robp's LiveJournal

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Here for your amusement are the 10 most recent journal entries recorded in robp's lame journal.

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  Tuesday December 23rd, 2003
one more year of the real robp

So my fancy paid account was set to expire in three days, but [info]aimee swooped in and saved me as she does around this time every year. Apparently when we pooled all the imaginary livejournal money we had from cashing in the invite codes we hoarded so greedily over the years, it turned out that it only cost us like a buck (in real money) to renew my journal for a year. Woo.

Last night I spent a few hours wrapping christmas presents because [info]aimee was getting a little miffed that all her stuff for me has been sitting under the tree for quite some time now, while there's been nothing there for her. So yesterday afternoon I got her stuff out of hiding, and then went after work to pick up a few of the remaining items on my list. There are still a couple of things that I'd like to pick up, but the truth is that I'm already slightly over budget and even all my undying, boundless love for my sexy wife isn't enough to make me want to go out into the freakish holiday mall hell two days before christmas. Gah.

On the weekend we mostly stayed in. I spent most of Saturday building some giant desktop shelf structure for [info]aimee to store her office stuff in... because screw Ikea, I can make my own cheap-ass wooden furniture, dammit. Saturday evening we skipped my office christmas party because of the big jump in the terror level from yellow to orange... because, you know, you can never be too safe and everything. Sunday we accomplished mostly nothing, although we did take Aimee's new car to the mall in Richmond, where we immediately turned around because of the aforementioned holiday mall hell. Then we drove into Cloverdale (home of TV's Smallville, i.e. the best show ever) and found the flea market right as they were closing... but we have vowed to return in search of lots of cheap, tacky, craft stuff (my characterization).

It's looking like we're not going to get any snow here for christmas, or possibly at all. I feel wistful... it makes me almost kind of miss being back east, with all the serenity that comes from a peaceful frozen landscape covered with beautiful, white snow. I look back with fondness on the 90-minute daily commute home from work in the dark, with said beautiful white snow coming down, clogging roads and turning even the shortest trip into a cold, annoying, pain in the ass thrill ride of danger and excitement. How I miss all the freezing and shovelling and brown slushy fun. Ahh who am I kidding... those people are suckers. :)

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  Monday December 8th, 2003
Ho ho ho.

So I see that back east there's been a bunch of snowfall and nasty winter weather. Ha! It's blissfully pleasant, if occasionally rainy, here on the west coast. No more shovelling for me, baby. Woo!

[info]aimee and I have been keeping busy the past few weeks. Last weekend we put up and decorated our first Christmas tree together (aww), and it looks great (aside from the total lack of presents underneath). I'm not sure what to do about Christmas this year, I think we'll probably just do something understated and quiet. I sense some scrabble in our future.

Last week [info]aimee decorated the guest bedroom and as usual it looks fantastic -- not to mention that it makes for one less room full of boxes and crap. Woo! On Saturday we picked up some blue paint for our own bedroom, so that's another upcoming project.

This past weekend I built a couple of shelves to hang in the bathroom and elsewhere and when I get the time I have a couple of other projects planned, including a couple of bookcases and a desktop thing for [info]aimee to store her stuff in. We have lots of space in the new house, but oddly enough there's not much actual storage space... the finished basement takes up a big chunk of it, and we've donated the only other real storage room to the dogs. So [info]aimee's decided we need lots of shelves and things, and I'm on a (slow-ish) mission to provide them.

This weekend I also baked some manly whipped shortbread cookies. I thought [info]aimee would die laughing when I asked her how lucky she felt to be married to such a renaissance man... I think from now on I'm going to eschew any baking and stick to uh, working on my car or something.

Speaking of cars, after a gruelling all-day shopping adventure last weekend we went out Tuesday night to buy [info]aimee a new car. She got a little green Kia Rio RX-V wagon, which is both fuel-efficient and ideal for hauling stuff around in. (Next time we have to drive back from Seattle with the dogs and their carriers we won't have to figure out how to fit them in my pointless yellow Celica). We've been parking both cars out front of the house, partly because I've got a bunch of lumber and tools in the garage, but mostly to spite the idiots next door who like to obstruct my view of the street by parking there. And I can only imagine the pain that Sher from Hyundai and Andy from GM must be feeling at [info]aimee's decision to go with the Kia. It seems to have driven both of them mental... I deduce this from the fact that they both keep calling the house around 10 times a day. At least Sher leaves the occasional message. Andy's gone full-out stalker crazy and just seems to either hang up when he gets the answering machine or breathe heavily into the phone.

What else? I'm really enjoying the whole projection home theater down in the basement thing... it costs less to buy a DVD and some popcorn than it does to go out to the theater, and I crank the sound up just as loud. Also I can pause the movie when someone has to take a bathroom break. Woo.

