Madame X's Journal

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Thursday, February 19th, 2004
9:32 pm - wow
I've known my husband a little over 10 years and I just found out that he knows all the words to "Rawhide".

Most shocking.

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Monday, December 8th, 2003
2:15 pm - tee hee

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Monday, November 10th, 2003
12:13 pm - ok smarty pants lj people ...
Does anyone know a site where I can find listings of which charities major corporations give to?

And not just their "official" giving.

For example. The Dominos Pizza website has lots of info about their work with the make-a-wish foundation ... but of course nothing about the company owner's huge contributions to operation rescue. That's the stuff I want to know.

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10:14 am
people are dumb:

customer: do you sell phone cards?
me: sorry, no.
customer: do you know where I can get one?
me: try Radio Shack. They're near Sears.
customer: Radio Shack. Thanks. Do you know where they are?


I want the clouds to go away so it will get really cold again.

current mood: awake
current music: the Mr's glitchy noices from the lab

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Wednesday, October 8th, 2003
7:26 pm
t'was a


current mood: content
current music: star trek noises from j's game in the lab

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Saturday, October 4th, 2003
6:23 pm
The fundamental cause of trouble
in the world today is that the stupid
are cocksure while the intelligent
are full of doubt.

--Bertrand Russell

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4:56 pm - have...
-cleaned bathroon
-cat box changed
-laundry in progress
-forgot to buy bird food while at fred meyer
-did, however, obtain new plant for library mini jungle
-vacumed (fun to watch the kitties fun in fear)
-bought 100w bulb for j, mascara for me, ribbon for wrapping, 4 packs of rollos for $1.00 (one of which i already ate and now feel slightly queasy), 1 gal. white vinegar (it's cleaning uses are many) and crazy glue.

phone call from M just now saying yesterday she quit her job, got drunk and went shooting...her dad rang in on the other line so she'll call me right back. Wonder in what order yeasterdy's events took place....

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12:09 pm - today...
-clean bathroom
-vacume house
-change cat box
-fill bird feeder
-restuff sofa pillows
-make more stick people
-try to fit all the free books from the holiday meeting into the already full library. no room for more shelves.
-finish painting library closet trim & rehang doors

not today...
-change library light fixture (has ugly 60's monstrosity)
-change out bathroonm switches,sockets and face plates (currently beige ... will be white)(picky i know but the beige looks horrible with purple walls)
-paint kitchen window trim
-change ugly porch light fixtures

or i could find some gnomes to do it all for me

current mood: busy
current music: this mortal coil

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Thursday, October 2nd, 2003
10:01 pm
tonight at work had to restrain myself from shoving a pen through a woman's eye and twisting and twisting until she lay on the floor twitching and dead.

it's only oct 2.

this christmas if you hear of a woman on a murderous rampage in everett it just might be me.

on a less sociopathic note i came upon another fabulous description of a searing kiss in gaiman's "murder mystery." won't transcribe here because it won't make sense out of context. just go read the story. you'll like it.


current mood: aggravated
current music: kitty feet

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12:17 pm - lovely words
His kiss
was like white lightning,
a flash that spread,
and spread again,
and stayed.

--Henry James.
(I think from Portrait of a Lady)

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11:04 am

I should pick some
more plums before
it's too late.

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Wednesday, October 1st, 2003
10:01 am
what is the difference,
if any,
between "creme rinse"
and "conditioner."

see. it's the important questions
that bring me back.

current mood: curious

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Saturday, September 21st, 2002
6:57 pm - dinner
spaghetti and faux meatballs
yummy bread with olive oil

grapes for dessert

wishing jimmy did not have to work tonight

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6:44 pm - interesting things happen in everett sometimes
for about 5 minutes today a little after 4pm
a shimmery beam of light about 1 foot by 1 foot square
streaked across the ceiling of my store
and illuminated the wall of the kids section.

I could see where the light was refracting
through the skylights out in the mall...
so its origin way no mystery.

What's odd is that I've worked there for 2 years
and have never seen it before.
Nor had Emily or Jeanette.

Must be something about the particular
slant of the earth toward the sun at that moment.

Just that 5 minutes.

And I'm the type of dork who will mark it
in next years calendar
to see if it comes back
for another
5 minutes.

current mood: hungry

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Thursday, September 19th, 2002
11:10 pm - we are the best species on the planet............
Someone left a advert booklet for The Bon's white sale
in my store tonight.
I flipped though it and the result was repugnance

absolute horror.

Page 3: Calvin Kline Hone "Graphite Squares"
yarn-dyed cotton sheets:
queen flat or fitted sheet = 165.00
pair of pillowcases = 90.00
queen duvet cover = 440.00

for sheets!

165.00 will feed a hungry family for 2 weeks.
440.00 can house a homeless family for a month

hell, 165.00 could probably feed an entire Somali village for a month.

or, if you are a wealthy american ... you buy a sheet.

oh, but then you must buy the 90.00 matching pillow cases.

and then the duvet cover.

860.00 for bedding.

oh, what a wonderful world........

current mood: cynical

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Sunday, September 8th, 2002
11:07 am
today's list :

a sprinkler
slippers for the Mr.
pay my verizon bill
garden shears
graphite lock lube
rent Herzog's Nosferatu

Can't beat a woman with a plan.

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10:41 am
So I started "Blindness" but ended up reading the next Evanovich -- "Hot Six."

It's like eating a few tortilla chips ... then not being able to stop ... next thing you know the whole bag is empty.

So I'll just finish the series.

Conversation I overheard last week in my store:

Girl about 16 talking to her friend: "So there's this dude Heathcliff and he's totally got the hots for this chick Catherine ... They live, like, in England or somewhere ... but they can never get together 'cuz of their families and then Heathcliff goes away for awhile and comes back, like, rich but he's totallt standoffish now and kinda an asshole ... Catherine end up marrying some other guy and she dies and Heathcliff, like bangs his head into a tree out of, like grief or something, yeah he's kinda weird ... .."

At this point I ask "are you trying to describe Wuthering Heights?"
Her: "Yeah, it was on my list for summer reading for school ... it was totally sad."
Me: "That's the point of unrequited love"
Her: "Why read something so sad"
Me: "Next time skip the Brontes and try some Jane Austen"

The frightful part is "Wuthering Heights" is a summer reading choice for students entering 11th grade HONORS english.

current mood: amused
current music: mr. peter murphy

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Monday, September 2nd, 2002
1:29 pm
"Partner in Crime" by J.A. Jance. She's doing a signing at my store in a few weeks ... felt obligated. God it was bad.

Then onto Janet Evanovich's "High Five." Customers have been telling me to read this series for years. They are the literary equivalent to the single scoop of jamoca almond fudge on a sugar cone I consume twice a week or so. Funnyfunnyfunny. Guess I'm hooked. If done right her books could make really good movies ... i can't believe I just typed that.

Must read a real book next though.

Labor Day is a joke.

current mood: don't wanna go to work!!!
current music: NIN

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Tuesday, August 27th, 2002
3:54 pm - City of Glass -- Paul Auster
Good one. Wonder who the mystery narrator is ... does he appear in the next two books of the trilogy? Have to check them out next week when the libraries re-open.

Squirrels don't hibernate here so I will be entertained all winter.

Picked some blackberries....

my fingertips are stained purple.

current mood: calm
current music: the dryer spinning

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11:19 am - I'll try to post more ....
maybe I'll keep my book journal here instead of that ugly red notebook....



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