrest (drools) orr or.. oo ooo olive garden bread sticks with cheese.... mountains and mountians of cheese, and black beens and rice, and minestrone soup... food..

    Current Mood: hungry
    Current Music: bodygaurd.. hey!i felt liek singing.. shut up
    Tuesday, March 12th, 2002
    10:51 pm
    heh, i remember ... last year right around the time just became the genius behind 'sit on my face' and 'get on your knees' the he said he was gonna write s song called 'fuck fuck shit fuck'.. yeah thats about how i feel right now, fuck fuck.... shit .. fuck. grr.. damnnit

    Current Mood: confused
    Current Music: nothin
    Monday, March 11th, 2002
    3:48 pm
    err.. every emotion in my body has some strange corrosponding contradictory emotion. err. i dont know how i feel. i feel so loved and like i finally found a place where i dont have to tiptoe around and go out of my way to please, where i dont have to worry about doing something not out of character for me and getting chewed out for it. i feel like i fit, like im not only wanted but in a way needed. and i know damn good and wel that i need this place. it feels so healthy and natural and right. but then i look back at all the places i used to feel like this and wonder what went wrong, was it my fault? what did i do? and am i doomed for this to happen to everything.. is it oging to happen again. god i hope not.

    Current Mood: contemplative
    Current Music: nthing right now
    Tuesday, March 5th, 2002
    7:37 pm
    people munch on me...
    I am Tasty!

    Take the Test Yourself

    You're a tasty fedonga that spices up bland meals. People make use of you a lot in their day to day affairs, and you're often called on when kids won't eat their porridge. You bring your tastiness into every day life, and people love to munch on you. You're high in essential nutrients, vitamins, minerals and other stuff like that. Yummy!

    i dont understand

    Current Mood: itchy
    Current Music: incredibly itchy...some breakdance thing
    6:37 am


    Current Mood: groggy
    Current Music: err... silence
    Friday, March 1st, 2002
    4:17 pm
    hehe i was gollum, and kristi was the ring, and they said she would have been better off with gollum.. which is me!! oh, im a hobbit gone bad.. and i killed my best friend for the ring.. hmmmm ,and i should try sams taters, they arent that bad. yeah my second one was that evil eye thing, and it was funny cos it said well look at you, not much you can say against a giant evil eyeball that almost destroyed middle earth.. ok it was funny to me...
    Wednesday, February 27th, 2002
    5:02 pm
    just some parts of songs.. and some shit i was thinking
    Wish I may, wish I might
    Have this wish, I wish tonight
    I want that star, I want it now
    I want it all and I don't care how

    err.. im feeling so selfish right now...

    Careful what you wish
    Careful what you say
    Careful what you wish you may regret it
    Careful what you wish you just might get it
    Then it all crashes down
    And you break your crown
    And you point your finger, but there's no one around
    Just want one thing
    Just to play the King
    But the castle's crumbled and you're left with just a name
    Where's your crown, King Nothing?

    im like afraid to say what i want or even what i might want cos i know its just oing to backfire on me.. and like err... evil. like god and icant say anything specific on here cos i dont want some people to see stuff. im such a weak person, emotionally and mentally... i might seem like im handling shit ok, or maybe i dont, maybe all my weakness shows.

    I'm diggin' my way
    I'm diggin' my way to somethin'
    I'm diggin' my way to somethin' better
    I'm pushin' to stay
    I'm pushin' to stay with somethin'
    I'm pushin' to stay with somethin' better
    I'm sowing the seeds
    I'm sowing the seeds I've taken
    I'm sowing the seeds I take for granted
    This thorn in my side
    This thorn in my side is from the tree
    This thorn in my side is from the tree I've planted
    It tears me and I bleed
    And I bleed

    Where do I take this pain of mine.
    I run but it stays right by my side.
    So tear me open and pour me out
    There's things inside that scream and shout,
    And the pain still hates me
    So hold me until it sleeps....
    And the hate still shapes me,
    So hold me until it sleeps

    yeah so im feeling kinda fucked up right now, and i dont know who i can talk to cos no matter who i wanna talk to theres always a reason why i cant tell them about whats wrong. its all like.. damn.. so since i cant say anything.. yeah..

    Current Mood: torn
    Current Music: .....
    4:27 pm
    bruce just called me....

    Current Mood: torn
    Current Music: metallica
    Monday, February 25th, 2002
    9:54 pm
    QueenNorrie: ::poke::
    xsmackmxesullyx: hehe.. (giggles.. poke)
    QueenNorrie: ::squeals and runs..and trips and gets tangled up in katys blankie::
    QueenNorrie: ::dies::
    xsmackmxesullyx: awww... (runs over and hugs norrie, but really just stabs her with my knee)
    QueenNorrie: ::gets even more tangled in the blankie::
    QueenNorrie: ::cries::
    xsmackmxesullyx: (norie goes into a coma and starts screaming) cobras!! cooobras!


    Current Mood: content
    Current Music: tool, parabola
    9:46 pm
    QueenNorrie: ::poke::
    xsmackmxesullyx: hehe.. (giggles.. poke)
    QueenNorrie: ::squeals and runs..and trips and gets tangled up in katys blankie::
    QueenNorrie: ::dies::
    xsmackmxesullyx: awww... (runs over and hugs norrie, but really just stabs her with my knee)
    QueenNorrie: ::gets even more tangled in the blankie::
    QueenNorrie: ::cries::
    xsmackmxesullyx: (norie goes into a coma and starts screaming) cobras!! cooobras!