Finally I see that Jenni is shutting down JenniCam. It's the end of an era, I guess. Jenni's been at it for longer than pretty much anyone (despite the amusing "live since 1993!" claims of most other camgirls these days). I'll miss all the crazy, gratuitously-naked, boyfriend-stealing, moving-every-3-months-like-a-couple-of-drifters melodrama. Kind of. Someone needs to pick up the slack... so I'm thinking that for a low, low recurring monthly fee maybe I'll hook up a few more cams around the house and you can all watch us instead. And best of all, I promise all prospective future members that I won't post naked cam pictures of my bony white ass in my journal (with convenient vote link, woo!), or smear any sexay chocolate syrup on anything nastier than vanilla ice cream. Ever. Woo!

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  Thursday November 27th, 2003
The long saga of our Thanksgiving dinner, or lack thereof.

So it's Thanksgiving today, and that seems like as good a reason as any to update my journal.

(Of course it's not really Thanksgiving up here in Canada, but I like to consider our house as at least partially American territory -- the den and kitchen are still technically 'international waters', the master bedroom ensuite bathroom is currently controlled by an occupying American force.)

Anyway I'm at work and [info]aimee's at home watching parades or football or some such thing. Originally I'd planned to come home early today and make a fabulous Thanksgiving dinner for two (aww) which we'd cheerfully eat while watching Survivor (as is our long-standing Thursday tradition). But our plans for this week got all screwed up when CBS moved Survivor to last night, ruining our original plan to go see the new Haunted Mansion movie (things I am not thankful for: stupid CBS, grumble). So now we're going to see the Haunted Mansion tonight and I'm making our fabulous Thanksgiving dinner on some day that isn't Thanksgiving in either country. Sigh... it's so complicated being us. Anyway, fabulous meal or not I'm thankful today for lots of things, not the least of which is the smart, funny, sexy lady who does me the great honor of sharing her life with me.

As for the big dinner plan, I was going to make some little cornish hens because they're cute and I figured 'why make a huge meal for just the two of us?' But that was before I discovered turducken. What is 'turducken', you ask? It's a freakish recipe invented by chef Paul Prudhomme, in which you essentially stuff a chicken with shrimp dessing, then take that chicken and use it to stuff a duck (along with a sausage dressing), then take the whole duck/chicken thing and use it to stuff a turkey (along with some cornbread dressing, to make sure that every single food group on earth is represented in one meal). In the end it looks just like a regular turkey on the outside... but imagine the shock/horror/delight when your guests find out it's actually a turducken! Mmmmm... I'm making us one of those bad boys for Christmas this year, baby. Even if it kills me.

mmmmm, turducken... if only it were deep-fried, too

In other news, [info]aimee's managed to turn into a crocheting machine... she cranks out all kinds of scarves and hats and slippers and shawls and things. Her hands are a freaking blur while she works, it scares the bejeesus out of me. I want to be crafty too so I think I'm going to build us some manly shelves and things. Maybe I'll stop at Home Depot on the way home from work, after my mission to Michael's to find some fuzzy yarn.

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  Wednesday October 29th, 2003
hurray for material possessions

So [info]aimee's stuff finally arrived today... woo! Here's her account of the morning's excitement, along with a couple of little sneak peeks at the inside of our new house.

I'm glad that it's here, the place was a little too spartan for our tastes. It'll be nice to have actual bedside tables with lamps and whatnot, along with some extra sets of linen and the like to complement my own minimalist set. And just think of all the delicious things we'll be able to (theoretically) cook with actual pots and pans!

After all the unpacking comes some painting and decorating fun... and finally some sweet, sweet rest (by around christmas time, at this rate). We'll have some pictures sometime soon, and with any luck the cams will be back in the not-too-distant future.

Have I mentioned how happy we are? :)

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  Tuesday October 28th, 2003
happy halloween

My LiveJournal Trick-or-Treat Haul
robp goes trick-or-treating, dressed up as Batman.
aimee gives you 9 brown mint-flavoured gummy bears.
just_jamie gives you 1 orange coffee-flavoured pieces of taffy.
ldy gives you 6 blue chocolate-flavoured nuggets.
litlmissnaughty gives you 4 dark green peach-flavoured gummy bats.
sidebarboy tricks you! You lose 17 pieces of candy!
spaimy gives you 4 light green banana-flavoured pieces of bubblegum.
sunnybananas gives you 1 green cola-flavoured gummy bears.
terri_rogue tricks you! You get a thumbtack.
tinamarie gives you 8 yellow licorice-flavoured pieces of chewing gum.
zeppo_marx gives you 9 white coffee-flavoured pieces of bubblegum.
robp ends up with 25 pieces of candy, and a thumbtack.
Go trick-or-treating! Username:
Another fun meme brought to you by rfreebern.

[info]sidebarboy stole half my haul! The cad!

And [info]terri_rogue gave me a freaking THUMBTACK!

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  Monday October 27th, 2003
an untimely update

So hey, I got married a couple of weeks back to my best friend and the prettiest girl I know. If you missed it, here's [info]aimee's entry with all the details and pictures. I'm expecting the full set of professional pictures maybe today... hopefully there are lots of good ones. :)

Since then we've flown back to Vancouver and moved into our new house. Well we've moved my stuff, at any rate... most of [info]aimee's things don't arrive until this week so the place is still a little on the bare side. But in the meantime we're making do with what we have... and we did run out to buy a fancy Italian leather sofa with matching overstuffed recliner (woo!) to help fill up some of the space. :)

Last weekend we flew the dogs up here from NC. Or more properly stated, we flew the dogs to Seattle and then drove to go pick them up. They were both happy to see [info]aimee and they seem to like their new home. On the plus side they seem to like me too, and Shelby will even do what I say sometimes. Woo! Also on the plus side, I've only managed to let them escape once. Yay for me.

I've been sick since the Seattle thing... I blame those crazy, grungy, Seattle airport people. For much of last week I felt really ill, although I'm mostly feeling better these days with just a little lingering cough to remind me of last week's misery. So annoying.

I set up a wireless network (fancy wireless-g, woo) in our new house, so we're all ready to deploy computers and webcams and stuff wherever we feel like after [info]aimee's stuff arrives. I'm looking forward to finally finishing our long-running game of Diablo (currently on hiatus for the last year or so) without all the annoying internet lag. :)

Let's see, what else? Halloween's coming and we picked out a pumpkin this weekend, now we just need candy to give out to the hundreds of kids in our little suburban neighborhood. But none for the kids in the house next door... their parents park their multitude of vehicles all over the street (including, frequently, in front of our beloved house) and I think their kids are going to have to pay the ultimate price for annoying me. No candy for you!

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  Saturday October 11th, 2003
last-minute update

Tomorrow's the big wedding... I have no time to be screwing around in my journal!

[info]aimee just got the best french manicure (or is that freedom manicure now?) ever. We're off now to do some kind of hair thing, and then dinner later with various relatives (if said relatives ever freaking show up). So much to do, so little time. :\

Feel free to send presents (we take paypal, baby).


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  Monday October 6th, 2003

So today U.S. president George W. Bush issued a proclamation in which he announced the kickoff of Marriage Protection Week to coincide with the big [info]aimee-[info]robp wedding. Awww! (I have it on good authority that GW's a big fan of [info]aimee's web site.)

As if that weren't excitement enough for a rainy Monday afternoon, it's looking a lot like Arnold Schwarzenegger might really end up as the next "governator" of California tomorrow. That cracks me up somehow... now if only he could run for president one day. Alas. :(

In other news, I think our personal banker lady is hiding from me... I've been trying to call her today to remind her that the 5-year fixed interest rate is down to 5.0%, baby, but she's "not in the office today." We started out at 5.25% and as long as the rate keeps dropping before they hand us the big bag of money we can still do better, baby. Keep your fingers crossed for us, we still have 9 days for the interest rate to plummet like October temperatures back in Ottawa. Woo!

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  Sunday October 5th, 2003
one week to go

So it's Sunday, which means that the big wedding's only one week away. Woo!

Amazingly there's not much left to do at this point except wait. Yesterday [info]aimee and her mom picked up a guest book, we booked a hotel for after the wedding (double jacuzzi tub, baby... woo), and [info]aimee put together some cute little favors to give out to people. We still have to pick up a marriage license next week when I'm there, but otherwise I think we're pretty much done... so yes, no more boring wedding updates from me for a while. ;)

It's starting to get a little cooler here in Vancouver, but not uncomfortably so... I mean it's not like I've had to break out a jacket or anything, I'm just not walking around in shorts. I hear that back in Ontario there's actually been some snow. Heh. Apparently the rain starts here in the next month to month and a half and doesn't really let up till spring. People tell me how depressing it is but I wonder whether we'll even notice... if it's crappy outside I figure we can just stay in and play the Sims all winter long.

I need to start thinking about ideas for our slightly deferred honeymoon. I've just crossed Las Vegas off the list, because I figure the odds of the other Siegfried and Roy guy getting mauled by a tiger is pretty low. OK, that's a little morbid... but come on, how often do you get to see a tiger try to eat some weird guy in a sequinned costume? I can't be the only one who thinks the mere possibility of a good maiming is part of their popularity.

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  Friday October 3rd, 2003
canada is the greatest nation on earth

Yeah, I said it... and I'll even back it up, baby. Woo! :)

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