    Current Mood: content
    Current Music: tool, parabola
    5:38 pm

    So familiar and overwhelmingly warm
    This one, this form I hold now.
    Embracing you, this reality here,
    This one, this form I hold now, so
    Wide eyed and hopeful.
    Wide eyed and hopefully wild.

    We barely remember what came before this precious moment,
    Choosing to be here right now. Hold on, stay inside...
    This body holding me, reminding me that I am not alone in
    This body makes me feel eternal. All this pain is an illusion.


    yeah i just found that cd and i like that song.. soo.. yeah

    Current Mood: horny
    Current Music: tool
    Sunday, February 24th, 2002
    9:29 pm
    hehe.. i lost the page but i was a strap on.. hehe , yeah i thought that was great.. yeah anyways...

    Current Mood: lonely
    Current Music: the simpsons
    2:21 pm

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    cards are a subset of the Tarot deck (and it's possible to read them too!).

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    to have come out of China, India or Egypt. Modern tarot cards date back
    to 14th Century Spain, Italy and France.

    Find Out What Divination Technique Is Best For You!

    This test created by Celtic_Shamanes
    12:24 pm
    im kinda comfused right now, i dont really understand why imsad with this bruce thing, i mean ooOOoo i didnt get see him, he'll probobly call me when he gets back and we'll be friends again. i had a dream about him but it was really fucked up, but i dont know bruce always had a way with me, in a friendship wise, and i just miss talkng to him. and then im so missing daryl. its really ridiculous. i mean i got used to going home on fridays and not expecting to see him all weekend and then he gets his car back and friday and well i cant really describe that, but now i miss him more than i normally would and even while im thinking about bruce i cant get daryl outta my head and then i had so much fun last night with jason kristi chris lenora and jenna, yeah i was great, then im kinda sad cos i didnt get to see jason more by himself. i mean he can only come home every so often and then norrie spent the night last night and that was really cool, considering she hsnt been over here in forever. then im mad at my mom and dad, and some other people and its just to many emotions at once about to many things, i should just go back to sleep, tomorrow ill prolly have my head on straight again. bye peoples

    Current Mood: crushed
    Current Music: i think i hear norrie moving...
    Friday, February 22nd, 2002
    4:10 pm

    hmm, yeah there was like 4 i wanted but i like these two :) i just got off the phone with bruce.. !! hooray, hes coming home, ive missed him... but yeah right now all im thinking about is daryl... he finnally got his car back..but yeah im in the best mood. i mean im just so... imm.. you know what, im just gonna stopp because this is one of those feelings that i think is truely indescribable

    Current Mood: indescribable
    Current Music: busta ryhmes fire it up.. i felt like dancing!
    Thursday, February 21st, 2002
    8:01 pm
    I wanna work at dairy queen for a day! heh, im hungry... i think thats why.. anyways, yeah im really bored and kinda lonely, i dont knwo where daryl is, im not sure if he works tonight or what. and i hope he got his fuckin car back. yeah i dontknow i have a had a pretty decent week mood wise. ive been fairly happy wich is allot happier that before.. thatngs are going good between me and daryl and of course he makes me very happy... but yeah.. i dont know what to write. today was a good day at lunch except justin wasnt there, :( i missed him today... and i was looking for gretchen at one point cos iwanted to ask her how she was and i geuss she wasnt here or she was just somehwere else. i dont know. but yeah anyways. i geuss ill go now

    Current Mood: drained
    Current Music: ..nothing.
    Wednesday, February 20th, 2002
    9:34 pm
    GoddessOfNikNik: evil printer cultsa conspirisising against me...

    Current Mood: lonely
    Current Music: does the vacuum count?
    Sunday, February 17th, 2002
    5:31 pm
    sigh.. blah.. arg.. i dont know.. im in a good mood but im not.. im anxious but im calm... happy sad, optimistic pessimistic. oh well. i want lenora to comeover ot night, but i also wnat to be alone. grr.. i ahte life. but hell im pretty used to it by now.. i wish daryl would come home....

    Current Mood: confused
    Current Music: none
    Wednesday, February 13th, 2002
    8:01 pm
    im a dork.. im at offlimitz
    Hiya, guys. im feeling ok tonight. i just got back from mr chow.. mmmmm .. fried wontons.... (drools) but yeah anyways.. im sooo sore.. good nnights at dance are always painful the day after.... but yeah anyways. im pretty sure im getting to go to bruces graduation... unless hes stupid... yeah and its driving daryl crazy that i wont tell him somehting.. hehe... he'll know soon enough... i think i might tell him tommarrow. speaking fo tommarrow i ahve a doctors oppointment tommarrow and im gonna miss mrs allisons calss.. and hopefully mr skidmores.. oh by the way .. norrie are you done wiht section 3 4 and 5?? if you are can i uh... borrow them? if not then ill try to finish them but im so far behind and im trying to catch up on my section reviews and.. yeah. well anyways... im so happy with daryl... (sigh) but yeah i dont know, i dont really feel like explaining it where everyone in the whole entire universe can read it.. i finally really started my painting. hopefully ill get it done soon.. i got the stars painted and part of the earth and i have allot of constellations to choose from. so im happy/ ok well uh.. yeah.

    Current Mood: artistic
    Current Music: the sounds of counterstrike...
    Sunday, February 10th, 2002
    3:51 pm

    yeah i dunno
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